Passing data to local html file in android webView - android

I have some difficulties when trying to pass data to my html file. My html file is located at project root inside assets folder. In short, i am displaying my html file inside a webView.
This is portion of my mainActivity.kt, which is used to populate my webView
mWebView = findViewById(;
val webSettings = mWebView.settings
webSettings.javaScriptEnabled = true
and here is portion of my googlechart.html, which is stored locally inside assets folder
var dataRow = [["mushroom", 1], ["fish", 3]]
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Topping');
data.addColumn('number', 'Slices');
I want to pass data from mainActivity.kt to my googlechart.html, per answer at Passing data from java class to Web View html, it didn't explain how to pass data to a html file which is stored inside project root. How can i achieve that ?
Any help or insight is appreciated.

Simple solution
use Query when loadUrl()
get document.location.href in script
deal with your data
decode string, split, etc
If data is json
val json = JsonObject().apply {
val url = "file:///android_asset/test.html?$json"
local .html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<oi id="list">
<script type="text/javascript">
function makeList() {
const getOiTag = document.getElementById("list");
const decodeUrl = decodeURI(document.location.href);
const jsonStr = decodeUrl.split("?")[1];
const json = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
for(i in json){
const li = document.createElement("li")
li.textContent = i + " : " + json[i];


How to get the m3u8 playlist from a iframe embed tag

i have the following html code :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<body >
<iframe id="pic" src="" width="450" height="254" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
When the page loads there is a play button that when it is pressed it starts playing a video. When it is pressed on the chrome network tab there is a GET request with the following URL : " " .
The problem is after / the sentences are being dynamically changed over some period of time for example :
and i cannot obtain the new ones without using the provided html code and check the get requests in Chrome. My goal is to play the m3u8 video in a exoplayer on a Android device and what is the best way to view the get requests there from a webView or is there any other way to obtain the m3u8 playlist?
Best regards!
if anyone else is facing a similar issue here is my solution:
val embedUrl = ""
try {
val html: Connection.Response = Jsoup.connect(embedUrl).execute()
val statusCode = html.statusCode()
if (statusCode == 200) {
val dok: Document = Jsoup.parse(html.body(), embedUrl)
val scripts : Elements = dok.getElementsByTag("script")
val urlScript : String = scripts.last().toString()
val start_idx = urlScript.indexOf("https://")
val end_idx = urlScript.indexOf(";")
var tmp = urlScript.substring(start_idx,end_idx)
val result = tmp.replace("\"","")
} catch (e: IOException) {

Is it possible to add custom CSS to a WebView in Xamarin using ONLY ONE stylesheet in my Assets folder?

I've seen multiple tutorials adding a GetBaseUrl separately for IOS and Android, but they don't answer my question. I was wondering if there is no other way to add custom CSS to a webview and only use 1 stylesheet (default.css). The reason why I want to do this is because my stylesheet is identical for both IOS and Android and contains little styling.
This is what I've tried:
I have a WebView:
<WebView.Source >
<HtmlWebViewSource Html="{Binding Data.Content}" />
The Source of this WebView is a string that looks like this:
string contentString = #"<html>
<head>" +
"<link rel='stylesheet' href='default.css'"
"</head>" +
"<body style='text-align:left;background-color:white;font-size:16px;margin:0;'>" +
value +
"</body>" +
The default.css file mentioned above is in my Assets folder and has Build Action EmbeddedResource, located in the root directory of my project:
Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
There are some ways to do this, one is to use HtmlWebViewSource, the html is like this:
htmlSource.Html = #"<html>
<link rel=""stylesheet"" href=""default.css"">
<p>The CSS and image are loaded from local files!</p>
<img src='XamarinLogo.png'/>
<p>next page</p>
Another way is to use WebView.loadDataWithBaseURL, there is the same thread that you can take a look:
Rendering HTML in a WebView with custom CSS
The easiest way is to wrap your HTML with CSS (or replace link tags with its resulting content)
var html = AddHtmlAndCssTags("<div>my html</div>", ReadCss());
protected string ReadCss()
var resourceName = $"MyProj.Resources.Css.article.css";
var isExists = ResourceLoader.IsEmbeddedResourceExists(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ResourceLoader)), resourceName);
if (isExists)
return ResourceLoader.GetEmbeddedResourceString(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ResourceLoader)), resourceName);
return string.Empty;
protected string AddHtmlAndCssTags(string html, string css)
var cssTag = string.IsNullOrEmpty(css) ? string.Empty : $"<style>{css}</style>";
return $"<html><head>{cssTag}</head><body>{html}<body></html>";

How to open a image stored locally using html code in android?

