I have a RecyclerView made of CardView with several TextViews
<androidx.cardview.widget.CardView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
I'm trying to change the width of a TextView to be equal in each RecyclerView row and to fit the widest content, so it looks like a table with equal columns. To do that I made a function:
private fun optimizeLayout() {
var maxWidth = 100
val recyclerView = myRecyclerViewLayout
recyclerView.doOnLayout {
// Get max width
for (i in 0 until recyclerView.childCount) {
val v = recyclerView.layoutManager?.findViewByPosition(i)
val tv = v?.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.txtDest)
if (tv != null) {
tv.measure(0, 0)
if (tv.measuredWidth > maxWidth) maxWidth = tv.measuredWidth
println(i.toString() + " " + tv.measuredWidth)
// Set width
for (i in 0 until recyclerView.childCount) {
val v = recyclerView.layoutManager?.findViewByPosition(i)
val tv = v?.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.txtDest)
if (tv != null) {
tv.width = maxWidth
println("set $i")
// Header width
txtHeader.doOnLayout { txtHeader.width = maxWidth }
This function was created after reading many other posts on a similar topic on the Internet. I call it from onViewCreated of the Fragment that contains the RecyclerView and it works fine beside that I get warnings:
requestLayout() improperly called by com.google.android.material.textview.MaterialTextView{b1b06f0 V.ED..... ......ID 0,5-143,110 #7f0a0225 app:id/txtDest} during layout: running second layout pass
I also have a dialog for editing items. The problem starts when I try to change an item - for example I enter wider text and want all the rows in the RecyclerView to have a new width. When the dialog closes I call the function. It works, but not for all elements(?!). For example, I have 10 rows and the function stops in fourth like recyclerView.childCount only returned 4 out of 10. When I close and open Fragment all columns are again even for all elements. I tried to run the function in thread and from onLayoutCompleted:
recyclerView.layoutManager = object : LinearLayoutManager(this.context) {
override fun onLayoutCompleted(state: RecyclerView.State?) {
val runnable = Runnable {
while (true) {
Every time with the same result. Why is this happening?
You should never reference recycled views outside of onBindViewHolder.
The reason all of the recycler views are not updating is due to the views not being drawn yet when you call optimizeLayout(). A RecyclerView recycles views and only draws them when they become visible.
I suggest following google design guidelines for list patterns
Which would make the view match parent or keep a consistent width across all views.
If that is not an option I would loop through the string list and find the string with the greatest length and calculate the width and pass it to the adapter before setting the adapter list.
I am trying to create a layout where items would follow one another in columns (see image below) but I am not getting there yet. I have tried GridLayoutManager and StaggeredGridLayoutManager - the problem with both neither provides the feature of item flowing into another column and following each other this way. With my current attempt I am trying FlexboxLayoutManager but the result I am getting is always columns with single items instead of the items flowing one after another.
The desired behavior is that the items are located one after another and when the high of the recycler doesn't allow for the full item view it should be broken down to the next column.
Here is what I am trying right now:
mBinding?.activeRecycler?.layoutManager = FlexboxLayoutManager(context).apply {
flexDirection = FlexDirection.COLUMN
flexWrap = FlexWrap.WRAP
alignItems = AlignItems.STRETCH
And this is getting me one item per column.
Trying to achieve this:
I highly doubt this is possible.
The RecyclerView, its adapters and its layout managers all are not designed to alter the fundamental form of a view.
Meaning that "splitting" one would not be possible.
The RecyclerView is designed to understand how many views are in sight at the same time, create that many views only and then bind the underlying objects to the views respectively.
Meaning the RecyclerView doesn't "Cut a View in half and displays its halves in different places".
The only way in which a constellation like yours would be possible, was if the layout manager is specifically designed to display one item in multiple views and thereby multiple positions. Which would then allow it to be displayed as you described. However, as I said, that would mean the view 3 in the middle and the view 3 in the last column would be two views being bound to the same object or a copy of it. (Or someone went completely crazy and actually split the view, which I doubt).
