Custom animate TextView like the floating label present in TextInputLayout - android

I try to achieve the same behaviour of a floating label text as the TextInputLayout class already does but for a different purpose
I got everything working except the x translation of the textview. I don't know how to shift the correct amount of pixels.
It moves up correctly and shrinks down correctly but does not move straigh up because the center for scale is in the middle of the text view. But I want the text view do move straigh up. So my intention was to calculate the length of the text also scale this with the scale value and divide this by 2 (left and right). This does not work. Any ideas how to achieve this no matter the text length?
private void triggerAnimation(boolean fadeOut) {
if (fadeOut) {
float xTranslation = b.tvHint.getPaint().measureText(tvHint.getHint().toString())*0.6f/2;
tvHint.animate().translationY(-tvHint.getHeight() * 0.28f).translationXBy(-xTranslation).scaleX(0.6f).scaleY(0.6f);
} else {

Okay it turns out that it is possible to change the coordinates pivot point so this will exactly reproduce the floating label
private void triggerAnimation(boolean fadeOut) {
if (fadeOut) {
tvHint.animate().translationY(-tvHint.getHeight() * 0.32f).scaleX(0.7f).scaleY(0.7f);
} else {


How to find the whole X and Y coordinates of the text?

I'm developing a kids alphabets learning application. I need to get the X and Y coordinates of the whole text area from a textview to allow them to draw over the text only. For Example: I have a letter A in my text view, I need to allow the user to draw the letter only over the A text only and need to block the drawing outside the text.
My only problem is I don't know how to find the text area for alphabets as I have increased the font size for the text to display bigger and center aligned it in the screen.
Any suggestions will be really helpful.
Something like this (
To stop user from drawing outside of the given area, overriding (12:22) onTouchEvent() you could just put a clause checking whether the given coordinates are inside, or not.
To check if they are inside, you could write such a simple function:
int MIN_X;
int MAX_X;
int MIN_Y;
int MAX_Y;
boolean isInside(int xCord, int yCord){
if(xCord>=MIN_X && xCord<=MAX_X && yCord>=MIN_Y && yCord<=MAX_Y)
return true;
return false;
You'd only have to override the min and max values, each time the chosen area changes.
Try the below mentioned code:
ViewTreeObserver vto = textView.getViewTreeObserver();
vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener (new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
// Initialize a new integer array two hold the TextView x y position
int[] location = new int[2];

How to move a view to another view using animation in Android?

I have a circle at the center of the screen inside which there's an ImageView + TextView. I have another two ImageView+TextView, one at the top and another at bottom of the screen.
My requirement is :
I want a copy of the top ImageView+TextView and a copy of the bottom ImageView+TextView to move in animation into the center of the circle, thereby changing the value of the textView inside the circle.
For example:
Say top textView has value 200 and bottom textview has value 300. I want a portion of those values (say 100 or 150) to animate and move into the circle, but the original values 200 and 300 should remain on the same position.
I've tried using TranslateAnimation. However I face issues finding the x and y coordinates of the center circle. It is not exactly going to the center of the circle. Also original view's position is not retained.
TranslateAnimation animation = new
startLayout is the linearlayout in which ImageView and TextView reside.
Please help! Thanks!
I had the same issue and I fixed by using the next code (sorry is in Kotlin, but works the same in Java).Let's say viewFirst wants to reach viewTwo position:
.withEndAction {
//to make sure that it arrives,
//but not needed actually these two lines
viewFirst.x = viewSecond.x
viewFirst.y = viewSecond.y
.withEndAction {
//to make sure that it arrives,
//but not needed actually these two lines
viewFirst.x = viewSecond.x
viewFirst.y = viewSecond.y
Using the getX() and getY() methods define the position of the view in pixels, but the constructor you use defines Float type values that must be values from 0.0f to 1.0f
TranslateAnimation(float fromXDelta, float toXDelta, float fromYDelta, float toYDelta)
This is another option using the view`s position in pixels:
.setDuration(1000).withEndAction(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Try this for accurate coordinates
private fun moveView(viewToBeMoved: View, targetView: View) {
val targetX: Float =
targetView.x + targetView.width / 2 - viewToBeMoved.width / 2
val targetY: Float =
targetView.y + targetView.height / 2 - viewToBeMoved.height / 2
.withEndAction {
targetView.visibility = View.GONE

