I've successfully implemented repository based MVVM. However I need to pass a class object between fragments. I've implemented a sharedViewModel between multiple fragments but the set value always gives null. I know this is due to me not passing the activity context to the initialization of the viewmodels in fragments. I am working with ModelFactory to make instances of my viewmodel yet I can't figure out a way to give 'applicationActivity()' .
Here's my modelFactory:
class MyViewModelFactory constructor(private val repository: MyRepository): ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
return if (modelClass.isAssignableFrom(MyOwnViewModel::class.java)) {
MyOwnViewModel(this.repository) as T
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("ViewModel Not Found")
and this is how I intialize my viewmodel:
viewModel=ViewModelProvider(this, MyViewModelFactory(
MyRepository(MyServices() ) )).get(MyOwnViewModel::class.java)
fetching data and everything else works, but I need to be able to share data between fragments and i can't do that with this architecture. I'm not using dagger or Hilt.
Thank you for any pointers.
You can use by activityViewModels() and pass the factory
private val myViewModel: MyViewModel by activityViewModels(factoryProducer = {
MyViewModelFactory(<your respository instance>)
It would be good idea to get your repository instance from a singleton or from a field in Application class. If you choose to get from an Application class you can do it like this;
class MyApp: Application() {
val service by lazy { MyService() }
val repository by lazy { MyRepository(service) }
by defining them lazy, it ensures that they are not initialized until its necessary
With your application class, your viewmodel call should look like this
private val myViewModel: MyViewModel by activityViewModels(factoryProducer = {
MyViewModelFactory((activity?.application as MyApp).repository)
You can also write viewmodelfactory this way
class MyViewModelFactory(internal var viewModel: ViewModel) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun create(modelClass: Class): T {
return viewModel as T
And for share data between fragment you can use bundle
I apologize if this has been asked before. I am trying to create multiple instances of the same type of viewmodel scoped to an activity using dagger-hilt, but even with different custom default args, it is returning the same instance each time.
I need all the viewmodel instances to be activity scoped, not fragment or navgraph scoped because I need all the fragments to subscribe to the updated data that will be received in the activity.
(Using Kotlin)
Activity Code
class Activity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val vm1:MyViewModel by viewModels(extrasProducer = {
val bundle = Bundle().apply {
putString("ViewModelType", "vm1")
MutableCreationExtras(defaultViewModelCreationExtras).apply {
set(DEFAULT_ARGS_KEY, bundle)
}) {
private val vm2:MyViewModel by viewModels(extrasProducer = {
val bundle = Bundle().apply {
putString("ViewModelType", "vm2")
MutableCreationExtras(defaultViewModelCreationExtras).apply {
set(DEFAULT_ARGS_KEY, bundle)
}) {
ViewModel Code
class MyViewModel #Inject constructor(
application: Application,
private val myRepo: MyRepository,
private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
// Define ViewModel factory in a companion object
companion object {
val Factory: ViewModelProvider.Factory = object : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel> create(
modelClass: Class<T>,
extras: CreationExtras
): T {
val defaultArgs = extras[DEFAULT_ARGS_KEY]
println("extras $extras and default $defaultArgs")
// Get the Application object from extras
val application = checkNotNull(extras[APPLICATION_KEY])
// Create a SavedStateHandle for this ViewModel from extras
val savedStateHandle = extras.createSavedStateHandle()
savedStateHandle.keys().forEach {
println("factory $it, ${savedStateHandle.get<Any>(it)}")
return MyViewModel(
application = application,
myRepo = MyRepository(application),
savedStateHandle = savedStateHandle
) as T
When I print out the default arguments, the first initialized viewmodel is always returned, and is not initialized again even with both variables in the activity having different default arguments. Expected result: New viewmodel instance with different default arguments.
I think it has to do with the Viewmodel store owner key being the same, but I do want the viewmodel store owner to be the same, just as a new instance, if that makes sense.
I know that in the past you could use AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory, or a custom viewmodel factory with ViewModelProvider.get(), but I can't access ViewModelProvider.get without passing a ViewModelStoreOwner, and since I don't want to pass it to the factory since it could leak the activity, I'm confused as to how to go about this. Is there a better way than using hilt to create multiple instances of the same type of viewmodel in the same scope?
override val viewModel: MyViewModel by activityViewModels()
Create instance of viewModel which lives with activity.
I checked out the Android Sunflower best practices app. And i kinda struggle to understand why the initialization of the PlantDetailsViewModel is working.
