Android kotlin object to json values order [duplicate] - android

Seems like Gson.toJson(Object object) generates JSON code with randomly spread fields of the object. Is there way to fix fields order somehow?
public class Foo {
public String bar;
public String baz;
public Foo( String bar, String baz ) { = bar;
this.baz = baz;
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonRequest = gson.toJson(new Foo("bar","baz"));
The string jsonRequest can be:
{ "bar":"bar", "baz":"baz" } (correct)
{ "baz":"baz", "bar":"bar" } (wrong sequence)

You'd need to create a custom JSON serializer.
public class FooJsonSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Foo> {
public JsonElement serialize(Foo foo, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
object.add("bar", context.serialize(foo.getBar());
object.add("baz", context.serialize(foo.getBaz());
// ...
return object;
and use it as follows:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Foo.class, new FooJsonSerializer()).create();
String json = gson.toJson(foo);
// ...
This maintains the order as you've specified in the serializer.
See also:
Gson User Guide - Custom serializers and deserializers

If GSON doesn't support definition of field order, there are other libraries that do. Jackson allows definining this with #JsonPropertyOrder, for example. Having to specify one's own custom serializer seems like awful lot of work to me.
And yes, I agree in that as per JSON specification, application should not expect specific ordering of fields.

Actually Gson.toJson(Object object) doesn't generate fields in random order. The order of resulted json depends on literal sequence of the fields' names.
I had the same problem and it was solved by literal order of properties' names in the class.
The example in the question will always return the following jsonRequest:
{ "bar":"bar", "baz":"baz" }
In order to have a specific order you should modify fields' names, ex: if you want baz to be first in order then comes bar:
public class Foo {
public String f1_baz;
public String f2_bar;
public Foo ( String f1_baz, String f2_bar ) {
this.f1_baz = f1_baz;
this.f2_bar = f2_bar;
jsonRequest will be { "f1_baz ":"baz", "f2_bar":"bar" }

Here's my solution for looping over json text files in a given directory and writing over the top of them with sorted versions:
private void standardizeFormat(File dir) throws IOException {
File[] directoryListing = dir.listFiles();
if (directoryListing != null) {
for (File child : directoryListing) {
String path = child.getPath();
JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new FileReader(path));
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().registerTypeAdapter(LinkedTreeMap.class, new SortedJsonSerializer()).create();
Object data = gson.fromJson(jsonReader, Object.class);
JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(new FileWriter(path));
jsonWriter.setIndent(" ");
gson.toJson(data, Object.class, jsonWriter);
private class SortedJsonSerializer implements JsonSerializer<LinkedTreeMap> {
public JsonElement serialize(LinkedTreeMap foo, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
TreeSet sorted = Sets.newTreeSet(foo.keySet());
for (Object key : sorted) {
object.add((String) key, context.serialize(foo.get(key)));
return object;
It's pretty hacky because it depends on the fact that Gson uses LinkedTreeMap when the Type is simply Object. This is an implementation details that is probably not guaranteed. Anyway, it's good enough for my short-lived purposes...


GSON sorting keys automatically in toJson() [duplicate]

