I'm building an Android app that has different pages that mainly have some EditText. My goal is to handle the click on the EditText and shows a DialogAlert with an EditText, then the user can put the text, click "save" and the related field in the database (I'm using Room and I've tested the queries and everything works) will be updated. Now I was able to handle the text from the DialogFragment using interface but I don't know how to say that the text retrieved is related to the EditText that I've clicked. What is the best approach to do this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Let's take this fragment as example:
class StaticInfoResumeFragment : Fragment(), EditNameDialogFragment.OnClickCallback {
private val wordViewModel: ResumeStaticInfoViewModel by viewModels {
WordViewModelFactory((requireActivity().application as ManagementCinemaApplication).resumeStaticInfoRepo)
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?,
): View? {
val root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_static_info_resume, container, false)
wordViewModel.resumeStaticInfo.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { words ->
println("test words: $words")
val testView = root.findViewById<TextInputEditText>(R.id.textInputEditText800)
val fm: FragmentManager = childFragmentManager
val editNameDialogFragment = EditNameDialogFragment.newInstance("Some Title")
editNameDialogFragment.show(fm, "fragment_edit_name")
resumeStaticInfoViewModel.firstName.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
return root
override fun onClick(test: String) {
println("ciao test: $test")
Then I've the ViewModel:
class ResumeStaticInfoViewModel(private val resumeStaticInfoRepo: ResumeStaticInfoRepo): ViewModel() {
val resumeStaticInfo: LiveData<ResumeStaticInfo> = resumeStaticInfoRepo.resumeStaticInfo.asLiveData()
fun updateFirstName(resumeStaticInfoFirstName: String) = viewModelScope.launch {
And the DialogFragment:
class EditNameDialogFragment : DialogFragment() {
private lateinit var callback: OnClickCallback
interface OnClickCallback {
fun onClick(test: String)
override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
try {
callback = parentFragment as OnClickCallback
} catch (e: ClassCastException) {
throw ClassCastException("$context must implement UpdateNameListener")
override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog {
val title = requireArguments().getString("title")
val alertDialogBuilder: AlertDialog.Builder = AlertDialog.Builder(requireContext())
val layoutInflater = context?.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE) as LayoutInflater
val alertCustomView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.alert_dialog_edit_item, null)
val editText = alertCustomView.findViewById<EditText>(R.id.alert_edit)
DialogInterface.OnClickListener { dialog, which ->
alertDialogBuilder.setNegativeButton("No") { _: DialogInterface, _: Int -> }
return alertDialogBuilder.create()
companion object {
fun newInstance(title: String?): EditNameDialogFragment {
val frag = EditNameDialogFragment()
val args = Bundle()
args.putString("title", title)
frag.arguments = args
return frag
Do you mean you just want to show a basic dialog for entering some text, and you want to be able to reuse that for multiple EditTexts? And you want a way for the dialog to pass the result back, but also have some way of identifying which EditText it was created for in the first place?
The thing about dialogs is they can end up being recreated (like if the app is destroyed in the background, and then restored when the user switches back to it) so the only real configuration you can do on it (without getting into some complexity anyway) is through its arguments, like you're doing with the title text.
So one approach you could use is send some identifier parameter to newInstance, store that in the arguments, and then pass it back in the click listener. So you're giving the callback two pieces of data in onClick - the text entered and the reference ID originally passed in. That way, the activity can handle the ID and decide what to do with it.
An easy value you could use is the resource ID of the EditText itself, the one you pass into findViewById - it's unique, and you can easily use it to set the text on the view itself. You're using a ViewModel here, so it should be updating automatically when you set a value in that, but in general it's a thing you could do.
