I have error SocketTimeoutException in Retrofit when slow internet connection.
How can i handle this error?
This is my code:
val okHttpClient: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
.connectTimeout(25, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(25, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(25, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
val service = retrofit.create(APIService::class.java)
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
try {
val response = service.getCoordinatesByCityName(city,"API", lang)
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
val gson = GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create()
val prettyJson = gson.toJson(JsonParser.parseString(response.body()?.string()))
val jsonData = Gson().fromJson(prettyJson, CityJson::class.java)
val lat = jsonData.results[0].geometry.location.lat
val lng = jsonData.results[0].geometry.location.lng
Log.d("TAG", lat.toString())
} catch (e: SocketTimeoutException) {
Log.d("TAG", "ERROR")
You can invoke the method clone on your retrofit instance. With the new one you can again call the service (after showing them to retry after first call).
I'm working on a solution that needs to make recurring calls to an api every 10 seconds. However, I need to dynamically change the URL pointing to another service. That is, the new loop that will start will make the call to this new url base. I am using Koin as a DI. Here is an example of my code:
This is my dataModule koin
single<Retrofit>() {
single<ApiService>() {
{ single<OkHttpClient>(named(WITH_AUTH)) {
.callTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.connectTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
single(named(DATA_INTERCEPTOR)) {
HttpLoggingInterceptor().apply {
level =
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
} else {
single<AuthInterceptor>(named(AUTH_INTERCEPTOR)) {
get(), get()
And this is my interceptor :
class AuthInterceptor(
private val tokenRepository: TokenRepository,
private val envRepository: EnvRepository
) : Interceptor {
private var host: HttpUrl? = null
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
var request = chain.request()
val token = tokenRepository.getToken(TokenRepository.AUTH_TOKEN).blockingGet()
//val authenticationRequest = request(originalRequest, token)
host = envRepository.getEnvBaseUrl().toHttpUrlOrNull()
host?.let {
val newUrl = chain.request().url.newBuilder()
request = chain.request().newBuilder()
val authRequest = request(request, token) ?: request
return chain.proceed(authRequest)
private fun request(originalRequest: Request?, token: String?): Request? {
return if (!token.isNullOrEmpty()) {
originalRequest?.newBuilder()?.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer $token")?.build()
} else {
The problem is that my interceptor works well, but each time before calling the new URL it also calls the old one. And I have no idea how to prevent it from calling the old URL in the loop. SO I have something like this in my debuger htts:
call old url
call olrd url
call new url
call new url
call old url
call old url
call new url
call new url
I hope I have been clear
I am using Authenticator instead of Interceptor to refresh the token. I am able to detect the 401 exception and easily refresh the new token. Everything is working perfectly but the issue is following:
I am unable to call the request again, I do not want the user to hit again to call the offer.
So after execution of the code below I get a new token, it gives me a 401 error message.
My Question is: How can I call the request chain again?
Any advice on the implementation is welcome.
class OffersViewModel
val observable = ApiServiceClient.createApiUsingToken(context).getOffers(
Pref.getString(getApplication(), Pref.CUSTOMER_CODE, "")!!,
Pref.getString(getApplication(), Pref.TOKEN, "")!!
.doOnSubscribe {
responseModel.statusCode = StatusCode.START
.subscribe({ success ->
if (success.errors.isNullOrEmpty()) {
success.statusCode = StatusCode.SUCCESS
} else {
success.statusCode = StatusCode.ERROR
offersRegisteredUserResponseLiveData.value = success
}, {
//HERE I GOT 401
responseModel.statusCode = StatusCode.ERROR
offersRegisteredUserResponseLiveData.value = responseModel
}, { })
API Service Class
/*.....Offer Screen...........*/
fun getOffers(
#Path("abc") customerCode: String,
#Header("Authorization") authorization: String,
#Header("Content-Type") contentType: String = CONTENT_TYPE
ApiClient Class
fun createApiUsingToken(context: Context?): ApiService {
val interceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
interceptor.level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY
val client = OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(interceptor).connectTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
var ApiServiceClient=retrofit.create(ApiService::class.java)
return retrofit.create(ApiService::class.java)
class TokenInterceptor
var requestAvailable: Request? = null
if (response!!.code() === 401) {
var retrofitResponse = ApiServiceClient.createToken().getTokenWithoutObserver().execute()
if (retrofitResponse != null) {
val refreshTokenResponse = retrofitResponse!!.body()
val newAccessToken = refreshTokenResponse!!.token
if (newAccessToken != null)
Pref.setString(MyApplication.mInstance, Pref.TOKEN, "${refreshTokenResponse.tokenType} ${refreshTokenResponse?.token}")
Pref.setString(MyApplication.mInstance, Pref.TOKEN_EXPIRES_IN, refreshTokenResponse.tokenExpirationTime.toString())
Utils.addTokenExpirationTimeToCurrentTime(MyApplication.mInstance, refreshTokenResponse.tokenExpirationTime?.toInt()!!)
try {
requestAvailable = response?.request()?.newBuilder()
?.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
?.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + newAccessToken)
return requestAvailable
} catch (ex: Exception) {
} else
return null
return requestAvailable
Couple of things i see wrong with this.
First is that even if you "restart" the request with the new token, if you happen to make another request while the "new token" is not saved, that request is also going to fail.
Second is that i don't see that you save the new token anywhere (in SharedPrefs for example for later use).
