Stripe presentWithSetupIntent does not show the PaymentSheet for SetupIntents - android

I've tested the Stripe's PaymentSheet for PaymentIntents, passing the payment intent client secret, the customer id and the ephemeral key.
I succeeded on closing a payment, both with and without the bank verification step.
I'm trying to use the SetupIntent because I need to authorize now a payment but to bill users in the future. So I've generated a scheduled subscription for a customer and obtained a setup intent client secret.
My problem is, when I call
merchantDisplayName = Constants.MERCHANT,
customer = PaymentSheet.CustomerConfiguration(
I see the payment sheet coming out from the bottom with only an infinite progress bar, as if the setup intent was invalid.


How do I use PayPal Access Token in Android SDK?

I'm integrating PayPal in my Android app. I have successfully done the part where we can redirect to Paypal Activity by setting price, currency, and PayPalPaymentIntent. What I'm looking for is not available anywhere. I want to make Paypal transaction by using the access token. I'm getting token from the server-side. My client do not want to set the price from app side so that's why he's sending me the token.
My question is how do I set the token in PayPalPayment instead of price and currency? Below is my existing code.
private fun processPaypalPayment() {
val paypalPayment =
PayPalPayment(BigDecimal("1"), "USD", "Test", PayPalPayment.PAYMENT_INTENT_SALE)
val intent = Intent(this#PackagesActivity,
intent.putExtra(PayPalService.EXTRA_PAYPAL_CONFIGURATION, config)
intent.putExtra(PaymentActivity.EXTRA_PAYMENT, paypalPayment)
startActivityForResult(intent, PAYPAL_REQ_CODE)
Access token is the wrong term. What you need from the server is for it to create a PayPal order ID (via the v2/checkout/orders API) and send this id to your app, for the approval flow. After approval you communicate the id back the server so it can capture it, store any resulting successful capture in its database, and immediately return the result of the capture (success or particular error) to the calling app.
Documentation for such a server-side integration with Native Checkout for Android can be found here, basically you need to use the actions .set() with the created id as a parameter
createOrder = CreateOrder { createOrderActions ->
val orderId: String // Retrieve your order ID from your server-side integration
If this code doesn't look familiar you are probably attempting to use a deprecated android SDK rather than the current Native Checkout one. Don't do that, it's very old and won't be accepted by the app store.

The 'destination' param cannot be set to your own account. Stripe

I create a manage account . And I create another test account for send payment to it. I want to get payment with managed account get application fee for it. and I will send the remaining of the payment to test account .
Stripe.apiKey = "sk_test_...";
Map<String, Object> chargeParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
chargeParams.put("amount", 1000);
chargeParams.put("currency", "usd");
chargeParams.put("source", {TOKEN});
chargeParams.put("destination", {CONNECTED_STRIPE_ACCOUNT_ID});
But I get this exception "The 'destination' param cannot be set to your own account". I dont know where I make mistake.
You should not be creating charges directly from your Android app.
The only part of the payment flow that takes place directly in a mobile app is the collection and tokenization of the customer's payment information, through the use of Stripe's Android SDK. This is done with your publishable API key.
All other operations require the use of your secret API key, which should never be embedded or shared in any way with your mobile app, as it would then be easy for an attacker to retrieve it and use it to access your account.
Once you've collected the customer's payment information and created a token, you need to send this token to a backend server where you can use it to create a charge or a customer.
In regard to the specific error you're seeing, it's happening because you set the destination parameter to your own account's ID. When creating charges through the platform, the destination parameter must be set to the ID of an account that is connected to your platform, not your own platform's account ID.