The difficulty is that you need to store some mapping of IDs to functions in the view model, so you can handle each case. That's just the nature of making the dialog non-specific, but it's easier than making a dialog for each property you want to update! You could make it a when block, something like:
// you don't need the #ResId annotation but it can help you avoid mistakes!
override fun onClick(text: String, #ResId id: Int) {
when(id) {
R.id.coolEditText -> viewModel.setCoolText(text)
where you list all your cases and what to call for each of them. You could also make a map like
val updateFunctions = mapOf<Int, (String) -> Unit>(
R.id.coolEditText to viewModel::setCoolText
and then in your onClick you could call updateFunctions[id]?.invoke(text) to grab the relevant function for that EditText and call it with the data. (Or use get which throws an exception if the EditText isn't added to the map, which is a design error you want to get warned about, instead of silently ignoring it which is what the null check does)
I have a custom DialogFragment that I'm using to capture user input that I will create a database entry with. I'm using EditText in an AlertDialog. I am trying to use a single activity for my application and the original tutorial I was studying was using multiple activities and intents but that seems outdated for most cases.
When I debug I find that the EditText is returning "" and is showing up as empty when I call TextUtils.isEmpty() in the MainActivity onDialogPositiveClick.
I've done a lot of combing through the forms here and I'm confused by:
1)many of the answers I find are in Java and not Kotlin
2)many mention onCreate but do not specify onCreateView vs. onCreateDialog or if there's just an onCreate that I need to override.
I have researched this and found answers that confuse me a bit about when and if I need to inflate the layout. This current itteration I didn't inflate it at all. I just set it in the AlertDialog builder.
Maybe it's the interface I'm not understanding. How am I supposed to pass information between the dialog and MainActivity? The interface seems to pass the dialog itself but I seem to be missing something when it comes to getting the EditText from the dialog.
My custom DialogFragment
class NewSongFragment : DialogFragment() {
lateinit var listener: NewSongListener
lateinit var editNewSong: EditText
lateinit var editBPM: EditText
interface NewSongListener {
fun onDialogPositiveClick(dialog: DialogFragment)
fun onDialogNegativeClick(dialog: DialogFragment)
/** The system calls this to get the DialogFragment's layout, regardless
of whether it's being displayed as a dialog or an embedded fragment. */
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View {
// Inflate the layout to use as dialog or embedded fragment
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_new_song, container, false)
// Override the Fragment.onAttach() method to instantiate the NoticeDialogListener
override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
// Verify that the host activity implements the callback interface
try {
// Instantiate the NoticeDialogListener so we can send events to the host
listener = context as NewSongListener
} catch (e: ClassCastException) {
// The activity doesn't implement the interface, throw exception
throw ClassCastException((context.toString() +
" must implement NewSongListener"))
override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog {
return activity?.let {
// Use the Builder class for convenient dialog construction
val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(it)
//add inflater
//val inflater = requireActivity().layoutInflater;
//val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_new_song, null)
.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel,DialogInterface.OnClickListener { dialog, id ->
DialogInterface.OnClickListener {dialog, _ ->
// Create the AlertDialog object and return it
} ?: throw IllegalStateException("Activity cannot be null")
My MainActivity
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(),NewSongFragment.NewSongListener {
private val songViewModel: SongViewModel by viewModels {
SongViewModelFactory((application as SongApplication).repository)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
//create view
val recyclerView = findViewById<RecyclerView>(R.id.recycler_view)
val adapter = ItemAdapter(this,
ItemAdapter.OnClickListener { rating -> songViewModel.insertRating(rating) }
recyclerView.adapter = adapter
recyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
//initialize data
songViewModel.allSongs.observe(this) { song ->
// Update the cached copy of the songs in the adapter.
song.let { adapter.submitList(it) }
// Use this setting to improve performance if you know that changes
// in content do not change the layout size of the RecyclerView
//add song button
val fab = findViewById<FloatingActionButton>(R.id.fab)
fab.setOnClickListener {
private fun showNewSongDialog() {
// Create an instance of the dialog fragment and show it
val dialog = NewSongFragment()
dialog.show(supportFragmentManager, "NewSongFragment")
override fun onDialogPositiveClick(dialog: DialogFragment) {
// User touched the dialog's positive button
val editNewSong = dialog.view?.findViewById<EditText>(R.id.newSongTitle)
val editBPM = dialog.view?.findViewById<EditText>(R.id.newSongBpm)
val newSong = Song(editNewSong?.text.toString(),100)
val rating = Rating(System.currentTimeMillis(),newSong.songTitle, 50)
override fun onDialogNegativeClick(dialog: DialogFragment) {
// User touched the dialog's negative button
You are adding the layout with a resource identifier, so your call to get the view is returning null. (Why? The view is inflated internally and just handled differently.) Since you are using the AlertDialog to collect data, you will have to add an inflated view.
