Could not find
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
The "$version" is what we called Android Gradle Plugin(AGP), its latest stable version is 7.0.4 (until 1st Jan 2022), you can check all available versions here.
The 7.3.3 is for the Gradle platform itself, you can check all available versions here.
For their relationship, please check here.
Changes the Gradle JDK to jdk-11 helped me:
change gradle jdk version worked for me
go to File, Settings, Build, Execution, Deployment
build tools, gradle
Change Gradle JDK from the dropdown. I use Android Studio java home
You need to add google in the repositories block
in app level build.gradle file:
Because android gradle plugin resides on google repository
allprojects {
repositories {
I tried gradle 7.4.2 and everything is working fine now
go to File, Settings, Build, Execution, Deployment
build tools, gradle
Change Gradle JDK from the dropdown. I use Android Studio java home
Anyone has an idea on how to upgrade gradle from within android studio. The pop-up appears telling me to upgrade gradle but version never updates.
I've tried downloading it and unzipping it in the .gralde folder and changing the path, a gradle error persists and resolving it only re-creates the old gradle file and overwrites the new one.
Set gradle and android plugin version under the Projects tab in Project structure (File -> Project Structure). Clicking Ok will sync gradle files.
Alternatively to update gradle through code this may be helpful.
Update Gradle version
find gradle folder inside your project
Update Android Gradle plugin
Open build.gradle file of your project
Inside buildscript tag update
classpath ''
After making these changes refresh gradle dependency.
I've recently updated the android studio version of my project from 2.3 Canary 2 to 2.3 Canary 3. Since then the gradle build is failing every time with this error:
Error:Unable to find method 'org.gradle.api.tasks.Sync.getInputs()Lorg/gradle/api/internal/TaskInputsInternal;'.
Possible causes for this unexpected error include:Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.)
Re-download dependencies and sync project (requires network)The state of a Gradle build process (daemon) may be corrupt. Stopping all Gradle daemons may solve this problem.
Stop Gradle build processes (requires restart)Your project may be using a third-party plugin which is not compatible with the other plugins in the project or the version of Gradle requested by the project.In the case of corrupt Gradle processes, you can also try closing the IDE and then killing all Java processes.
I've searched google and not found solutions like this exactly but those that are similar are not working. Does anyone know how to fix it?
The solution is to select "Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)" option in the build gradle panel like the image below.
Now you can build with gradle 3.2 (in your and android gradle:2.3.0-alpha3 or beta1 as the time of writing
Don't forget to invalidate cache if you have some trouble using File -> Invalidate Cache / Restart
I had the same problem, fixed with checking gradle home path. This cannary build is no more working with gradle-2.14.1
The below link shows, point gradle path to gradle 3.2 directory.
The problem is the last version of tools 2.3.0-alpha3.
Try to use the 2.3.0-alpha2 in project build.gradle
classpath ''
It's mostly happened when setup new or update version of Android studio. I tried almost all solutions and find some fact that I like to share. It's work for me.
Make sure that updated JDK has set up to your computer and set path location.
Control Panel\System and Security\System-> Advanced system setting -> Advanced -> Enviroment Variables -> edit Path and pest your JDK bin folder location
Ex: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\bin
Set Project-level-setting "Use default Gradle wrapper (recommended)" from,
Android Studio -> File -> Setting -> Build, Exeution, Deployment -> Gradle
Set Android Studio JDK location:
Android Studio -> File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location -> JDK location
If this three thing is done then you need to set Gradle version 3.4.1 or see the latest version from
Android Studio -> File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Gradle Version
After complete setting clean cash Android Studio will recover it own.
Android Studio -> File -> Invalidate caches/ Restart...
If you're using the gradle wrapper, make sure that the distributionUrl in your gradle/wrapper/ is correct and up to date. As of this writing, I use this:
try upgrading the Gradle version to 3.2.1
You may face this problem with your previous Project, We will notice that when you create a new application the Gradle build will complete successfully.
So just copy paste the grade setting from new project to the previous project.
1) Replace Dependencies in build.gradle (project) by this code :
classpath ''
2) Replace distributionUrl in by this code:
3) Don't forget to use Gradle default wrapper in Project level setting.
See this picture for more information
When updating to android studio 2.3, and then load an existing project for older version of android studio, It might take long if not forever on refreshing project.
