Manually (re)trigger ViewModel function after popping another Composable from the backstack - android

I have the following flow: When the app starts, a screen with popular items is displayed. User logs in, on successful login the backstack is popped and the user returns to the screen with the popular items. But when logged in, the items that the user liked/looked at last should also be displayed.
In non-Compose, I'd just retrigger the function in the viewModel that gets all items. But in Compose, I'd end up in an endless loop if I tried to call the function from the Composable.
My question is - how can I reload the items after the user returns from a successful login to the start screen? And what is best practice in such a case?
private val _itemsFlow = MutableStateFlow(emptyList())
val itemsFlow: StateFlow<List<Item>> = _itemsFlow
init {
private fun getItems() {
viewModelScope.launch {
itemRepository.getItems().collect { items ->
_itemsFlow.value = items
fun Home(viewModel: HomeViewModel = hiltViewModel()) {
val items by viewModel.itemsFlow.collectAsState()
// used later in a LazyRow

Check out side-effects
In your case something like this will help:
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {


Jetpack Compose do on compose, but not on recomposition - track ContentViewed

I'm trying to implement some kind of LaunchedEffectOnce as I want to track a ContentViewed event. So my requirement is that every time the user sees the content provided by the composable, an event should get tracked.
Here is some example code of my problem:
fun MyScreen(viewModel: MyViewModel = get()){
val items by viewModel.itemsToDisplay.collectAsState(initial = emptyList())
// when the UI is displayed, the VM should track an event (only once)
LaunchedEffectOnce { viewModel.trackContentViewed() }
private fun LaunchedEffectOnce(doOnce: () -> Unit) {
var wasExecuted by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) }
if (!wasExecuted) {
LaunchedEffect(key1 = rememberUpdatedState(newValue = executed)) {
wasExecuted = true
This code is doing do the following:
Tracks event when MyScreen is composed
Does NOT track when the user enters a list item screen and navigates back to MyScreen
Does NOT track the event on recomposition (like orientation change)
But what I wan't to achieve is the following:
Tracks event when MyScreen is composed
Tracks when the user enters a list item screen and navigates back to MyScreen
Does NOT track the event on recomposition (like orientation change)
My ViewModel looks like that:
class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() {
val itemsToDisplay: Flow<List<Item>> = GetItemsUseCase()
.shareIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(), replay = 1)
val contentTracking: Flow<Tracking?> = GetTrackingUseCase()
.distinctUntilChanged { old, new -> old === new }
.shareIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(), replay = 1)
fun trackContentViewed(){
// track last element in contentTracking
I really hope someone can help me and can explain what I'm doing wrong here. Thanks in advance!
Assuming the following are true
your view model is scoped to the Fragment in which MyScreen enters composition
your composables leave the composition when you navigate to an item screen and re-enter composition when you navigate back
then you can simply track inside the view model itself whether specific content was already viewed in this view model's scope. Then when you navigate to any of the items screens you reset that "tracking state".
If you need to track only a single element of content then just a Boolean variable would be enough, but in case you need to track more than one element, you can use either a HashSet or a mutableSetOf (which returns a LinkedHashSet instead). Then when you navigate to any of the item screen you reset that variable or clear the Set.
Your VM code would then change to
class MyViewModel() : ViewModel() {
// ... you existing code remains unchanged
private var viewedContent = mutableSetOf<Any>()
fun trackContentViewed(key: Any){
if (viewedContent.add(key)) {
// track last element in contentTracking
Log.d("Example", "Key $key tracked for 'first time'")
} else {
// content already viewed for this key
Log.d("Example", "Key $key already tracked before")
fun clearTrackedContent() {
and the MyScreen composable would change to
fun MyScreen(viewModel: MyViewModel = get()){
// ... you existing code remains unchanged
// Every time this UI enters the composition (but not on recomposition)
// the VM will be notified
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
viewModel.trackContentViewed(key = "MyScreen") // or some other key
Where you start the navigation to an item screen (probably in some onClick handler on items) you would call viewmodel.clearTrackedContent().
Since (1) is true when ViewModels are requested inside a Fragment/Activity and if (2) is also true in your case, then the VM instance will survive configuration changes (orientation change, language change...) and the Set will take care of tracking.
If (2) is not true in your case, then you have two options:
if at least recomposition happens when navigating back, replace LaunchedEffect with SideEffect { viewModel.trackContentViewed(key = "MyScreen") }
if your composables are not even recomposed then you will have to call viewModel.trackContentViewed also when navigating back.

