DatePicker dialog may showing improper date in kotlin - android

Below is the function I am using to diplay date picker dialog in android.
private fun openPurchaseDatePickerDialog(
yearToDisplay: Int,
monthToDisplay: Int,
dayToDisplay: Int
) {
try {
activity?.let { KeyboardUtils.hideKeyboard(it) }
val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
val dialog = DatePickerDialog(activity, { _, year, month, day_of_month ->
calendar[Calendar.YEAR] = year
calendar[Calendar.MONTH] = month
calendar[Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH] = day_of_month
val myFormat = "" + DateUtils.OverAllAppDateDisplayFormat
val sdf = SimpleDateFormat(myFormat, Locale.getDefault())
spIntendedUse.isFocusable = true
}, yearToDisplay, monthToDisplay, dayToDisplay)
dialog.datePicker.maxDate = calendar.timeInMillis
} catch (e: Exception) {
As above you can check that there are three arguments passed in this function.
I have to show the specific date in DatePicker dialog show I have passed this three parameters.
Means If User selected the date first time the default values will be set or the current date will be set.
If edittext has already a text selected and not empty am doing as below :
if (edtPurchaseDate.text.toString().isNullOrEmpty()) {
val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
} else {
var dateArr = edtPurchaseDate.text.toString().split("-")
But Still when the date picker dialogs opens its displaying the selected as as today instead of custom.
What might be the issue?
You can see I have also tried with updateDate() function as below :

Not completely sure about the updateDate method issue here . But to fix this you can use same Calendar object during initialization it should work fine .
i have modified your method a bit .
private fun openPurchaseDatePickerDialog(date: String) {
try {
val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
if (date.isNotBlank()) {
try {
calendar.time = SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault()).parse(date)!!
}catch (e:ParseException){
val dialog = DatePickerDialog(this, { _, year, month, day_of_month ->
calendar[Calendar.YEAR] = year
calendar[Calendar.MONTH] = month
calendar[Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH] = day_of_month
val myFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
val sdf = SimpleDateFormat(myFormat, Locale.getDefault())
}, calendar[Calendar.YEAR], calendar[Calendar.MONTH], calendar[Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH])
dialog.datePicker.maxDate = System.currentTimeMillis()
} catch (e: Exception) {
Now when you call it you just call it with a value you do mnot have to split String.


How to Store an YEAR from DatePickerDialog in Kotlin?

So basically i want to get the year from the user using the datePickerDialog and then substract that year to the current year. Till this i have no issues.
The problem is i have button created and want users to get a Toast message if they haven't chosen the date. I am using if else and validating the Year when the datePicker is not selected.
Also the year i am getting after the datePickerDialog is the current year.
Here is the Code -
fun birthdayPicker() {
val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
val year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)
val month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)
val date = cal.get(Calendar.DATE)
val textcheck : TextView = findViewById(
val dateSelected = findViewById<TextView>(
dateSelected.setOnClickListener {
val datePickerDialog = DatePickerDialog(
DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener { _, myear, mmonth, mdayOfMonth ->
dateSelected.setText("" + mdayOfMonth + "/" + mmonth + "/" + myear)
// Toast.makeText(this, "$myear", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
month + 1,
val button = findViewById<Button>(
button.setOnClickListener {
val selectedyear : Int = year
if (selectedyear.toString().isBlank()) {
Toast.makeText(this, "Choose an Year", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
else {
val checkingYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)
textcheck.text = (checkingYear - selectedyear).toString()
so you just store that into a variable as so
val myFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy" //mention the format you need
val sdf = SimpleDateFormat(myFormat, Locale.US)
val currentDate = sdf.format(cal.getTime())

Set date and get Date from Material Date Picker in Kotlin Android

I'm learning kotlin and at the moment I don't know much, I want to change a datepicker that I have for one of type Material, the problem is that I don't know how to pass the data to this new date picker.
This is the one I have at the moment:
fecha = view.findViewById(
fecha?.setOnClickListener {
fecha!!.error = null
val dateSetListener = DatePickerDialog(requireContext(), { _, year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth ->
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year)
mYear = year
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, monthOfYear)
mMonth = monthOfYear
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonth)
mDay = dayOfMonth
}, mYear, mMonth, mDay)
dateSetListener.datePicker.maxDate = System.currentTimeMillis()
fun updateDateInView() {
val myFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"
val sdf = SimpleDateFormat(myFormat)
I want to make it like this but I don't know how to pass and save the values, could someone help me?
val datePicker = MaterialDatePicker.Builder.datePicker().build()
MaterialDatePicker accepts CalendarConstraints to open the date picker on a certain month. CalendarConstraints accepts timeInMilliseconds to open calendar on a particular month. MaterialDatePicker has an addOnPositiveButtonClickListener method whose lambda returns the time in milliseconds after the user makes a selection.
You can create MaterialDatePicker like this
val myFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"
val formattedDate = "01/01/2000"
val sdf = SimpleDateFormat(myFormat)
val date = sdf.parse(formattedDate)
val timeInMillis = date.time
val constraintBuilder = CalendarConstraints.Builder().setOpenAt(
timeInMillis //pass time in milli seconds
val picker = MaterialDatePicker.Builder.datePicker()
.setTitleText("Select Date")
picker.addOnPositiveButtonClickListener {
val date = Date(it)
val formattedDate = sdf.format(date) // date selected by the user
// show picker using this, "materialDatePicker")
Instead of using SimpleDateFormatter, you should use LocalDateTime API provided in Java8
Using LocalDateTime API, you can do the same like this
val dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy", Locale.getDefault())
val formattedDate = "01/01/2000"
val timeInMillis = LocalDate.parse(formattedDate, dateFormatter)
You can pass this timeInMillis to setOpenAt() method of CalendarConstraintSet.
To get the date after the user makes a selection
val timeInMillis = dateFormatter.format(
// it is the milliseconds received inside lambda of addOnPositiveButtonClickListener