I am also going to suggest that you change the interface to hide the details of the dialog; There is no reason for the main activity to know the internal structure of the dialog. It just needs the song title and BPM and maybe some other stuff. You will find the code a little easier to understand and maintain.
Here is a slight rework. This code just captures the song title, but it can easily be extended to include other data as well.
In NewSongFragment:
interface NewSongListener {
fun onDialogPositiveClick(songTitle: String)
fun onDialogNegativeClick(dialog: DialogFragment)
val inflater = requireActivity().layoutInflater;
val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_new_song, null)
.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, DialogInterface.OnClickListener { dialog, id ->
{ dialog, _ ->
Log.d("Applog", view.toString())
val songTitle = view?.findViewById<EditText>(R.id.newSongTitle)?.text
In MainActivity.kt
override fun onDialogPositiveClick(songTitle: String) {
// songTitle has the song title string
Android dialogs have some quirks. Here are a number of ways to do fragment/activity communication.
Because you are adding the dialog as a Fragment, you should use onCreateView to inflate the view, rather than trying to add a view in onCreateDialog.
I am using nested recyclerview.
In the picture, the red box is the Routine Item (Parent Item), and the blue box is the Detail Item (Child Item) in the Routine Item.
You can add a parent item dynamically by clicking the ADD ROUTINE button.
Similarly, child items can be added dynamically by clicking the ADD button of the parent item.
As a result, this function works just fine.
But the problem is in the code I wrote.
I use a ViewModel to observe and update parent item addition/deletion.
However, it does not observe changes in the detail item within the parent item.
I think it's because LiveData only detects additions and deletions to the List.
So I put _items.value = _items.value code to make it observable when child items are added and deleted.
This way, I didn't even have to use update code like notifyDataSetChanged() in the child adapter.
In the end it is a success, but I don't know if this is the correct code.
Let me know if you have additional code you want!
In Fragment.kt
class WriteRoutineFragment : Fragment() {
private var _binding : FragmentWriteRoutineBinding? = null
private val binding get() = _binding!!
private lateinit var adapter : RoutineAdapter
private val vm : WriteRoutineViewModel by viewModels { WriteRoutineViewModelFactory() }
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
_binding = FragmentWriteRoutineBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false)
adapter = RoutineAdapter(::addDetail, ::deleteDetail)
binding.rv.adapter = this.adapter
return binding.root
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
// RecyclerView Update
vm.items.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { updatedItems ->
private fun getTabPageResult() {
val navController = findNavController()
navController.currentBackStackEntry?.also { stack ->
viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { result ->
vm.addRoutine(result) // ADD ROUTINE
private fun addDetail(pos: Int) {
private fun deleteDetail(pos: Int) {
class WriteRoutineViewModel : ViewModel() {
private var _items: MutableLiveData<ArrayList<RoutineModel>> = MutableLiveData(arrayListOf())
val items: LiveData<ArrayList<RoutineModel>> = _items
fun addRoutine(workout: String) {
val item = RoutineModel(workout, "TEST")
// _items.value = _items.value
fun addDetail(pos: Int) {
val detail = RoutineDetailModel("TEST", "TEST")
_items.value?.get(pos)?.addSubItem(detail) // Changing the parent item's details cannot be observed by LiveData.
_items.value = _items.value // is this right way?
fun deleteDetail(pos: Int) {
if(_items.value?.get(pos)?.getSubItemSize()!! > 1)
_items.value?.get(pos)?.deleteSubItem() // is this right way?
_items.value = _items.value // is this right way?
This is pretty standard practice when using a LiveData with a mutable List type. The code looks like a smell, but it is so common that I think it's acceptable and people who understand LiveData will understand what your code is doing.
