Xamarin Azure crashes when sending image for OCR analyze - android

I am using the nuget example for Azure Cognitive services.
The code works fine when sending a sample image as below. But when taking photo and storing it on Android as below it crashes.
Is there any difference in using the paths? Is it somthing with Android access to folder?
Probably something obvious but cannot solve it?!
urlFile - OK
urlFile string = https://intelligentkioskstore.blob.core.windows.net/visionapi/suggestedphotos/3.png
urlFile string = /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.companyname.ocr/files/Pictures/Sample/bild_13.png
Azure call
var textHeaders = await client.ReadAsync(urlFile, language: "en");
Crash text
Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.ComputerVision.Models.ComputerVisionOcrErrorException: 'Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest''


Android - how to create file object from Imageview image

Im making and android app which let the user select an image from the phone and load it to an ImageView. The further process is to send the image as a POST request to a PHP script
It all works fine if I load the image to a File object from the file location, but this require that the user open a setting on the phone which allow the app to access and manage local files..
So, is there a way to read the image from the imagview into a File object?
This is my current working code
val fil = File(getRealPathFromURI(imageUri!!).toString())
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 30){
if (!Environment.isExternalStorageManager()){
var getpermission = Intent()
var reqB = RequestBody.create("image/*".toMediaTypeOrNull(),fil)
var part = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("file",fil.name,reqB)
Kotlin throws an access error if I try to load it to a File object if the users dont allow it through the settings on the phone. I believe its a security issue on android.
Really what I want to do is
Let the user select an existing image on the phone
Display it in an imageview
Create a function which get the selected image into an MultipartBody.part without the user having to grant the app access to special rights

Download Word .docx as Blob file from Angular on mobile devices

I am trying to download .docx file from REST API (.NET Core FileContentResult) in Angular application. Everything is working fine on PC, but there is problem with downloading .docx files in VMware Workspace ONE Web browser (didn't try standard browsers like Chrome or Safari, it looks like there is just Android WebView). It is company application and this browser is the only one allowed.
The problem is only with .docx files. Files like PDF, .doc and .xlsx (created by ClosedXML) are working fine.
REST API call (also tried with 'arraybuffer' instead of 'blob' and created Blob object in client, but problem persists)
this.httpClient.get(requestUrl, {
responseType: 'blob',
observe: 'response'
Then I save response body with FileSaver.
generateDocument(file: string | Blob, name: string): void {
FileSaver.saveAs(file, name);
I also tried approach that creates link and click on it (it does not work).
Solution with using window.open(blobUrl) is not working.
I got information that it is not working at all in iOS with same browser. Users get error message "Link is invalid."
Can someone help me with this issue? Thanks.
If you can retrieve obtain an ArrayBuffer, this could be used to initiate the download with those bytes:
Test here: https://batman.dev/static/70085191/
async function downloadUrl(url) {
await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer()
function downloadBuffer(arrayBuffer) {
const a = document.createElement('a')
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(
[ arrayBuffer ],
{ type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' }
a.download = 'my-file.docx'

Android studio Display image from Laravel API

I am using Retrofit API to access my Laravel site data. I am not able to display images in my android app.
Here is my Laravel code to save images in my Laravel site.
$path = 'images/no-thumbnail.jpeg';
$extension = ".".$request->thumbnail->getClientOriginalExtension();
$name = basename($request->thumbnail->getClientOriginalName(), $extension).time();
$name = $name.$extension;
$path = $request->thumbnail->storeAs('images', $name, 'public');
Here is the API response for the Products tabel.
[{"id":1,"user_id":"1","title":"White T shirt","description":"White T shirt small size","categorie":"1","price":"50","discount_price":"0","thumbnail":"images\/81vzc0ciKwL._AC_UX679_1619280040.jpg","slug":"white-t-shirt","options":null,"featured":"0","status":"0","created_at":"2021-04-24T16:00:40.000000Z","updated_at":"2021-04-24T16:00:40.000000Z","deleted_at":null}]
The response of the image is this "thumbnail":"images/81vzc0ciKwL._AC_UX679_1619280040.jpg"
For my android app, I am using Picasso here is the code.
But still, I am not getting images in my android app. I am getting other fields of the product table.
Here is the screenshot of the app
Where should I change my code. Laraval or change my app code so that I can get images from Laravel.
Since your json response doesn't have qualified url in thumbnail
There two ways you can fix
1.best solution is to send full url image path from server side
2.hardcoding base url in your android and append to Picasso
String baseUrl="https://urdomain/storage/";