I had the same problem but i fixed it as follows:
first of all go to Gradle Distributions and download any gradle of
version greater than 3.2
extract it and save it in a suitable place in your computer.
go to android studio and choose the following path
on the right side choose or select Use local gradle distribution
and then browse to where you had saved your downloaded extracted
click apply, then ok.
thats it, your project should now work normally.
dependencies {
classpath ' +'
dependencies {
classpath ''
As I've been using
classpath ''
In the build.gradle file, I got the following error since gradle version 2.10 has been released.
The error is :
Warning:Gradle version 2.10 is required. Current version is 2.8. If
using the gradle wrapper, try editing the distributionUrl in
at first it looks easy to solve by the guide, but when I'd done the change, I got the error again.
I'm using Android Studio 2.0 with the latest Android SDK Tools 24.4.1 and Android SDK Build Tools 23.0.2
I've even tried to download Gradle 2.10 and put it manually on android-studio\gradle\ folder, but no luck.
Any help would be appreciated.
You need to change File > Settings > Builds,Execution,Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle >Gradle home path
On Mac OS, change the path in Android Studio > Preferences > Builds,Execution,Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle >Gradle home
Or set Use default gradle wrapper and edit Project\gradle\wrapper\ files field distributionUrl like this
Open Preference and search for Gradle or Navigate to Builds, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle
Then change Project-Level setting to Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)
Or keep local gradle distribution option and set Gradle home to /.../gradle-2.10
Make Sure that Gradle version is already setup to 2.10 in Module Settings
On the Project Window, right click on your project then select Open Module Settings (⌘+↓)
Gradle Version: 3.3
Android Plugin version: 2.3.1
An easier way to accomplish this is to go to:
Open Module Settings (your project) > Project > Gradle version and enter 2.10
Download the latest from
download from Complete Distribution link
open in android studio file ->settings ->gradle
open the path and paste the downloaded zip folder gradle-3.0 in that folder
change your gradle 2.8 to gradle 3.0 in file ->settings ->gradle
Or you can change your gradle wrapper in the project
edit YourProject\gradle\wrapper\ file and edit the field distributionUrl in to
For people who are using Ionic/Cordova framework, we need to change the distributionUrl in GradleBuilder.js file to var distributionUrl = process.env['CORDOVA_ANDROID_GRADLE_DISTRIBUTION_URL'] || 'http\\://';
The GradleBuilder.js locates at project/platforms/android/cordova/lib/builders/GradleBuilder.js
First Check your Project-level settings at
File > Settings > Build, Executions, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle
and Select the Option :
Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)
then go to Project's
Gradle > wrapper >
and edit version of the distributionUrl
And you are done :)
For Android studio v2.1
Follow these easy steps from images.
Go "File" and click "Project structure".
Then select "Project" from left menu and then change "Gradle version" to the version your sdk manager has installed. In my case it is 2.10 so i change version to 2.10 and then click on "Ok". And then android studio automatically do gradle sync again and error was fixed.
Easiest way for me to fix this issue:
close IDE.
delete "gradle" folder
re-open project.
The Android build system uses the Android Plugin for Gradle to support building Android applications with the Gradle build toolkit. The plugin runs independent of Android Studio so the plugin and the Gradle build system can be updated independently of Android Studio.
Use gradle wrapper (recommended) - select this option to use Gradle
wrapper. Using Gradle wrapper lets you get automatic Gradle download
for the build. It also lets you build with the precise Gradle version.
Newer versions of the Gradle plugin may require newer versions of
Studio to enable the new features in the IDE, but the project should
open in older versions of Studio, and build from there (since Gradle
does the build). We will be very careful about this.
Click on Settings -> Build -> Execution -> Deployment ->
Gradle -> Select default gradle wrapper
You can use
classpath '' // or alpha2
Or //classpath ''
I encountered the same issue before.
In the end, the problem is that you use terminal; it uses system config.
check it, whether you have set
Hope it helps
If the problem persist, add the following code in the build.gradle of the top project.
buildscript {[''] = 'true'
For those who uses ionic, go to [project name]/platforms/android/cordova/lib/builders/GradleBuilder.js on line 164 you will see the following: var distributionUrl = process.env['CORDOVA_ANDROID_GRADLE_DISTRIBUTION_URL'] || 'http\\://';This line is used to create your, so any changes to the wont matter. All you need to do is change the url to the latest version, sync the gradle and the problem is solved.
