I am relatively new to MQTT and am trying to connect via a websocket in my Android app.
HiveMQ and Paho seem to be the most commonly used libraries, so I'll try my luck with those for now.
Unfortunately I got right at the first library and would need a hint on how to proceed, as the docs don't say anything about this unfortunately.
With HiveMQ, it's not entirely clear to me how to connect via websocket, and how to customize my credentials/headers, because I need to add some custom header like "x-amz-customauthorizer-name" and some more.
This is my attempt without adding the user credentials:
val client = Mqtt3Client.builder()
.serverAddress(InetSocketAddress(result.data.webSocketServer, 443))
.addConnectedListener { context: MqttClientConnectedContext? -> Log.e(javaClass.simpleName, "mqtt Here Connected Yay") }
.addDisconnectedListener { context: MqttClientDisconnectedContext -> Log.e(javaClass.simpleName, "mqtt Disconnected: " + context.cause.message!!) }
you just need to add the webSocketConfig to the builder, something like this:
Mqtt3Client client = Mqtt3Client.builder()
.serverAddress(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 443))
this line-> .webSocketConfig(MqttWebSocketConfig.builder().subprotocol("mqtt").serverPath("/mqtt").build())
But I'm think you can't add custom headers yet, see https://github.com/hivemq/hivemq-mqtt-client/issues/457.
According to GitHub sample project and Tealium's documentation for Kotlin I created such TealiumHelper:
object TealiumHelper {
fun init(application: Application) {
val tealiumConfig = TealiumConfig(
accountName = BuildConfig.TEALIUM_ACCOUNT_NAME,
profileName = BuildConfig.TEALIUM_PROFILE_NAME,
environment = BuildConfig.TEALIUM_ENVIRONMENT
// Display logs only for DEV
Logger.Companion.logLevel = BuildConfig.TEALIUM_LOGLEVEL
// Make it start working
Tealium.create(BuildConfig.TEALIUM_INSTANCE, tealiumConfig)
fun trackEvent(name: String, data: Map<String, Any>? = null) {
val eventDispatch = TealiumEvent(name, data)
fun trackView(name: String, data: Map<String, Any>? = null) {
val viewDispatch = TealiumView(name, data)
I get logs by Tealium so it should be working fine.
2021-05-17 14:28:56.694 22812-22894/xxx.xxx.xxx D/Tealium-1.2.2: Dispatch(fc5c0) - Ready - {tealium_event_type=view, tealium_event=XXX ...}
But after I call trackView or trackEvent, my events don't go to server.
There is also additional log infor which I don't know what does it mean. Documentation doesn't say much about it:
2021-05-17 14:28:59.352 22812-22894/xxx.xxx.xxx I/Tealium-1.2.2: Asset not found (tealium-settings.json)
How could I fix it? What does Asset not found mean?
#deadfish I manage the mobile team here at Tealium, so I can point you in the right direction. You can safely ignore the Asset Not Found log - this just indicates that no local settings file was found, so by default, the remote settings will be used. We'll look at addressing this to make the log message a little more helpful. There are a couple of things that might cause data not to be sent. Firstly, I can't see any Dispatchers specified in your TealiumConfig object. As specified in the docs, you need to add either the TagManagement or Collect dispatcher, which are the modules that send the data from the device. The Collect module sends data to the server-side platform (I think this is what you need), while the TagManagement module processes the data client-side using JavaScript. Please feel free to get in touch with our support team or contact us by raising an issue on our GitHub repo if you need further personalized support.
Android grpc client is receiving GOAWAY from server with "too many pings" error. Now I realise that this is probably a server side issue, but I think the issue is that the client channel settings do not match that of the servers.
I have a C# gRPC server with the following settings:
List<ChannelOption> channelOptions = new List<ChannelOption>();
this.server = new Server(channelOptions) {
Services = { TerminalService.BindService(this) },
Ports = {new ServerPort("", 5000,
On Android I have the following channel setup:
private val channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(name, port)
.keepAliveTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
After a few min (however seems to be a random time). I get the goaway error. I noticed that if I stream data on the call then the error never happens. It is only when there is no data on the stream. This leads me to believe the issue is that the GRPC_ARG_HTTP2_MAX_PINGS_WITHOUT_DATA needs to be set on the Android client aswell. Problem is for the life of me I cannot find where to set these channel settings on gRPC java. Can someone point out to me where I can set these channel settings? There are no examples where these have been set.
The channel options being specified are using the wrong names. Names like GRPC_ARG_HTTP2_MAX_PINGS_WITHOUT_DATA are the C-defines for things like "grpc.http2.max_pings_without_data".
You can map from the C name to the key string by looking at grpc_types.h. You should prefer using one of the C# constants in ChannelOptions when it is available, but that doesn't seem to be an option in this case.
These options are not visible in the Java ManagedChannelBuilder API because they are server-specific settings. So instead they are visible on the ServerBuilder. See A8 client-side keepalive for reference to the Java keepalive API.
I am opening a connection setting up a custom protocol like this:
WebSocketSubProtocol d = new WebSocketSubProtocol("MyCustomProto",WebSocketEncoding.TEXT);
But... Server side, I receive tis in the protocol string
"org.jwebsocket.json MyCustomProto"
How can I remove from the string the "org.jwebsocket.json" ?
