How to make a widget invisible in Jetpack Compose? - android

I'm trying to show and hide ProgressIndicator in a column.
the problem is when I want to hide the ProgressIndicator, the space between other widgets will be removed too (like View.GONE) but I want to keep widget size (like View.INVISIBLE)
fun Main(isLoading: Boolean) {
Column {
Text(text = "Text")
if (isLoading) {
Button(onClick = { /*clicked*/ }, content = { Text(text = "Button") })
I found a solution but I'm not sure if it's the right way.
if (isLoading) {
} else {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(40.dp))
Is there any other way for making the widget invisible like View.INVISIBLE?
How can I get widget size to set Spacer size?

Use Alpha Zero , this is mentioned in the comments by #commonsware, as you do not need to know the size about the space size, unlike to Spacer() composable which needs a specific size and in some cases this may be hard to know.
val commentsAlpha = if (condition) 1f else 0f
modifier = Modifier

I am using the following method: AnimatedVisibility
// Create a MutableTransitionState<Boolean> for the AnimatedVisibility.
val state = remember {
MutableTransitionState(false).apply {
// Start the animation immediately.
targetState = true
Column {
AnimatedVisibility(visibleState = state) {
Text(text = "Hello, world!")
// Use the MutableTransitionState to know the current animation state
// of the AnimatedVisibility.
text = when {
state.isIdle && state.currentState -> "Visible"
!state.isIdle && state.currentState -> "Disappearing"
state.isIdle && !state.currentState -> "Invisible"
else -> "Appearing"
It is also useful for observing the animation state.

Your solution is correct, but you could also wrap your progress indicator in a Box of the expected size
Box(modifier = Modifier.height(40.dp) {
if (condition) {

Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(24.dp))


How can I animate between 0 and wrap content values ​using compose

I'm trying to make a swipe to reveal component using compose, but I want the width of the card that will appear after the swipe to grow to the size of the wrap content without using it, but I don't understand how to calculate the wrap content size.
var width by remember {
val lowerTransition = updateTransition(transitionState, "lowerCardTransition")
val lowerOffsetTransition by lowerTransition.animateFloat(
label = "lowerCardOffsetTransition",
transitionSpec = { tween(durationMillis = ANIMATION_DURATION) },
targetValueByState = { if (isRevealed) width.value else 0f },
How do I equate the width value used here to the wrap content value?
I'm trying to make the resulting delete button appear all without using a constant value
Try using AnimatedVisibility. For demo purpose I used OnClick, replace it with OnSwipe.
fun AnimateVisibility2() {
var visible by remember {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
visible = visible, enter = expandHorizontally(), exit = shrinkHorizontally()
) {
IconButton(onClick = { /*TODO*/ }) {
Icon(Icons.Default.Phone, contentDescription = null)
Button(onClick = { visible = !visible }, Modifier.weight(1f)) {
Text("Click Me")

What is the behavior of Jetpack Compose animations?

In my android project, I'm doing a simple Floating Action Button that can expand and show a list of buttons to perform different actions.
To track the current state of the FAB, I have the next enum class
enum class FabState {
For displaying the Floating Action Button, I have the following Composable function:
fun MultiFloatingActionButton(
icon: ImageVector,
iconTint: Color = Color.White,
miniFabItems: List<MinFabItem>,
fabState: FabState, //The initial state of the FAB
onFabStateChanged: (FabState) -> Unit,
onItemClick: (MinFabItem) -> Unit
) {
val transition = updateTransition(targetState = fabState, label = "transition")
val rotate by transition.animateFloat(label = "rotate") {
when (it) {
FabState.Collapsed -> 0f
FabState.Expanded -> 315f
val fabScale by transition.animateFloat(label = "fabScale") {
when (it) {
FabState.Collapsed -> 0f
FabState.Expanded -> 1f
val alpha by transition.animateFloat(label = "alpha") {
when (it) {
FabState.Collapsed -> 0f
FabState.Expanded -> 1f
val shadow by transition.animateDp(label = "shadow", transitionSpec = { tween(50) }) { state ->
when (state) {
FabState.Expanded -> 2.dp
FabState.Collapsed -> 0.dp
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.End
) { // This is where I have my question, in the if condition
if (fabState == FabState.Expanded || transition.currentState == FabState.Expanded) {
miniFabItems.forEach { minFabItem ->
MinFab( //Composable for creating sub action buttons
fabItem = minFabItem,
alpha = alpha,
textShadow = shadow,
fabScale = fabScale,
onMinFabItemClick = {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.size(16.dp))
onClick = {
when (fabState) {
FabState.Expanded -> {
FabState.Collapsed -> {
) {
imageVector = icon,
tint = iconTint,
contentDescription = null,
modifier = Modifier.rotate(rotate)
The constants I defined are for animating the buttons that will show/hide depending on the FAB state.
When I first made the function, the original condition was giving me a different behavior, and playing around with all the posible conditions, I got 3 different results:
1st condition:
if (transition.currentState == FabState.Expanded) {...}
Result: animation not loading from collapsed to expanded, but it does from expanded to collapsed
2nd condition: if (fabState == FabState.Expanded) {...}
Result: animation loading from collapsed to expanded, but not from expanded to collapsed
3rd condition (the one I'm using right now):
if (fabState == FabState.Expanded || transition.currentState == FabState.Expanded) {...}
Result: animation loading in both ways
So my question is: how does every condition change the behavior of the animations?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
fabState is updated as soon as onFabStateChanged is called and transition.currentState is updated when it ends the transition and transition.isRunning returns false
Animation only happens if the composable is present in the tree. When the condition is false in the if block, the elements are not available for animation.
condition 1 false during the enter perion which breaks the enter animation and condition 2 is false during the exit period which breaks the exit animation and both are false after exit. Therefore merging them solved your issue and also removes the composables from the tree when not wanted.
Better approach
visible = fabState == FabState.Expanded,
enter = fadeIn()+ scaleIn(),
exit = fadeOut() + scaleOut(),
) {
miniFabItems.forEach { minFabItem ->
fabItem = minFabItem,
textShadow = 0.dp,
onMinFabItemClick = {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.size(16.dp))
And use graphicsLayer modifier to instead of rotate
imageVector = Icons.Default.Add,
tint = Color.White,
contentDescription = null,
modifier = Modifier
.graphicsLayer {
this.rotationZ = rotate