This is how i would have do it: (preferenceHelper is SharedPrefs)
override fun authenticate(route: Route?, response: Response): Request? {
val HEADER_AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization"
// We need to have a token in order to refresh it.
val token = preferenceHelper.getAccessToken() ?: return null
synchronized(this) {
val newToken = preferenceHelper.getAccessToken() ?: return null
// Check if the request made was previously made as an authenticated request.
if (response.request().header(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION) != null) {
// If the token has changed since the request was made, use the new token.
if (newToken != token) {
return response.request()
.addHeader(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer " + newToken)
val tokenResponse = ApiServiceClient.createToken().getTokenWithoutObserver().execute()
if (tokenResponse.isSuccessful) {
val userToken = tokenResponse.body() ?: return null
// Retry the request with the new token.
return response.request()
.addHeader(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer " + userToken.token)
} else {
return null
Inside my Android kotlin app i'm calling some apis by using retrofit2 like
fun callMyApi(
#Field("myField") myField: String
): Deferred<MyResponseClass>
Now i need to add some common post params to all my api request (and keep the specific ones for each call, in this case i need to keep "myField"), so i'm using an interceptor:
val requestInterceptor = Interceptor { chain ->
val newRequest = chain.request()
.add("common1Key", "common1")
.add("common2Key", "common2")
.add("common3Key", "common3")
return#Interceptor chain.proceed(newRequest)
But this implementation fails because the interceptor seems to overwrite myField.
How can i fix it?
We can create Interceptor by using two or more common query parameter.
val requestInterceptor = Interceptor { chain ->
val url = chain.request()
.addQueryParameter("common1key", "common1")
.addQueryParameter("common2key", "common2")
.addQueryParameter("common3key", "common3")
val request = chain.request()
return#Interceptor chain.proceed(request)
I have added Interceptor for post form body.
interface PostWebApiService {
fun savePost(
#Field("title") title: String
): Deferred<Post>
companion object {
operator fun invoke(): PostWebApiService {
val requestInterceptor = Interceptor { chain ->
var request = chain.request()
val requestBuilder = request.newBuilder()
val formBody = FormBody.Builder()
.add("body", "Body")
.add("userId", "12")
var postBodyString = bodyToString(request.body())
val concat = if (postBodyString.isNotEmpty()) "&" else ""
postBodyString = postBodyString + concat + bodyToString(formBody)
request = requestBuilder.post(
return#Interceptor chain.proceed(request)
val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
return Retrofit.Builder()
fun bodyToString(request: RequestBody?): String {
try {
var buffer = Buffer()
return buffer.readUtf8()
} catch (e: IOException) {
return "error"
Here is my code , I have added CacheHeaderInterceptor but one of the requests
for some cases needs to do force call from network instead of retrieving cache response
but as I have added CacheHeaderInterceptor it never called after first call.
but I need to have check and based on that check fetch from network or retrieve cache response
fun httpClient(context: Context, #Named(“UserPreferences”) preferences: SharedPreferences): OkHttpClient {
val appCacheDir = context.cacheDir
val httpCacheDir = File(appCacheDir, HTTP_CACHE_DIRNAME)
if (!httpCacheDir.exists()) {
val builder = OkHttpClient.Builder()
val authInterceptor = LegacyAuthInterceptor(preferences, userAuthRelay)
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
return builder
.cache(Cache(httpCacheDir, MAX_HTTP_CACHE_SIZE))
.connectTimeout(30, SECONDS)
.writeTimeout(30, SECONDS)
.readTimeout(30, SECONDS)
class CacheHeaderInterceptor(private val isUpdatedRelay: BehaviorRelay<Boolean>) : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
?: return chain.proceed(chain.request())
val maxAge = chain.request().headers().values(CustomCacheHeader.CUSTOM_CACHE_HEADER_KEY).firstOrNull()?.toLongOrNull()
val modifiedRequest = chain.request().newBuilder().removeHeader(CustomCacheHeader.CUSTOM_CACHE_HEADER_KEY).build()
val originalResponse = chain.proceed(modifiedRequest)
return when {
isUpdatedRelay.value -> {
val modifiedResponse = originalResponse.newBuilder()
.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
maxAge != null -> {
// Add Cache-Control to the response.
val modifiedResponse = originalResponse.newBuilder()
.addHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=$maxAge")
else -> // Missing max-age, proceed with original response.
I found the solution for my question
adding addInterceptor()
There is addNetworkInterceptor() and addInterceptor().
I am using retrofit2 in kotlin, and I need to get the content that is a json and this encrypted, I know that to convert json just use the JacksonConverterFactory (until this part was working well) but an encryption was added before that and I do not know how To handle this, do I need to create a converter of my own? Does anyone have a read to tell me?
My current call for retrofit
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
And i already have my fucntion (working) to decrypt:
This can be done by creating an decrypt interceptor:
class DecryptInterceptor : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response = chain
.run { proceed(request()) }
.let { response ->
return#let if (response.isSuccessful) {
val body = response.body()!!
val contentType = body.contentType()
val charset = contentType?.charset() ?: Charset.defaultCharset()
val buffer = body.source().apply { request(Long.MAX_VALUE) }.buffer()
val bodyContent = buffer.clone().readString(charset)
.body(ResponseBody.create(contentType, bodyContent.let(::decryptBody)))
} else response
private fun decryptBody(content: String): String {
return content
val httpClient = OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()