I just saw this example class for an Adapter for Recyclerview and I'm a bit confused on how it knows to call onCreateViewHolder, onBindViewHolder, etc just from adding an Item object to a list?
Does it have something to do with the line notifyItemInserted(items.size - 1) ?
Is it that whenever this method is called the onCreateViewHolder method is recalled with for that item or?
class ListAdapter (
private val items: MutableList<Item>
) : RecyclerView.Adapter <ListAdapter.ListViewHolder>() {
class ListViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView)
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ListViewHolder {
return ListViewHolder(
LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.list_items, parent, false)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ListViewHolder, position: Int) {
val currItem = items[position]
holder.itemView.apply {
tv_item.text = currItem.title
cb_item.isChecked = currItem.checked
crossItem(tv_item, currItem.checked)
cb_item.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, isChecked ->
crossItem(tv_item, isChecked)
currItem.checked = !currItem.checked
items.removeAll { item ->
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return items.size
private fun crossItem (itemText: TextView, checked: Boolean) {
if (checked){
//dk wtf paint flags is
itemText.paintFlags = itemText.paintFlags or STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG
//else remove
else {
itemText.paintFlags = itemText.paintFlags and STRIKE_THRU_TEXT_FLAG.inv()
fun addItem (item: Item){
items.add (item)
notifyItemInserted(items.size - 1)
Item Class:
data class Item (
val title: String,
var checked: Boolean = false
Whenever the Adapter needs to provide a new view for the RecyclerView to draw, it checks if it has an unused ViewHolder in its pool. If it doesn't, it calls onCreateViewHolder() so it can create one. Then it calls onBindViewHolder() for the ViewHolder that came from either source so the contained view can be prepared before being added to the layout.
If you call one of the notify methods, that triggers it to refresh whichever item rows are affected. It will return any removed rows to the ViewHolder pool and then follow the above steps to get the views it needs for new rows. If you use a notify...changed method, it will only need to use onBindViewHolder() for the applicable rows. When you use the nuclear option notifyDataSetChanged(), it returns all items to the pool.
When the RecyclerView is first displayed, or when the layout is resized, those actions will possibly trigger the need to show more rows. When you scroll the list, items that scroll off the screen are returned to the ViewHolder pool, and when new items scroll into view, ViewHolders need to be created or acquired from the pool as explained above.
By the way, this is going to look ugly because it refreshes the whole list even though only some items are removed:
items.removeAll { item ->
I recommend this instead so you get a nice transition:
for (i in items.indices.reversed()) {
if (items[i].checked) {
I iterate in reverse so the indices that are removed are stable as you iterate and remove items.
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return items.size
This function is the key, it knows how many to create and how many to bind by knowing how many there are in total. The amount of ViewHolders created is more based on how many Views can fit on the screen at one time.
This gets more complex when you have different view types, as it will sometimes has to create more ViewHolders than what was required from the start as view types change.
The notify... functions just let the Adapter know it needs to "re-look" at the List.
I'm working on android apps using MVVM, and Data Binding. I'm using ListAdapter for my RecyclerView Adapter. The case is, when I submit new data to the adapter using submitList, it reset RecyclerView scroll position. It blink at first and just reset it's position to the top.
My Binding Adapter
#BindingAdapter("listTemplate", "hirarki")
fun bindListTemplate(recyclerView: RecyclerView, data: List<Template>?, hirarki: Int) {
var adapter = recyclerView.adapter as TemplateChiefAdapter
TemplateFragment where I resubmit my data
?.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, {
if (it) {
This piece of code will update LiveData in my ViewModel, so the DataBinding will detect its change and re-submitList the data to the adapter
My List Adapter
class TemplateChiefAdapter(val onClickListener: OnClickListener) : ListAdapter<Template, TemplateChiefAdapter.TemplateChiefViewHolder>(DiffCallback) {
class TemplateChiefViewHolder(private var binding: ItemTemplateChiefBinding) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root) {
fun bind(template: Template) {
binding.template = template
companion object DiffCallback : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Template>() {
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Template, newItem: Template): Boolean {
return oldItem === newItem
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Template, newItem: Template): Boolean {
return oldItem.id_template == newItem.id_template
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): TemplateChiefViewHolder {
return TemplateChiefViewHolder(ItemTemplateChiefBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)))
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: TemplateChiefViewHolder, position: Int) {
val template = getItem(position)
holder.itemView.setOnClickListener {
class OnClickListener(val listener: (template: Template) -> Unit) {
fun onClick(template: Template) = listener(template)
How can I keep the recycler scroll position after submitList called?
