How to use customized onClick in data binding? - android

I am using data binding and having trouble solving multiple quick click. I do not want to put a logic in every click instead, I want to create a solution once and expect it to work throughout my project.
I found one solution here. Code snippet from that page is as follows:
class SafeClickListener(
private var defaultInterval: Int = 1000,
private val onSafeCLick: (View) -> Unit
) : View.OnClickListener {
private var lastTimeClicked: Long = 0
override fun onClick(v: View) {
if (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastTimeClicked < defaultInterval) {
lastTimeClicked = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
And using extension funciton:
fun View.setSafeOnClickListener(onSafeClick: (View) -> Unit) {
val safeClickListener = SafeClickListener {
Now, for any view we can simply call:
anyView.setSafeOnClickListener {
Which is awesome. But it only applies if I am calling setOnClickListener to a view but I am using data binding. Where I am using something like this:
android: onClick="#{(view) -> myViewModel.UIEvents(SomeUIEvent.showDialog)}"
I am aware that if I can create a binding adapter, I would be able to solve the problem. But, I couldn't make one that works.
How can I achieve something that I can use with data binding and that works globally like the above example?

maybe you can use #BindingAdapter.


Can someone explain this recycler view adapter for me, the class header and such

Im trying to create an app with a recyclerview, and I am trying to figure out the following code from an android example. Like what is the onClick value they are putting in the first class, and what is the lambda expression for and what does it do? I notice a similar lambda is in the class below it as well. If anyone can please explain the code. Thank you.
class FlowersAdapter(private val onClick: (Flower) -> Unit) :
ListAdapter<Flower, FlowersAdapter.FlowerViewHolder>(FlowerDiffCallback) {
/* ViewHolder for Flower, takes in the inflated view and the onClick behavior. */
class FlowerViewHolder(itemView: View, val onClick: (Flower) -> Unit) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
private val flowerTextView: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
private val flowerImageView: ImageView = itemView.findViewById(
private var currentFlower: Flower? = null
init {
itemView.setOnClickListener {
currentFlower?.let {
/* Bind flower name and image. */
fun bind(flower: Flower) {
currentFlower = flower
flowerTextView.text =
if (flower.image != null) {
} else {
The onClick parameter has a type of (Flower) -> Unit. That represents a function, which takes a single Flower parameter (in the parentheses) and returns Unit (i.e. "doesn't return anything").
That means that onClick is a function, and you can call it like onClick(someFlower), which is what's happening in that click listener set up in the init block. The naming might make it a little confusing, but it's basically this:
pass in some handler function
set up a click listener on itemView
when itemView is clicked, call the handler function, passing currentFlower
so it's just a way for you to provide some behaviour to handle a flower being clicked. You still need the click listener - that's a thing that operates on a View and handles click interactions. But inside that listener, you can do what you like when the click is detected, and in this case it's running some externally provided function

ListAdapter Diff does not dispatch updates on same list instance, but neither on different list from LiveData

