In a ViewModel, remember isn't used, but used:
class CustomViewModel : ViewModel() {
// ...
var myDeckList = mutableStateListOf<Deck>()
// ...
Does ViewModel have a delegated responsibility similar to what remember provides?
If so, why is mutable... not delegated?
remember is used to preserve state across recompositions. If we are storing state inside ViewModel, it will automatically survive recompositions because it's outside the composition tree.
mutableStateOf serves a different purpose. It creates a MutableState which is:
A mutable value holder where reads to the [value] property during the execution of a [Composable] function, the current [RecomposeScope] will be subscribed to changes of that value. When the [value] property is written to and changed, a recomposition of any subscribed [RecomposeScope]s will be scheduled.
It sets up an observer pattern (like a LiveData, StateFlow, etc.) where writes to the value inform the readers about the value change. So ViewModel has nothing to do with this observer pattern and that's why you still need to use mutable... functions in your ViewModel.
The mutableStateListOf that you have used in you question works along the same lines. It creates a SnapshotStateList which is a type of MutableList that is observable and can be snapshot.
Try using a remember{} function inside a viewModel.
It's just simply not possible since remember{} functions can be only called inside composable contexts
Android, Kotlin
I have the following livedata in my datasource class, I cannot change this to StateFlow, so need to convert it to StateFlow in my viewModel
val trackingCatalogInitialLoadLiveData: LiveData<Pair<CatalogTracking, Int>> by lazy {
instantSearchDataSourceLiveData.switchMap { instantSearchDataSource ->
In My ViewModel I have the following, and this is the part I am not sure about if this is the correct way to convert LiveData to StateFlow:
val trackingCatalogInitialLoadStateFlow: StateFlow<Pair<CatalogTracking, Int>> by lazy {
.stateIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.Lazily, Pair(CatalogTracking(), 0))
Then in my fragment I just collect the results
coroutineScope.launch {
mInstantSearchViewModel.trackingCatalogInitialLoadStateFlow.collect { trackingPair ->
// code here
Is this the best practice to convert LiveData to StateFlow? Anything I should be looking out for?
You don't need to use by lazy. asFlow() and stateIn() both create simple wrappers, so they are trivial to call directly in the property initializer.
As #Joffrey said, if you use SharingStarted.Lazily, inspecting the flow's value before it has any collectors will incorrectly show your provided initial value. Since LiveData is hot, starting your StateFlow lazily doesn't buy you a lot. The underlying coroutine that transfers LiveData values to the StateFlow is doing a trivial amount of work.
If you don't need to inspect the value (in most cases you probably don't), then it should be fine to leave it as a cold Flow. Even though the Flow from asFlow() is cold, the underlying LiveData is still hot, so when collectors of the flow collect it, they'll always get the latest value. The main behavior difference would be if your data source does not provide a guaranteed initial value for the LiveData, then a StateFlow gives you the opportunity to emit your provided default initially without waiting for the LiveData to publish its first value.
I have an object where I wish to create hot StateFlow objects from a filtered cold SharedFlow. The intent is that the SharedFlow is an event channel of data changes, but all data can be retrieved to get the current state. This means for a given field, I can find the current state, and then monitor the SharedFlow to get state changes.
I would like to provide an API that (as an example) converts the SharedFlow into a StateFlow in a manner as follows:
var myVariable = DEFAULT_VALUE
val mySharedFlow = MutableSharedFlow<Int>()
val myStateFlow = mySharedFlow
.filter { it < 42 }
.asStateFlow(myVariable)// <- Convert to a StateFlow given a default value
This is obviously an overly simplified example, but my situation is more complex, and currently I have to invoke a function when ever a field changes, but currently I do the following:
fun handler(data: Int) {
// Handle data change
But I would prefer to use a Hot StateFlow and remove the need for the second function call. Especially since many consumers of this are small bits of code (mostly just a single expression) that do not need to be in their own function context, and should just be simple lambdas.
Tenfour04 answered my question in his comment. The function I needed is called stateIn().
How to manually observe SnapshotStateList or MutableState? It said that mutableStateListOf returns list that can be observed, but I can't find such method. Is it true that only Compose can observe changes?