Seems like Gson.toJson(Object object) generates JSON code with randomly spread fields of the object. Is there way to fix fields order somehow?
public class Foo {
public String bar;
public String baz;
public Foo( String bar, String baz ) { = bar;
this.baz = baz;
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonRequest = gson.toJson(new Foo("bar","baz"));
The string jsonRequest can be:
{ "bar":"bar", "baz":"baz" } (correct)
{ "baz":"baz", "bar":"bar" } (wrong sequence)
You'd need to create a custom JSON serializer.
public class FooJsonSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Foo> {
public JsonElement serialize(Foo foo, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
object.add("bar", context.serialize(foo.getBar());
object.add("baz", context.serialize(foo.getBaz());
// ...
return object;
and use it as follows:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Foo.class, new FooJsonSerializer()).create();
String json = gson.toJson(foo);
// ...
This maintains the order as you've specified in the serializer.
See also:
Gson User Guide - Custom serializers and deserializers
If GSON doesn't support definition of field order, there are other libraries that do. Jackson allows definining this with #JsonPropertyOrder, for example. Having to specify one's own custom serializer seems like awful lot of work to me.
And yes, I agree in that as per JSON specification, application should not expect specific ordering of fields.
Actually Gson.toJson(Object object) doesn't generate fields in random order. The order of resulted json depends on literal sequence of the fields' names.
I had the same problem and it was solved by literal order of properties' names in the class.
The example in the question will always return the following jsonRequest:
{ "bar":"bar", "baz":"baz" }
In order to have a specific order you should modify fields' names, ex: if you want baz to be first in order then comes bar:
public class Foo {
public String f1_baz;
public String f2_bar;
public Foo ( String f1_baz, String f2_bar ) {
this.f1_baz = f1_baz;
this.f2_bar = f2_bar;
jsonRequest will be { "f1_baz ":"baz", "f2_bar":"bar" }
Here's my solution for looping over json text files in a given directory and writing over the top of them with sorted versions:
private void standardizeFormat(File dir) throws IOException {
File[] directoryListing = dir.listFiles();
if (directoryListing != null) {
for (File child : directoryListing) {
String path = child.getPath();
JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(new FileReader(path));
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().registerTypeAdapter(LinkedTreeMap.class, new SortedJsonSerializer()).create();
Object data = gson.fromJson(jsonReader, Object.class);
JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(new FileWriter(path));
jsonWriter.setIndent(" ");
gson.toJson(data, Object.class, jsonWriter);
private class SortedJsonSerializer implements JsonSerializer<LinkedTreeMap> {
public JsonElement serialize(LinkedTreeMap foo, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject object = new JsonObject();
TreeSet sorted = Sets.newTreeSet(foo.keySet());
for (Object key : sorted) {
object.add((String) key, context.serialize(foo.get(key)));
return object;
It's pretty hacky because it depends on the fact that Gson uses LinkedTreeMap when the Type is simply Object. This is an implementation details that is probably not guaranteed. Anyway, it's good enough for my short-lived purposes...

Retrieve data from Firebase using REST API

I am trying to read all the following data from firebase using Retrofit. I don't want to use Firebase SDK! I have saved data to Firebase in the following format:
"xyz#gmail,com": {
"d1d1b69c-71c9-492a-b4ac-3afaceed0584": {
"videos": {
"dateUploaded":"Aug 26, 2019, 07:15",
"e510e59c-9959-4931-8070-e00ea0e64768": {
"videos": {
"dateUploaded":"Aug 26, 2019, 07:16",
I am having trouble creating POJO from this json data, partly because of the Unique Id. I tried using jsonschema2pojo to generate POJO but as you can guess, the POJO looks something like this:
XyzGmailCom {
private d1d1b69c-71c9-492a-b4ac-3afaceed0584 d1d1b69c-71c9-492a-b4ac-3afaceed0584;
Probably I am not using proper logic to save data correctly. Can somebody please guide me on how to save and read such data from firebase using retrofit? Would really appreciate the help. Thank you.
Okay after all sorts of try and error, I came up with a workaround solution. I am using JsonDeserializer to deserialize the json object and then looping through the object to get the keys, once I am inside the nested object, I am re-creating the UsersVideoRes from the json object and returning the object. The code is given below:
public class UserVideosAdapterFactory implements JsonDeserializer<UsersVideoRes> {
private final List<UsersVideo> usersVideoList = new ArrayList<>();
private UsersVideoRes usersVideoRes = new UsersVideoRes();
public UsersVideoRes deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
Set<String> keys = jsonObject.keySet();
for (String key : keys) {
JsonElement jsonElement = jsonObject.get(key);
JsonObject jsonObject1 = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
Set<String> key1 = jsonObject1.keySet();
for (String videoKey : key1) {
UsersVideo usersVideo = new UsersVideo();
JsonElement videoElement = jsonObject1.get(videoKey);
JsonObject videoObject = videoElement.getAsJsonObject();
String id = videoObject.get("id").getAsString();
String videoPath = videoObject.get("videoPath").getAsString();
String userImage = videoObject.get("userImage").getAsString();
String currentUserEmail = videoObject.get("currentUserEmail").getAsString();
String dateUploaded = videoObject.get("dateUploaded").getAsString();
String description = videoObject.get("description").getAsString();
String title = videoObject.get("title").getAsString();
String username = videoObject.get("username").getAsString();
return this.usersVideoRes;
It works as I expected, however, I personally don't think it's a good solution, there might be better way, so still hoping someone will come up with better solution for this problem thanks again.