However, I much prefer using read-only Lists and immutable model objects if they will be used with RecyclerViews. It's less error prone, and it's necessary if you want to use ListAdapter, which is much better for performance than a regular Adapter. Your current code reloads the entire list into the RecyclerView every time there is any change, which can make your UI feel laggy. ListAdapter analyzes automatically on a background thread your List for which items specifically changed and only rebinds the changed items. But it requires a brand new List instance each time there is a change, so it makes sense to only use read-only Lists if you want to support using it.
I am updating a LiveData value from a DialogFragment in the ViewModel, but not able to get the value in Fragment.
The ViewModel:
class OtpViewModel(private val otpUseCase: OtpUseCase, analyticsModel: IAnalyticsModel) : BaseViewModel(analyticsModel) {
override val globalNavModel = GlobalNavModel(titleId = R.string.otp_contact_title, hasGlobalNavBar = false)
private val _contactListLiveData = MutableLiveData<List<Contact>>()
val contactListLiveData: LiveData<List<Contact>>
get() = _contactListLiveData
private lateinit var cachedContactList: LiveData<List<Contact>>
private val contactListObserver = Observer<List<Contact>> {
_contactListLiveData.value = it
private lateinit var cachedResendOtpResponse: LiveData<LogonModel>
private val resendOTPResponseObserver = Observer<LogonModel> {
_resendOTPResponse.value = it
private var _resendOTPResponse = MutableLiveData<LogonModel>()
val resendOTPResponseLiveData: LiveData<LogonModel>
get() = _resendOTPResponse
var userSelectedIndex : Int = 0 //First otp contact selected by default
val selectedContact : LiveData<Contact>
get() = MutableLiveData(contactListLiveData.value?.get(userSelectedIndex))
override fun onCleared() {
if (::cachedContactList.isInitialized) {
if (::cachedOtpResponse.isInitialized) {
fun updateIndex(pos: Int){
userSelectedIndex = pos
fun onChangeDeliveryMethod() {
fun onClickContactCancel() {
navigateBackTo(R.id.logonFragment, true)
fun retrieveContactList() {
cachedContactList = otpUseCase.fetchContactList()
fun resendOTP(contactId : String){
cachedResendOtpResponse = otpUseCase.resendOTP(contactId)
The BaseViewModel:
abstract class BaseViewModel(val analyticsModel: IAnalyticsModel) : ViewModel() {
protected val _navigationCommands: SingleLiveEvent<NavigationCommand> = SingleLiveEvent()
val navigationCommands: LiveData<NavigationCommand> = _navigationCommands
abstract val globalNavModel: GlobalNavModel
* Posts a navigation event to the navigationsCommands LiveData observable for retrieval by the view
fun navigate(directions: NavDirections) {
fun navigate(destinationId: Int) {
fun navigateBack() {
fun navigateBackTo(destinationId: Int, isInclusive: Boolean) {
_navigationCommands.postValue(NavigationCommand.BackTo(destinationId, isInclusive))
open fun init() {
// DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION - override to initialize your view model
* Called from base fragment when the view has been created.