I don't believe that any of the standard layout managers are capable of it and I doubt that you can even achieve this without also altering the adapter accordingly, at the very least. Because the adapter basically does the binding so without its help the standard layout managers wouldn't be able to do the double binding as described above.
That being said, this is just a very good guess, going by the principles of the view and its components. I have not read the source code or full description of every layout manager.
The way I understand your problem is like this: You have your current list of data that contains the text fields and you want to show them on the normal way, one list item one view item in recycler view.
But based on your design requirements this is not possible.
My idea to achieve that is like this:
You have to create a new list which will separate one item of the previous list into 2,3 or more items to fit in your columns.
private fun demo() {
val originalList = listOf<String>()
val newScreenSpecificList = mutableListOf<String>()
val columnHeight = 3//example number of lines
val columnWidth = 10//example number of chars
var columnsIndex = 0//index of column
var currentColumnHeight = 0 // current column filled height
originalList.forEach {
if (currentColumnHeight + getTextHeight(it, columnWidth) <= columnHeight) {
currentColumnHeight = currentColumnHeight + getTextHeight(it, columnWidth)
} else {
//here is the part where your text is bigger then your column height so you need to divide it
val textForSpaceLeft = getTextForSpaceLeft(it, columnHeight - currentColumnHeight)
currentColumnHeight = currentColumnHeight + getTextHeight(textForSpaceLeft, columnWidth)
if (currentColumnHeight >= columnHeight) {
if (getTextForNewSpaceLeft(it, columnHeight - currentColumnHeight)){
//continue to repeat logic for new column
if (currentColumnHeight >= columnHeight) {
private fun getTextForSpaceLeft(it: String, spaceLeft: Int): String {
return "it"// return text for the available space
private fun getTextForNewSpaceLeft(it: String, spaceLeft: Int): String {
return "new column also"// return text left for the new available space
private fun getTextHeight(text: String, columnWidth: Int): Int {
return 2//todo your logic to convert text length to number of lines needed for a specific width of the column
Now you need to continue this logic it is not complete, I hope it helps you.
I guess your problem is with the LayoutParams of items which are being created in your adapter. probably the height is set to match_parent in items. You can try to change the LayoutParams of itemViews in your adapter's onCreateViewHolder/onBindViewHolder. Or if the items' heights are kinda tricky to calculate, you can create a customView and try calculate the height in onMeasure and set the height to wrap_content
try to set items' height to wrap_content or if you want to do it in code, something like this:
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): FlexItemViewHolder {
val infatedView = ...
infatedView.layoutParams = FlexboxLayoutManager.LayoutParams(FlexboxLayoutManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, FlexboxLayoutManager.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)
return FlexItemViewHolder(f)
I'm having troubles with some animation in a recycler view. I do the relevant measurements in onViewAttachedToWindow:
override fun onViewAttachedToWindow(holder: PairingViewHolder) {
// get originalHeight & expandedHeight if not gotten before
if (holder.expandedHeight < 0) {
// Execute pending bindings, otherwise the measurement will be wrong.
holder.cardContainer.layoutParams.width = expandedWidth
holder.expandedHeight = 0 // so that this block is only called once
holder.cardContainer.doOnLayout { view ->
holder.originalHeight = view.height
holder.expandView.isVisible = true
// show expandView and record expandedHeight in next layout pass
// (doOnPreDraw) and hide it immediately.
view.doOnPreDraw {
holder.expandedHeight = view.height
holder.expandView.isVisible = false
holder.cardContainer.layoutParams.width = originalWidth
The problem is that doOnPreDraw gets called just for some views. It is something related to the visibility of the views I guess, since the smaller the items (expanded) are, the highest the count of the ones on which onPreDraw gets called.
My guess is that since I'm expanding them in onLayout, the recyclerView consider visible only the ones that when expanded are actually visible on screen. In onPreDraw I collapse them, resulting in some views being able to animate correctly and some not.