The class is defined as follows
class PlantDetailViewModel #AssistedInject constructor(
plantRepository: PlantRepository,
private val gardenPlantingRepository: GardenPlantingRepository,
#Assisted private val plantId: String
) : ViewModel() {
val isPlanted = gardenPlantingRepository.isPlanted(plantId)
val plant = plantRepository.getPlant(plantId)
interface AssistedFactory {
fun create(plantId: String): PlantDetailViewModel
companion object {
fun provideFactory(
assistedFactory: AssistedFactory,
plantId: String
): ViewModelProvider.Factory = object : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
return assistedFactory.create(plantId) as T
here the gardenPlantingRepository and plantRepository give access to a Room Database.
I wonder that this works because normally it is not possible to access a room database on the main thread. The Viemodel is used in the PlantDetailFragment and lazy initialized.
lateinit var plantDetailViewModelFactory: PlantDetailViewModel.AssistedFactory
private val plantDetailViewModel: PlantDetailViewModel by viewModels {
if i try something that is quite the same i always get the problem that it is not possible to access the database on the main thread. so i tried to init my variables in the init function with a coroutine and Dispatchers.IO but the problem with this is that when i access member variables of my viewmodel they are not initialized. so how is the behaviour of the sunflower app reproducible
Repository uses Dao methods that return LiveData
The Room persistence library supports observable queries, which return LiveData objects. Observable queries are written as part of a Database Access Object (DAO).
Room generates all the necessary code to update the LiveData object when a database is updated. The generated code runs the query asynchronously on a background thread when needed. This pattern is useful for keeping the data displayed in a UI in sync with the data stored in a database.
If you want to use coroutines then you should create and expose LiveData in your ViewModel
class ViewModel(
val repository: Repository
) : ViewModel() {
private val _liveData = MutableLiveData<SomeType>()
val liveData: LiveData<SomeType> get() = _liveData
init {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
Then you should observe this liveData in your activity / fragment
When using Room database with ViewModel and LiveDate based on this codelab in order to use queries with parameter I didn't find any solution so I tried to create another constructor for both view model class and repository class but I noticed that in CodeLab they don't use view model constructors at all and instead they use view model provider so I changed it and used
new StoryViewModel(getApplication(),"Fiction");
instead of
new ViewModelProvider(this).get(StoryViewModel.class);
I don't know if there's anything wrong with this or not. It works fine now, but if it's the way why don't we use this always? And why do we use view model provider?
If what I did is wrong then how can I retrieve data from db based on parameters?
Thank you.
you should not use directly viewModel constructor because the system creates the viewModel or gets it from cache. If you want to pass parameter to the viewModel constructor you should use a viewModel factory like this:
class ViewModelFactory(params) : ViewModelProviders.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
return modelClass.getConstructor(params::class.java).newInstance(params);
override fun onCreate(...) {
viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, ViewModelFactory(params)).get(MyViewModel::class.java)s
Here is a complete example, built with knowledge I gained from Pierluigi's answer:
class MyFragment: Fragment() {
private lateinit var viewModel: ContactViewModel
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
activity?.let { activity ->
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(
"mode value",
"nickname value"
} ?: throw AssertionError("Unable to get parent activity from fragment")
class MyViewModelFactory(val mode: String, val nickname: String) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T =
modelClass.getConstructor(String::class.java, String::class.java)
.newInstance(mode, nickname)
class MyViewModel(val mode: String, val nickname: String) : ViewModel()
For ViewModels which has only compile-time dependencies, I use the ViewModelProvider.Factory from Architecture components like following:
class ViewModelFactory<T : ViewModel> #Inject constructor(private val viewModel: Lazy<T>) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T = viewModel.get() as T
And in my Activity or Fragment I get the ViewModel in following way:
lateinit var viewModelFactory: ViewModelFactory<ProductsViewModel>
This is working fine until my ViewModel needs a dependency which is only available at run-time.
Scenario is, I have a list of Product which I am displaying in RecyclerView. For each Product, I have ProductViewModel.
Now, the ProductViewModel needs variety of dependencies like ResourceProvider, AlertManageretc which are available compile-time and I can either Inject them using constructor or I can Provide them using Module. But, along with above dependencies, it needs Product object as well which is only available at run-time as I fetch the list of products via API call.
I don't know how to inject a dependency which is only available at run-time. So I am doing following at the moment:
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
productsAdapter = ProductsAdapter(context!!, products, R.layout.list_item_products, BR.productVm)
rvProducts.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)
rvProducts.addItemDecoration(RecyclerViewMargin(context, 10, 20))
rvProducts.adapter = productsAdapter
private fun getProducts() {
.observe(this, Observer { productResponse: GetProductResponse ->
val productsViewModels = productResponse.data.map { product ->
// Here product is fetched run-time and alertManager etc are
// injected into Fragment as they are available compile-time. I
// don't think this is correct approach and I want to get the
// ProductViewModel using Dagger only.