fun onViewCreated() {
* gets the Path for the current page to be used for the trackstate call
* Override this method if you need to modify the path
* the page id for the track state call will be calculated in the following manner
* 1) analyticsPageId
* 2) titleId
* 3) the page title string
protected fun getAnalyticsPathCrumb() : AnalyticsBreadCrumb {
return analyticsBreadCrumb {
pathElements {
if (globalNavModel.analyticsPageId != null) {
waPath {
path = PathElement(globalNavModel.analyticsPageId as Int)
} else if (globalNavModel.titleId != null) {
waPath {
path = PathElement(globalNavModel.titleId as Int)
} else {
waPath {
path = PathElement(globalNavModel.title ?: "")
The DialogFragment:
class OtpVerificationHelpCodeSentBottomSheetFragment : BaseBottomSheetDialogFragment(){
private lateinit var rootView: View
lateinit var binding: BottomSheetFragmentOtpVerificationHelpCodeSentBinding
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
viewModel = getViewModel<OtpViewModel>()
binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, R.layout.bottom_sheet_fragment_otp_verification_help_code_sent, container, false)
rootView = binding.root
return rootView
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
val otpViewModel = (viewModel as OtpViewModel)
binding.viewmodel = otpViewModel
otpViewModel.resendOTPResponseLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
it?.let { resendOtpResponse ->
//valid status code
//show the error model
//it?.errorModel?.let { it1 -> handleDiasNetworkError(it1) }
I am calling the resendOTP(contactId : String) method of the viewmodel from the xml file of the DialogFragment:
android:onClick="#{() -> viewmodel.resendOTP(Integer.toString(viewmodel.userSelectedIndex))}"
app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="#+id/top_guideline" />
Now whenever I try to call resendOTPResponseLiveData from the Fragment it does not gets called:
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
Log.d("OtpVerify" , "OnViewCreatedCalled")
val otpViewModel = (viewModel as OtpViewModel)
binding.lifecycleOwner = this
binding.viewmodel = otpViewModel
binding.toAuthenticated = OtpVerifyFragmentDirections.actionOtpVerifyFragmentToAuthenticatedActivity()
binding.toVerificationBtmSheet = OtpVerifyFragmentDirections.actionOtpVerifyFragmentToOtpContactVerificationCodeSentBottomSheet()
otpViewModel.resendOTPResponseLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
//valid status code
//show the error model
it?.errorModel?.let { it1 -> handleDiasNetworkError(it1) }
So what wrong I am doing here.
Basically I need clicklistener(resend button click) in dialogfragment, and need to read it in the fragment. So I used the concept of SharedViewModel.
So I make necessary changes in the ViewModel:
private val selected = MutableLiveData<LogonModel>()
fun select(logonModel: LogonModel) {
selected.value = logonModel
fun getSelected(): LiveData<LogonModel> {
return selected
In the DialogFragment:
otpViewModel.resendOTPResponseLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer{
And in the fragment where I want to read the value:
otpViewModel.getSelected().observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
Log.d("OtpVerify" , "ResendCalled")
// Update the UI.
//valid status code
//show the error model
it?.errorModel?.let { it1 -> handleDiasNetworkError(it1) }
But it is still not working.
ViewModel Source for fragment:
viewModel = getSharedViewModel<OtpViewModel>(from = {
Navigation.findNavController(container as View).getViewModelStoreOwner(R.id.two_step_authentication_graph)
ViewModel Source for dialogfragment:
viewModel = getViewModel<OtpViewModel>()
Being new-ish to the Jetpack library and Kotlin a few months back I ran into a similar issue, if I understand you correctly.
I think the issue here is that you are retrieving you ViewModel using the by viewModels which means the ViewModel you get back will only be scoped to the current fragments context... If you would like to share a view model across multiple parts of your application they have to be activity scoped.
So for example:
//this will only work for the current fragment, using this declaration here and anywhere else and observing changes wont work, the observer will never fire, except if the method is called within the same fragment that this is declared
private val viewModel: AddPatientViewModel by viewModels {
//this will work for the ANY fragment in the current activies scope, using this code and observing anywhere else should work, the observer will fire, except if the method is called fro another activity
private val patientViewModel: PatientViewModel by activityViewModels {
Notice my viewModel of type AddPatientViewModel is scoped to the current fragments context only via viewModel: XXX by viewModels, any changes etc made to that particular ViewModel will only be propagated in my current fragment.
Where as patientViewModel of type PatientViewModel is scoped to the activities context via patientViewModel: XXX by activityViewModels.
This means that as long as both fragments belong to the same activity, and you get the ViewModel via ... by activityViewModels you should be able to observe any changes made to the ViewModel on a global scope (global meaning any fragment within the same activity where it was declared).
With all the above in mind if your viewModel is correctly scoped to your activity and in both fragments you retrieve the viewModel using the by activityViewModels and updating the value being observed via XXX.postValue(YYY) or XXX.value = YYY you should be able to observe any changes made to the ViewModel from anywhere within the same activity context.
Hope that makes sense, it's late here, and I saw this question just before I hit the sack!
The problem is that you are actually not sharing the ViewModel between the Fragment and the Dialog. To share instances of a ViewModel they must be retrieved from the same ViewModelStore.
The syntax you are using to retrieve the ViewModels seems to be from a third party framework. I feel like probably Koin.