Just want to change the gradle version in the Android studio, go to File>settings>project and change the gradle version. After you apply, it will sync the project and you are ready to build.
If you are getting this when you run:
gradle build
from command line you have to use:
gradlew build
instead so that you will use gradle wrapper to downloaded the appropriate gradle version needed by the app.
When you execute gradle build you are using the global gradle installed on your system.
Go to File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Gradle -> choose Use default gradle wrapper
for me all previous solutions failed, so i just edited
Project\gradle\wrapper\ -> field distributionUrl
My problem maybe is different,so I just wanna tell somebody who may have the same problem as me.
I solved this problem by change Terminal path.
when I run gradle clean, the error come cross "Gradle version 2.10 is required. Current version is 2.2.1".
I checked .gradle directory in my project, there are two versions in it: 2.2.1, 2.10.
when I run gradle -v, it shows my current version is 2.2.1.
I change my system environment GRADLE_HOME to 2.10 root directory, then I restart terminal in AS and run 'gradle -v', it still shows the current verision is 2.2.1.
open setting -> terminal change the cmd.exe path to the System32/cmd.exe.
then restart terminal, run gradle clean,everything is fine.
You need to change Prefrences > Builds,Execution,Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle >Gradle home path
Or set Use default gradle wrapper and edit Project\gradle\wrapper\ files field distributionUrl like this
I had Android Studio version 1.5.1 installed and was running into this error. I have the following buildscript (which was working on Ubuntu but not Windows):
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
I tried:
gradlew clean
Use default gradle wrapper (recommended)
Use local distribution and linked to downloaded gradle 2.2.1 binary
None of these solutions worked unfortunately. It should be worth noting that upgrading Android Studio from 1.5.1 to 2.1.1 also failed with errors about 2.10 missing so could not be performed.
Solution: What I ended up doing was simply downloaded the latest stable version of Android Studio and installing that instead (2.1.1 at the time). After doing that gradle synced succesfully
What worked for me on Mint 17.03 which is base off Ubuntu 14.04
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cwchien/gradle
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gradle
Reopen Android Studio. Go to Run/Debug Configuration and there should be an icon saying you need to Update gradle. Just click it.
I had the same problem and no answer in stackoverflow helped. But I found the issue in my project. It was because my .gitignore file contained these lines:
# Package Files #
and that is why git did not upload the MyProject\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.jar file to remote. So, I added this line to .gitignore:
Make sure you had this line too. At least this solved my problem
In Terminal type gradlew clean. it will automatically download and install gradle version 2.10(ie latest gradle verson available)
Eg : C:\android\workspace\projectname>gradlew clean
this work for me.
create a new project in android studio. Open project setting and copy the local gradle path. now open the project having gradle problem and paste that url and select local path.
click apply problem will get solved.
Some cases it does not work-out because there is no problem in your project gradle or android-studio.
Step 1:
Minimum supported Gradle version is 2.14.1. Current version is 2.11. If using the gradle wrapper, try editing the distributionUrl
Check gradle version in your system gradle -version
Older version upgrade gradle version brew install gradle
Step 2
Go to android-studio-> Preference-> Build,Execution,Deployment-> Gradle
Use default gradle wrapper and un-mark offline work
Step 3
Check distributionUrl in
Upgrade if older version.
Clean Project
I had to upgrade my version of Cordova to support the latest version of Gradle. Updating the distributionUrl in GradleBuilder.js didn't work for me.
if your has this error that "supported Gradle version is 2.14.1. Current version is 2.4. ", on terminal. means your should update your gradle.
On Mac OS: you can use brew upgrade gradle
In my case the problem was indeed in the distributionURL in file and Android Studio auto-fixed inserting
But this was a wrong URL. The correct one is
Apparently the url changed in gradle's API but not in Android Studio so fixing it by hand solved the problem for me.
Latest gradle
Download the latest from from Complete Distribution link in android studio file ->settings ->gradle the path and paste the downloaded zip folder gradle-3.3 in that folder
4.change your gradle 2.8 to gradle 3.3 in file ->settings ->gradle
5.Or you can change your gradle wrapper in the project
6.edit YourProject\gradle\wrapper\ file and edit the field distributionUrl in to
shown in android studio's gradle files
File - setting - Build Execution Deployment - Gradle - Select 'Use default gradle wrapper(recommended)'