Can't get search data from ViewModel to Activity Kotlin - android

I'm trying to get my data from my ViewModel to my MainActivity.
I know that what I'm doing in my MainActivity is very wrong, but I can't seem to configure it in a way that will get the data into the MainActivity. It's just a simple string.
class MovieSearchViewModel : ViewModel() {
var searchTerm = ""
fun getSearchTerm(query: String) {
searchTerm = query
open class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val viewModel: MovieSearchViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
var searchTerm = viewModel.searchTerm

View Model
you can use LiveData to always get the latest data in Activity
var searchTerm = MutableLiveData("")
fun setSearchTerm(query: String){
searchTerm.value = query
in observe it will always run every time there is a data change
Log.e("tag", it)
if you want get the data manually without observe you can do like this
var data = viewModel.searchTerm.value


Cannot reassign variable inside observer viewmodel

So I created MVVM app in kotlin to fetch movies from TMDB api, using injections and coroutines.
My problem is that I cannot copy the list of returned movies into a new list I created or reassign any variables inside the livedata observer from the MainActivity the values of variables stays the same as they were after exit the scope.
MainActivity class:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var binding:ActivityMainBinding
private val viewModel:MoviesViewModel by lazy {
private lateinit var list: MutableList<Movies>
private var number:Int=1
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
private fun getData(){
list= mutableListOf()
viewModel.getData(page = "1").observe(this#MainActivity,Observer{ item ->
item?.let { res ->
when (res.status) {
Status.SUCCESS -> {
var tmpList =
list= tmpList!!.toMutableList()
Status.ERROR -> {
res.message?.let { Log.e("Error", it) }
ViewModel class:
class MoviesViewModel #ViewModelInject constructor(var repository: MoviesRepository): ViewModel() {
fun getData(page:String)= liveData(Dispatchers.IO){
emit(Resource.loading(data = null))
try {
emit(Resource.success(data=repository.getMovies(api_key = Constants.API_KEY,
start_year=Constants.START_YEAR, end_year = Constants.END_YEAR,page = page)))
}catch (e:Exception){
emit(e.message?.let { Resource.error(message = it, data = null) })
As you can see I tried to change the value of number and load the list into my new list but outside the scope the values returned to be what they were before.
Very thankful for anyone who can assist.
So I tried to initialized all the items inside the success case and it worked I guess there is no other way to change the values outside the scope.

ViewModel not initializing or problem design with my viewModel

I've been reading some questions, answers and blogs about MVVM pattern in Android, and I've implemented it in my application.
My application consists of a MainActivity with 3 Tabs. Content of each tab is a fragment.
One of these fragments, is a List of Users stored on Room DB, which is where I've implemented the MVVM (implementing User object, ViewModel, Repository and Adapter with RecycleView).
In this same fragment, I have an "add User" button at the end that leads to a new activity where a formulary is presented to add a new user. In this activity I want to be sure that the full name of user not exists in my DB before saving it.
I was trying to use the same ViewModel to get full UserNames full name, but it seems that ViewModel is never initialized and I dont' know why.
I've read some questions about that viewmodel can't be used in different activities (I use it in MainActivity also in AddUser activity
This is my ViewModel:
class UserViewModel : ViewModel() {
val allUsersLiveData: LiveData<List<User>>
private val repository: UserRepository
init {
Timber.i("Initializing UserViewModel")
repository = UserRepository(UserTrackerApplication.database!!.databaseDao())
allUsersLiveData = repository.getAllUsers()
fun getAllUsersFullName(): List<String> {
return allUsersLiveData.value!!.map { it.fullname}
And my AddUser activity:
class AddUser : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var userList:List<String>
private lateinit var binding: ActivityAddUserBinding
private val userViewModel: UserViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Timber.i("Add User OnCreate")
binding = ActivityAddUserBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
fun addUserClick(v : View){
val userName = binding.constraintLayoutAddUser.etUserName!!.text.toString()
if(checkUserExistance(userName)) {
val text: String = String.format(
Snackbar.make(v, text, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show()
lifecycleScope.launch {
Timber.i("User added!")
Debugging, I see the log "Initializing UserViewModel" when the fragment of MainActivity is started, but I can't see it when AddUser activity is called. So it seems it's not initializing correctly.
So the questions:
Is this a good approach? I'm making some design mistake?
Why the VM isn't initializing?
I forgot to add this function. Calling userViewModel here is where I get the error:
private fun checkUserExistance(userName: String): Boolean {
var result = false
userList = userViewModel.getAllUsersNames()
for (usr in userList)
if(usr.uppercase() == userName.uppercase())
result = true
return result
I added this on my "onCreate" function and started to work:
userViewModel.allUsersLiveData.observe(this, Observer<List<User>>{
it?.let {
// updates the list.
Timber.i("Updating User Names")
userList =userViewModel.getAllUsersNames()
if you take a look at by viewModels delegate you will see it's lazy it means it will initialize when it is first time accessed
public inline fun <reified VM : ViewModel> ComponentActivity.viewModels(
noinline factoryProducer: (() -> Factory)? = null
): Lazy<VM> {
val factoryPromise = factoryProducer ?: {
return ViewModelLazy(VM::class, { viewModelStore }, factoryPromise)

