Flutter Huawei App Linking get info from link - android

i have implemented AppLinkin in my flutter app, and it works good, but i want to avoid the behaviour to open a new app instace
In android i'm using singleTask in launchMode
Also using this package app_links to handle the link each time the user tap the link. but I only get the link, without the info, like this: https://myApp.drcn.agconnect.link/linkId
I want to know if exist a way to get the info from the link, knowing that the api is already released

As confirmed by the team, the getAppLinking function is not supported in the singleTask launch mode. Currently, only the standard launch mode is supported.
For details, you could refer to this Docs :


Can't switch between two mobile drivers for Chrome and other react native app

Good afternoon,
I am trying to automate the following scenario on Android using Kotlin:
Start Appium driver and open React native app (driver1)
Perform some actions on React native app
Create driver2 with chrome options to open chrome and paste deep link there
Deeplink leads to the app automatically (but I suppose the current session uses driver2, not driver1 here)
I need to continue using the app further with driver1 however it is not working and not finding the element which is on the next screen where my deep link leaded me
I am using Appium v1,21,0
Language - Kotlin
App - React-native
I tried the following solutions:
getContext - does not work as this is not a hybrid app but two different mobile apps
startActivity - it actually launching the app from scratch, not continuing (i need to be on a particular screen after deep-link navigation, can't navigate anywhere else flow won't work)
startActivityCommand - this one did not work for me at all (it ignores the command but maybe anyone can give an example of its usage as I might use it wrong)
driver.switchTo().window("0") - did not work
assign to driver2(web) new capabilities - does not work as it is already defined so we cant change it
sessionId - I am not sure how it works exactly yet, but I tried to find a way to assign a driver to the particular session-id and was not successful (looks like AppiumDriver methods do not support it)
Would appreciate any ideas, links, or sources that can help archive the above
Good Day!
Solution that helped:
#AndroidFindBy(xpath = "//android.widget.EditText[#resource-id=\"com.android.chrome:id/search_box_text\"]")
#iOSXCUITFindBy(id = "")
lateinit var chromeURL: MobileElement
var deeplink = <your deeplink>
var clickOnDeepLink = driver.findElements(MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator("new UiSelector().text(\"$deepLink\")"))
clickOnDeepLink[0].click() //here we could not use Keys.ENTER so we just click on the element first in the list - default android google chrome behaviour
So there is no need for several drivers - same driver instance is fine

Branch deepLink url redirects to the app, but BranchSDK always returning `clicked_branch_link: false`

I've configured branch.io in my react native app and it was working perfectly in iOS. But, in Android I'm facing issue. I've two activities MainActivity and SplashActivity in the Android app. I've setup scheme and intent filters for SplashActivity, also I've overridden onStart and onNewIntent methods as given in the branch.io Android setup docs. On clicking the deeplink URL android app is opening, but I'm not getting the link params. When I observe the logs in android, BranchSDK always returns:
though the app is opened through deeplink url.
I've tried all the possible ways of googling this issue. But, couldn't find any solution. In iOSI'm getting the link params as expected but not in Android. I've tried moving those intent filters to MainActivity but that doesn't bring any luck. I'm a JavaScript developer and have no knowledge on Android code. I've just followed the docs to setup in Android.
Please help me in resolving this Android issue, Thanks in advance.
This is Devesh from Branch's Integration team.
We have created a ticket(#80498) for you and have replied back to sunanda93.padala#gmail.com asking for the required information to investigate this further.
Looking forward to your response on the ticket.

How to test Deferred Deep Linking with AppsFlyer?

I'm integrating AppsFlyer with Android Native Application. And I want to use Deferred Deep Linking, when user click landing page ads and download the app and upon first app open the user lands directly on the activity I want.
Link docs: https://support.appsflyer.com/hc/en-us/articles/207032096-Deferred-Deep-Linking-Getting-the-Conversion-Data
But I have not found a way to check that my code is running correctly.
Please help me with this problem
What was working for me is:
Add physical device as a test device in AppsFlyer (here's how to do it)
Enable Debug Mode in AppDelegate.swift in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
AppsFlyerTracker.shared().isDebug = true
Add AppsFlyer methods in your AppDelegate.swift (as per article)
Remove app (or test build) from physical device
Open Deep Link from physical device, you will be redirected to App Store. Don't install app from the App Store!!! (just close it)
Install app via XCode
After it, on a first install it will call onConversionDataReceived method and the rest staff.
You're going to have to implement the onInstallConversionDataLoaded listener:
public interface AppsFlyerConversionListener {
void onInstallConversionDataLoaded(Map<String,String> conversionData);
void onInstallConversionFailure(String errorMessage);
This will return a map of all the parameters on the link that you clicked.
The parameter you need to pay attention to is the af_dp parameter.
This parameter should contain the URI scheme of the activity you want to route your users to. Make sure that you have set up this URI scheme properly in the manifest.
To create a tracking link you can use Link Management. It doesn't matter if it's a single platform link or a OneLink, as long as you have the af_dp parameter on the link, that parameter (along with all other parameters on the link) will be part of the response.
If you're still facing issues, feel free to reach out to support#appsflyer.com.

How to integrate mirrorlink common api in android Application

friends I am new in mirrorlink common Api.I don't know to enable mirror link service in android application.Please anyone tell me steps and any tutorial link.
I already do following things :-
I get developer account from mirrorlink.com.
I attached certificate with my app(that get from software that available from https://causeway.carconnectivity.org) Documents.
I saved device EMI number in my ACMS account (https://acms.carconnectivity.org)
Now I know I missing mirror link code for launching and terminate all this code and permission in manifest file.
Actually, I don't know how to code in the application for mirrorlink. please help me for step no.4
The launch and terminate UPnP code should be placed in the MainActivity. For certification purposes, your app needs to handle the Terminate intent without coming to the foreground (if it is in the background). Even if you don't respond to the intents, the app should be usable in MirrorLink.
You don't need to do anything extra to enable framebuffer streaming, or audio streaming. (Though providing context information via IContextManager.setFramebufferContextInformation and IContextManager.setAudioContextInformation is needed to make sure that the head unit knows what is being provided to it.)

Track APP Installs from Facebook

I'm following documentation as states:
Specifically: Measure App Installs
However, I did the following code:
com.facebook.AppEventsLogger.activateApp( this, APPLICATION_ID_FACEBOOK );
However, in dashboard, it doesn't detect the install:
Any tips?
LogCat outputs the following:
FacebookException: No attribution id returned from the Facebook application
Ok. Solved.
Basically for whoever faces this:
FACEBOOK APP must be installed in device.
USER must be logged in.
Thats it.
Another great but hidden hint is to enable verbose logging via
The output is actually very helpful and even contains error analysis and descriptions.