ProductViewModel(product, resourceProvider,
appUtils, alertManager)
ProductsAdapter binds the ProductViewModel with the list_item_products layout.
As I mentioned in comments in the code, I don't want to create ProductViewModel my self and instead I want it from dagger only. I also believe the correct approach would be to Inject the ProductsAdapter directly into the Fragment, but then also, I need to tell dagger from where it can get Product object for ProductViewModel which is available at run time and it ends up on same question for me.
Any guide or directions to achieve this would be really great.
You are on the right direction in wanting to inject dependencies instead of creating them like you are doing with ProductViewModel. But, yes, you can't inject ProductViewModel as it needs a Product which is only available a runtime.
The solution to this problem is to create a Factory of ProductViewModel:
class ProductViewModel(
val product: Product,
val resourceProvider: ResourceProvider,
val appUtils: AppUtils,
val alertManager: AlertManager
) {
// ...
class ProductViewModelFactory #Inject constructor(
val resourceProvider: ResourceProvider,
val appUtils: AppUtils,
val alertManager: AlertManager
) {
fun create(product: Product): ProductViewModel {
return ProductViewModel(product, resourceProvider, appUtils, alertManager)
Then inject ProductViewModelFactory in your ProductsFragment class, and call productViewModelFactory.create(product) when the Product is available.
As your project start getting bigger and you see this pattern repeating, consider using AssistedInject to reduce the boilerplate.
I am using Koin library in Kotlin for DI
Koin providing by viewmodel() for get instance of ViewModel by sharedViewModel() to get same instance in fragments.
How can I get same instance of the ViewModel in activities ? I didn't find any way to achieve this.
you must use single{} instead of viewModel{} in module declaration.
single { SharedViewModel() }
And, you can use viewModel() in your views.
private val viewModel: SharedViewModel by viewModel()
private val viewModel: SharedViewModel by viewModel()
But you must load modules when view start by
The important point is that you must unload module in when destroy view.
So, when unload modules your singleton ViewModel will be destroyed.
Now, you can use sharedViewModel declaration.
After some research or discussion on architecture level and also report and issue github Koin,i found solution for this
In this scenario,We should save that state/data into Repository which we need to share between multiple activities not in the viewModel and two or more different ViewModels can access same state/data that are saved in single instance of repository
you need to read more about ViewModel to understand it better.
ViewModel is connected to your Activity
so you can share your Activities ViewModel only between his Fragments ,
that is what mean sharedViewModel in koin
sharedViewModel is the same if you use ViewModel Factory with same context .
sharing any data between Activities can be done via Intent , there is no another way in Android,
or you can keep some static / global data and share it between Activities
I would suggest making the app a ViewModelStoreOwner and injecting the viewModels using as owner the app.
The code required would look like this
class App : Application(), ViewModelStoreOwner {
private val mViewModelStore = ViewModelStore()
override fun getViewModelStore(): ViewModelStore {
return mViewModelStore
You can define some extensions to easily inject the viewModels
val Context.app: App
get() = applicationContext as App
inline fun <reified T : ViewModel> Context.appViewModel(
qualifier: Qualifier? = null,
noinline state: BundleDefinition? = null,
noinline parameters: ParametersDefinition? = null
): Lazy<T> {
return lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
GlobalContext.get().getViewModel(qualifier, state, { ViewModelOwner.from(app, null) }, T::class, parameters)
inline fun <reified T : ViewModel> Fragment.appViewModel(
qualifier: Qualifier? = null,
noinline state: BundleDefinition? = null,
noinline parameters: ParametersDefinition? = null
): Lazy<T> {
return lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
GlobalContext.get().getViewModel(qualifier, state, { ViewModelOwner.from(requireContext().app, null) }, T::class, parameters)
You can then inject your viewModel like this
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val mAppViewModel: AppViewModel by appViewModel()
The advantage of this solution is that you don't need to recreate the view model and if you decide to save the state between app restarts, you can easily make the app an SavedStateRegistryOwner as well and using the SavedStateHandle save/restore your state from inside the viewModel, being now bound to the process lifecycle.
I know this is very very late but you can try this:
if you are extending a baseviewmodel, you need to declare the baseViewmodel as a single then in your respective activity inject the BaseViewModel.
Practical example:
val dataModule = module {
single { BaseViewModel(get(), get()) }
in your ViewModel
class LoginViewModel(private val param: Repository,
param1: Pref,
param2: Engine) : BaseViewModel(param1, param2)
Then in your activity class
val baseViewModel: BaseViewModel by inject()
Hope this help someone.