How to verify purchase for android app in server side (google play in app billing v3)

I have a simple app (needs user login with account). I provide some premium features for paid users, like more news content.
I need to record if the user has bought this item in my server database. When I provide data content to user's device, I can then check the user's status, and provide different content for paid user.
I checked the official Trivialdrive sample provided by Google, it does not provide any sample code for server-side verification, here are my questions.
I found the sample use my app's public key inside to verify purchase, it looks not good, I think I can just move the verification process to my server combined with user login credentials to see whether the user purchase completed, and then update the database.
Also there is purchase API I can use to query, what I need is to pass the user's purchaseToken into server.
I am not sure what method I should take to verify the user's purchase, and mark the user's status in my database, maybe both?
And I am afraid there is a situation, if a user bought this item from google play, but for some reason, just in that time, when my app launched verification to my server, the network connection is down or my own server is down, user just paid the money in google play but I did not record the purchase in my server? What should I do, How can I deal with this situation.
It sounds what you're looking for is a way to check if the user has premium features enabled on their account, so this is where I would start;
Ensure there is a flag of some sort on your database indicating if the user has premium features and include that in the API response payload when requesting account info. This flag will be your primary authority for "premium features".
When a user makes an in-app purchase, cache the details (token, order id, and product id) locally on the client (i.e the app) then send it to your API.
Your API should then send the purchaseToken to the Google Play Developer API for validation.
A few things might happen from here:
The receipt is valid, your API responds to the client with a 200 Ok status code
The receipt is invalid, your API responds to the client with a 400 Bad Request status code
Google Play API is down, your API responds with a 502 Bad Gateway status code
In the case of 1. or 2. (2xx or 4xx status codes) your client clears the cache of purchase details because it doesn't need it anymore because the API has indicated that it has been received.
Upon a successful validation (case 1.), you should set the premium flag to true for the user.
In the case of 3. (5xx status code) or a network timeout the client should keep trying until it receives a 2xx or 4xx status code from your API.
Depending on your requirements, you could make it wait a few seconds before sending again or just send the details to your API when ever the app is launched again or comes out of background if the purchase details are present on the app cache.
This approach should take care of network timeouts, servers being unavailable, etc.
There are now a few questions you need to consider:
What should happen immediately after a purchase? Should the app wait until validation is successful before providing premium content or should it tentatively grant access and take it away if the validation fails?
Granting tentative access to premium features smooths the process for a majority of your users, but you will be granting access to a number of fraudulent users too while your API validates the purchaseToken.
To put this in another way: Purchase is valid until proven fraudulent or; fraudulent until proven valid?
In order to identify if the user still has a valid subscription when their subscription period comes up for renewal, you will need to schedule a re-validation on the purchaseToken to run at the expiryTimeMillis that was returned in the result.
If the expiryTimeMillis is in the past, you can set the premium flag to false. If it's in the future, re-schedule it again for the new expiryTimeMillis.
Lastly, to ensure the user has premium access (or not), your app should query your API for the users details on app launch or when it comes out of background.
The documentation on this is confusing and weirdly verbose with the things that are almost inconsequential while leaving the actually important documentation almost unlinked and super hard to find. This should work great on most popular server platform that can run the google api client libraries, including Java, Python, .Net, and NodeJS, among others. Note: I've tested only the Python api client as shown below.
Necessary steps:
Make an API project, from the API Access link in your Google Play console
Make a new service account, save the JSON private key that gets generated. You'll need to take this file to your server.
Press Done in the Play console's service account section to refresh and then grant access to the service account
Go get a google api client library for your server platform from
Use your particular platform's client library to build a service interface and directly read the result of your purchase verification.
You do not need to bother with authorization scopes, making custom requests calls, refreshing access tokens, etc. the api client library takes care of everything. Here's a python library usage example to verify a subscription:
First, install the google api client in your pipenv like this:
$ pipenv install google-api-python-client
Then you can set up api client credentials using the private key json file for authenticating the service account.
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file("service_account.json")
Now you can verify subscription purchases or product purchases using the library, directly.
#Build the "service" interface to the API you want
service ="androidpublisher", "v3", credentials=credentials)
#Use the token your API got from the app to verify the purchase
result = service.purchases().subscriptions().get(packageName="", subscriptionId="", token="token-from-app").execute()
#result is a python object that looks like this ->
