Android Studio - OpenCV project wont build - android

I followed the instructions to import OpenCV to Android Studio here, after Android Studio wouldn't let me use the File > New > Import Module feature. After following the instructions, I get these build errors:
FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.
1: Task failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugMainManifest'.$MergeFailureException: H:\AndroidProjects\WyzeCloud\Rev1\IPCloud\app\build\intermediates\navigation_json\debug\navigation.json (The system cannot find the file specified)
2: Task failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:compressDebugAssets'.
A failure occurred while executing
Anyone know what these errors mean, or have a possible solution to importing OpenCV to an Android Studio project?

I faced this problem before and my solution:
Download the Android sdk of Open-CV from this link:
Add the java and jni library files into your project. Java functions of this library is works with jni files (.so).


Execution failed for task ':app:packageDebug' ... Too many zip entries 236220 (MAX=65535)

I'm executing cordova build -d but keep getting this error at 94% complete:
Here's a screenshot of the MacOs terminal error
Here's a partial transcription of the screenshot:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:packageDebug'.
> A failure occurred while executing$IncrementalSplitterRunnable
> Too many zip entries 236220 (MAX=65535)
I haven't been able to find any info about this online. Does anyone have any ideas how to resolve?
I tried gradle clean then gradle build, increasing org.gradle.jvmargs size, and updating from gradle 7.6 to 8.

Build failed because of react native reanimated 2

I install react native reanimated 2 according to its installation doc. But when I run project for android build, I get this error:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugNativeLibs'.
> A failure occurred while executing
> 2 files found with path 'lib/x86_64/' from inputs:
- D:\ReactBootCamp_RASAHR\Bootcamp Main Projects\ReactNative\SecondVersion\Fooductor\node_modules\react-native-reanimated\android\build\.transforms\1ebd6d22f25011a79a18acd12f297fc9\transformed\jetified-react-native-reanimated-65-hermes\jni
- C:\Users\Kavosh\.gradle\caches\transforms-3\156e8e6ad84734ffd5fbff137e92dae0\transformed\jetified-react-native-0.65.1\jni
If you are using jniLibs and CMake IMPORTED targets, see
How can I solve this?

Path to cmake in Android

When building my Android project in AndroidStudio 3.6.1 I'm getting an error message:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':mobile:externalNativeBuildCleanDebug'.
> A problem occurred starting process 'command 'C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\cmake\3.6.4111459\bin\cmake.exe''
cmake is correctly installed but myusername does not exists. Instead, it should be a different folder.
Where can I change the path?

Flutter returns Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexBuilderForDebug' as soon as I add packages

I want to make an Android app with Flutter that uses the firebase ml kit to perform text recognition on images. I have successfully added firebase to my flutter project, but as soon as I add the packages image_picker: 0.6.1+4 and firebase_ml_vision: 0.9.2+1 I get the following error:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexBuilderForDebug'.
> Failed to process C:\Users\mathi\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\firebase-analytics-impl-11.4.2.aar\266afe38e9d564b66b359ca5823523b4\jars\classes.ja
The error also occures when I add only one of the two packages.
Update build.gradle to and do flutter run -v in your build in editor terminal. Because maybe you have to update your too in your android folder.

Dex error when trying to build ionic Android app

I'm trying to build an ionic app for Android but when I run
ionic cordova run android
I get
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexBuilderForDebug'.
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Dex archives: setting .DEX extension only for .CLASS files
Trying to run ./gradlew clean gets me
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Could not create service of type ScriptPluginFactory using BuildScopeServices.createScriptPluginFactory().
> Could not create service of type FileHasher using BuildSessionScopeServices.createFileSnapshotter().
I had the same issue but it was resolved. Thanks to information from #notlose at this link
just remove both 'build' folder in /android and /android/app
and build again with
'react-native run-android' for react-native
'ionic cordova run android' for ionic

