Arrange listView or recyclerView items like chipGroup - android

I have some tags (Array of String), when I use a recyclerView or listView it only accept Vertical, Horizontal or Grid arrangements, but I need to implement it like chip group lazy arrangement, how do I do that,
Like this

I recommend Google's flexbox-layout library for this. It provides a FlexboxLayoutManager for use with RecyclerView:
val layoutManager = FlexboxLayoutManager(context).apply {


Show multiple text labels in a Horizontal recycler view/carousel view

Is it possible to show multiple text in a recycler view/carousel view in android/kotlin.If yes,then what would be the logic for that or what topic should I read that will help me with this.
I have attached a example diagram below.I want to create the below part,there is some other layout on top :
Really need some help over here.
Yes, I believe you're looking for a StaggeredGridLayoutManager for RecyclerView.
For example, when setting up your RecyclerView, set your LayoutManager to a new StaggeredGridLayoutManager.
// get the reference of RecyclerView
RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;
// set a StaggeredGridLayoutManager with 3 number of columns and vertical orientation
StaggeredGridLayoutManager staggeredGridLayoutManager = new StaggeredGridLayoutManager(3, LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL);
recyclerView.setLayoutManager(staggeredGridLayoutManager); // set LayoutManager to RecyclerView
A more in-depth example could be found here,

Display tag like structure in Staggered Recyclerview

I am working on a tag structure currently and to display that I have used Staggeredgrid layout manager of Recyclerview to get the required result as below image:
But when I used StaggeredGrid, It is providing result as below:
My code to display adapter in Recyclerview is as given below:
val staggeredGridLayoutManager = StaggeredGridLayoutManager(2, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL)
rvTags.layoutManager = staggeredGridLayoutManager
rvTags.adapter = AllergyAdapter(tags)
On increasing the span count to 3, all the items are contracting.
I want that if "Peanut butter" is big enough then only 1 item should come in 1 row and if "neem, garlic and soy" can fit in 1 row, then it should fit.
Basically, I need a way to dynamic span count according to the content size.
Any help will be appreciated.
The suggested answer is not working because it is counting span count for whole of Recyclerview and Not particular row wise.
Either you can go with the dynamic spinning or what you can do is get the help of libraries.
Please check URL for tags libraries.
Tags Views
Here is a most suitable view: ChipView
With custom layouts : ChipView
And for dynamic column binding, you can use AsymmetricGridView.
URL : AsymmetricGridView
I came across such a requirement and ideally, a Flexbox should be a good option to try.
layoutManager=new StaggeredGridLayoutManager(4, LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL);

Recycler view with wrap content items horizontal and vertical scroll

hi i want to make a recycler view to take items horizontal as many as the screen fit but with vertical scroll like this image as example
I try with StaggeredGridLayoutManager but it must specify the number of column want the column take as screen size any help will be good
You can use FlexLayoutManager for this kind of design FlexLayout
Here is a example snippet to use FlexLayoutManager in RecycleView
RecyclerView recyclerView = (RecyclerView) context.findViewById(;
FlexboxLayoutManager layoutManager = new FlexboxLayoutManager(context);
Their are many attributes to use FlexLayout Go through the documents on github
As Burhanuddin Rashid commented, you should use the FlexBoxLayout. It has a LayoutManager for RecyclerViews, so the additional code will be minimal.

Dynamically set the columnwidth in gridlayoutmanager

I am trying to do this using recycler view with gridlayoutmanager. GridLayoutmanager takes spancount. Here I want to update the view based on the width of the text in the recycler view items.
It's a late answer but I wanted to achieve exactly the same stuff!
Then after several hours of research, I found this lib (I don't know why I didn't find it earlier...) by Google: FlexboxLayout who has a FlexboxLayoutManager!
How to use:
val layoutManager = FlexboxLayoutManager(context)
layoutManager.flexDirection = FlexDirection.ROW
myRecyclerView.layoutManager = layoutManager
That's all!

Horizontal list view in Android?

Looking for a horizontal list view GUI componnet in Android similar to UICollectionView in iOS. I trid ListView but was not able to set up to scroll it horizontally.
I need only one line, so no grid like multi line 'table'. I know about TableLayout and GridLayout. Which one is more proper for my purpose?
Looking for not a 3rd party solution but a standard Android one without loading in and library.
You should be using the RecyclerLayout, which allows you to specify your own LayoutManager (then you can specify a horizontal one, or a vertical one, or a grid one, or...)
Here is a good SO with a simple example: How to build a Horizontal ListView with RecyclerView?
You can use RecycleView and add horizontal layoutmanager
RecyclerView listView= (RecyclerView)findViewById(;
LinearLayoutManager layoutManager=new LinearLayoutManager(this,LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL,false);
and in xml

