I wrote a Flutter plugin that find the absolute path for a file on an Android system using the PickiT library. The plugin, called Flutter absolute path, has the dependency of the PickiT library added on the plugin build.gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.HBiSoft:PickiT:2.0.5'
But when I add this plugin to my app and I try to compile it, I receive this error:
<APP_PATH>/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.java:34: error: cannot access PickiTCallbacks
flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new net.altermundi.flutter_absolute_path.FlutterAbsolutePathPlugin());
class file for com.hbisoft.pickit.PickiTCallbacks not found
The only way that I found to make my plugin working is to add the library to my project on the app/build.gradle dependencies also.
How can I make the plugin Android dependency implicit on the whole project without adding it?
I get this warning when I try to run or build an app in Android Studio. Why am I getting this? Do I need to heed this warning?
The following options were not recognized by any processor: '[dagger.fastInit, kapt.kotlin.generated]'
Move the id "kotlin-kapt" to the bottom of plugins{} in build.gradle Module-level.
That happens when you compile a multi module project and some module has kapt but no entry point.
The issue is described here but is was already fixed here.
Just wait until next Android studio release or check if you have the latest versions of hilt and dagger
I ran into this problem after i updated android studio and the gradle version. Here's what i did step by step:
First i got the following error:
Build Gradle Error Could not get unknown property 'compile'
I checked stackoverflow and it said that changing "compile" with "implementation" would solve the problem, and so i did that.
Another issue was that maven was deprecated. So i used, maven-publish instead of maven.
Now i am getting the following error:
12:24 PM Gradle sync failed: Could not find method uploadArchives() for arguments [build_a5ye7ixpcm9qfmol93kt3ucl1$_run_closure4#73b8042a] on project ':expo-application' of type org.gradle.api.Project. (17 s 537 ms)
In this part of code in build.gradle(:expo-application):
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
configuration = configurations.deployerJars
repository(url: mavenLocal().url)
I am not really familiar with android studio or java. I just use Android Studio for configuring react native apps for android. Can someone please help me resolve these issues..
Thank you
As of Gradle 7.0, compile has been removed in favor of api. When you changed compile to implementation, you effected the transitive properties of the libraries. I'm not sure where you read that changing compile to implementation was the correct answer, but it isn't. api is a much closer approximation to compile. This chart gives a fairly easy to understand explanation of why this is. You should change the implementation to api and make sure you are using the java-library plugin instead of the java plugin. This should allow gradle to see the UploadArchives method. However, this wil cause a new issue.
As of Gradle 6.0, UploadArchives is also deprecated along with the maven plugin. You should consider using the maven-publish plugin instead. This will ensure your build continues to work in future Gradle releases.
So, to summarize, make sure your plugins look like this
apply plugin: 'java-library'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
and update your code to use publishing instead of UploadArchives. More information on this can be found in the current Gradle user guide here.
Alternatively, you can downgrade your gradle version to something before 7.0 and just ignore all the deprecation warnings. The choice is yours.
I tried to add facebook-android-sdk by file -> import -> new -> module -> facebook-android-sdk-4.20 -> facebook. added successfully
but error occured "core 1.0 depends on one or more android libraries but is a jar."
Created New libgdx project.
Then I added facebook-android-sdk gradle module from https://github.com/facebook/facebook-android-sdk added successfully
but error occured "Error:Could not get unknown property 'ANDROID_BUILD_SDK_VERSION' for project ':facebook' of type org.gradle.api.Project."
So how to do this?
And do we need to add separate Facebook-SDKs and dependencies for all projects or Libgdx will do it automatically?
I'm using Android studio-2.3, build tools 25.0.2, compile sdk version API 25.
Add this to your build.gradle in the dependency section of the android sub project:
compile "com.facebook.android:facebook-android-sdk:4.20.0"
Alternatively you can have a look at or just use: https://github.com/TomGrill/gdx-facebook/ and see how it is done there.
I recently downloaded the ViewPagerIndicator library and imported it into android studio. After adding it to my project I get a rendering error "The following classes could not be found:" and points to com.viewpagerindicator.IconPageIndicator.
The steps I took were Files->Import Module->'library name', Project Structure -> Dependencies -> + the imported module. Then to my layout xml file I added the <com.viewpagerindicator.IconPageIndicator />, after that I got the missing class problem.
It compiles just fine and I went through all of the build.gradle and settings.gradle files and compared them to what they should be online.
MyApp->build.gradle has compile project(':library') under dependencies
settings.gradle has include ':library' with no build errors.
First of all, you must import your library project by following that path:
File --> New --> Import Module
After you have imported the library project successfully, you must check your build.gradle file inside your project's folder if the following line is present at the "dependencies" section:
implementation project(':NameOfTheLibProject')
Then your project must be built successfully.
I found that my issue was the Android Plugin Version under Project Structure --> Project was different to the version my plugins all used. Once I aligned them to the same version, I could see all my classes from my imported module.
Took me hours :(
I had the same problem. I just did: Invalidate / Restart ..
I too had trouble importing module as it was not appearing in list of modules. And way it worked for me is manually entering it in settings.gradle this way:
include ':app', 'module_name'
And in build.gradle
compile project(':module_name')
In my case, I did add in app gradle:
// Nearly deprecated.
compile project(':NameOfTheLibProject')
// Or
implementation project(':NameOfTheLibProject')
but it only works when I change
in app and the other modules are the same.
The following solution worked for me,just two steps.
Go to your project structure on android studio, select project from left side.Change Android plugin version to Gradle version press ok.
If error occurs after synchronization again go to project structure and select project.undo the android plugin version like before.Gradle will align the library and make the class visible to XML files.
The issue in my case was different compile and target SDK version,
mentioned in my main app module and your added lib module.
Once I matched both of them it worked perfectly.
So just open build.gradle file of app-level and lib module-level check for the SDK version.
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.0'
implementation 'com.google.android.material:material:1.4.0'
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.4'
implementation project(':wheel') // "Wheel" - you're project path name
In case you just changed the name of your project in the pubspec.yaml File, make sure to change the import names as well, because they will stay the same and therefore wont find the new named directory.
Ex. change this to :
import 'package:previousName/backend/connector/userConnector.dart';
to this:
import 'package:newName/backend/connector/userConnector.dart';
As far as i know, there is no terminal command for that, only find-in-files-replace :(