How would you solve this?
Thanks in advance.
I have a custom control where I need to create a number of ProgressBars with specific style, and add them to a LinearLayout container, with some even spacing (with the only modification after creation being setting the progress, and setting 0 starting margin on the first, and 0 ending margin for the last items).
I'm using the following code to create the ProgressBar instances:
if (container.childCount != progressSteps) {
repeat(progressSteps) {
container.children.first().apply {
layoutParams = (layoutParams as LinearLayout.LayoutParams).apply {
marginStart = 0
container.children.last().apply {
layoutParams = (layoutParams as LinearLayout.LayoutParams).apply {
marginEnd = 0
And this is the bit that's supposed to be updating the progress status of each:
(0 until container.childCount).forEach { index ->
val child = container[index]
val shouldTint = index < currentProgress
(child as ProgressBar).progress = if (shouldTint) 100 else 0
container is my LinearLayout meant to contain the ProgressBar instances
progressSteps and currentProgress are Int variable properties on my View class
generateProgressBar() creates a ProgressBar instance with some custom styling (basically using the android.R.attr.progressBarStyleHorizontal style, overriding the progressDrawable and some layout params)
What I end up with is the last ProgressBar getting tinted, however according to the LayoutInspector dump, the first two should be. But they stay gray.
TL;DR: Here's the gist of everything that I can think of that's relevant to the issue I'm facing: [GIST LINK]
And here's a picture of the problem
I'm trying to set up a number of buttons that will all grow to the same size as each other by equal weighting in a vertically oriented LinearLayout container.
The problem I'm facing surfaces when the text on these buttons cause a different number of lines per button.
Let's say n is the lowest line count for the buttons and m is the highest line count; any descenders in the text of buttons with line count m are cut off. Refer to the words "qshowing my clipping problem" in the linked screengrab, where all descenders are cut off.
How can I go about fixing this? The clipping gets much worse if I introduce android:lineSpacingExtra to the button style.
If it's relevant, my minimum API is set to 21
I've fixed this using RxJava to set the height programmatically to the correct maximum so that no clipping occurs. If there is a better solution I'll be glad to see it, but this is what is working for me for now:
class MyActivity {
// ...
private val compositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// ...
val container: LinearLayout = findViewById(R.id.container)
val numBtns = getNumBtnsToAdd()
val btnList: MutableList<Button> = mutableListOf()
val margin10 = dpToPx(10f).toInt()
val countDown = CountDownLatch(numBtns)
val desiredLp = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 0).apply {
gravity = Gravity.CENTER
setMargins(margin10, margin10, margin10, margin10)
// Completable will be run once per subscriber and emit a success or error
val layoutCompletable = Completable.fromAction {
for (btn in btnList) btn.layoutParams = desiredLp
Log.d("MyActivity", "Set LayoutParams on all buttons.")
}, Throwable::printStackTrace)
for (i in 0 until numBtns) {
val btn = Button(this, null, 0, R.style.button_style).apply {
layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(desiredLp).apply { height = LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENTS }
text = if (i == 0) "Button${i+1} with short text"
else "Button${i+1} with text that will span multiple lines showing my clipping problem"
setOnClickListener { doSomething() }
val listener = object : ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
override fun onGlobalLayout() {
val height = btn.height
if (height > desiredLp.height) desiredLp.height = height
// ...
override fun finish() {
// ...
My guess, the main cause is buttons have fixed size. More preciously, you use LinearLayout to share available room between buttons via weight attribute. You can see the single line button height is same with 2-lines button height. So 2-lines buttons are forced to clip the text.
According your XML file you want enable the vertical scroll when there is no more room. In this case you don't need to use weight attribute. Just buttons under each other with margins.
I Use Recyclerview Replace with list view
I want to keep Recyclerview always scroll bottom.