StateFlow causing navigation loop in Jetpack Compose

There are two screens in the app. Screen A and Screen B. The UI and navigation logic of Screen A is based on the state class.
data class ScreenAState(
val sourceName: String = "",
val navigateToScreenB: Boolean = false
If the user meets the requirements, the value of navigateToScreenB is changed to true and the user is navigated to Screen B using the following code.
if (uiState.navigateToScreenB) {
LaunchedEffect(uiState.navigateToScreenB) {
Now, the problem occurs when the user presses the back button on Screen B. As soon as the user comes back from Screen B to Screen A, the user is again navigated to Screen B and the loop continues if the back button is pressed again on Screen B.
I am not sure if I am using the LaunchedEffect properly. Any help will be appreciated. Thank You.
You should set navigateToScreenB to false after perform the navigation.
Declaring something like this in your view model.
class YourViewModel: ViewModel() {
private val _uiState = MutableStateFlow(ScreenAState())
val uiState = _uiState.asStateFlow()
fun onNavigateToScreenB() {
uiState.update {
it.copy(navigateToScreenB = false)
and in your screen:
val uiState by yourViewModel.uiState.collectAsState()
if (uiState.navigateToScreenB) {
LaunchedEffect(uiState.navigateToScreenB) {

Pass data to previous composable in Android Compose

I will take a simple sample.
I have 2 Screens: Screen A and Screen B. From Screen A, I open Screen B. And when I return Screen B to Screen A, I want to transfer data back to Screen A.
With Android Fragment, I can use Shared ViewModel or Fragment Result API to do this.
But with Android Compose, the Fragment Result Api is not in Compose. With using Shard ViewModel, what lifecycle do I have to attach Shared ViewModel so it can keep alive? Activity, ... or something else.
Or is there another way to do this?
If you use jetpack navigation, you can pass back data by adding it to the previous back stack entry's savedStateHandle. (Documentation)
Screen B passes data back:
composable("B") {
popBackStack = { data ->
// Pass data back to A
?.set("key", data)
Screen A Receives data:
composable("A") { backStackEntry ->
// get data passed back from B
val data: T by backStackEntry
data = data,
navToB = {
// optional: clear data so LiveData emits
// even if same value is passed again
// navigate ...
Replace "key" with a unique string, T with the type of your data and data with your data.
All of your compose composition operations happens within a single activity view hierarchy thus your ViewModel lifecycle will inevitably be bound to that root activity. It can actually be accessed from your composition through LocalLifecycleOwner.current.
Keep in mind that Compose is a totally different paradigm than activity/fragment, you can indeed share ViewModel across composables but for the sake of keeping those simple you can also just "share" data simply by passing states using mutable values and triggering recomposition.
class MySharedViewModel(...) : ViewModel() {
var sharedState by mutableStateOf<Boolean>(...)
fun MySharedViewModel(viewModel: MySharedViewModel = viewModel()) {
// guessing you already have your own screen display logic
// This also works with compose-navigator
ComposableA(stateResult = viewModel.sharedState)
ComposableB(onUpdate = { viewModel.sharedState = false })
fun ComposableA(stateResult: Boolean) {
fun ComposableB(onUpdate: () -> Unit) {
Button(onClick = { onUpdate() }) {
Text("Update ComposableA result")
Here you'll find further documentation on managing states with compose
Let's say there are two screens.
1 - FirstScreen it will receive some data and residing on bottom in back stack user will land here from Second screen by press back button.
2 - SecondScreen it will send/attach some data to be received on previous first screen.
Lets start from second screen sending data, for that you can do something like this:
?.set("key", viewModel.getFilterSelection().toString())
Now lets catch that data on first screen for that you can do some thing like this:
if (navController.currentBackStackEntry!!.savedStateHandle.contains("key")) {
val keyData =
) ?: ""
Worked perfectly for me.