# {'kind': 'androidpublisher#subscriptionPurchase', 'startTimeMillis': '1534326259450', 'expiryTimeMillis': '1534328356187', 'autoRenewing': False, 'priceCurrencyCode': 'INR', 'priceAmountMicros': '70000000', 'countryCode': 'IN', 'developerPayload': '', 'cancelReason': 1, 'orderId': 'GPA.1234-4567-1234-1234..5', 'purchaseType': 0}
The documentation for the platform service interface for the play developer API is not linked in an easy to find way, for some it is downright hard to find. Here are the links for the popular platforms that I found:
Python | Java | .NET | PHP | NodeJS (Github TS) | Go (Github JSON)
Complete example of using Google API Client Library for PHP:
Setup your Google Project and access to Google Play for your service account as described in Marc's answer here
Install the library:
Now you are able to verify your receipt the following way:
$client = new \Google_Client();
$service = new \Google_Service_AndroidPublisher($client);
$purchase = $service->purchases_subscriptions->get($packageName, $productId, $token);
After that $purchase is instance of Google_Service_AndroidPublisher_SubscriptionPurchase
You can try using Purchases.subscriptions: get server-side. It takes packageName, subscriptionId and token as paramaters and requires authorization.
Checks whether a user's subscription purchase is valid and returns its
expiry time.
If successful, this method returns a Purchases.subscriptions resource in the response body.
I answer to this concern
the network connection is down or my own server is down, user just
paid the money in google play but I did not record the purchase in my
server? What should I do, How can I deal with this situation.
The situation is:
User purchases 'abc' item using google play service -> return OK -> fail to verify with server for some reasons such as no Internet connection.
Solution is:
On the client side, before showing the 'Google Wallet' button, you check if the 'abc' item is already owned.
if yes, verify with server again
if no, show the 'Google Wallet' button.
Purchase purchase = mInventory.getPurchase('abc');
if (purchase != null) // Verify with server
else // show Google Wallet button
Marc Greenstock's answer is definitely enlightening, a few things to pay attention though which took me a long time to figure out (at least way more time than I expected):
I had to check "Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation" on Service Account settings. Without this I kept getting this error: "The current user has insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation"
Image with Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation option checked
For testing purposes you can create a JWT token for your service account here, just don't forget to select RS256 Algorithm.
The public key is the "private_key_id" from your downloaded JSON file. It also has the following format:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
The private key is the "private_key" from your downloaded JSON file
The required claims for the JWT generation are described here.
Confused about what exactly a JWT Token is and how it is assembled? Don't be ashamed, check this link. Odds are you are just like me and took a long time to bother looking for what exactly it is, it is (way) simpler than it looks.
I had some serious problems using the suggested google API python library, but implementing the communication from scratch is not so hard.
First of all you have to create a service account at Google Play Console as described in all answers and get the JSON file containing the private key. Save it to your server.
Then use the following code. No need to obtain the google API client library. You only need the following (very common) python libraries Requests and Pycrypto
import requests
import datetime
import json
import base64
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5 as Signature_pkcs1_v1_5
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
jwtheader64 = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9"
#SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE: full path to the json key file obtained from google
with open(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE) as json_file:
authinfo = json.load(json_file)
packageName = #your package name
product = #your inapp id
token = #your purchase token
#create the JWT to use for authentication
now =
now1970 = (now - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()
jwtclaim = {"iss":authinfo["client_email"],"scope":"","aud": "","iat":now1970,"exp":now1970+1800,"sub":authinfo["client_email"]}
jwtclaimstring = json.dumps(jwtclaim).encode(encoding='UTF-8')
jwtclaim64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(jwtclaimstring).decode(encoding='UTF-8')
tosign = (jwtheader64+"."+jwtclaim64).encode(encoding='UTF-8')
#sign it with your private key
private = authinfo["private_key"].encode(encoding='UTF-8')
signingkey = RSA.importKey(private)
signer =
digest =
signature = signer.sign(digest)
res = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signature).decode(encoding='UTF-8')
#send it to Google authentication server to obtain your access token
headers = {'Content-Type': 'mapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
payload = "grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Ajwt-bearer&assertion="+jwtheader64+"."+jwtclaim64+"."+res
r ="",headers=headers,data=payload)
if r.status_code == 200:
authdata = json.loads(r.text)
accesstoken = authdata['access_token']
bearerheader = {'Authorization':'Bearer '+authdata['access_token']}
#Now you have at last your authentication token, so you can use it to make calls. In this example we want to verify a subscription
url = ""+packageName+"/purchases/subscriptions/"+product+"/tokens/"+token
subscription = requests.get(url,headers=bearerheader)
the network connection is down or my own server is down,
You don't have to think like this.
Client knows own's consume product. so, client can send all tokens back to the server.
Just re-check token with produce id and transaction id.
And Server checks consume product.
if you fail check
make UI button client can re-send token.
server re-check token for items.
It's done.