it is a known issue that ListAdapter (actually the AsyncListDiffer from its implementation) does not update the list if the new list only has modified items but has the same instance. The updates do not work on new instance list either if you use the same objects inside.
For all of this to work, you have to create a hard copy of the entire list and objects inside.
Easiest way to achieve this:
items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() }
But I am facing a rather weird issue. I have a parse function in my ViewModel that finally posts the items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() } to the LiveData and gets observes in the fragment. Even with the hard copy, DiffUtil does not work. If I move the hard copy inside the fragment, then it works.
To get this easier, if I do this:
[ ... ] parse stuff here
items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() }
restaurants.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { items ->
... then, it doesn't work. But if I do this:
[ ... ] parse stuff here
restaurants.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { items ->
adapter.submitList(items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() })
... then it works.
Can anybody explain why this doesn't work?
In the mean time, I have opened an issue on the Google Issue Tracker because maybe they will fix the AsyncListDiffer not updating same instance lists or items. It defeats the purpose of the new adapter. The AsyncListDiffer SHOULD ALWAYS accept same instance lists or items, and fully update using the diff logic that the user customises in the adapter.
I made a quick sample using DiffUtil.Callback and ListAdapter<T, K> (so I called submitList(...) on the adapter), and had no issues.
Then I modified the adapter to be a normal RecyclerView.Adapter and constructed an AsyncDiffUtil inside of it (using the same DiffUtil.Callback from above).
The architecture is:
Activity -> Fragment (contains RecyclerView).
"Fake Repository" that simply holds a val source: MutableList<Thing> = mutableListOf()
I've created a Thing object: data class Thing(val name: String = "", val age: Int = 0).
For readability I added typealias Things = List<Thing> (less typing). ;)
It's fake in the sense that items are created like:
private fun makeThings(total: Int = 20): List<Thing> {
val things: MutableList<Thing> = mutableListOf()
for (i in {
things.add(Thing("Name: $i", age = i + 18))
return things
But the "source" is a mutableList of (the typealias).
The other thing the repo can do is "simulate" a modification on a random item. I simply create a new data class instance, since it's obviously all immutable data types (as they should be). Remember this is just simulating a real change that may have come from an API or DB.
fun modifyItemAt(pos: Int = 0) {
if (source.isEmpty() || source.size <= pos) return
val thing = source[pos]
val newAge = thing.age + 1
val newThing = Thing("Name: $newAge", newAge)
source.add(pos, newThing)
Nothing fancy here, it talks and holds the reference to the ThingsRepository, and exposes a LiveData:
private val _state = MutableLiveData<ThingsState>(ThingsState.Empty)
val state: LiveData<ThingsState> = _state
And the "state" is:
sealed class ThingsState {
object Empty : ThingsState()
object Loading : ThingsState()
data class Loaded(val things: Things) : ThingsState()
The viewModel has two public methods (Aside from the val state):
fun fetchData() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
fun modifyData(atPosition: Int) {
Nothing special, just a way to modify a random item by position (remember this is just a quick hack to test it).
So FetchData, launches the async code in IO to "fetch" (in reality, if the list is there, the cached list is returned, only the 1st time the data is "made" in the repo).
Modify data is simpler, calls modify on the repo and fetch data to post the new value.
Lots of boilerplate... but as discussed, it's just an Adapter:
class ThingAdapter(private val itemClickCallback: ThingClickCallback) :
RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>() {
The ThingClickCallback is just:
interface ThingClickCallback {
fun onThingClicked(atPosition: Int)
This Adapter now has an AsyncDiffer...
private val differ = AsyncListDiffer(this, DiffUtilCallback())
this in this context is the actual adapter (needed by the differ) and DiffUtilCallback is just a DiffUtil.Callback implementation:
internal class DiffUtilCallback : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Thing>() {
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Thing, newItem: Thing): Boolean {
return ==
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Thing, newItem: Thing): Boolean {
return oldItem.age == newItem.age && ==
nothing special here.
The only special methods in the adapter (aside from onCreateViewHolder and onBindViewHolder) are these:
fun submitList(list: Things) {
override fun getItemCount(): Int = differ.currentList.size
private fun getItem(position: Int) = differ.currentList[position]
So we ask the differ to do these for us and expose the public method submitList to emulate a listAdapter#submitList(...), except we delegate to the differ.
Because you may be wondering, here's the ViewHolder:
internal class ViewHolder(itemView: View, private val callback: ThingClickCallback) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
private val title: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
private val age: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
fun bind(data: Thing) {
title.text =
age.text = data.age.toString()
itemView.setOnClickListener { callback.onThingClicked(adapterPosition) }
Don't be too harsh, I know i passed the click listener directly, I only had about 1 hour to do all this, but nothing special, the layout it's just two text views (age and name) and we set the whole row clickable to pass the position to the callback. Nothing special here either.
Last but not least, the Fragment.
class ThingListFragment : Fragment() {
private lateinit var viewModel: ThingsViewModel
private var binding: ThingsListFragmentBinding? = null
private val adapter = ThingAdapter(object : ThingClickCallback {
override fun onThingClicked(atPosition: Int) {
It has 3 member variables. The ViewModel, the Binding (I used ViewBinding why not it's just 1 liner in gradle), and the Adapter (which takes the Click listener in the ctor for convenience).
In this impl., I simply call the viewmodel with "modify item at position (X)" where X = the position of the item clicked in the adapter. (I know this could be better abstracted but this is irrelevant here).
there's only two other implemented methods in this fragment...
override fun onDestroy() {
binding = null
(I wonder if Google will ever accept their mistake with Fragment's lifecycle that we still have to care for this).
Anyway, the other is unsurprisingly, onCreateView.
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
val root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.things_list_fragment, container, false)
binding = ThingsListFragmentBinding.bind(root)
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this).get(
viewModel.state.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { state ->
when (state) {
is ThingsState.Empty -> adapter.submitList(emptyList())
is ThingsState.Loaded -> adapter.submitList(state.things)
is ThingsState.Loading -> doNothing // Show Loading? :)
binding?.thingsRecyclerView?.adapter = adapter
return root
Bind the thing (root/binding), get the viewModel, observe the "state", set the adapter in the recyclerView, and call the viewModel to start fetching data.
That's all.
How does it work then?
The app starts, the fragment is created, subscribes to the VM state LiveData, and triggers the Fetch of data.
The ViewModel calls the repo, which is empty (new), so makeItems is called the list now has items and cached in the repo's "source" list. The viewModel receives this list asynchronously (in a coroutine) and posts the LiveData state.
The fragment receives the state and posts (submit) to the Adapter to finally show something.
When you "click" on an Item, ViewHolder (which has a click listener) triggers the "call back" towards the fragment which receives a position, this is then passed onto the Viewmodel and here the data is mutated in the Repo, which again, pushes the same list, but with a different reference on the clicked item that was modified. This causes the ViewModel to push a new LIveData state with the same list reference as before, towards the fragment, which -again- receives this, and does adapter.submitList(...).
The Adapter asynchronously calculates this and the UI updates.
It works, I can put all this in GitHub if you want to have fun, but my point is, while the concerns about the AsyncDiffer are valid (and may be or been true), this doesn't seem to be my (super limited) experience.
Are you using this differently?
When I tap on any row, the change is propagated from the Repository
UPDATE: forgot to include the doNothing function:
val doNothing: Unit
get() = Unit
I've used this for a while, I normally use it because it reads better than XXX -> {} to me. :)
While doing
items.toMutableList().map { it.copy() }
you are creating a new list but items remains the same. You have to store that new list into a variable or passing that operation directly as a param to postItem.

