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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have a game uses Firestore, When the player complete the certain level the game will give him 50 points and will be save the data in Firestore.
Let's suppose someone did reverse engineering for my game and made change from 50 points to 1000 points in code and he rebuild the APK and play my game with the same Firestore database, Now when the player complete certain level the game will give him 1000 points and will be save the data in Firestore and that considered hacked data.
I don't care if someone did reverse engineering of my game and republish it as new game with his own Firestore, But I care about hackers who changed the data on my Firestore
How can I secure my game from fraud and abuse.
Did you hear about the Firebase App Check. It would restrict access to your Firebase serviced only from your App or Web Page.
You can link your App with App Check so Firebase would only work with your App. In that case even a 100% reverse engeenered game would not work at all.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I made an app and it is a bit CPU intesive. So I want to delegate some of the work to cloud computing.
Hypothetically, if my only source of revenue is Admob ads, will there ever be a situation where I am paying, say $200 a month more than I am getting from ad revenue, on a pay-as-you-go plan? Or will I need funding at first or something?
I'm using this -> "Google Compute Engine"; pricing:
Thank You.
Only emprical results can answer your question. There is no theory about your specific setup.
For a clue, I have a GAE webapp where the only source of income is adsense ads and the only cost is appengine hosting. This application runs at a profit now, but it didn't when volume was lower. So according to my experience there seems to be some "breaking point" going from low volume to medium when the app starts the become profitable.
If you ask whether your chances of monetizing your app has increased with cloud computing, then I'd definitely say the answer is yes.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to get statistics such as the number of the installed apps and the number of active installs in a day.
How can I get the unique information of each mobile device?
When I have this unique information I can save it in MySql db with php and show statistics.
thanks all,I mean unique information Like UUID of Android phone
Most of the data you're looking for is provided by the Google Play service. Once you upload your APK, you'll start getting statistics on your app.
If you need more granular data, look into 'Flurry'. It's free, easy to set up, and quite powerful.
You can use this framework to track app statistics across various platforms:
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Closed 8 years ago.
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i be wondering How to game calculate the time for completion of work?
e.x:clash of clans find something update are done.
i believe someone want say get the time by server.but even i be offline can receive notification which say done.even i do change clock of phone nothing change in game if i change time of phone.
The time that is used to determine the yield from objects existing in clash of clans is maintained from a centralized server.
If you wanted to build an app that would calculate the times required to do things in game I think the rout to go would be to
A) ask the developers for the code (unlikely to be fruitful)
B) reverse compile the code. (potentially illegal)
C) Hand document the times required for in game events to happen (game w/notes)
D) Do a literature review to find data on the game
From this Data you may be able to craft a sort of clash of clans advisory app, but I doubt it will be easy to dupe such a consistently maintained app with hacks as simple as changing you're clock.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hello I am trying to implement an feature in one of my app so that it can be installed only on one device i guess trying with Device ID is one method Or are there any other methods to do so.......
If you are putting this on the Play store, users can always download any paid software again, as long as any device is linked with the same Google account used to purchase the app. This is designed to stop people losing apps should they get a new device etc and paying for it multiple times.
After reading your comments I believe what you wish the app to do potentially breaks Google Play TOC's. That said, you have not really described what you want to do well enough.
You could require the user to register with an email address before using the app. Maintain a database of emails that have been used to register the app and if an email has already been used, block them.
Note that while this is technically a solution to the question you asked, setting a limit like this is just going to irritate your users and is more likely to cause sales to go down (the few who buy will leave negative reviews, causing others to not buy), not up.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have made an Android card game where the user plays versus an AI. Now I want to make it online so a player could play versus another player. Is possible to host the game server (written in in Windows Azure?
The server is using TCP connections and it will send a simple message to the client (e.g., "K Spades"), but I also want to have a DB with player names, scores, etc.
The game currently has ~20k players. What hardware/bandwidth will the servers need?
If is not possible to deploy the server on Azure, what should I use?
Short answer is "it depends". 20K players generating how much traffic? How much storage does it take now based on just 2 players playing 1 game? How much processing power does it take for a single game? (mutliply that with the potential number of players and games). Check out the pricing calculator.
Also, check out auto scaling where you resources will dynamically scale up and down depending on the traffic it gets at runtime (meaning you don't have to reserve instances ahead of time).
20k users should mean that you don't have more then ~ 2k users a day online.
Your game users should use far less traffic, then, for example, web site users.
For a web site, 2k users a day is a funny number, so I guess that you can run server even on your phone : )