If that is the case, note that in Koin, getViewModel retrieves the ViewModel from the Fragment's own ViewModelStore. So, you are retrieving the ViewModel in your DialogFragment from its own ViewModelStore. On the other hand, in your Fragment, you are retrieving it using getSharedViewModel, in which you can specify which ViewModelStore it should retrieve the ViewModel from. So you are retrieving the ViewModel from two different ViewModelStores, and so, getting two different ViewModel. Interacting with one of those does not affect the other, as they are not the same instance.
To solve it, you should retrieve the ViewModel in both your Fragment and DialogFragment from the same ViewModelStore. For example, you could use getSharedViewModel in both, maybe specifying the same ViewModelStore manually at each, or even, without even specifying, which Koin will default to their Activity's one.
You could also even just use getViewModel in your Fragment, then pass its own specific ViewModelStore to the DialogFragment, in which you could then use getSharedViewModel, specifying the passed Fragment's ViewModelStore.
I have a Fragment that is a RecyclerView, its ViewModel that does a Room operation - add(). If the database is empty, that Fragment should show an AlertDialog that allows the user to either dismiss or create a new entry.
CrimeListFragment and relevant bits:
class CrimeListFragment:
EmptyAlertFragment.Callbacks {
interface Callbacks {
fun onCrimeClicked(crimeId: UUID)
private var callback: Callbacks? = null
private lateinit var crimeRecyclerView: RecyclerView
private val crimeListViewModel: CrimeListViewModel by lazy {
override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
callback = context as Callbacks?
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {}
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {}
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
crimeListViewModel.crimeListLiveData.observe( //crimeListLiveData: LiveData<List<Crime>>
Observer { crimes ->
crimes?.let {
Log.i(TAG, "Retrieved ${crimes.size} crimes.")
override fun onDetach() {
callback = null
override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu, inflater: MenuInflater) {}
override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {}
override fun onCreateSelected() = createNewCrime()
private fun updateUI(crimes: List<Crime>) {
if(crimes.isEmpty()) {
Log.d(TAG, "empty crime list, show empty dialog")
(crimeRecyclerView.adapter as CrimeListAdapter).submitList(crimes)
Log.d(TAG, "list submitted")
private fun showEmptyDialog() {
Log.d(TAG, "show empty dialog")
EmptyAlertFragment.newInstance().apply {
setTargetFragment(this#CrimeListFragment, REQUEST_EMPTY)
show(this#CrimeListFragment.requireFragmentManager(), DIALOG_EMPTY)
private fun createNewCrime() {
val crime = Crime()
Log.d(TAG, "new crime added")
companion object {}
private inner class CrimeHolder(view: View)
: RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view), View.OnClickListener {}
private inner class CrimeListAdapter
: ListAdapter<Crime, CrimeHolder>(DiffCallback()) {}
private inner class DiffCallback: DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Crime>() {}
My EmptyAlertFragment:
class EmptyAlertFragment: DialogFragment() {
interface Callbacks {
fun onCreateSelected()
override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog {
val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(activity!!)
builder.setPositiveButton("Create") {
_, _ ->
targetFragment?.let { fragment ->
(fragment as Callbacks).onCreateSelected()
builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel") {
dialog, _ ->
val alert = builder.create()
alert.apply {
setTitle("Crime list empty!")
setMessage("Do you want to create a new crime?")
return alert
companion object {
fun newInstance(): EmptyAlertFragment {
return EmptyAlertFragment()
And finally my MainActivity:
class MainActivity:
CrimeListFragment.Callbacks {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {}
override fun onCrimeClicked(crimeId: UUID) {
val crimeFragment = CrimeDetailFragment.newInstance(crimeId)
.replace(R.id.fragment_container, crimeFragment)
Basically the flow is this:
App launched, CrimeListFragment observes database, updateUI() gets called, database is empty so alert pops up aka EmptyAlertFragment gets shown, click on Create -> onCreateSelected() callback to CrimeListFragment.
onCreateSelected() calls createNewCrime() which uses ViewModel to add a crime (Room, Repository pattern), onCrimeClicked() callback to MainActivity.