In Android Kotlin, what's the right way to pass a onclick event into a viewholder?

Is there any difference in these two ways?
I've been using the seond way and it works so far, yet I found the first way upon reading tutorial articles.
class FlowersAdapter(private val onClick: (Flower) -> Unit) :
ListAdapter<Flower, FlowersAdapter.FlowerViewHolder>(FlowerDiffCallback) {
/* ViewHolder for Flower, takes in the inflated view and the onClick behavior. */
class FlowerViewHolder(itemView: View, val onClick: (Flower) -> Unit) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
private val flowerTextView: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
private val flowerImageView: ImageView = itemView.findViewById(
private var currentFlower: Flower? = null
init {
itemView.setOnClickListener {
currentFlower?.let {
/* Bind flower name and image. */
fun bind(flower: Flower) {
currentFlower = flower
flowerTextView.text =
if (flower.image != null) {
} else {
First way of writing
class FlowerViewHolder(itemView: View) :
RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
private val flowerTextView: TextView = itemView.findViewById(
private val flowerImageView: ImageView = itemView.findViewById(
private var currentFlower: Flower? = null
/* Bind flower name and image. */
fun bind(flower: Flower) {
currentFlower = flower
flowerTextView.text =
if (flower.image != null) {
} else {
itemView.setOnClickListener {
Second way of writing
Appreicate your time and effort in telling me the differences.
From the perceptive of separation of concern, all the clickListeners are supposed to be handled in the Activity or Fragment and Adapters are meant just to wrap around the items, in your case Flower and present them in a way which can be used by the RecyclerView to display on the screen.
With that being said, the core logic of clickListeners is to be moved out of the bind method into the activity/fragment and that's precisely whats the firstMethod is all about. Matter of fact, I haven't noticed any performance improvement by employing the FirstMethod over the second one yet I insist on using FirstOne because its more of code organizing.
IMHO I feel like the adapter should know nothing about click listeners or any details about the ViewHolder; so I wouldn't pass the callback through the adapter.
I like passing the callback to my ViewHolder but instead of mapping into the init block I do it on the onBind hook from the adapter where I receive the view as a parameter. Also, I pass or update the ViewHolders directly into my Adapters. And then have some generic functions to compute whether the data-set has changed or not.
If you do it like this, you have the benefit that you may build 1 generic adapter and use it elsewhere without really minding how many different types of ViewHolder you may have to implement later on as it is completely agnostic.
So based on what you've provided us I would use the good things of both approaches. Binding the callback into the bind hook and passing the callback through the constructor of the ViewHolder

TextView text changes but does not update in layout (Kotlin - Android)