I didn't examine in ultra detail all your code, but the DiffUtil Callback caught my attention.
areItemsTheSame is an optimization from the DiffUtil class to determine if the items changed position. If the didn't, then the contents can be checked, and re-bound to their new data if it changed. If the positions changed, then the item may need to be animated elsewhere or well.. as you can imagine it becomes more complicated from there.
The idea of that method is to compare if the items are the same or not, not to compare the entire item. I would use an id (or anything that can help you identify uniqueness in your items). You are using the === operator and I don't know the rest of your architecture, but comparing by reference may not be accurate if, for instance, your data layer transforms and copies these objects around (something you can't/shouldn't tell/care for in your adapter).
For instance, instead of
return oldItem === newItem
You could do
return oldItem.someId === newItem.someId
This would ensure that even if your items are the same but were copied/recreated/etc., you'd still identify them as such despite them being a different reference.
Then, in areContentsTheSame you are expected to check all the contents that you consider instrumental in deciding if onBind must be called on your specific viewHolder because the contents are different. So I would have expected something more like:
oldItem.something == newItem.something
&& oldItem.xxx == newItem.xxx
&& oldItem.yyy == newItem.yyy
(but maybe with DataBinding you don't need this, I wouldn't know).
All that being said, I have 0.1 experience with DataBinding (and personally for me that was enough), so if this is related in anyway how the data binding library behaves, I can't help you any more. :/
From a RecyclerView's point of view, the rest of the code looks adequate.
Currently, I have a RecyclerView implementing the new ListAdapter, using submitList to differ elements and proceed to update the UI automatically.
Lately i had to implement drag & drop to the list using the well known ItemTouchHelper. Here is my implementation, pretty straight forward:
class DraggableItemTouchHelper(private val adapter: DestinationsAdapter) : ItemTouchHelper.Callback() {
private val dragFlags = ItemTouchHelper.UP or ItemTouchHelper.DOWN
private val swipeFlags = 0
override fun isLongPressDragEnabled() = false
override fun isItemViewSwipeEnabled() = false
override fun getMovementFlags(recyclerView: RecyclerView, viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder): Int {
return makeMovementFlags(dragFlags, swipeFlags)
override fun onMove(
recyclerView: RecyclerView,
viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder,
target: RecyclerView.ViewHolder
): Boolean {
val oldPos = viewHolder.adapterPosition
val newPos = target.adapterPosition
adapter.swap(oldPos, newPos)
return true
override fun onSwiped(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, direction: Int) {
this is my swap function inside the adapter:
fun swap(from: Int, to: Int) {
submitList(ArrayList(currentList).also {
it[from] = currentList[to]
it[to] = currentList[from]
Everything works well EXCEPT when moving the FIRST item of the list. Sometimes it behaves OK, but most of the time (like 90%), it snaps several positions even when moving it slightly above the second item (to move 1st item on 2nd position for example). The new position seems random and i couldn't figure out the issue.
As a guide, i used the https://github.com/material-components/material-components-android example to implement Drag&Drop and for their (simple) list&layout works well. My list is a bit complex since it's inside a viewpager, using Navigation component and having many other views constrained together in that screen, but i don't think this should be related.
At this point i don't even know how to search on the web for this issue anymore.
