So I am starting to build a chat app and now I am at the registration screen.
Every time I press the login button,the request is sent only 1 time,like it should do.
The problem starts when I get in return the error message(e.g "Your password is incorrect"),after I get the error,I am pressing the login button again with the same wrong password,and I get Log error that I made but its showing 3 times, at the same time and firebase tells me that I have made too many attempts....
This is what I have done:
private val _authState by lazy { MutableLiveData<AuthState>(AuthState.Loading) }
val authState: LiveData<AuthState> = _authState
fun loginUser(emailAddress: String, password: String) {
if (!isEmailAddressValid(emailAddress)) {
_authState.value = AuthState.AuthError("Invalid email")
} else if (password.isEmpty()) {
_authState.value = AuthState.AuthError("Password field can't be empty")
} else if (emailAddress.isEmpty()) {
_authState.value = AuthState.AuthError("Email field can't be empty")
auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(emailAddress, password).addOnCompleteListener { task ->
if (task.isSuccessful) {
_authState.value = AuthState.Success
} else {
task.exception?.let {
_authState.value = AuthState.AuthError(it.localizedMessage)
This is the Activity:
binding.loginButton.setOnClickListener {
val emailEditText = binding.emailAddressEditText.text.toString()
val passwordEditText = binding.passwordEditText.text.toString()
registerLoginViewModel.loginUser(emailEditText, passwordEditText)
registerLoginViewModel.authState.observe(this#LoginRegisterActivity, object : Observer<AuthState?> {
override fun onChanged(loginState: AuthState?) {
when (loginState) {
is AuthState.Success -> {
Toast.makeText(this#LoginRegisterActivity,"Welcome Back!",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
is AuthState.AuthError -> {
Log.e("Error:","Error Message: ${loginState.message}") // This line returns 3 times after the second attempt
else -> {
Thank you !
LiveData.observe(...) doesn't need to be in any kind of listener. You can observe in onCreate() of Activity ahead of API call. As it is in your code now, you're adding one new observer every time your click listener is called.
Here's a small example:
class FruitsActivity : AppCompatActivity {
private val binding by lazy {
private val fruitsViewModel by viewModels<FruitsViewModel>()
fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Observe from fruitsViewModel.fruits
fruitsViewModel.fruits.observe(this) { fruitList ->
// Use `fruitList` in your adapter
// Fetch fruits on tap of a button
binding.loadFruitsButton.setOnClickListener {
class FruitsViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _fruits = MutableLiveData<List<Fruit>>()
val fruits: LiveData<List<Fruit>> = _fruits
fun fetchFruits() {
viewModelScope.launch {
// `someRepository` can be anything that calls an API
// or queries a database to get the required data.
// Repository Pattern + Coroutines recommended
val fruitList = someRepository.fetchFruits()
// if needed, perform any filters or modifications to `fruitList` here
// set the result data on LiveData
_fruits.value = fruitList
So, this is what happens:
Activity launches.
Initializes binding and fruitsViewModel.
Adds an Observer on fruits from fruitsViewModel
Sets click listener on a button to load fruits
When you tap the button, fruitsViewModel fetches fruits and sets result data on LiveData (_fruits).
LiveData finds its observers and notifies them about new data.
Let me know if you have any questions or if there's something wrong. I wrote the code directly in this text-field, so there might be a dot, comma or colon misplaced or missing.
I implemented an API call and I would like to allow the user to choose the sort order, keeping the choice saved in Datastore Preferences.
But I couldn't implement this idea, since both are returning a Flow, I don't know how to make one Flow wait for the other, and whenever the first one emits a new value, update the second.
Some example code I'm trying:
interface PreferencesRepository {
fun getFilter(): Flow<OrderType>
class PreferencesRepositoryImpl #Inject constructor() : PreferencesRepository {
override fun getFilter(): Flow<OrderType> = flow {
delay(timeMillis = 300) // simulate initial read delay from datastore
emit(value = OrderType.ASCENDING)
delay(timeMillis = 3000) // simulate a order change after 3 secs
emit(value = OrderType.DESCENDING)
interface ItemsRepository {
fun getItems(order: OrderType): Flow<List<ItemModel>>
class ItemsRepositoryImpl #Inject constructor() : ItemsRepository {
private val dummyItems: List<ItemModel> = listOf(
ItemModel(id = 1, title = "first item"),
ItemModel(id = 2, title = "second item"),
ItemModel(id = 3, title = "third item")
override fun getItems(order: OrderType): Flow<List<ItemModel>> = flow {
delay(timeMillis = 1000) // simulate network call delay
when (order) {
OrderType.ASCENDING -> {
emit(value = dummyItems)
OrderType.DESCENDING -> {
emit(value = dummyItems.sortedByDescending { })
class HomeViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val itemsRepository: ItemsRepository,
private val preferencesRepository: PreferencesRepository
) : ViewModel() {
private val _filter = MutableLiveData<OrderType>()
val filter: LiveData<OrderType> get() = _filter
private val _items = MutableLiveData<List<ItemModel>>()
val items: LiveData<List<ItemModel>> get() = _items
init {
// i imagine that these two methods must be unified somehow to work
private fun getFilter() = viewModelScope.launch {
preferencesRepository.getFilter().collectLatest { orderType ->
_filter.value = orderType
private fun getItems() = viewModelScope.launch {
order = _filter.value ?: OrderType.ASCENDING // not updated as expected
).collectLatest { items ->
_items.value = items
items.forEach { println(it.title) }
Logcat of current code:
You can use either flatMapLatest() or alternatively flatMapConcat() operator:
.flatMapLatest { itemsRepository.getItems(it) }
Whenever there is a new order emitted, it invokes getItems() with this order and then emits items from getItems().