how to find the difference between datepicker in kotlin

Currently, I have a start date and a end date for my datepicker dialog. I am trying to find the difference in days between the start and the end date. And to make sure that the end date will not be is not on the earlier date
/* Calendar Start Date Button Click */
startdatepicker = findViewById(
startdateview = findViewById(
val startCalendar = Calendar.getInstance()
val startPicker = DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener{ view, year, month,dayOfMonth ->
val dialog = DatePickerDialog(this,startPicker, startCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR), startCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH), startCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))
// dialog.datePicker.minDate = startCalendar.getTimeInMillis()
dialog.datePicker.minDate = (System.currentTimeMillis()-1000)
/* Calendar End Date Button Click */
enddatepicker = findViewById(
enddateview = findViewById(
val endCalendar = Calendar.getInstance()
val endPicker = DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener{ view, year, month,dayOfMonth ->
// DatePickerDialog.getDatePicker().setMinDate(System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000);
val dialog = DatePickerDialog(this,
// dialog.datePicker.minDate = startCalendar.getTimeInMillis()
dialog.datePicker.minDate = (System.currentTimeMillis()-1000)
private fun updateStartCalendar(startCalendar: Calendar){
val myformat = "MM-dd-yyyy"
val mydateformat = SimpleDateFormat(myformat,Locale.ENGLISH)
private fun updateEndCalendar(endCalendar: Calendar){
val myformat = "MM-dd-yyyy"
val mydateformat = SimpleDateFormat(myformat,Locale.ENGLISH)
Log.d("check", endCalendar.time.toString())
to check the time difference between two calendar dates you can use:
val duration = Duration.between(startCalendar, endCalendar)
val durationDays = duration.inWholeDays()
you can also check if it's negative using:
//do something
} else{
//do something else

How to get month from Material design Datepicker Android kotlin

I have a datepicker from material design, its opening well in the app.
Now how can i get for example the selected month from the datepicker.
Initialize the datepicker:
val datePicker = MaterialDatePicker.Builder.datePicker()
.setTitleText("Kies een datum")
On button hit the calendar opens:
fun pickDate() {
binding.DatepickerButton.setOnClickListener {!!, datePicker.toString())
so it shows, but i cannot get the data from it.
For Java 8, you can use Date/Time API
binding.DatepickerButton.addOnPositiveButtonClickListener {
var dateFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM", Locale.getDefault())
val month = dateFormatter.format(
Otherwise, you can use SimpleDateFormatter
binding.DatepickerButton.addOnPositiveButtonClickListener {
val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
val simpleDateFormatter = SimpleDateFormat("MM", Locale.getDefault())
calendar.time = Date(it)
val month = simpleDateFormatter.format(calendar.time)
Try this click positive button click listener. after getting the date you can extract a month from it.
binding.DatepickerButton.addOnPositiveButtonClickListener {
val (startOfRange, endOfRange) = it // in case date range operation
val date = it // single select date
String dateString = DateFormat.format("dd/MM/yyyy", new Date(date)).toString();

android:kotlin:DatePickerDialog set minDate and maxDate

I want set minData and maxDate
val dpd = DatePickerDialog(this,
DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener {
view, year, month, dayOfMonth ->
}, mDate[0],mDate[1]-1,mDate[2])
val tmpmonth=afterDate[1]-1
val sdf = SimpleDateFormat("$afterDate[0]-$tmpmonth-$afterDate[2]")
val df = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm")
val hee:Long=df.parse(datestr).time
dpd.datePicker.maxDate(hee) //<-----error
there is an error "maxDate is the type of Long can't be invoked as function, the function invoke() is not found"
// If I have value like this
//val year:Int=2019
//val month:Int=10
//val day:Int=14
//I want to change to Long
fun convert_YearMonthDay_to_Long(year:Int, month:Int, year:Int):Long{
change this line of code dpd.datePicker.maxDate(hee) to dpd.datePicker.setMaxDate(hee) or dpd.datePicker.maxDate = hee , it will work, dpd.datePicker.maxDate used to return the maxDate in long which is set to datepicker you want to set the date not to get it and this method need long value only and you are passing long value only
You can use Long.toInt(), but it is not safe, you can use this:
fun Long.toIntOrNull(): Int? {
val i = this.toInt()
return if (i.toLong() == this) i else null

