Android: Your XML document has more than one root view - android

I'm using XML and I'm a beginner in XML. I basically tried to put two TextViews but it shows an error. How can I resolve this?
This is a screenshot of the code and the error that is showing up:

With XML you must have a single document element. There needs to be a top level "container" for the content.
Your screenshot shows that you have two TextView elements. Effectively, two XML documents, not one.
You could choose to wrap them with a document element:
or save each of those TextView elements as their own XML file.


Querying root and indirect sibling views in Android ListView

I have a ListView to show a list of articles. Each ListView element is a LinearLayout. On each article, there is a TextView button to edit the title (another TextView). However, the button and the title are not under a direct parent (and actually not at the same level).
A sample structure is shown below:
</LinearLayout><!--end of title_zone-->
</LinearLayout><!--end of content_zone-->
</LinearLayout><!--end of author_buttons-->
</LinearLayout><!--end of button_zone-->
I write a SimpleAdapter to apply data to views, so the root LinearLayout will have a tag of the article ID. When editTitle() is called, it needs to find its parent's parent's parent to the root. And after new title is entered, a message will send to server containing new title and the article ID. Also, the title text will be changed visually, which means I need to find the title TextView based on the root.
The problem is that this querying root process is tightly coupled to the UI structure. If I changed the structure in XML, I need to pay attention to change the querying code in Java. (The querying title view is relatively easy, if the root is obtained.)
Is there a more maintainable way to implement my purpose?
OK. A solution that works for my situation is as follows:
In the customized simple adapter for this ListView, set the article ID as the edit_title_button's tag. And set the article ID composed string as the root LinearLayout's tag, e.g., "a_123" if the article ID is 123.
So, when editTitle(View v) is called, we can get the story ID by v.getTag(). Of course, we can also get the ListView by its ID (e.g., ListView list=findViewById(;). Then, we can simply get the root LinearLayout by list.findViewWithTag("a_123").
Since the root LinearLayout is obtained without knowing the UI structure, following codes are easy to maintain.

How to create dynamic xml file in res in android

I want solution of following:
I have create xml file in data/data/com.example.file/files/abc.xml so during running of app how I get this abc.xml in res/layout and should display on screen.
In general, the XML vocabulary for declaring UI elements closely
follows the structure and naming of the classes and methods, where
element names correspond to class names and attribute names correspond
to methods.
Courtesy goes to #Mike M : You cant create this .XML files used for layouts are pre-compiled .
I'm not sure I have followed your question- are you trying to attach a child view to the RelativeLayout? If so you want to do something along the lines of:
RelativeLayout item = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(;
View child = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.child, null);
the RelativeLayout item will be the container for your child view.
Your question needs to be a bit more specific, but here's a general answer:
If you are using fragments then you should re-create your fragment and then use:
inflater.inflate(, container, false);
If you are using activities then you should use:

Leave blank line in Linear Layout

I am developing for android. The app is designed in XML in Linear Layout. What I want to do is to leave some blank lines between the consecutive buttons/text to ensure some neatness in the GUI. Is it posible to do it in Linear Layout? Please help...
You should use margins to seperate different components in your layout. An example of how this would look in your XML is: android:layout_marginTop="12dp"
If you want to leave space outside the border of text/button and next view elements you can use android:layout_marginLeft, android:layout_marginRight, android:layout_marginTop and android:layout_marginBottom.
If you want to leave space between border of the text/button and actual content of the text/button you can use android:paddingLeft, android:paddingRight, android:paddingTop and android:paddingBottom.
For more info check out this question
how to increase the space between the elements in linearlayout in android?

too many fields in an android activity

I have searched a lot for this but doesn't find anything helpful. My question is I have about 13 textviews with text fields as given below. I want them to be in one activity so the user can scroll down to fill all the fields. Help me how to handle this.
Expiry Date
The XML layout you are looking for is the <ScrollView> although it can have one and only one child element. This means that you will wrap your <Linear/RelativeLayout> in the <ScrollView> so that your xml will resemble:
<LinearLayout> <!-- or <RelativeLayout> -->
<!-- all of your textviews and edit texts, etc. -->
I would use a scrollview with the textviews in it so that the user can scroll down to see the rest of the information
What about using <ScrollView>?
You just have to surround the part of your UI you want to be scrollable in the xml with a ScrollView element...

Android XML Common Elements between pages? Frames?

I am skinning an app and I was wondering if there was a way to keep common elements the same between XML layouts without copying the same code around all the time.
For instance, I have a header and footer and background that will be the same between most pages. Can I make a "common" xml containing the header and footer and just load the individual page like a frame inside of it?
I'm not sure how I would reference that individual page within the XML. Maybe I could change an ID from the java side in an onCreate function, although it seems like more work now, if I changed something on the header and footer in the future I wouldn't have to change every Activity of the app.
Thanks for any insight!
I think it's the inclue tag you're looking for. Example:
<include layout="#layout/bar_header_top" />
Make a Java class that extends a View that holds all header elements and one that holds all footer elements and implement them in every view like this
<com.[package].[classname of header] />
-- content here --
<com.[package].[clasname of footer] />