Animate a view towards left

I'm using the following code to expand a view with an animation:
public class HorizontallyAnimate extends Animation {
private int toWidth;
private int startWidth;
private View view;
private String TAG = HorizontallyAnimate.class.getSimpleName();
private int newWidth;
public HorizontallyAnimate(View view) {
this.view = view;
this.startWidth = this.view.getWidth();
this.toWidth = (this.startWidth == view.getHeight() ? this.startWidth * 4 : view.getHeight());
Log.d(TAG,"Start width" + this.startWidth);
Log.d(TAG,"view hieght " + view.getHeight());
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
newWidth = this.startWidth + (int) ((this.toWidth - this.startWidth) * interpolatedTime);
this.view.getLayoutParams().width = newWidth;
The above code animates the view from left to right when the width changes.
But, I'm trying to animate it from the right to left. In other words, the width should grow in opposite direction. How can I be able to do so?
The problem you're dealing with here is an anchoring issue. A view's anchor (or pivot point) determines which point on the view stays still when other parts change.
A view's anchor when adjusting its dimensions highly depends on how the view is laid out. Since you didn't supply any information on how your view is laid out in the code you posted, I'll assume from the problem you're experiencing that the view's horizontal anchor is its left side.
This anchoring issue would produce a growth which would cause the left-most side to stay still, while the right side expands right-wards.
Making the view's left side to expand leftwards while the right side stays still can be achieved in several ways. One way would be to alter the way the view is laid out in its parent (i.e., if the parent is a RelativeLayout, set the view to alignParentRight=true, or playing with gravity in other containers).
However, since you didn't specify how the view is laid out, I will give you a solution which does not make any assumptions on its container. This solution isn't perfect as it may cause some stuttering, but it should still achieve what you're trying to do.
In your applyTransformation method, you will need to compensate for the right growth by translating leftwards. You can compensate for this by using translationX:
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
// hold the change in a separate variable for reuse.
int delta = (int) ((this.toWidth - this.startWidth) * interpolatedTime);
newWidth = this.startWidth + delta;
this.view.getLayoutParams().width = newWidth;
// shift the view leftwards so that the right side appears not to move.
// shift amount should be equal to the amount the view expanded, but in the
// opposite direction.
As you can see, this is a bit of "trick". While the view is expanding to the right, we are moving it to the left at the exact same ratio which causes the illusion of the view expanding to the left.
Test this code and see if it works for you. I would also recommend seeing if you can play around with the view's alignment or gravity from within its container. Doing this would solve your issue in a more standard manner, i.e., without any "tricks".
Hope this helps.

Change a value depending on drag of speed on Android

I am trying to change the value of a number based on sliding my finger. I am currently using ACTION_MOVE to change the value when I drag across my view but if I drag to fast the number barely changes. If I drag slowly I can get the correct number.
Is there a way to make the change quicker depending on the speed of the motion. I am looking into Velocity Tracker but this only returns the speed of the move and I need to make the change while dragging my finger.
Is there an optimization needed to detect ACTION_MOVE in real-time?
More like pseudo code right now, but Here is what I would do:
Extend the image view to check if the event x value is between the starting x value of the image view and the width as such:
private void checkFingerPosition(int eventXPosition) {
if(eventXPosition > this.X && eventXPosition < this.x + this.getWidth())
I would create the interface that your activity would have to implement
public interface ImageInterface {
public void showImage(Drawable drawable);
In your activity, implement the ImageInterface like so
implements ImageInterface
public void showImage(Drawable drawable) {
//TODO - show drawable here
Then take your touch event ACTION_MOVE, report the x value to all you image views like so:
for(ExtendedImageView extendedImageView : ExtendedImageViewArray) {

Android TextView: can I stop text that is partially displayed from appearing

In my app I display several text views containing text of various length that is loaded in at run time. I do not know the dimensions of the text view or the length of the text until run time. Sometimes, when the text is long and the textview small some of the text is partially visible, for example:
I want to remove the partially visible text as it looks a bit naff, but I can't find a way to do this. Any help would be appreciated!
You can hard code the TextView height in a way that the second row of text will not be visible.
Or use:
android:maxLines , Makes the TextView be at most this many lines tall.
as suggested above.
Put your textviews in a scrollview layout.And specify a specific width to your textview and make the height wrap content.So that your text doesn't get cut.
This is how I did it. I ran this code after the activity had loaded by posting the method CheckTextIsVisible to the parent relativelayout's handler queue, otherwise the height of the textviews will not be known:
m_eventsLayout.Post(new Action(CheckTextIsVisible));
Then the method CheckTextIsVisible finds each textview with text in it, calculates the height of the font, works out how many lines can fit in the textview, and sets the number of maximum lines accordingly:
private void CheckTextIsVisible()
View view;
TextView tView;
Android.Text.TextPaint tPaint;
float height;
int heightOfTextView;
int noLinesInTextView;
for (int i = 0; i < m_eventsLayout.ChildCount; i++)
view = m_eventsLayout.GetChildAt(i);
if (view is TextView)
tView = (TextView)view;
if (tView.Text != "")
//calculate font height
tPaint = tView.Paint;
height = CalculateTextHeight(tPaint.GetFontMetrics());
//calculate the no of lines that will fit in the text box based on this height
heightOfTextView = tView.Height;
noLinesInTextView = (int)(heightOfTextView / height);
//set max lines to this
private float CalculateTextHeight(Android.Graphics.Paint.FontMetrics fm)
return fm.Bottom - fm.Top;
This results in no partially visible text!