ListView can use this method setTranscriptMode(AbsListView.TRANSCRIPT_MODE_ALWAYS_SCROLL)
RecyclerView I use method smoothScrollToPosition(myAdapter.getItemCount() - 1)
but when Soft keyboard Pop ,its replace RecyclerView content.
If you want to keep the scroll position anchored to the bottom of the RecyclerView, it's useful in chat apps. just call setStackFromEnd(true) to on the LinearLayoutManager to make the keyboard keep the list items anchored on the bottom (the keyboard) and not the top.
This is because RV thinks its reference point is TOP and when keyboard comes up, RV's size is updated by the parent and RV keeps its reference point stable. (thus keeps the top position at the same location)
You can set LayoutManager#ReverseLayout to true in which case RV will layout items from the end of the adapter.
e.g. adapter position 0 is at the bottom, 1 is above it etc...
This will of course require you to reverse the order of your adapter.
I'm not sure but setting stack from end may also give you the same result w/o reordering your adapter.
I have faced the same problem and I solved it using the approach mentioned here. It is used to detect whether soft keyboard is open or not and if it is open, just call the smoothScrollToPosition() method.
A much simpler solution is to give your activity's root view a known ID, say '#+id/activityRoot', hook a GlobalLayoutListener into the ViewTreeObserver, and from there calculate the size diff between your activity's view root and the window size:
final View activityRootView = findViewById(R.id.activityRoot);
activityRootView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
int heightDiff = activityRootView.getRootView().getHeight() - activityRootView.getHeight();
if (heightDiff > 100) {
recyclerView.smoothScrollToPosition(myAdapter.getItemCount() - 1);
I have also faced same problem. But following code help me. I hope this is useful.
In this staus is arraylist.
next one is:-
In This you can use adapter class
I ran into this problem myself and I ended up creating my own LayoutManager to solve it. It's a pretty straightforward solution that can be broken down into three steps:
Set stackFromEnd to true.
Determine whether forceTranscriptScroll should be set to true whenever onItemsChanged is called. Per the documentation, onItemsChanged gets called whenever the contents of the adapter changes. If transcriptMode is set to Disabled, forceTranscriptScroll will always be false, if it's set to AlwaysScroll, it will always be true, and if it's set to Normal, it will only be true if the last item in the adapter is completely visible.
In onLayoutCompleted, scroll to the last item in the list if forceTranscriptScroll is set to true and the last item in the list isn't already completely visible.
Below is the code that accomplishes these three steps:
import android.content.Context
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
class TranscriptEnabledLinearLayoutManager(context: Context, transcriptMode: TranscriptMode = TranscriptMode.Normal) :
LinearLayoutManager(context) {
enum class TranscriptMode {
Disabled, Normal, AlwaysScroll
private var transcriptMode: TranscriptMode = TranscriptMode.Disabled
set(value) {
field = value
// Step 1
stackFromEnd = field != TranscriptMode.Disabled
private var forceTranscriptScroll = false
init {
this.transcriptMode = transcriptMode
// Step 2
override fun onItemsChanged(recyclerView: RecyclerView) {
forceTranscriptScroll = when (transcriptMode) {
TranscriptMode.Disabled -> false
TranscriptMode.Normal -> {
findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition() == itemCount - 1
TranscriptMode.AlwaysScroll -> true
// Step 3
override fun onLayoutCompleted(state: RecyclerView.State?) {
val recyclerViewState = state ?: return
if (!recyclerViewState.isPreLayout && forceTranscriptScroll) {
// gets the position of the last item in the list. returns if list is empty
val lastAdapterItemPosition = recyclerViewState.itemCount.takeIf { it > 0 }
?.minus(1) ?: return
val lastCompletelyVisibleItem = findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition()
if (lastCompletelyVisibleItem != lastAdapterItemPosition ||
recyclerViewState.targetScrollPosition != lastAdapterItemPosition) {
scrollToPositionWithOffset(lastAdapterItemPosition, 0)
forceTranscriptScroll = false