MainActivity launches CrimeDetailFragment which shows either an existing or empty (new) crime for us to fill. We fill it and click back, crime gets saved: CrimeDetailFragment - onStop() { super.onStop; crimeDetailViewModel.saveCrime(crime) }
Database gets updated, CrimeListFragment observes database-change, updateUI() gets called, database is not empty so alert SHOULDN'T pop up but it does.
I click Create again, create second crime, tap back and the alert won't show again.
In other words the alert gets shown one time too many.
Logcat shows this:
`Retrieved 0 crimes`
`empty crime list, show empty dialog`
`show empty dialog`
`list submitted`
`*(I add a crime)*`
`new crime added`
`Retrieved 0 crimes` <--- Why? I just created a crime, Observer should notify and `updateUI()` should get called with a non-empty list
`empty crime list, show empty dialog`
`show empty dialog`
`list submitted`
`Retrieved 1 crimes.` <--- Correct behavior from here on out
Why does my dialog pop up twice instead of once?
This is due to how LiveData works: it caches and returns the last value before querying for updated data.
The first time your CrimeListFragment starts to observe the crimeListLiveData, it gets an empty list, correctly showing your dialog.
When you go to CrimeDetailFragment, the crimeListViewModel.crimeListLiveData is not destroyed. It retains the existing value - your empty list.
Therefore when you go back to your CrimeListFragment, onCreateView() runs again and you start observing again. LiveData immediately returns the cached value it had and Room asynchronously kicks off a query for updated data. Therefore it is expected that you first get an empty list before getting an updated, non-empty list.
You'll see the same behavior if you rotate your device while your EmptyAlertFragment is on the screen and the CrimeListFragment is behind it - you'll end up creating a second copy of your EmptyAlertFragment for the same reason. Then a third, fourth, fifth, etc. if you continue to rotate your device.
As per the Material design guidelines for dialogs, dialogs are for critical information or important decisions, so perhaps the most appropriate solution for your "Create a new crime" requirement is to not use a dialog at all, instead using an empty state in your CrimeListFragment alongside a Floating Action Button. Then, your updateUI method would simply switch between the empty state and your non-empty RecyclerView based on the count.
The other option is that your CrimeListFragment should keep track of whether you've displayed the dialog already in a boolean field, saving that boolean into the Bundle in onSaveInstanceState() to ensure it survives rotation and process death / recreation. That way you can be sure you only show the dialog just a single time for a given CrimeListFragment.
I’m facing some issues with databinding and livedata, when I have a custom object.
For example:
I have a MutableLiveData
val user = MutableLiveData<User>()
and I’m using two way databinding with
But my observer its not been fired inside Fragment with
When I put a breakpoint inside FragmentBinding generated class, I can see setValue been called and userLiveData’s user values with data.
The problem is with observer not been fired inside Fragment.
Anyone knows what I am doing wrong there?
Below is my fragment code:
val infoPessoalViewModel: InfoPessoalViewModel by viewModel()
lateinit var bindingView: FragmentInfoPessoalBinding
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
bindingView = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, R.layout.fragment_info_pessoal, container, false)
return bindingView.root
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
bindingView.apply {
lifecycleOwner = this#InfoPessoalFragment
viewModel = infoPessoalViewModel
infoPessoalViewModel.user.observe(this, Observer { user ->
user.confirmEmail?.let {
Sorry, I was giving a example variables with diff names.
Your BindingAdapter logic should be able to convert EditText input into a User instance and vice versa. Let's say User instance looks like this:
class User(val username: String)
Then an example adapter should be:
* Convert EditText input into a User instance.
#InverseBindingAdapter(attribute = "android:text")
fun getUser(view: EditText): User {
return User(view.text.toString())
* Convert a User instance into EditText text
fun setUser(view: EditText, newUser: User?) {
if (newUser?.username != view.text.toString()) {
In your layout file, bind to userLiveData
Notice how the adapters are bijective, meaning one User is paired with exactly one String and vice versa. If User class is more complex, then two-way binding to MutableLiveData<User> doesn't really make sense. In such case, you should bind it to MutableLiveData<String> instead and manually update User instance in the view model.