How to prevent Jetpack Compose ExposedDropdownMenuBox from showing menu when scrolling

I'm trying to use Jetpack Compose's ExposedDropdownMenuBox but I can't prevent it from showing the menu when scrolling.
For example, here's the code to replicate this problem:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
MyApplicationTheme {
Surface(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background) {
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 8.dp)
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp)
) {
ExposedDropdownMenuSample was taken from the official samples.
This is a GIF showing the problem.
How can I prevent this from happening?
This code is using compose version 1.1.0-rc01.
edit: now it doesn't swallow fling-motion as reported by m.reiter 😁
I was able to fix this with this ugly hack:
private fun Modifier.cancelOnExpandedChangeIfScrolling(cancelNext: () -> Unit) = pointerInput(Unit) {
forEachGesture {
coroutineScope {
awaitPointerEventScope {
var event: PointerEvent
var startPosition = Offset.Unspecified
var cancel = false
do {
event = awaitPointerEvent(PointerEventPass.Initial)
if (event.changes.any()) {
if (startPosition == Offset.Unspecified) {
startPosition = event.changes.first().position
val distance =
cancel = distance > 10f || cancel
} while (!event.changes.all { it.changedToUp() })
if (cancel) {
then add it to the ExposedDropdownMenuBox like:
var cancelNextExpandedChange by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } //this is to prevent fling motion from being swallowed
expanded = expanded,
onExpandedChange = {
if (!cancelNextExpandedChange) expanded = !expanded
cancelNextExpandedChange = false
}, modifier = Modifier.cancelOnExpandedChangeIfScrolling() { cancelNextExpandedChange = true }
So it basically checks if there was a drag for more than 10 pixels? and if true, invokes the callback that sets cancelNextExpandedChange to true so it will skip the next onExpandedChange.
10 is just a magic number that worked well for my tests, but it seems to be too low for a high res screen device. I'm sure there's a better way to calculate this number... Maybe someone more experienced can help with this until we have a proper fix?
I found a slightly less hacky workaround:
You get the info whether a scrolling is in progress from the scroll-state of the Column.
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
val isScrolling = scrollState.isScrollInProgress
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 8.dp)
) ...
In the ExposedDropdownMenuBox you can then change the listener to
onExpandedChange = {
expanded = !expanded && !isScrolling
=> The dropdown is never opened while scrolling. It is also automatically closed as soon as you start scrolling in the main-column. However scrolling inside the dropdown is possible.
Of course you can also cahnge it to something like
expanded = if (isScrolling) expanded else !expanded
To just leave everything like it is while scrolling
This issue was reported in:
and fixed in androidx.compose.material:material:1.4.0-alpha02