The closest solution I found for this might be https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37018279 but after implementing and having the same behaviour, I am thinking it's because I use ListAdapter which differs and updates the list asynchronously, when the solution uses RecyclerView.Adapter which uses notifyItemMoved and other similar methods.
Switching to RecyclerView.Adapter is not a solution.
This seems to be a bug in AsyncListDiffer, which is used under the hood by ListAdapter. My solution lets you manually diff changes when you need to. However, it's rather hacky, uses reflection, and may not work with future appcompat versions (The version I've tested it with is 1.3.0).
Since mDiffer is private in ListAdapter and you need to work directly with it, you'll have to create your own ListAdapter implementation(you can just copy the original source). And then add the following method:
fun setListWithoutDiffing(list: List<T>) {
setOf("mList", "mReadOnlyList").forEach { fieldName ->
val field = mDiffer::class.java.getDeclaredField(fieldName)
field.isAccessible = true
field.set(mDiffer, list)
This method silently changes the current list in the underlying AsyncListDiffer without triggering any diffing, as submitList() would.
The resulting file should look like this:
package com.example.yourapp
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.AdapterListUpdateCallback
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.AsyncDifferConfig
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.AsyncListDiffer
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.AsyncListDiffer.ListListener
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DiffUtil
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
abstract class ListAdapter<T, VH : RecyclerView.ViewHolder?> : RecyclerView.Adapter<VH> {
private val mDiffer: AsyncListDiffer<T>
private val mListener =
ListListener<T> { previousList, currentList -> onCurrentListChanged(previousList, currentList) }
protected constructor(diffCallback: DiffUtil.ItemCallback<T>) {
mDiffer = AsyncListDiffer(
).apply {
protected constructor(config: AsyncDifferConfig<T>) {
mDiffer = AsyncListDiffer(AdapterListUpdateCallback(this), config).apply {
fun setListWithoutDiffing(list: List<T>) {
setOf("mList", "mReadOnlyList").forEach { fieldName ->
val field = mDiffer::class.java.getDeclaredField(fieldName)
field.isAccessible = true
field.set(mDiffer, list)
open fun submitList(list: List<T>?) {
fun submitList(list: List<T>?, commitCallback: Runnable?) {
mDiffer.submitList(list, commitCallback)
protected fun getItem(position: Int): T {
return mDiffer.currentList[position]
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return mDiffer.currentList.size
val currentList: List<T>
get() = mDiffer.currentList
open fun onCurrentListChanged(previousList: List<T>, currentList: List<T>) {}
Now you need to change your adapter implementation to inherit from your custom ListAdapter rather than androidx.recyclerview.widget.ListAdapter.
Finally you'll need to change your adapter's swap() method implementation to use the setListWithoutDiffing() and notifyItemMoved() methods:
fun swap(from: Int, to: Int) {
setListWithoutDiffing(ArrayList(currentList).also {
it[from] = currentList[to]
it[to] = currentList[from]
notifyItemMoved(from, to)
An alternative solution would be to create a custom AsyncListDiffer version that lets you do the same without reflection, but this way seems easier. I will also file a feature request for supporting manual diffing out of the box and update the question with a Google Issue Tracker link.
I kept a copy of the items in my adapter, modified the copy, and used notifyItemMoved to update the UI as the user was dragging. I only save the updated items/order AFTER the user finishes dragging. This works for me because 1) I had a fixed length list of 9 items; 2) I was able to use clearView to know when the drag ended.
