I am new to android app development. I am currently developing an app using speech recognition module provided by android.
My app gets output from the speech recognition module and process the output to classify them into groups. This classification does not rely on machine learning, but just a rule/dictionary base classification/grouping.
I would like to know if there is a way to test the app scalable manner. For example, there is a certain size of dataset of text to synthesise its pronunciation and put them into the module and check the classification result.
I googled it for a few days but no luck so far.. If you know the test method for an app including speech recognition module, please advise me!
Thank you so much for your help in advance!
I am trying to get continuous speech recognition working using pocketsphinx. I tried following their tutorial (https://cmusphinx.github.io/wiki/tutorialandroid/), although to me it is somewhat vague and I could not get it to work. I am now trying a different approach: to start with pocket-sphinx-android-demo (https://github.com/cmusphinx/pocketsphinx-android-demo) then reduce its limitations (to be able to recognize for longer and more words). I have figured out where the output of the recognition goes, although the demo is still only able to recognize weather words (I removed the digit and phones demos). I have discovered that the activation phrase can have an infinite vocabulary, but I can't figure out what is limiting the vocabulary of the actual recognition. Here is the github link to my project if it may be helpful: https://github.com/Michaelszeng/pocket-sphinx_App_mk2/commits/master
Does anybody know what is limiting the demo recognizer's vocabulary or how I could remove that limitation?
I want to know the feasibility of an android app which I am going to build for my College project.
The App, which I am trying to build is for attendance on the class through voice recognition or face detection.
For this, I suppose to first collect the data set for all the student of the class and then train it.
so, Is it feasible to build such an app and how to approach this?
I am new in Tensor flow and ML and also searched about this on the internet but unsuccessful to find anything so please help me come out from this. Your help is appreciated.
You will have to train and use a custom model for this.
ML Kit offers face detection but does not offer face recognition or voice recognition at the moment. So you will have to collect data and train a model yourself. You can look at the quickstart samples for iOS and Android on GitHub and learn about using mobile-optimized custom models in your app.
Good day ma'am/sirs! I'm new to android app developing, and I'm really in need of help. I'm developing a Speech-to-Text app though its not the usual STT apps that are available on app-stores. I'm using pocketsphinx for offline speech recognition and conversion, and Android Studio IDE.
My app has three main features and those are:
Record - here is where the user will be able to record his/her speech. The recorded speech will be saved into the device's storage.
Library - Here is where the user will be able to see his/her recorded speech and converted audio-to-text files. Also the convert feature where the user may convert his/her recorded speech into text files.
Edit - here is where the user will be able to edit his/her audio/text files. Only cut, delete, and modify(only text) are the available features.
My main problem is, is it actually possible to convert a recorded speech into text by using pocketsphinx? To make it more understandable, I've tried demos of pocketsphinx and what I've experienced through it is when you speak through your device, it directly converts what you said. Unlike my idea, where you may record your speech, and convert it into text whenever you want. I'm so confused if its possible, if yes, may someone tell/explain to me how? If no, may someone tell/explain to me the other ways to follow my idea? Thanks in advance!
I'm working on some language learning software and I want to use Windows and Samsung's existing handwriting recognition with in my program for the user to make calls to a database (a list of commands) that I'm going to create. I have the slightest idea on where to begin or even how this would work. I would really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.
Samsung provides Pen as part of their Mobile SDK. I haven't used it myself but the documentation says it contains a text recognition engine. However, it seems you not only get the recognition engine but have to use the whole package.
Does anyone have experience with java voice recognition and localization?
I'm thinking to build an android application, with some basic voice recognition options, but I want to implement localization for that based on some translate tool, maybe Google translate, and users can update his "dictionary" with new languages from remote dictionary...this project is in first phase, and I'm still brainstorming, so does anyone have some experience or is something like that even possible?
Why not just use Android's built-in speech recognition? It's REALLY easy (you just set up an Intent then catch it when it returns) and the results are surprisingly good.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but this will allow you to specify the language to recognize.