Is there a way to automatically animate composition changes in a Jetpack Compose #Composable? For instance, if a previously shown widget is removed in a recomposition, can a fade-out animation be applied automatically? I'm thinking something similar to Android View's animateLayoutChanges.
Yes, you can use:
val visible by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
AnimatedVisibility(visible = visible) {
// Composables Here
Or for the specific animation you asked for, surround the Composable (s) with CrossFade
As from ModalBottomSheetLayout doc we have to provide content. If i want to add multiple BottomSheet to a Screen i can't use multiple ModalBottomSheetLayout as same content have to pass multiple times and it will not work.
After searching i have found many are using multiple sheetContent in a single ModalBottomSheetLayout. Just like below way:
sheetContent = {
when (sheetContentState.value) {
0 -> {
1 -> {
For me it become complex as different Sheet configuration using same code. I want to know is there any other better way to load multiple BottomSheet in a Screen.
How about using ModalBottomSheetLayout and BottomSheetScaffold in a single Screen. How to do that.
Thanks in advance.
I'm developing android with jetpack compose.
When I add a stickyheader in lazy column, it's working well.
But When I adapt some listener for stickyheader, I can't find any information about this.
Is there any way to catch the stickyheader event?
I want to know that the stickyheader is sticked or not for changing some state by this.
I want to achieve this using jetpack compose.
A is scrollable list of row items. When A is smaller than screen(or parent) size, B(footer) should be placed bellow the last row. When A + B are bigger than screen size, then B becomes fixed at the bottom and A content is scrollable. I'm wondering if there is easy way to achieve this, using compose ConstraintLayout.
I found solution for it. I had to use Modifier.weight(1f, false) at A.
There are many ways to do this but the most efficient way is to use the bottomBar property of Scaffold View.
For example:
fun RenderContent() {
topBar = { /* Your app bar goes here */ },
bottomBar = { /* Anything you place in here will be stick to the bottom. */ }
) {
// ... Rest of the content
// Benefits: If you make the content scrollable and
// the `bottomBar` composable remain on top of the content
If I understood you correctly you are trying to add a footer view to a LazyColmn. The LazyColumn in JetpackCompose is behaving like the native ListView. I will give an example of a LazyColumn that has a view(composable) at the bottom that is shown when you scroll at the end of the list:
LazyColumn() {
item {
//If you want the first item to stay always on top as you scroll use stickyHeader for this section.
Text("This is the first item")
items(listItems.size) {
Text("This is a normal list item")
item {
Text("This item will behave as a footer and display at the end of the list")
Hope this helps somebody.
Regarding MotionLayout I have few questions.
First How can we update custom properties. I have read the docs, but their is no way to animate the custom properties with non-jason constraint set.
Second, Since compose recommands using lambdas version of function for animation but motion layout takes progress ht
Third, the progress param which I Pass to MotionLayout is required in child composables; is it good to use this with them or MotionLayout provides any other way.
Suppose I have a function that doesn't have lambda version and I have to animate its some Modifier property like scale; would it be good to use Modifier.composed {} lamda to animate it. Will it perform better.
Is there a way to get the value of the y position while the screen is scrolling?
I have a situation like this:
LazyColumn() {
item {
itemsIndexed {...}
I need to know when the ScrollableTabRow moves past a certain position on y axis (for example lets say 100.dp )
I tried working with .scrollable()
(something like scrollable)
and with scroll gesture filter
(something like gesture
and with dragGestureFilter
but i cannot get it to work, am i doing something wrong, or is it just not possible?
Basically what i need to do is for the scrollable tab row to act as sticky header after it touches top of the screen.
What i wanted to do is, after scrollable row touches the top of the screen, create some sort of mockup for it at the top of the screen, but maybe there is some easier way?
App is written strictly in compose, so i dont have access to any of the libraries that provide such implementation
Use stickyHeader.
LazyColumn {
item { ... }
stickyHeader {
ScrollableTabRow(...) { ... }
item { ... }