Custom GSON parser exclude object instances based on property value

When parsing JSON in Android using the GSON parser, I'd like to implement a rule that will exclude any objects from being created based on property value. For example:
{"people": [
{"first_name": "Bob"},
{"first_name": "Bob", "last_name": "Loblaw"}]}
I want to exclude the first person object because it doesn't have a last name property.
Is this possible at parse time?
It is possible with JsonDeserializer.
Suppose you would have POJOs like
public class Response {
private List<Person> people = new ArrayList<>();
public class Person {
#Getter #Setter
private String first_name, last_name;
Creating JsonDeserializer like
public class PersonResponseDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Response> {
// Create a new gson to make the default parsing for response object
private final Gson gson = new Gson();
public Response deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT
, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
Response r = gson.fromJson(json, typeOfT);
// Remove all persons from R that have last name null
r.getPeople().stream().filter( p -> p.getLast_name() == null )
return r;
could then be used like
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(Response.class, new PersonResponseDeserializer())
Response r = gson.fromJson(s, Response.class);
So this is if it is required to be done at the parse time. Maybe it is otherwise better to loop the People after parsing and exclude Persons without last name then.

Use GSON to map changing field name to POJO

I am writing an Android app, and using RetroFit to communicate with the REST API. I have all the classes/POJO's written, except one.
Here is the Java for the specific class.
This is the parent class, which is the root of the problem. I need to be able to map the userNameResponse variable to the users name in the JSON below
public class DiTopicStats {
private UserNameResponse userNameResponse;
public UserNameResponse getUserNameResponse() {
return userNameResponse;
public void setUserNameResponse(UserNameResponse userNameResponse) {
this.userNameResponse = userNameResponse;
and the child class, which should be fine as long as I can map to it from the above parent class:
public class UserNameResponse {
//Getters and Setters
The JSON that is returned contains a field which changes per response. The field is the users name. For example:
"sMessage": "",
"diStatus": {
"diTopicWrongAns": {
//Some fields
"diOverallStats": {
//Some more fields
"diUserStats": {
"John Smith": { //PROBLEM: This name changes
//some other fields
So in this case, the name "John Smith" has a dynamic field name. Realistically, it could be any string with letters, numbers, a - or a . in it.
My question is, using RetroFit, how can I create a Java class that lets RetroFit map a field to a variable?
I'm aware you can specify a SerialisedName but can this be done programatically at runtime, because I will have the name or the user at this stage.
Create a pojo called DiUserStats and then define a custom GsonTypeAdapter e.g.
public class DiUserStatsTypeAdapter implements JsonDeserializer<DiUserStats>, JsonSerializer<DiUserStats> {
public DiUserStats deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
DiUserStats target = new DiUserStats();
JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
Map.Entry<String,JsonElement> object =(Map.Entry<String,JsonElement>)jsonObject.entrySet().toArray()[0];
JsonObject targetValues = object.getValue().getAsJsonObject();
/*parse values to your DiUserStats as documented using targetValues.get("fooProperty").getAsString(), etc */
return target;
public JsonElement serialize(DiUserStats src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
JsonObject values = new JsonObject();
values.addProperty("foo", src.getFoo);
obj.addProperty(target.getName(), values);
return obj;
Then when you setup Gson use a builder and add your custom type adapter e.g.
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(DiUserStats.class, new DiUserStatsTypeAdapter()).create();

