unity switching to android - android

my project was fine tell I switched it to android platform
scene view and game view are making everything lagging
and getting allot of (scene view .repaint ) (game view .repaint )
everything is fine when I close them , but I need them to complete my work ;)
what should I do

I found the best thing to do. Go to build sittings and make asset import overrides 256 and force fast compressor.


Loading glb model in react native three using expo-three component not working on android device. The model appears on the web version though

I'm trying to create a react-native apps with three js using expo-gl, expo-three frameworks.
Following is the list of imports..
import { ExpoWebGLRenderingContext, GLView } from 'expo-gl';
import ExpoTHREE, { Renderer, TextureLoader } from 'expo-three';
import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader';
import * as React from 'react';
import {
} from 'three';
import OrbitControlsView from 'expo-three-orbit-controls';
Apart from the basic scene, camera and light setup I'm trying to load a glb model using the ExpoTHREE.loadAsync method as below...
const loadGlb = async ()=>{
const obj = await ExpoTHREE.loadAsync(
e.scene.traverse((f)=>{if(f.isMesh){f.material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial();}});
Using the ref: https://www.npmjs.com/package/expo-three
The model loads when I run the code on the desktop browser but not on my android phone using expo app. Please let me know what am I doing wrong.
You can access the app here https://expo.io/#praful124/expo3
I had the same problem and ended up running into the fact that it does not support textures inside the glb file. But if you find a solution, I will be very happy if you share them.

Why my Unity game in Android freezes when calling LoadScene?

The game freezes permanently when I try to load the next scene but when I load it with "Additive" mode it's loaded fine (using SceneManager.LoadScene("NextScene", LoadSceneMode.Additive)).
In editor everything works even with mode "Single", the problem only appears with Android.
I don't want to use the "Additive" mode because it loads the content of the new scene above the old one.
I try:
using "adb logcat" to see if any exception occurs but there are no exceptions.
load an empty scene as a new scene but the problem still appears.
load using SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("NextScene") but the problem still appear.
load with "Additive" mode and after the next scene is loaded I try to Unload the old scene using SceneManager.UnloadScene("OldScene") but it freezes again.
So the problem appears when Unity try to unload the old scene.
(I use Unity 2018.4.10f1 LTS).
Thanks in advance for any help.
Try to delete the objects from the last scene
In for loop to see what object response for the error
I try to build the game with PC and I face the same problem.
I see what in the output_log.txt file in "C:/Users/.../AppData/Local/Temp/.../My game name/Crashes" and the first readable messages after the crash are like this:
"ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Attempt to access invalid address.' (Address: 00007FFEF20E5212)"
without any other errors or exceptions by my game,
so I try to test the game with an updated version of Unity (2018.4.10f1 --> 2018.4.20f1),
Abracadabra everything works fine with the new version!!
and the problem doesn't appear anymore!!
I think it was a memory management problem in Unity 2018.4.10f1 but I don't know why.

Trigger(Touch) not working anymore on Android Unity3D VR App

My Cardboard-like VR-Viewer has a button that works by touching the screen. I created an app in Unity3D and this trigger mechanic first worked like a charm. Now all of a sudden, I think I only added an explosion particle effect, the touch function stopped working completely. I have tried things like removing the explosion from my scene again, but nothing seems to work. Another curious thing is, that I can't close the app in a normal way anymore (normally in VR Apps you have an X-Button in the top left of your screen, but clicking it doesn't do anything anymore too (It used to work!)). App still runs, doesn't crash, but no interaction is possible. I looked at the debug logs via adb - no errors there... App works like it used to when I start it inside the Unity Editor.
Did someone encounter a similar error or may have an idea about what the problem is? I'm using Unity Daydream Preview 5.4.2f2.
Edit: I forgot to mention I was using GvrViewer.Instance.Triggered to check if the screen was touched.
For all having the same problem, I worked around it by also checking if a touch just happened. In my Player : Monobehaviour I used:
void Update()
if (GvrViewer.Instance.Triggered ||
Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
//Do stuff.

Why do I get a strange blank screen error with OpenGLes/Android/NDK?

I'm getting a very weird error ever since I have "ported" the spritebatch code from Nokia's site. It runs well as a desktop applcation emulated by POWERVR. But on Android I only get a blank screen (in fact its black.) This happens if I just try to display a image, but it doesn't crash.
Here is where comes the weird part comes in: if i put glGeterror(); in the update function it works fine! (slowly, but displays everything fine) and geterror code returns 0. I have no idea what is going on or how to debug it, as I'm new to OpenGL but everything looks correct in the source. I spitted geterrors all around the code but without any clue. I've attached my project if you want to take a look. You will need Visual Studio + vsandroid to compile.
apparently the problem is not on the sprite batch, but in the java code. I replaced for another one that uses surface view and no longer im getting this esotheric behavior.

getting Eclipse to see recently added Drawables (png artwork)

I'm having trouble getting Eclipse to see that I've just put a new image into my project when referencing that image using R.drawable.this_text
So I drag my png into myProject/res/drawable-hdpi in Eclipse's Project Explorer. The name of the image is this_text and it's a png!
So I go into my application and I want to put this on the screen; So here's the code for that...
private void setTitle()
ImageView title = new ImageView(this); //this extends activity
This I have done before and each time I do it I experience the same thing:
if i just dragged my this_text.png into the Project Explorer in eclipse, the word "this_text" will be underlined in red, and not allow me to compile or proceed. I try to F5 (refresh) the project. I try refreshing the image foldr, the src, the actual java...etc! I try closing and opening eclipse but nothing really works. So I quit for afew minutes and work elsewhere in my application, and eventually this error goes away!
Well I'm impatient today-- And I'd rather know how to solve this incase I need to do any quick programming! So does anyone know what to do?
I'm using eclipse Version: Indigo Service Release 1.
Thanks- Ethan
R files for android are generated. Rather than refreshing you should be able to CLEAN the project which should fix your issue. You could even just delete the error from the problems list which would allow for compilation to start and for the generated R file to be created. Or you could make a change to an xml which would also allow for the file to be regened. As always make sure you are up to date on your tool chain.

