I have a website hosted on godaddy cPanel with mysql database and I am willing to make an app for it. Can anyone tell me how can I do this and please tell me where can I learn more about making an app for a existing website.
Look into cross-platform development if you want to code for both ios and android. Visual Studio is a good tool to work on this, too.
Or, for more simple conversions the below may help:
Hello to everyone and thanks for reading. I hope yall good.
I have a website on Ruby on Rails.
In heroku.
So I'm planning to make a flutter app, where is going to be a similar version of the website. You have and user and password to log in. And you can buy some credits. I want to add that feature in flutter. So I want to modify or request credits and expend it. And in a correlative way with the app and website.
My question is:
What's the best way to do it?
What should I learn to accomplish my objective?
Maybe I'm going to migrate my website to Django, but in the meantime I wanna know how to do what I need.
I have to build an android hybrid application with rails using turbolink but could not find any simple example, i have no experience with java, but a good experience with rails.I found one video but not of much help.
Please suggest and share the links to create some basic example apps. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
If you want it to be downloadable from the play store and not just a phone browser app, my best advice is probably to spin up a new React Native app that manages your front-end views, and makes API requests to your backend Rails app. Your Rails app would not deliver views to your React Native, it would deliver JSON. React Native apps can be released to both the iOS and Android app stores.
There are tons of good tutorials to achieve that. Hope it helps.
I have a huge demand for people who want an application to connect to Uniquez from their Android devices.
I want to build an application to connect to my PHP and MySQL ShoutBox to send and receive information. First we need the user to be-able to login to the website. I am sure once I know how to do this I could use these techniques to send and receive shouts.
I do have access to Google's App Inventor and I have also downloaded and taken a quick peek at Eclipse. It seems App Inventor is a lot easier to use than Eclipse.
It all seems a little daunting and very complicated/
I do have knowledge in PHP and some JavaScript that could help me progress my knowledge.
Please could someone demonstrate how this could be done?
I want to learn this is why I am asking for help and not asking some one to do this for me.
I do need examples and a lot of help as I am totally new to building applications for the Android platform.
I am sorry I don't have any source code to go off right now as this is something I want to start building.
If you can do this in App Inventor this would be amazing. If not I will learn the hard way!
All information will be great full and I really am enthusiastic about completing my task.
please find an example how to connect App Inventor with a MySQL database using a php script here http://ai.kittywolf.net/index.php/WebMysql (App Inventor Classic) and https://puravidaapps.com/mysql.php (App Inventor 2)
and here are more examples using App Inventor together with php scripts https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/app-inventor-developers-library/php
and here some App Inventor examples using embedded HTML/JavaScript http://puravidaapps.com/snippets.php#javascript
for login to a webpage using App Inventor you also might want to look at this thread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/programming-with-app-inventor/FQSBZGcK1WE/CuUWZmEU5KkJ
Hope that helps
Please refer http://appinventorapi.com/app-inventor-php-application-framework/ for log-in framework and http://ai.kittywolf.net/index.php/PHP_TinyWebDB_with_MySQL for TinyWebDB to MySQL PHP Interface. I tried both, they worked well.
I'm developing an app for a company that will include profiles of some clients. The company wants the clients to be able to update information on their profile from the company's website through a secure log-in. I want to do this in a way that the content could be updated without the application users needing to update the .APK.
I'm relatively new to Android development and I'm not quite sure how to do this. Would love the simplest way of doing this. If simple isn't the best way to go about it, I'm open to other suggestions.
Thank you.
The website should have a webservice backend.
Your Android app needs to implement the protocol for that
See for example this link http://fahmirahman.wordpress.com/2011/04/21/connection-between-php-server-and-android-client-using-http-and-json/ for a tutorial or search for others.
I have a website that has a forum with users. I would like to integrate this functionality into my application? How would i go about doing this? If anyone has some instructions to start with that will be great. Or a tutorial some where.
Add a webview and try to make a mobile friendly version of your forum. You can also call the web browser.
It will save you a lot of trouble.
I know this app forum sdk that provide a native library and bundles to enable a forum in your app. Much faster and quicker response than webview.