Android string font is some different format/font

I am calling a web service through async task which is returning text in strange format. here is sample string
dhmot_enot = Ï. ÎÎ®Î¼Î¿Ï ÎοÏλαÏ
zoe_name = Î.Î.Î: ÎÏÎ½ÎµÏ Î ÏοÏÏαÏÎ¯Î±Ï ÎÏοÏÏ Î¥Î¼Î·ÏÏοÏ
zoe_fek = 187/Î/2011
fek_rel = 544/Î/1978
yphresia = Î¥.ÎÎÎ Î. ÎάÏηÏ-ÎοÏλαÏ-ÎοÏλιαγμένηÏ
How to find and resolve this ?
Update 1
Here is the actual service link that i am calling from server (works well in web browser ) but when i call from android it looks like above
The response is a normal UTF-8 encoded stream of data. To see this, go to the URL you show in your post in the browser, and look at the encoding it picked automatically: it'll show unicode/utf-8 as character encoding for the response. If you change that, forcing the browser to decode it as if it's ANSI encoded (windows codepage 1252/ISO-8859-15) then the text turns into the gibberish you were showing in your question, so: you're not decoding the data correctly, and need to make sure to decode as utf8.

How can a json file read in Android using Ionic and AngularJS Frameworks?

I have a problem now regarding about the json that can't be read in my android..
the json file is where my data is place..it act as an static database..
I can get it with my Desktop but when it come to my mobile it didn't show..
Here is my sample code:
Here is my Services to get my json file..
var serviceUrl = '/';
$http.get(serviceUrl + 'JSON/Books.json').success(function (results) {
$scope.New = results;
Please help me to solve this problem.. my idea about the problem is the serviceUrl. Any idea about it. Thank you so much..
Im definitely a beginner for this Ionic Framework.
To all who still in this problem I just find something that solve it. I don't know if it will solve in your problem but it really solve in me.. I use file:///android_asset/www/ as my serviceUrl
So this is an example:
var serviceUrl = 'file:///android_asset/www/';
$http.get(serviceUrl + 'JSON/Books.json').success(function (results) {
$scope.New = results;
Just try it and explore to it.. i just tried that one and it worked in me..
Maybe the reason is the all the json file in your apk installer will be placed in file:///android_asset/www/json directory in android phone so let your url point to that directory..
I hope it will help you and explore in it..that might not be the correct answer but i hope it will help you find the hint.
Thank you
Starting the serviceUrl with a '/' makes it an absolute URL. It will work in chrome since the root is the www folder. But in cordova mobile environment it will translate to file:///.
Simply add a '.' ('./') to make it a relative path and it will work in both android and ios environments.
another easy way is to turn your json file into a javascript file, (for static files if you want to update use something like pouchdb).
eg save the json document as myjsondata.js
var mynamespace = mynamespace || {};
mynamespace.data = [{"foo":"bar"}];
then reference the javascript file in you main page where you load all the other js files
<script src="js/myjsondata.js"></script>
then in your service you can just access the json with mynamespave.data
Based on #Datz Me answer, I've found it's way easier if you treat your application as a web server (which it is) and request your file as being served by it instead of trying to figure out how to manage the different file paths between the several builds.
Here is what I did.
I've placed my json file on
Inside it I've put
"title": "Application Title",
"icon" : "custom-icon.png"
And in my app controller I used the following code to read the properties:
$http.get('json/app.json').success(function (results) {
$rootScope.title = results.title;
$rootScope.icon = results.icon;
And in all my child controllers, I just need to add $rootScope as a dependency and I'm able to use
{{title}} //on headings
{{icon}} //to display the image path
<img src="{{icon}}"/> //to display the icon
In my case, it's an app that will be customised for several clients, so I needed a way to quickly change the app's properties and keep them in one place.