Use Android AccountManager to do AppEngine login through UserService

I'm using Google AppEngine, and I'm using their UserService class to handle user accounts and logging in. I don't need to access any information about their account - I'm just using it to differentiate users.
Now the website is mostly just a backend. I'm using an Android app for the frontend. I know you can access Google user accounts on the device using the AccountManager. It's definitely the safest way to get a user to log in. And I got that much to work.
Where I'm stuck is passing the login information from the Android app to the AppEngine website. From what I've ready I should be using OAuth, and I see the walkthrough here for using it with Google APIs, but I don't need to access an API, just to log in. I've been able to acquire an Authentication Token in the app, but I'm not sure how to pass it to the website, or if that's even the right direction. Should I be using a specific OAuth login on the server, like this guy?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here's the relevant code:
Server (GAE):
UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService();
User user = userService.getCurrentUser();
if (user == null) {
Client (Android):
AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(this);
Account[] accounts = am.getAccountsByType("");
Bundle options = new Bundle();
accounts[0], // Account retrieved using getAccountsByType()
"Manage your tasks", // Auth scope
options, // Authenticator-specific options
this, // Your activity
new OnTokenAcquired(), // Callback called when a token is successfully acquired
new Handler(new OnError()));
//Now what!?
This blog post covered exactly what I needed.
For two alternate (and in my opinion less than ideal) solutions, check out this thread: Webservice credentials - OpenID/Android AccountManager?

Using authToken for Google Health Data

We have developed and published an app for Google Health. Now we want to avoid every time logging into the gmail account by asking username and password.
So as to do this i have heard that I can have following options.
1. OAuth
2. Account Manager
The problem with OAuth is that it will go via Android -> Web App -> Health path so i will need to develop an web app as well which we dont wish to do it right now.
So I am trying to use Account Manager, here is my code with which I could get list of accounts and an valid authToken for the selected account.
AccountManager mgr = AccountManager.get(getApplicationContext());
System.out.println("Got account manager");
Account[] accts = mgr.getAccounts();
Account acct = accts[0];
AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> accountManagerFuture = mgr.getAuthToken(acct, "android", null, this, null, null);
Bundle authTokenBundle = accountManagerFuture.getResult();
System.out.println("Account name "+accts[0].name);
String authToken = authTokenBundle.get(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN).toString();
System.out.println("Got token:"+authToken);
But now I am confused about how to use this token to access the health data.
For getting the demographic feed we used the following code,where we explicitly made user to login into our application.
String queryURL = "" + profileId +"/-/DEMOGRAPHICS";
getDemoGrInfoQuery = new Query(new URL(queryURL));
Feed dempGrResultFeed;
globals = new Globals();
dempGrResultFeed = healthService.query(getDemoGrInfoQuery, Feed.class);
And thus we used to get the Feed using the URL.
And now I want to skip the login process and use the above authToken for retrieving the feed. How can this be done?
Any help would be really appreciated!!!
Thanks in advance,
As the standard OAuth procedure is supposed to work, you open the OAuth URL in a WebView (or anything similar) with all the required parameters, users provide Google (not your app) with their user name and password, then google gives you a token which you can use for your future communications.
This way the user doesn't have to give you their login credentials. They give it only to google, and google gives you a token which will authenticate your app every time you use it.
I think you should be good to go with this, since it requires you to open a WebView only once, unless the user logs out of google using your application or denies access to your application.
After getting the token, you just start polling google with that token and never ask user for their login credentials. quite seamless.
After our conversation in chat, let me tell you that you'll have to register an application with google, which will give you an appID, this appID will be used by your Android app to tell google that it is requesting permission on behalf of the Application which this appID refers to.
open the Google OAUth with all the parameters, google will give you a code
use that code and create a POST request again to google, and google will now return a long lasting AccessToken
You can then use this AccessToken in all your future communications