Jetpack Compose animation finished listener not called

I'm struggling to use Jetpack Compose Animation to achieve a (supposedly simple) effect:
in the case of an error, a control's background color should flash red, and after a short delay then fade back to normal (transparent).
My current approach is to model this with a boolean state shouldFlash which is set to true when an error occurs, and is set back to false when the animation completes. Unfortunately it seems the finishedListener passed to animateColorAsState is never called. I attached a debugger and also added a log statement to verify this.
What am I doing wrong?
Sample (button triggers error):
fun FlashingBackground() {
Column(modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp)) {
var shouldFlash by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var text by remember { mutableStateOf("Initial") }
FlashingText(flashing = shouldFlash, text = text) {
shouldFlash = false
text = "Animation done"
Button(onClick = {
shouldFlash = true
}) {
Text(text = "Flash")
fun FlashingText(flashing: Boolean, text: String, flashFinished: () -> Unit) {
if (flashing) {
val flashColor by animateColorAsState(
targetValue = Color.Red,
finishedListener = { _ -> flashFinished() }
Text(text = text, color = Color.White, modifier = Modifier.background(flashColor))
} else {
Text(text = text)
Compose version: 1.0.5 (latest stable at time of writing), also in 1.1.0-beta02
Anyway, to understand this, you need to know how the animateColorAsState works internally.
It relies on recompositions - is the core idea.
Every time a color changes, a recomposition is triggered, which results in the updated color value being reflected on the screen. Now, what you are doing is just using conditional statements to DISPLAY DIFFERENT COMPOSABLES. Now, one Composable is actually referring to the animating value, that is, the one inside your if block (when flashing is true). On the other hand, the else block Composable is just a regular text which does not reference it. That is why you need to remove the conditional. Anyway, because after removing the conditional, what remains is only a single text, I thought it would be a waste to create a whole new Composable out of it, which is why I removed that Composable altogether and pasted the Text inside your main Composable. It helps to keep things simpler enough. Other than this, the answer by #Rafiul does work, but there is not really a need for a Composable like that, so I would still recommend using this answer instead, so that the code is easier to read.
Try moving the animator outside the Child Composable
fun FlashingBackground() {
Column(modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp)) {
var shouldFlash by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var text by remember { mutableStateOf("Initial") }
val flashFinished: (Color) -> Unit = {
shouldFlash = false
text = "Animation done"
val flashColor by animateColorAsState(
targetValue = if (shouldFlash) Color.Red else Color.White,
finishedListener = flashFinished
//FlashingText(flashing = shouldFlash, text = text) -> You don't need this
Text(text = text, color = Color.White, modifier = Modifier.background(flashColor))
Button(onClick = {
shouldFlash = true
}) {
Text(text = "Flash")
Change your code like this.
fun FlashingBackground() {
Column(modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp)) {
var shouldFlash by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var text by remember { mutableStateOf("Initial") }
FlashingText(flashing = shouldFlash, text = text) {
shouldFlash = false
text = "Animation done"
Button(onClick = {
shouldFlash = true
}) {
Text(text = "Flash")
fun FlashingText(flashing: Boolean, text: String, flashFinished: () -> Unit) {
val flashColor by animateColorAsState(
targetValue = if(flashing) Color.Red else Color.White,
finishedListener = { _ -> flashFinished() }
Text(text = text, color = Color.White, modifier = Modifier.background(flashColor))
The problem with your code is you are initializing animateColorAsState when you are clicking the Flash button and making shouldFlash = true. So for the first time, it just initializes the animateColorAsState, doesn't run the animation. So there will be no finishedListener call as well. Since finishedListener isn't executed, shouldFlash stays to true. So from the next call shouldFlash is already true there will be no state change. That's why from the subsequent button click, it doesn't recompose the FlashingText anymore. You can put some log in your method you won't see FlashingText after the first button click.
Keep in mind: targetValue = Color.Red will not do anything. target value should be either a state or like this condition if(flashing) Color.Red because you need to change the state to start the animation.
#Phillip's answer is also right. But I don't see any extra advantage in moving the animator outside the Child Composable if you use it like the above.

How to handle visibility of a Text in Jetpack Compose?

I have this Text:
text = stringResource(id = R.string.hello)
How can I show and hide this component?
I'm using Jetpack Compose version '1.0.0-alpha03'
As CommonsWare stated, compose being a declarative toolkit you tie your component to a state (for ex: isVisible), then compose will intelligently decide which composables depend on that state and recompose them. For ex:
fun MyText(isVisible: Boolean){
Text(text = stringResource(id = R.string.hello))
Also you could use the AnimatedVisibility() composable for animations.
You can simply add a condition like:
Something like:
var visible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
Column() {
if (visible) {
Button(onClick = { visible = !visible }) { Text("Toggle") }
If you want to animate the appearance and disappearance of its content you can use the AnimatedVisibility
var visible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
Column() {
visible = visible,
enter = fadeIn(
// Overwrites the initial value of alpha to 0.4f for fade in, 0 by default
initialAlpha = 0.4f
exit = fadeOut(
// Overwrites the default animation with tween
animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 250)
) {
// Content that needs to appear/disappear goes here:
Button(onClick = { visible = !visible }) { Text("Toggle") }
As stated above, you could use AnimatedVisibility like:
AnimatedVisibility(visible = yourCondition) { Text(text = getString(R.string.yourString)) }
* #param visible if false content is invisible ie. space is still occupied
fun Visibility(
visible: Boolean,
content: #Composable () -> Unit
) {
val contentSize = remember { mutableStateOf(IntSize.Zero) }
Box(modifier = Modifier
.onSizeChanged { size -> contentSize.value = size }) {
if (visible || contentSize.value == IntSize.Zero) {
} else {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.size(contentSize.value.width.pxToDp(), contentSize.value.height.pxToDp()))
fun Int.pxToDp(): Dp {
return (this / getSystem().displayMetrics.density).dp
Visibility(text.value.isNotEmpty()) {
onClick = { text.value = "" },
modifier = Modifier
.padding(bottom = 8.dp)
) {
Icon(Icons.Filled.Close, contentDescription = "Clear text")