TextView text changes but does not update in layout. I tried every method I could find but nothing worked. I have a very basic application with a single activity and 3 layouts*.
*This is the first app I make so I tought it would have been simpler this way
The main problems I am facing are two: almost all the informations around are old and in java, and my textView text does not change.. The app is a simple Rock-Paper-Scissor game I'm trying to make as an exercise.
The textViews.text values get updated but the layout always shows the same text...
I have no idea what could be the problem. I am also struggling to understand exactly how all of this is working InflateLayout, Context and Android in general. I do not understand much from android's reference.
Excerpt of the code
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var TITLE:TextView
lateinit var PARAGRAPH:TextView
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState :Bundle?) {
val InflaterInitializer = LayoutInflater.from(applicationContext) as LayoutInflater
val inflater = InflaterInitializer.inflate(R.layout.activity_2, null, false)
TITLE= inflater.findViewById( as TextView
PARAGRAPH= inflater.findViewById( as TextView
There are three functions like this:
fun FUNCTION(v :View) {
val userChoice = "XXX"
val computerChoice = getComputerChoice()
if (userChoice == computerChoice) {
} else {
runOnUiThread {
TITLE.text =
if (computerChoice == "YYY") getString(R.string.YOU_WON) else getString(R.string.YOU_LOSE);
PARAGRAPH.text = getString(R.string.STRING, computerChoice)
}; resultScreen()
private fun FUNCTION_2(cc :String) {
runOnUiThread {
TITLE.text = getString(R.string.STRING)
PARAGRAPH.text = getString(R.string.STRING, cc)
}; resultScreen()
resultScreen() is just a call to setContentView(LAYOUT)
Here's a video of the app and the update problem:
Code complete here:
Unfortunately none of the answers actually worked as I hoped, however redesigning the app and using multiple activities with some tweaks solved the issue. You may find the new code in the github repo.
However I would be curious to know if there is a working solution for this question :)
By calling InflaterInitializer.inflate(R.layout.activity_2, null, false) you inflate a new view hierarchy from the specified xml resource, which is not attached to any of your views (these new views are not shown on your screen). Then you found text views from that new view hierarchy and changed their titles.
So, your onCreate method have to look like this:
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState :Bundle?) {
TITLE = findViewById(
PARAGRAPH = findViewById(
Also, it's redundant to use methods runOnUiThread() (your code already runs on Ui thread) and resultScreen().
You no need anything , you creat over code no problem I suggest you
val InflaterInitializer = LayoutInflater.from(applicationContext) as LayoutInflater val inflater = InflaterInitializer.inflate(R.layout.activity_outcome, null, false)
Comment this above code no need in kotlin
motivoRisultato.text = getString(R.string.scelta_pc, computerChoice)
Simpaly make this type of code
There are quite a few errors in your code, so I'm going to break down the answer with your code. Do find the Comments inline
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
* First, Follow conventions for naming variables, they are usually in camelcase for variables and functions, Capitalized for Constants.
* Second, lateinit is used to defer the initialization of a variable, for views, such as
* TextView's, you could use the Kotlin Synthentic library which automatically references the Views of your layout.
lateinit var TITLE:TextView
lateinit var PARAGRAPH:TextView
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState :Bundle?) {
* Set content view, internally set's the layout file after inflation using the Activity context. Which means, that you do not
* need to specifically inflate the view.
* This is the reason why your layout doesn't know refresh, what you're doing here is inflating another layout, but not setting it to your activity.
* This is not required as explained above
val InflaterInitializer = LayoutInflater.from(applicationContext) as LayoutInflater
* Inflater inflates a View Object. one would use this approach if they were programatically adding Views
val inflater = InflaterInitializer.inflate(R.layout.activity_2, null, false)
* the below views are pointing to a reference of TextView for the non visible inflated view. Which is the reason why the text is not updated.
TITLE= inflater.findViewById( as TextView
PARAGRAPH= inflater.findViewById( as TextView
Here's the code to make things work
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private var title:TextView? = null
private var paragraph:TextView? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState :Bundle?) {
title= inflater.findViewById( as TextView
paragraph= inflater.findViewById( as TextView
fun function(v :View) {
val userChoice = "XXX"
val computerChoice = getComputerChoice()
if (userChoice == computerChoice) {
} else {
title.text = if (computerChoice == "YYY") getString(R.string.YOU_WON) else getString(R.string.YOU_LOSE);
paragraph.text = getString(R.string.STRING, computerChoice)
private fun function2(cc :String) {
title.text = getString(R.string.STRING)
paragraph.text = getString(R.string.STRING, cc)
If your use case is to show different screens, look at starting more than one Activity and transitioning between them using Intents

Leanback create different custom Row Views

I am using the Leanback library and I would like to know how to create multiple custom Row Views. For creating different items in a row you need to extend PresenterSelector
I tried doing the same for the ListRowPresenter but couldn't achieve the right result.
No row was binded in the RowsSupportFragment and in the logs the getPresenter method from PresenterSelector was called multiple times until out of memory.
For solving this I had to check the leanback showcase repository
Based on the class ShadowRowPresenterSelector I managed to find how to create a selector for my custom RowPresenters.
class ShadowRowPresenterSelector : PresenterSelector() {
private val aCustomListRowPresenter by lazy { ACustomListRowPresenter() }
private val bCustomListRowPresenter by lazy { BCustomListRowPresenter() }
override fun getPresenter(item: Any): Presenter {
return when (item) {
is ARowVM -> {
is BRowVM -> {
else -> aCustomListRowPresenter
override fun getPresenters(): Array<Presenter> {
return arrayOf(aCustomListRowPresenter, bCustomListRowPresenter)
What caused the method getPresenter to be called multiple times for me was that there I by mistake created every time a new object for my custom row presenter.
I hope this will help someone in the future.