I am using jsoup to parse html and webview to display html content. In the process I am changing the source for a image. So when in html this line is executed <img src="sdcard/rreadyreckoner_images/download-r.png" alt="downloadr" width="191" height="129" />
the image doesn't load i.e. the there is space left for the image but it does not contain the actual image. How can I achieve this in android?
This is the code I am using.
private void showJson(String json) {
ParseJSON pj = new ParseJSON(json);
String[] instruction = ParseJSON.instruction;
for (int i = 0; i < instruction.length; i++)
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(instruction[i]);
if ("img[src]").attr("src").contains("download-r.png"))
Elements image ="img[src]");
String imgsource = image.attr("src");
Boolean isSDPresent = Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED);
if (isSDPresent)
Log.d("Clean", String.valueOf(doc));
// String imgsrc = images.attr("src");
Elements paragraphs ="ul li ");
for (Element element: paragraphs)
//Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, imgsrc, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
This is the html that I am trying to display in a webview.
<li>The Comprehensive R Archive Network</li>
<li>A network of global web servers storing identical, up-to-date, versions of<br />code and documentation for R</li>
<p><br /><strong>Download and Install R:</strong></p>
<li>Use the CRAN mirror nearest to you to download R setup at a faster<br />speed. Go to</li>
<li>Select one of the three download links according to your machine.</li>
<img src="sdcard/rreadyreckoner_images/download-r.png" alt="downloadr" width="191" height="129" />
<li>Run the R set up and follow the instructions of the installer.</li>
I get the follwoing error
chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Not allowed to load local resource:
you have to use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() to get the real path of the sdcard:
Boolean isSDPresent = Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals(Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED);
if (isSDPresent)
image.attr("src", Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/rreadyreckoner_images/download-r.png");
I suggest to load the image into your WebView this method:
myWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;
String imagePath = "file://"+ Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "rreadyreckoner_images/download-r.png";
//Create an html template.
String html = "<html><head></head><body><img src=\""+ imagePath + "\"></body></html>";
//Load the image into your WebView:
mWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL("", html, "text/html","utf-8", "");

Android + Python + webView some problems

Question 1:
I'm trying to make an android application with python and WebView.
I wonder if I can get a python variable and send it to html and save them in a variable in javascript.
I tried this but does not work:
import android
import os, sys
ruta_del_proyecto = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
droid = android.Android()
droid.webViewShow(ruta_del_proyecto + '/ui/prueba.html?ruta_del_proyecto=5')
print ruta_del_proyecto + '/ui/prueba.html?ruta_del_proyecto=5'
<!--urta cel: file:///sdcard/sl4a/scripts/test1/ -->
var droid = new Android();
function getUrlVars() {
var vars = {};
var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
vars[key] = value;
return vars;
var ruta_del_proyecto = getUrlVars()["ruta_del_proyecto"];
alert (ruta_del_proyecto);
Question 2:
When I make the in to APK with "The Android Java IDE (AIDE)" , then install and open, WebView don't open
The python code are execute but WebView don't open
Any idea?
There is a simple hack you can do. Webkit WebView has the "load-finished" event that triigers after your page loads and after which you can execute your JavaScript function:
def on_load_finished(webview, frame):
browser = webkit.WebView()
browser.connect("load-finished", on_load_finished)
Remember, you can pass dictionaries as an argument by serializing them with json module and deserializing them in JS!

How to pass parameter into HTML file from android

I can show up HTML file content in android webview well.Now how could i pass parameter into HTML file.For HTML content has an video player
i need to pass dynamic values(URL) into HTML file for playing dynamic video.My HTML file is located on asset folder.How could i do this?
I came upon this problem today, however I needed this to work with UTF-8 encoding, so this was my approach, hopefully it will help someone and clarify some of the previous answers to this question.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
String content = IOUtils.toString(getAssets().open("error.html"))
.replaceAll("%ERR_TITLE%", getString(R.string.error_title))
.replaceAll("%ERR_DESC%", getString(R.string.error_desc))
mWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset/error.html", content, "text/html", "UTF-8", null);
As for IOUtils:
Instead of passing directly the video URL (following you example), i would have used tokens in the Html file. For example:
<embed src="$VIDEO_URL$" autostart="false" />
where the $VIDEO_URL$ will be the token wich will be replaced during the runtime with a real video URL.
Also, since you cannot change the contents of your asset folder during runtime you should load the html file contents into a String variable and use the replace method to replace the token with a real URL and, finally, pass that string to your webview. Something like this:
//The html variable has the html contents of the file stored in the assets folder
//and real_video_url string variable has the correct video url
html = html.replace("$VIDEO_URL$", real_video_url);
webview.loadData(html, "text/html", "utf-8");
If i would like to have something dynamic in my HTML i would have an html with dynamic parts written like this:
Then i would load my HTML:
String template = Utils.inputStreamToString("html/template.html"));
Then i would replace all dynamics parts with what i want like this:
String data = template.replaceAll("%NAME%", "Alice McGee");
then i would pass it to my webView!
WebView webView = new WebView(this);
webView.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset/html/", data, "text/html", "utf-8", null);
I managed to pass variables in a different way.
My problem was that everytime I switched to another app, when coming to the webapp, the webview kept reloading. I guess that's because of the following line in my onCreate() method: myWebView.loadUrl(url); I had the idea to pass these state variables in the url, but as you know it is not possible yet.
What I did was to save the state of some variables using onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {...} and restore them with onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState){...}.
In onCreate method after setting up myWebView I did the following:
myWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String urlString)
Log.i("onPageFinished", "loadVariables("+newURL+")");
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
return true;
jsInterface = new JSInterface(this,myWebView);
myWebView.addJavascriptInterface(jsInterface, "Android");
if (savedInstanceState != null)
// retrieve saved variables and build a new URL
newURL = "";
newURL +="?var1=" + savedInstanceState.getInt("key1");
newURL +="?var2=" + savedInstanceState.getInt("key2");
Log.i("myWebApp","NEW URL = " + newURL);
So, what it happens is that first I load the page with the default URL ( and onPageFinished I call a new javascript method where I pass the variables.
In javascript loadVariables function looks like this:
function loadVariables(urlString){
// if it is not the default URL
console.log("loadVariables: " + urlString);
// parse the URL using a javascript url parser (here I use purl.js)
var source = $.url(urlString).attr('source');
var query = $.url(urlString).attr('query');
console.log("URL SOURCE = "+source + " URL QUERY = "+query);
//do something with the variables
here assets means what?
String template = Utils.inputStreamToString("html/template.html"));