Hold data from EventListener in MutableLiveData

I'm trying to retrive data from firestore and want to keep it in shared view model. Basically I have a main activity and 2 fragments that need to retrieve data from shared view model of main activity. My current method is :
class SharedViewModel: ViewModel() {
private val firebaseUtils = FirebaseUtils()
fun getTempWords(localeLearn: String): LiveData<DocumentSnapshot> {
val document = firebaseUtils.getTempWordsLocaleRef(localeLearn)
return FirebaseDocumentLiveData(document)
What i want is that just retrive data once and keep it in MutableLiveData and pass to fragmetns.
What I'm done is:
var tempWords : MutableLiveData<DocumentSnapshot> = MutableLiveData()
fun getTemp(localeLearn: String): LiveData<DocumentSnapshot> {
if (tempWords.value == null) {
val document = firebaseUtils.getTempWordsLocaleRef(localeLearn)
tempWords = FirebaseDocumentLiveData(document)
return tempWords
But if i kill the fragment and recreate it again, it calls EventListener in FirebaseDocumentLiveData(document) class again.
Edit 2:
My Fragment
private lateinit var model: SharedViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
model = activity?.run {
} ?: throw Exception("Invalid Activity")
model.getTemp(mLocaleLearn!!).observe(this, Observer {...}
What is the question? it looks like you successfully made it.
You ask how you can access the data from your fragments?
in view model class
private final MutableLiveData<Item> data = new MutableLiveData<Item>();
in your fragments:
model = ViewModelProviders.of(getActivity()).get(SharedViewModel.class);

Failed getStringExtra Kotlin mvvm

I want to move from one Activity which displays a RecyclerView to another Activity (detail). But when I added data transmission via Intent, the data always failed to be taken in the Activity detail.
This is the error:
My MainDetail:
private lateinit var viewModel: MainDetailModel
var idAnime: String = "34134"
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
idAnime = intent.getStringExtra("idAnime")
println("idanime $idAnime")
class MainViewModel(context: Application, private val appRepository: AppRepository, private val contexts: Context) : AndroidViewModel(context), MainItemClickAction {
override fun onItemClicked(detailModel: DetailModel) {
var intent = Intent(contexts,
intent.putExtra("idAnime",detailModel.mal_id )
Check if your field "detailModel.mal_id" mal_id in that case is string, because you're requesting string in details activity. If it's string check also if this "mal_id" is null. Other issues from code you provided can't be seen.
Check your value idAnime, it exists or not, I think is better check all value is empty or not before putting into listView or another view.

Receiving data in incorrect order on Querying database

Activity receiving intent
class AddNoteActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var addViewModel: NoteViewModel
private lateinit var titleEditText: TextInputEditText
private lateinit var contentEditText: TextInputEditText
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
addViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(
titleEditText = findViewById(
contentEditText = findViewById(
val extra = intent.extras
if (extra != null) {
val uuid = extra.getLong("UUID")
val note: Notes? = addViewModel.getNote(uuid)
NoteViewModel class
class NoteViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
companion object {
private var note: Notes = Notes(0, "", "test title", "test ontent")
fun getNote(uuid: Long?): Notes {
val job = async(CommonPool) {
runBlocking { job.await() }
return note
class getNoteAsyncTask(database: NotesDatabase) : AsyncTask<Long, Unit, Unit>() {
private val db: NotesDatabase = database
override fun doInBackground(vararg params: Long?) {
note = db.notesDataDao().getNote(params[0])
If I pass an intent to get a Note object from the database with a uuid and set that received data in titleEditText and contentEditText, the data set in the Note was from previous intent invoked when we clicked on the Note item in RecyclerView. On clicking the Note item for the first time, I get the default value which I have set "test title" and "test content".
Aforementioned is the behavior most of the time. Sometimes the data set in titleEditText and contentEditText is of the correct Note object.
Can someone please tell me what I have done wrong? How can I correct my apps behavior?
Unfortunately, there is a big mistake in how you use a view model to provide a data to your view(AddNoteActivity).
Basically, your view never has a chance to wait for the data to be fetched as it always receives a default value. This happens because the AsyncTask runs on its own thread pool so the coroutine completes immediately and returns a default value.
You should consider using LiveData to post a new object to your view and refactor your view model.
So, you need to make a query to the database synchronous and observe changes to a note rather than have a getter for it. Of course, in a real life scenario it might be a good idea to have different kind of states to be able to show a spinner while a user is waiting. But this is another big question. So to keep things simple consider changing your view model to something like that:
class NoteViewModel(private val database: NotesDatabase) : ViewModel { // you do not need an application class here
private val _notes = MutableLiveData<Notes>()
val notes: LiveData<Notes> = _notes
fun loadNotes(uuid: Long) {
launch(CommonPool) {
val notes = database.notesDataDao().getNote(uuid)
Then, you can observe changes to the note field in your activity.
class AddNoteActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// ...
val noteViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(
noteViewModel.notes.observe(this, Observer {
title.text = it.title
content.text = it.note
Also you need to use a ViewModelProvider.Factory to create your view model and properly inject dependencies into it. Try to avoid having a context there as it makes it much harder to test.