The easiest way to observe of a state object, such as the result of mutableStateOf or mutableStateListOf(), is by using snapshotFlow.
snapshotFlow's block parameter will be called when any state object it uses has been changed and the result of block will be emitted to the flow such as snapshotFlow { snapshotList.toList() }. Note the toList() is required here otherwise the snapshotList itself is used which the snapshotFlow doesn't consider changed (it is always the same instance) so it will only emit once. In compose runtime version 1.4, toList() was changed so that calling toList() on a SnapshotStateList does not perform a copy.
Alternately, you can use SnapshotStateObserver which enables multiplexing a single apply observer to observe a multitude of lambdas. This is what Compose UI layout and draw use, for example, to track when to recalculate the layout and when to replay drawing commands.
State objects do not have an observe or subscribe equivalent because Snapshots was designed and optimized to observe an open, dynamic set of objects read by a function and any function it calls (such as Compose needs); and no fast path for a single object (which Compose does not need) was implemented and is therefore expensive. Having an observe method of a state object would imply it is fast and cheap, which it is not.
I'm working with Jetpack Compose in an Android app and had the problem that my uiState (LiveData) was set to its initial value on every recomposition, since I've initialized it like
val authUiState: AuthUIState by authenticationViewModel.uiState.observeAsState(AuthUIState.Loading)
It was set to Loading on every recomposition before it was set to the correct value.
When I tried to Remember the value, I learned that we can't use observeAsState within the remember block and finally changed it to
val authUiState = remember{ mutableStateOf(authenticationViewModel.uiState.value) }.value
This works, but I'm not quite sure, if this is the common and good way to solve this.
What do you think? Should I do it differently? Do you need more information?
See if the uiState inside your viewmodel is something like a LiveData Object, (which is kinda what it seems like from the code), the recommended way is to store it in the viewmodel itself as mutable state.
var uiState by mutableStateOf (initialValue)
private set //Do not allow external modifications to maintain consistency of state
fun onUiStateChange(newValue: Any){
uiState = newValue
You just need to initialise it as a MutableState, in the rest of the code, to update, delete or whatever you want to do with it, just treat it as a regular variable. Compose will trigger recomposition every time the value is updated.
The following code snippet below will almost certainly not work, because here, the state is whatever you wrap inside mutableStateOf(), which is just a simple value which will be fetched once from the viewmodel and then remembered throughout recompositions, so no code change will be triggered here
val authUiState by remember{ mutableStateOf(authenticationViewModel.uiState.value) }
Storing state in the viewmodel as mutableState, is as far as my knowledge extends, the best practice in compose. You will see the same in the 'State Codelab' from Android developers
Good luck
Say that, I'm building a custom compose layout and populating that list as below
val list = remember { dataList.toMutableStateList()}
list.forEach { item ->
listItemCompose( data = item,
onChange = { index1,index2 -> Collections.swap(list, index1,index2)})
This code is working fine and the screen gets recomposed whenever onChange lambda function is called, but when it comes to any small change in any item's property, it does not recompose, to elaborate that let's change the above lambda functions to do the following
{index1,index2 -> list[index1].propertyName = true}
Having that lambda changing list item's property won't trigger the screen to recompose. I don't know whether this is a bug in jetpack compose or I'm just following the wrong approach to tackle this issue and I would like to know the right way to do it from Android Developers Team. That's what makes me ask if there is a way to force-recomposing the whole screen.
You can't force a composable function to recompose, this is all handled by the compose framework itself, there are optimizations to determine when something has changed that would invalidate the composable and to trigger a recomposition, of only those elements that are affected by the change.
The problem with your approach is that you are not using immutable classes to represent your state. If your state changes, instead of mutating some deep variable in your state class you should create a new instance of your state class (using Kotin's data class), that way (by virtue of using the equals in the class that gets autogenerated) the composable will be notified of a state change and trigger a recomposition.
Compose works best when you use UDF (Unidirectional Data Flow) and immutable classes to represent the state.
This is no different than, say, using a LiveData<List<Foo>> from the view system and mutating the Foos in the list, the observable for this LiveData would not be notified, you would have to assign a new list to the LiveData object. The same principle applies to compose state.
you can recreate an entire composition using this
val text = remember { mutableStateOf("foo") }
key(text.value) {
onClick = {
text.value = "bar"
) {
call this