Gson Parse Json with array with different object types

How can I parse this JSON using Gson?
I have an array with multiple object types and I don't know what kind of object I need to create to save this structure. I cannot change the json message (I don't control the server).
The only class that function (sort of) was this
public class Response {
private List<Object> tr;
private int results;
JSON Message (Note the array with multiple object types.)
"userId": "112"
"userId": "123",
"address":"street dummy"
"userId": "154"
The Gson User's Guide explicitly covers this:
You have an object with a field tr that is an array containing arbitrary types.
The users guide explains that you can't directly deserialize such a structure, and recomends:
Use Gson's parser API (low-level streaming parser or the DOM parser
JsonParser) to parse the array elements and then use Gson.fromJson()
on each of the array elements. This is the preferred approach.
In your case ... it would really depend on what objects were possible in that array. If they are all going to have that same inner object you'd want to do something like...
List<MyUserPojo> list = new ArrayList<MyUserPojo>();
JsonArray array = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("tr");
for (JsonElement je : array)
Set<Map.Entry<String,JsonElement>> set = je.getAsObject().entrySet();
JsonElement je2 = set.iterator().next().getValue();
MyUserPojo mup = new Gson().fromJson(je2, MyUserPojo.class);
And of course, this would need to be inside a custom deserializer for your actual object that would have the tr and results fields.
class MyPojo
List<MyUserPojo> userList;
int results;
class MyUserPojo
String userId;
String address;
class MyDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<MyPojo>
public MyPojo deserialize(JsonElement je, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext jdc)
throws JsonParseException
List<MyUserPojo> list = new ArrayList<MyUserPojo>();
JsonArray array = je.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("tr");
for (JsonElement je2 : array)
Set<Map.Entry<String,JsonElement>> set = je2.getAsObject().entrySet();
JsonElement je3 = set.iterator().next().getValue();
MyUserPojo mup = new Gson().fromJson(je3, MyUserPojo.class);
MyPojo mp = new MyPojo(); = list;
mp.results = je.getAsObject().getAsJsonPrimitive("results").getAsInt();
return mp;
Now you're all set - you can use that deserializer and create your object:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(MyPojo.class, new MyDeserializer())
MyPojo mp = gson.fromJson(json, MyPojo.class);
If the a, b etc are important ... well, you'll have to figure that out. But the above should get you well on your way to understanding what's going to be needed to deal with your JSON structure.
For completeness sake, the only "hacky" way around this is if there is a fairly limited number of those types and the inner object also is fairly limited in terms of its fields. You could create a POJO that encompasses all the possibilities:
class MyPojo
MySecondPojo a;
MySecondPojo b;
MySecondPojo f;
class MySecondPojo
String userId;
String address;
String someOtherField;
When Gson deserializes JSON it will set any missing fields in your POJO(s) to null. You could now have tr be a List or array of these in your POJO. Again and to emphasize, this is really quite hacky and the wrong way to do it, but I thought I'd explain what would be required to directly parse that array.
I pick something from each answer and did it this way:
Response Object
public class Response {
private List<Users> tr;
private int results;
Generic User
public class User {
public static final int TYPE_USER_A =0;
public static final int TYPE_USER_B =1;
private String userId;
private int type;
public class a extends User {
private String location;
public class b extends User {
private String adress;
Parsing Method
private Response buildResponseObject(String response) {
Response tls = new Response();
List<Users> users = new ArrayList<users>();
User u;
try {
JSONObject object = new JSONObject(response);
JSONArray array = object.getJSONArray("tr");
for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
JSONObject trs = array.getJSONObject(i);
if (trs.has("a")) {
String json = trns.getString("a");
A a = new Gson().fromJson(json,A.class);
} else if (trs.has("b")) {
String json = trs.getString("b");
B b= new Gson().fromJson(json,B.class);
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return tls;
This is not as elegant as I wanted and mix native JsonObjects with Gson methods but works for me.
Try this code here:
public class Address {
public String userId;
public String address;
// ...
public class Response {
private HashMap<String, Address> tr;
private int results;
// ...
String json = "{\n \"tr\":\n {\n \"a\": {\n \"userId\": \"112\"\n },\n \"b\": {\n \"userId\": \"123\",\n \"address\":\"street dummy\"\n },\n \"c\": {\n \"userId\": \"154\"\n }\n },\n \"results\":3\n}";
Response users = new Gson().fromJson(json, Response.class);
As you may see I needed to modify the structure:
"a": {
"userId": "112"
"b": {
"userId": "123",
"address":"street dummy"
"c": {
"userId": "154"
But unfortunately I don't get it managed to allow multiple keys. Right now I have no idea how to fix this.
I think this link might help you:
Basically, create a class for your "object" (kind of user I guess), and then use the deserialization code of Gson, like this:
Type collectionType = new TypeToken<Collection<User>>(){}.getType();
Collection<User> users= gson.fromJson(json, collectionType);
You can create corresponding java classes for the json objects. The integer, string values can be mapped as is. Json can be parsed like this-
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
Response r = gson.fromJson(jsonString, Response.class);
Here is an example-