flatMapLatest() only cares about the last order emitted. If new order is emitted before items for the last one are acquired, it just ignores the previous order(s) and cancels fetching of items for it (or don't even start fetching). It seems like this is what you need.
flatMapConcat() always invokes getItems() for each new order and waits for items before processing the next ordering.
Also, if this is your real case and not a simplified example for StackOverflow, then I suggest to not re-fetch items when ordering changes. You can re-order locally.
In my fragment I have a RecyclerView, which displays results from the query I enter in options menu. It is an API from which I receive TV-shows list.
The query needs string with a len of 3 at least. When it's 1 or 2 the adapter is cleared.
override fun onQueryTextChange(newText: String?): Boolean {
if (newText != null && newText.length > 2) {
if (!newText.isNullOrBlank() && newText.length > 2)
else {
return true
However, I encountered an issue after entering e.g. "cat" twice. I received a list of shows having cat in it. After removing query from optionmenu and taping it again the adapter was empty. And there was no same search. For me -> because the flow value didn't change.
In ViewModel I have:
private val _moviesStateFlow = MutableStateFlow<List<TvMazeShowResponse>>(emptyList())
val moviesStateFlow = _moviesStateFlow as StateFlow<List<TvMazeShowResponse>>
fun searchMovies(query: String) {
viewModelScope.launch {
val response = api.getApiResponse(query)
And this StateFlow I collect in fragment.
lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.moviesStateFlow.collect {
To fix the problem I added another function in VM
fun clearFlow() {
viewModelScope.launch {
And now in the fragment in onQueryTextChange in else I added.
else {
Now it works as expected. But is there a better way to achieve that?
To make your code less convoluted, avoid doing logic in your UI classes (Fragment/Activity/Adapter) and make your ViewModel provide the single source of truth.
override fun onQueryTextChange(newText: String?): Boolean {
return true
// In ViewModel
fun searchMovies(query: String) {
val trimmedQuery = query.trim()
viewModelScope.launch {
val response = if (trimmedQuery.length <= 2) emptyList() else api.getApiResponse(trimmedQuery)
To avoid running multiple obsolete queries if the user is typing quickly, I suggest cancelling previous searches when starting new ones.
private val searchJob? = null
fun searchMovies(query: String) {
val trimmedQuery = query.trim()
searchJob = viewModelScope.launch {
val response = if (trimmedQuery.length <= 2) emptyList() else api.getApiResponse(trimmedQuery)
I submit data setTripDeliver, the collect works fine (trigger LOADING and then SUCCESS). I pressed a button go to next fragment B (using replace). After that, I press back button (using popbackstack). the collect SUCCESS triggered.
Codes Related
These codes at the FragmentA.kt inside onViewCreated.
private fun startLifeCycle() {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
launch {
launch {
These codes when to submit data at a button setOnClickListener.
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted {
Method to collect flow collectTripReattempt()
private suspend fun collectTripReattempt() {
viewModel.tripReattempt.collect {
when (it) {
is Resource.Initialize -> {
is Resource.Loading -> {
Log.i("???","collectTripReattempt loading")
is Resource.Success -> {
val error =
if (error == null) {
Tools.showToast(requireContext(), "Success Reattempt")
Log.i("???","collectTripReattempt Success")
} else {
Tools.showToast(requireContext(), "$error")
is Resource.Error -> {
Below codes are from ViewModel.
private val _tripDeliver =
val tripDeliver: StateFlow<Resource<TripDeliverResponse>> = _tripDeliver
This method to call repository.
suspend fun setTripDeliver(
verificationCode: String?,
remark: String?
) {
_tripDeliver.value = Resource.Loading()
try {
val result = withContext(ioDispatcher) {
val tripDeliverParameter = DeliverParameter(
val response = appRepository.setTripDeliver(tripDeliverParameter)
Resource.getResponse { response }
_tripDeliver.value = result
} catch (e: Exception) {
when (e) {
is IOException -> _tripDeliver.value =
Resource.Error(messageInt = R.string.no_internet_connection)
else -> _tripDeliver.value =
Resource.Error("Trip Deliver Error: " + e.message)
2021-07-09 19:56:10.946 7446-7446/ I/???: collectTripReattempt loading
2021-07-09 19:56:11.172 7446-7446/ I/???: collectTripReattempt Success
2021-07-09 19:56:17.703 7446-7446/ I/???: collectTripReattempt Success
As you can see, the last Success is called again AFTER I pressed back button (popbackstack)
How to make it trigger once only? Is it the way I implement it is wrong? Thank you in advance.
