How to disable this feature in Android Studio 4.1 - android

I tried turning off Code lens but this wont turn off, How do i get rid of this feature its
quite annoying.
steps to reproduce
Press the combination Alt+Shift+R on any code block to refactor it and create a method
This window appears on top or bottom based on scrolling position
*note that the class was approx 1000 lines
Restarting Android Studio gets rid of this for once but it appears again next time I run above steps.
attaching screenshot for ref (check the top area)

Please uncheck the code lens. it might be helpful for you.


content is displayed in preview of android studio, but not in mobile in android jetpack compose

I am using android jetpack compose and wrote some code that is being displayed in the preview section of android studio, but when I run the project and install the app in mobile then full content is not being displayed, only some little content is being displayed that is of previous code, but when I changed the code, then changes is being displayed in preview, but not in mobile. I searched for it but did not get any solution that why changes are not being displayed on mobile. Any help would be appreciated great!
Okay, I'm not sure exactly what you're dealing with, but I had a similar issue where the app doensn't show anything on both the device and emulator and this is what worked for me.
Running it from the preview solves it for me. Once you have a connected device, hitting the little run image(with a green play icon) on the top right corner of the preview pane will launch on the device or emulator. If you can't see this icon, scroll the preview pane all the way to the right.
However, to run your app using the normal run button on android studio, you need to make sure that your setContent{ } block inside onCreate is calling your Composable functions you declared earlier. This was the missing link for me as well.

Android Studio USB Debugging Phone Display Error

I started using the USB debugging mode on Android Studio and when i run my project the display on the phone is completely wrong. The ide displays the correct way i want it to look but when i open the app on the phone the app's displayed contents are all thrown into the top of the screen. Why is it doing this? Sorry for huge picture btw.
It seems that you are using ConstraintLayout, but you haven't set any vertical constraints for your views. Therefore, when you run the app, all the views are jumping to the top. Click on the red exclamation mark, it will show you the same thing. Go to the code view, it will also show you the same error.
You should use minimum 2 constraints from top or bottom nd start or end
It will help you views to attach each other

Android Studio Android DDMS display issue

I'm using Android Studio 0.7 and while i normally find it quite pleasant to work with, its logcat support is intermittent at best. Now i've somehow gotten myself into a bit of an interface conundrum. Something i did inadvertently with the Android DDMS window at the bottom has meant that "Devices" and "logcat", which are normally in a two-paned window together (e.g. "Devices | logcat"), have become separate. As a result i can no longer view the filter box and the logcat output without switching panes, which as you can imagine is a real PAIN! (pun unintended but welcomed)
Here are some screenshots - at the top you see two shots of the two panes in their current separated form in v0.7, and below you see what it normally looks like (from v0.8). It's like i've somehow lost the whole header for the individual panes...
I've looked at all the buttons nearby, looked through all the settings, and googled as best i can, and i just can't figure it out. Can anybody help me? At the moment i can only hope that google fixes their developer L preview so i can actually start using 0.8 but who knows how long that will be....
In Intellij IDEA 13.1.5 for Mac, press Fn in keyboard, drag 'Devices' window to 'logcat' window, done!
Click and drag the part I highlighted in Red. When it becomes a separate box, just close it by clicking on the X on the top right.

How to stop logcat from scrolling in Android Studio

I used Eclipse before and I could easily stop logcat from scrolling, but I can't find same funcionality in Android studio. Anyone knows how to do it?
There's no dedicated button for this, but you can just click on / highlight some text around where you want to stop scrolling.
android studio have this feature
you just click on the line three times and you can selectd the line , it will stops scrolling.
I had the same issue. Simple solution:
In Android monitor, on the right, change No Filters -> Show only selected application.
Android Studio Stop scrolling log
Disable Scroll to the end
If not - you are able to scroll to necessary line manually and LogCat will not be automatically scroll to down
I actually just had a problem (in 1.2.2) where I couldn't keep it from scrolling. I tried all the tricks and proper methods mentioned here, but it kept scrolling out from under me.
Turns out there was a problem trying to connect to an emulator that had long since been disconnected, and it kept retrying. And every time it did, it reloaded everything causing logcat to refresh. So it wasn't REALLY scrolling, it just felt like it was because of how big the buffer is.
I unplugged my physical device (that was running along side the emulator), restarted Android Studio, plugged the physical device back in, and boom, it no longer kept "scrolling".
Hopefully this might help someone else. Because I was getting incredibly frustrated for a while, there.
Goodness, the trick is to search. Search for something within LogCat and then scrolling will stop. Tested: running Android Studio 1.1.0 against a real device (S5). Also, was ticking one line up and one back down until I then right clicked. Then it totally stopped. After that, I can remove the search and the scrolling is no longer automatic.

How can I stop the LogCat output from scrolling automatically in Eclipse?

UPDATE: This turned out to be a bug in R14 of the SDK tools. It has been fixed in R15 which was released on Oct/27/2013. Updating to the latest release solves the problem as suggested in the accepted answer.
I use the LogCat window in the Debug view in Eclipse to diagnose and fix crashes in my code. I've noticed that the LogCat output will automatically scroll down anytime new lines are added (but only after you scroll to the bottom yourself).
This is great if I'm waiting for an exception stacktrace to come up, but extremely annoying if I'm trying to read something in the log and more lines are continuing to be added at the bottom (it keeps jumping to the bottom, so I scroll back to the error, then it jumps to the bottom again).
Is there any way to make it stay where I've placed it, when I place it, but continue to scroll automatically when I reach the bottom?
EDIT: Please note, I'm aware of filters and I don't consider this a solution to the problem.
ANOTHER EDIT: If I scroll up "far enough" from the bottom, it stops scrolling automatically. Far enough might be 5 lines or it might be 500 lines, it seems to be related to how many lines are in the log. Ideally, it would stop scrolling as long as I was at least 1 line away from the bottom.
In the LogCat tab on the upper far right there is a down pointing arrow with a line under it to enable
"Scroll Lock"
On older versions it's a pause button to
"Pause receiving new logcat messages"
That should do the trick!
update to the latest version. the new logcat automatically filters your logs into the app-specific crash logs when you build-launch your app via eclipse.
I stopped having problems disable the option: Automatically enable / disable scroll lock based on the scrollbar position.
Window> Preferences> Android> Logcat> uncheck the option above.
In my case, I'm using Eclipse + Android Developer Tools (Build: v22.6.2-1085508)
I suggest that if I want to use eclipse, download the full package from this link:
After downloading, download all available updates, less NDK.
That's not what happens to me. If I scroll up it won't scroll down automatically when new lines come to the logcat until I scroll it to the bottom.
Maybe it's because of the Eclipse or the Android SDK version. I'm using the latest right now.
You can do adb logcat in a shell, and use your terminal app's scroll buffer and scrolling features to manage the logcat output.
Window => Preferences => Android => Logcat
Uncheck the box called:
Display logcat view when there are messages from
an application into the workspace
If you're only debugging crashes, click on the red (E) (error) filter for your main logcat, and keep your filter tab set to default to view all lines that are being reported by your application.
What ends up happening, when your application crashes it stays closed unless requested to restart by your choosing. So, the last lines in the logcat will be the crash report. This is one of the ways of how I debug crashes.
I also think it is "more aggressive" since the latest update! And it actually stops auto-scrolling when I scroll 10 or more lines up.
The best solution I have is clicking in the line you are interested in. If the logcat scrolls down too far and you don't see your line any more just press ArrowUp or ArrowDown to jump back to the line you were looking at.
If you write pid:pidofyourapp (which is written under online column in Device tab) in the search box,it will show the logs you wrote in your application.