How to save paging state of LazyColumn during navigation in Jetpack Compose

I'm using androidx.paging:paging-compose (v1.0.0-alpha-14), together with Jetpack Compose (v1.0.3), I have a custom PagingSource which is responsible for pulling items from backend.
I also use compose navigation component.
The problem is I don't know how to save a state of Pager flow between navigating to different screen via NavHostController and going back (scroll state and cached items).
I was trying to save state via rememberSaveable but it cannot be done as it is not something which can be putted to Bundle.
Is there a quick/easy step to do it?
My sample code:
fun SampleScreen(
composeNavController: NavHostController? = null,
myPagingSource: PagingSource<Int, MyItem>,
) {
val pager = remember { // rememberSaveable doesn't seems to work here
config = PagingConfig(
pageSize = 25,
initialKey = 0,
pagingSourceFactory = myPagingSource
val lazyPagingItems = pager.flow.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
LazyColumn() {
itemsIndexed(items = lazyPagingItems) { index, item ->
MyRowItem(item) {
I found a solution!
fun Sample(data: Flow<PagingData<Something>>):
val listState: LazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val items: LazyPagingItems<Something> = data.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
when {
items.itemCount == 0 -> LoadingScreen()
else -> {
LazyColumn(state = listState, ...) {
I just found out what the issue is when using Paging.
The reason the list scroll position is not remembered with Paging when navigating boils down to what happens below the hood.
It looks like this:
Composable with LazyColumn is created.
We asynchronously request our list data from the pager. Current pager list item count = 0.
The UI draws a lazyColumn with 0 items.
The pager responds with data, e.g. 10 items, and the UI is recomposed to show them.
User scrolls e.g. all the way down and clicks the bottom item, which navigates them elsewhere.
User navigates back using e.g. the back button.
Uh oh. Due to navigation, our composable with LazyColumn is recomposed. We start again with asynchronously requesting pager data. Note: pager item count = 0 again!
rememberLazyListState is evaluated, and it tells the UI that the user scrolled down all the way, so it now should go back to the same offset, e.g. to the fifth item.
This is the point where the UI screams in wild confusion, as the pager has 0 items, so the lazyColumn has 0 items.
The UI cannot handle the scroll offset to the fifth item. The scroll position is set to just show from item 0, as there are only 0 items.
What happens next:
The pager responds that there are e.g. 10 items again, causing another recomposition.
After recomposition, we see our list again, with scroll position starting on item 0.
To confirm this is the case with your code, add a simple log statement just above the LazyColumn call:
Log.w("TEST", "List state recompose. " +
"first_visible=${listState.firstVisibleItemIndex}, " +
"offset=${listState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset}, " +
"amount items=${items.itemCount}")
You should see, upon navigating back, a log line stating the exact same first_visible and offset, but with amount items=0.
The line directly after that will show that first_visible and offset are reset to 0.
My solution works, because it skips using the listState until the pager has loaded the data.
Once loaded, the correct values still reside in the listState, and the scroll position is correctly restored.
Save the list state in your viewmodel and reload it when you navigate back to the screen containing the list. You can use LazyListState in your viewmodel to save the state and pass that into your composable as a parameter. Something like this:
class MyViewModel: ViewModel() {
var listState = LazyListState()
fun MessageListHandler() {
messages: viewmodel.messages,
listState = viewmode.listState
fun MessageList(
messages: List<Message>,
listState: LazyListState) {
LazyColumn(state = listState) {
If you don't like the limitations that Navigation Compose puts on you, you can try using Jetmagic. It allows you to pass any object between screens and even manages your viewmodels in a way that makes them easier to access from any composable:
The issue is that when you navigate forward and back your composable will recompose and collectAsLazyPagingItems() will be called again, triggering a new network request.
If you want to avoid this issue, you should call pager.flow.cacheIn(viewModelScope) on your ViewModel with activity scope (the ViewModel instance is kept across fragments) before calling collectAsLazyPagingItems().
LazyPagingItems is not intended as a persistent data store; it is just a simple wrapper for the UI layer. Pager data should be cached in the ViewModel.
please try using '.cachedIn(viewModelScope) '
simple example:
fun Simple() {
val simpleViewModel:SimpleViewModel = viewModel()
val list = simpleViewModel.simpleList.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
when (list.loadState.refresh) {
is LoadState.Error -> {
is LoadState.Loading -> {
is LoadState.NotLoading -> {
when (list.itemCount) {
0 -> {
else -> {
items(list) { b ->
class SimpleViewModel : ViewModel() {
val simpleList = Pager(
pagingSourceFactory = { SimpleSource() }).flow.cachedIn(viewModelScope)

Remove item using LiveData and ViewModel causes re-emitting

I have a fragment showing a list of items, observing from view model (from a http service, they are not persisted in database). Now, I need to delete one of those items. I have a delete result live data so the view can observe when an item has been deleted.
fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
viewModel.deleteItemLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
when (it.status) {
Result.Status.ERROR -> showDeletingError()
Result.Status.SUCCESS -> {
fun deleteItem(itemId: String, itemIndex: Int) = lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.deleteItem(itemId, itemIndex)
val deleteItemLiveData = MutableLiveData<Result<Int>>()
suspend fun deleteItem(itemId: String, itemIndex: Int) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val result = service.deleteItem(itemId)
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
if (result.success) {
deleteItemLiveData.value = Result.success(itemIndex)
} else {
deleteItemLiveData.value = Result.error()
It is working fine, but the problem comes when I navigate to another fragment and go back again. deleteItemLIveData is emitted again with the last Result, so fragment tries to remove again the item from the adapter, and it crashes.
How con I solve this?
Rather than deleting an individual item from the adapter, it would make sense to update the original source of LiveData<List> since the view observes that list.
The item repository should handle deletions, removing that item from the LiveData<List> which in turns propagates the update to the view and then the adapter.
Repo might look something like this...
fun deleteItem(item: Item): Result {
val updated = items.value
. . .
// propagate result of success/failure back to the view
fun observeItems() = items
In your fragment you would get immediate updates from a single LiveData source
fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
viewModel.observeItems().observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
itemsAdapter.update(it) //use DiffUtil to update list or notifyDataSetChanged
Showing errors should be contextual, a toast message or some visual notification.
Handle error in deletion might look like this, off the top of my head...
suspend fun deleteItem(itemId: String, itemIndex: Int): Result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val result = service.deleteItem(itemId)
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
if (result.success) {
// push updated list to items
val updated = items.value
} else {
I found a solution. I changed my code so fragment observes from onCreate method instead of onViewCreated. And I changed the owner as well. Instead of viewLifecycleOwner now is this. This way, value is not re-emitted when fragment is resumed, but just when is created or viewModel.deleteItem is called specifically.
It is working properly now. If anybody considers this a bad solution, please, tell me.
It's a common problem when you use LiveData for events that should happen only one time. There are several solutions explained here and here. They either wrap the emitted data or the observers. In this wrapper they store a flag that tracks whether or not the event has been handled/emitted yet.