This is not problem of your implementation this is happening because of stateIn() which use used in your viewModel to convert regular flow into stateFlow
If according to your code snippet the success is triggered once again, then why not loading has triggered?
as per article, it is showing the latest cached value when you left the screen and came back you got the latest cached value on view.
The latest value will still be cached so that when the user comes back to it, the view will have some data immediately.
I have found the solution, thanks to #Nurseyit Tursunkulov for giving me a clue. I have to use SharedFlow.
At the ViewModel, I replace the initialize with these:
private val _tripDeliver = MutableSharedFlow<Resource<TripDeliverResponse>>(replay = 0)
val tripDeliver: SharedFlow<Resource<TripDeliverResponse>> = _tripDeliver
At the replay I have to use 0, so this SharedFlow will trigger once. Next, change _tripDeliver.value to _tripDeliver.emit() like the codes below:
fun setTripDeliver(
verificationCode: String?,
remark: String?
) = viewModelScope.launch {
if (verificationCode == null && remark == null) {
_tripDeliver.emit(Resource.Error("Remark cannot be empty if verification is empty"))
try {
val result = withContext(ioDispatcher) {
val tripDeliverParameter = DeliverParameter(
val response = appRepository.setTripDeliver(tripDeliverParameter)
Resource.getResponse { response }
} catch (e: Exception) {
when (e) {
is IOException -> _tripDeliver.emit(Resource.Error(messageInt = R.string.no_internet_connection))
else -> _tripDeliver.emit(Resource.Error("Trip Deliver Error: " + e.message))
I hope this answer will help the others also.
I think this is because of coldFlow, you need a HotFlow. Another option is to try to hide and show fragment, instead of replacing. And yet another solution is to keep this code in viewModel.
In my opinion, I think your way of using coroutines in lifeScope is incorrect. After the lifeScope status of FragmentA is at Started again, the coroutine will be restarted:
launch {
launch {
So I think: You need to modify this way:
private fun startLifeCycle() {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
launch {
launch {
In my app, I have this flow:
ClickListender in my fragment:
search_button.setOnClickListener {
Toast.makeText(activity, "Input Error", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
onSearchButtonClicked inside viewModel:
fun onSearchButtonClicked(input: String) {
coroutineScope.launch {
insertToDatabase inside Repository:
suspend fun insertToDatabase(string: String) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val dataList =
if (dataList.intialDataResult < 1) {
//show error
} else {
//all good
I need to show error message if intialDataResult is less then one.
I thought about create MutableLiveData inside my repository with initial value of false and listen from the fragment through the viewModel, but it's not good approach because I have no way to set the LiveData to "false" again after I show error message.
I also tried to return bool from the insertToDatabase function and decide if to show error or not, with no success.
Any ideas how can I solve this?
Why not create a LiveData to manage your work's result state?
Create a class to store result of work why sealed class?
sealed class ResultState{
object Success: ResultState() // this is object because I added no params
data class Failure(val message: String): ResultState()
Create a LiveData to report this result
val stateLiveData = MutableLiveData<ResultState>()
Make insertToDatabase() return a result
suspend fun insertToDatabase(input: String): ResultState {
return withContext<ResultState>(Dispatchers.IO) {
val dataList =
if (dataList.intialDataResult < 1) {
return#withContext ResultState.Failure("Reason of error...")
} else {
return#withContext ResultState.Success
Now, report result to UI
fun onSearchButtonClicked(input: String) {
coroutineScope.launch {
val resultState = repo.insertToDatabase(input)
stateLiveData.value = resultState
In UI,
viewModel.stateLiveData.observe(viewLifeCycleOwner, Observer { state ->
when (state) {
is ResultState.Success -> { /* show success in UI */ }
is ResultState.Failure -> { /* show error in UI with state.message variable */ }
Similarly, you can add a ResultState.PROGRESS to show that a task is running in the UI.
If you have any queries, please add a comment.
So if I press the Start button I want to repeat the function "fetchCarData()" every Second till I press the End Button. What's the best way to achieve this, is there any fancy Kotlin way of implementing such a thing?
class CarDataSourceImpl(private val carDataService: CarDataService) : CarDataSource {
//Live Data List that can be accessed only by this class
private val _loadedCarData = MutableLiveData<CarResponse>()
//actual Live Data List observed by the Views
override val loadedCarData: LiveData<CarResponse>
get() = _loadedCarData
//Fetch new Data and notify Observers via Live Data
override suspend fun fetchCarData() {
try {
val fetchedCarData = carDataService
} catch (e: NoConnectivityException) {
Log.e("Connectivity", "No Connection", e)
var timer=Timer()
private fun callfunctioneverysecond() {
val minTask=object : TimerTask() {
override fun run() {
//call function here
timer.schedule(minTask, 0L, 1000 * 1)
// timer.cancel()//call timer.cancel when click End button