How can I synchronize multiple android devices with my database? [closed] - android

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am developing a quiz app for Android, I use Google Firebase for my database, the purpose of the game is to ask a question from the players and the person who answers the question first wins the game. At a certain time of the day, the database automatically generates a question and sends it to the participants.
The quiz must be sent at the same time to all connected users, how can I synchronize the submission of the question to all users ?

You can subscribe all the users to a specific topic when they sign up and you can use Cloud Functions to send the notification to the topic.
All users subscribed to the topic should receive the notification.


Is it possible to show current active user count inside the app in flutter? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to show in my app, how many users are online. I tried to find solutions but the solutions that i found is generally in web, i have mobile app and i want to show how many users are online. Can someone please help?
From the firebase documentation. Firebase has the functionality to monitor presence in the application. RTDB supports it natively, but Firestore leverages other services to implement it.

Flutter -How to make full chat app with all facilties with only with friends or people in contact [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to make a chat app in which all features of chat like messaging, sharing video, image, and emoji, etc. I found a lot of tutorials for that but no one says how to chat with only those you know or have in contacts to prevent unwanted disturbance to the users from others. How to make such an app with flutter?
One way is by reading all the contacts number form the phone and then check if that phone number is registered
One feature/method I can think of is using referral/invite. The person can only join the app only if he is invited and the invitation is approved by the admin. This way you can have control over who accesses your app.

I need report on chat system created in firebase [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have created chat system in firebase and now i want report on daily,weekly,monthly that how many users are exchaging how many words and how much time they are engaged with app,
There is some reporting of message delivery in the Firebase Cloud Messaging console.
If that isn't enough for your needs, you may want to connect Firebase Cloud Messaging to BigQuery. After you do this, Firebase will write delivery data into BigQuery, where you can query it. The documentation includes some example queries to get you started.

Android:Statistics Number of installed app [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to get statistics such as the number of the installed apps and the number of active installs in a day.
How can I get the unique information of each mobile device?
When I have this unique information I can save it in MySql db with php and show statistics.
thanks all,I mean unique information Like UUID of Android phone
Most of the data you're looking for is provided by the Google Play service. Once you upload your APK, you'll start getting statistics on your app.
If you need more granular data, look into 'Flurry'. It's free, easy to set up, and quite powerful.
You can use this framework to track app statistics across various platforms:

Notification emails on Android App purchases as developer [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is there a way for a Google Android developer to get email notifications whenever a user purchases my app(s)?
I know there's a Google Checkout purchase history, but would prefer email notifications.
Not sure why this is down voted. There is not such option in the developer console or Google Checkout. If you are processing your IAB orders on your own server, you can send notifications your self. You could also poll the Checkout API and send notifications periodically.