ListAdapter - kotlin:
var myItems: MutableList<MyItem> = mutableListOf()
fun onMove(fromPosition: Int, toPosition: Int): Boolean {
if (fromPosition < toPosition) {
for (i in fromPosition until toPosition) {
Collections.swap(myItems, i, i + 1)
} else {
for (i in fromPosition downTo toPosition + 1) {
Collections.swap(myItems, i, i - 1)
notifyItemMoved(fromPosition, toPosition)
return true
ItemTouchHelper.Callback() - kotlin:
// my items are only ever selected during drag, so when selection clears, drag has ended
override fun clearView(recyclerView: RecyclerView, viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder) {
super.clearView(recyclerView, viewHolder)
// clear drag style after item moved
// trigger callback after item moved
val itemViewHolder = viewHolder as MyItemViewHolder
MyItemViewHolder - kotlin
fun onItemMovedCallback(reorderedItems: List<MyItem>) {
// user has finished drag
// save new item order to database or submit list properly to adapter
I also had an itemOrder field on MyItem. I updated that field using the index of the re-ordered items when I saved it to the DB. I could probably update each items itemOrder field when I swap the items, but it seemed pointless (I just calculate the new order after the drag is finished).
I'm using LiveData from my database. I found the views "flickered" after the final database save because I changed the itemOrder on all the items and moved the items around in the adapter list. If this happens to you and you don't like it, just temporarily disable the recycler view item animator (I achieved this by setting it to null after the drag and restoring it after the list is updated in the RecyclerView/Adapter).
This worked for me and my specific case. Let me know if you need more details.
I have a recycler view in my layout, at first it will be filled by data which is stored in local database, and then after a few second it will be updated using server.
the problem is when it updates, items of recycler view change suddenly, how can I set an animation for recycler view that change the items smoothly?
I notify my recycler view just like this:
fun add(list: List<BestStockModel>) {
notifyItemRangeChanged(0, list.size)
There's a better way for you do so, you can use ListAdapter link.
Using ListAdapter you can simply submit a new list and the adapter will calculate the diff between the old one and the new one and add need animations for new/changed/deleted items.
It can detect the diff using simple callbacks that you provide to it.
Here's an example that you can use as a reference:
class HomeMoviesAdapter : ListAdapter<Movie, MoviesViewHolder>(
//note the following callbacks, ListAdapter uses them
// in order to find diff between the old and new items.
object : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Movie>() {
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: Movie, newItem: Movie): Boolean =
oldItem.title == newItem.title //this can be a unique ID for the item
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: Movie, newItem: Movie): Boolean =
oldItem == newItem
) {
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): MoviesViewHolder {
val v: View = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
.inflate(R.layout.movies_item_view, parent, false)
return MoviesViewHolder(v)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MoviesViewHolder, position: Int) {
//your binding logic goes here as usual.
And then from where you have the list (ex: fragment) you can do the following:
And that's it for the list adapter to do the needed animations for you.
There's one gotcha though: if submitted the same list reference, the adapter will consider it the same as the old list, meaning it won't trigger the diff calculations. Note the following example:
//the following is a bad practice DO NOT do this!
val list: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
adapter.submitList(list) //nothing will happen, since it's the same ref
Compare that to the following:
//the following is good practice, try to do the following!
adapter.submitList(listOf(1, 2, 3))
adapter.submitList(listOf(7)) //will delete all the old items, insert 7 and will also trigger the need animations correctly.
Although they both seem similar, they quite different: the second one submits a totally new list "reference-wise" to the adapter, which will cause the ListAdapter to trigger the calculations correctly.
I am trying to implement a fairly basic logic within my recyclerview adapter but notifyDataSetChanged() is giving me quite the headache.
I have a filter method that looks like this:
fun filter(category: Int) {
Thread(Runnable {
if (category == -1) {
} else {
(mContext as Activity).runOnUiThread {
where filterAll() and filterCategory() functions are quite easy:
private fun filterAll() {
private fun filterCategory(category: Int) {
for (sub in tempList!!) {
if (sub.category == category) {
When I run this code and filter the list by category the activeFiltered list is updated correctly and contains the items I expect, but when notifyDataSetChanged() is run it only cuts the list's range without updating the items.
Is there a way to fix this?
I also tried, instead of notifyDataSetChanged() to use:
activeFiltered!!.forEachIndexed {index, _ -> notifyItemChanged(index)}
but the problem is still there.
It isn't a threading issue either since I tried putting the whole logic in the main thread and the list still wasn't updated correctly.