I don't wanna do it server side...
I will answer to my own question.
By calling the "addSubProtocol" doesn't seem to be the right solution for couple of reasons:
if you call those 3 lines of code multiple time (if the first time the connection failed for example..) well the the protocol string would be something like
"org.jwebsocket.json MyCustomProto MyCustomProto"
It just keep adding the protocol..
So I found a turn around. Now I don't use that "addSubProtocol" but instead I defined the protocol directly when I create the socket
mJWC = new BaseTokenClient("client||"+code+"||"+name,WebSocketEncoding.TEXT);
Voila.. Now no more "org.jwebsocket.json" anymore
In an attempt to bypass Box file/folder IDs and supporting a number of other services as well I decided to implement with WebDAV since I'm somewhat familiar with it on my linux box. I chose a library based on JackRabbit modified to work on Android which seemed to suit my needs. However, it wasn't long until I ran into a problem.
When attempting to list Box's root entries, multiStatus.getResponses() returns an empty array. When accessing another webdav server I get the responses as expected. Both servers return status code 207, as expected.
My code is below, any thoughts?
EDIT: I can move a file, though listing a directory's entries won't work :/
String host = "https://www.box.com/dav/";
//String host = "http://demo.sabredav.org/";
hostConfig = new HostConfiguration();
HttpConnectionManager connectionManager = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
HttpConnectionManagerParams params = new HttpConnectionManagerParams();
int maxHostConnections = 20;
params.setMaxConnectionsPerHost(hostConfig, maxHostConnections);
client = new HttpClient(connectionManager);
Credentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("BOXEMAILADDRESS", "MYBOXPASSWORD");
//Credentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("testuser", "test");
client.getState().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, creds);
String propfindUri = host;
DavMethod method = new PropFindMethod(propfindUri, DavConstants.PROPFIND_ALL_PROP, DavConstants.DEPTH_1);
Log.i("Status: " + method.getStatusCode());
MultiStatus multiStatus = method.getResponseBodyAsMultiStatus();
MultiStatusResponse[] responses = multiStatus.getResponses();
Log.i("Length: " + responses.length);
for(MultiStatusResponse response : responses)
Log.i("File: " + response.getHref());
catch (Exception e)
While Box has some support for WebDAV, we only officially support it for iOS at the moment. Our testing has shown that our implementation of DAV works pretty well with the Windows native DAV client, as well as the Panic-Transmit Mac-specific client. Though the interactions there are not completely perfect.
Box WebDAV does not work well with the native osX (Mac) webDAV client. Expect huge delays as it looks like that client tries to load the whole tree before it displays anything.
Linux users may be able to tell you here on StackTrace which of the various OS webDAV clients/libs they've tried and which ones have worked better than others.
We do have plans to turn the crank and 10x improve our webDAV support sometime later this year, but we do not have a specific date, and just the nature of webDAV clients is such that even when we fix many of the issues with it, some client experiences on webDAV may still suck. For that reason we may only officially endorse a couple webDAV clients/libs per platform.
Hope that helps.
Hello Everyone i am new to android and i am currently stuck on this.
I have to return list of public rooms created on xmpp server. The problem i am having is that the code below works fine for java but there is a null pointer exception in case of android.
Any help regarding this would be appreciated.
I am using an openfire server and testing it on local machine so that is the reason why i am using ip Address instead of domain name.
I am using smack library for JAVA and Asmack Library for android
String server_name = "";
ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration(
server_name, 5222);
XMPPConnection connection = new XMPPConnection(config);
try {
connection.login("s1", "123");
Collection<HostedRoom> rooms = MultiUserChat.getHostedRooms(
connection, "conference.geekoid");
for (HostedRoom room : rooms) {
} catch (XMPPException e) {
System.out.println("Error" + e.getMessage() + "\n"); //for JAVA
log.e("Android Error",e.getmessage()); // For Android
The problem is that the static block of the ServiceDiscoveryManager class has to be evaluated before any connection is created. In smack this is done via an configuration file, but this approach does not work on Android and therefore on aSmack.
The workaround mentioned in the answer is somehow ugly, since you really don't want to use the Constructor to fetch the SDM object, instead the get() method should be used. But the get() method only works if there was actually a SDM created for the connection.
So in order to init the SDM correctly on Android you need to call the full forName notation to init the static blocks of the class before you create the first (XMPP)Connection object.
Class.forName("org.jivesoftware.smackx.ServiceDiscoveryManager", true, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()):
This is tracked as aSmack Issue 8
I have found the Solution to the problem.
The Android asmack library was using this in
getHostedRooms(Connection connection,
String serviceName) method
ServiceDiscoveryManager discoManager =ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor(connection);
i replaced it with
ServiceDiscoveryManager discoManager = new ServiceDiscoveryManager(connection);
For those who are confused where this method is its in
Package: org.jivesoftware.smackx.muc
File: MultiUserChat.java
After you have done this. We have to register all the providers in Android whose detail can be found here. These providers are automatically registered when are using JAVA's smack library (In java Development) but in Android we have to register them ourself.