This is my onBindViewHolder():
override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: ActiveViewHolder, pos: Int) {
sub = activeFiltered!![pos]
This is where I inflate my text, sub is the instance variable set in the onBindViewHolder():
private fun inflateView() {
viewHolder.title.text = sub.title
It seems the implementation of onBindViewHolder() is incorrect. In order to update a list item, the passed in viewHolder parameter should be used (not the viewHolder you created in the onCreateViewHolder()).
The correct implementation should be like
override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: ActiveViewHolder, pos: Int) {
val sub = activeFiltered!![pos]
inflateView(viewHolder, sub)
private fun inflateView(viewHolder: ActiveViewHolder, sub: <YourDataType>) {
viewHolder.title.text = sub.title
By the way, it is not a good practice to hold something as a member field in order to access it in several methods. Feel free to pass it as arguments to such methods. In the above code I passed the sub as argument and not stored it as a member.
And also it is not necessary to hold the viewHolder that you create in onCreateViewHolder(). We mostly need them in some callback methods (like onBindViewHolder(), etc) and these methods will receive the right viewHolder as arguments.
I think you are using the original array in onBindView() instead of the filtered one.
I'm new in Android dev and now porting my iOS app.
Trying to make pretty complex RecyclerView, but at some moment behavoir of the specific row is duplicated on other row after notifyDataSetChanged() method.
There are three rows with same ViewType in first part of RecyclerView
Each of them has TextView and EditText widgets, that I'm populating in CustomViewHolder class.
First and second rows should work as always: when I'm click in EditText - the keyboard opens. But third row EditText's focus should initiate dialog alert. Everything works great until reload of adapter's DataSet. After DataSet reload the first row's EditText also begins to open the dialog alert instead of normal opening of the keyboard.
Looks like I'm missing something and somehow referencing to the same object when customizing my rows. Here's my adapter code (simplified):
class NewRequestsRecyclerAdapter(val context: Context, val parameters:ArrayList<NewRequestsFragment.ParameterCell>,val delegate:NewRequestProtocol?): RecyclerView.Adapter<NewRequestsRecyclerAdapter.CustomViewHolder>() {
enum class RowType {
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
// count logic
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent : ViewGroup, viewType: Int): CustomViewHolder {
val layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
val cellForRow = when (RowType.values()[viewType]) {
RowType.Header -> layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_header,parent,false)
RowType.Parameter -> layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.cell_parameter_new_requests,parent,false)
return CustomViewHolder(cellForRow, RowType.values()[viewType])
override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int {
// Here's ItemViewType logic ...
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: CustomViewHolder, position: Int) {
inner class CustomViewHolder(val cellView: View, val type:RowType): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(cellView) {
fun bindMenu(row:Int) {
when (type) {
RowType.Header -> {
val nameView = cellView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.headerName)
// other logic to populate Header views
RowType.Parameter -> {
val nameView = cellView.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.paramName)
val editText = cellView.findViewById<EditText(R.id.paramEditText)
nameView.text = parameters[row-1].name
editText.apply {
hint = parameters[row-1].placeholder
when (parameters[row-1].type) {
NewRequestsFragment.PartsCellType.Name -> {
NewRequestsFragment.PartsCellType.Number -> {
NewRequestsFragment.PartsCellType.StateType-> {
showSoftInputOnFocus = false
setOnFocusChangeListener { view, changed ->
if (changed) {
inputType = InputType.TYPE_NULL
I know to resolve that problem I can show alert with button, but I would like to know why my code leads to this behavior.
Could you please guide me what I'm missing?
This type of problem with a RecyclerView where one item mysteriously takes on the attributes or behavior of another item is usually due to not resetting the view holder.
You are defining the behavior of your view holders when they are created, so, the first time, all view holders are created and behave appropriately. When things change, the view holders are reused and not recreated. As a result, things can get mixed up such as getting a dialog opened when the keyboard should show.
To correct this, reset the view holder when it is bound to behave the way you want.