Rect not being drawn on Android PdfDocument canvas - android

I just switched from using iText to the native android PdfDocument, due to lack of documentation of how to print iText documents.
I am trying to draw a table on the Canvas, by looping through a list and adding a right and left column for each item, represented by using the Rect
The function responsible for drawing the table rows is shown below:
fun drawTableRow(canvas: Canvas, question: Document.H) {
val textBounds = Rect()
var cellHeight = if(question.value.isNullOrEmpty()) {
} else {
paint.getTextBounds(question.value, 0, question.value!!.length, textBounds)
if(cellHeight <= 20f) cellHeight = 20f
paint.textAlign = Paint.Align.LEFT
val top = yPointer
val right = (width.toFloat() - (pageMargin * 2)) / 3
val bottom = height - (yPointer + cellHeight + pageMargin)
val leftCell = RectF(pageMargin, top, right, bottom)
val rightCell = RectF(leftCell.right, top, pageMargin, bottom)
var textY = yPointer + yPadding
canvas.drawRect(rightCell, contentBgPaint)
canvas.drawRect(leftCell, contentBgPaint)
canvas.drawText(question.h.hQuestion.title, 0, question.h.hQuestion.title.length, pageMargin, textY, paint)
canvas.drawText(question.h.hQuestion.subtitle, 0, question.h.hQuestion.subtitle.length, pageMargin, textY + 16f, paint)
canvas.drawText(question.value!!, 0, question.value!!.length, leftCell.right, textY, paint)
yPointer += cellHeight.toInt()
And when running the debugger, the Rect coordinates seem to be set correctly.
However, an usual behavior occurs - either only one rectangle is being drawn, or the rectangles are overlapping each other exactly, despite having different coordinates.
Because if I attempt to only draw the right rectangle, it still appears on the left side in the document, with the exact proportions of the left rectangle, as seen in the image below.

It was a stupid mistake. The documentation for RectF clearly states that left <= right and top <= bottom. The debugger clearly shows that the right cell has a left value that is > right.
I replaced pageMargin with width.toFloat() - pageMargin in the right cell, which solved the issue.


Item drawn in Custom view onDraw() keeps disappearing

I'm drawing 3 things in my custom view in the onDraw() method: a vector drawable, a simple line and a triangle (made from 4 Points and a Path). This custom view is displayed in a tab.
If I swipe to go to another tab I see that the system calls onDraw(). When I return to the tab holding my custom view the vector drawable and simple line are still visible but the triangle has disappeared. If I now swipe to another tab, onDraw() runs again and back in the tab with the custom view, all items (including the triangle) are now visible. This disappearing/appearing continues to happen as I swipe back and forth. Why is my triangle disappearing?
UPDATE 1 (hacky fix):
I've tried experimenting and notice that when I move my triangle Path object creation out of my init() method and put it directly in the onDraw() method - then all works well, nothing disappears. But, I now get the 'Avoid object allocations during draw' warning as I'm creating this object in onDraw();
UPDATE 2 (better fix?):
After more experimenting, it's definitely the Path causing this problem. Another solution to this - which doesn't incur the 'Avoid object allocations during draw' warning is: keep Path creation in init() and remove the line of code 'myPath.setFillType(Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD)'. It solves my problem, but I've no idea why.
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Co-ordinates
int width = getWidth();
int halfWidth = width/2;
int left = 0;
int top = 0;
int centreX = left + halfWidth;
int centreY = top + halfWidth;
int baseSize = Math.round((float)(halfWidth * 0.05));
// Vector drawable - always draws fine!
myVectorDrawable.setBounds(left, top, left + width, top + width);
// Simple line - always draws fine!
canvas.drawLine(left, top, 20, 20, paint);
// Triangle - sometimes visible, sometimes disappears!
Point myTriangleBottomMiddle = new Point(centreX, centreY);
Point myTriangleBottomLeft = new Point(centreX, centreY + baseSize);
Point myTriangleBottomRight = new Point(centreX, centreY - baseSize);
Point myTriangleTopMiddle = new Point(centreX + halfWidth, centreY);
myPath.moveTo(myTriangleBottomMiddle.x, myTriangleBottomMiddle.y);
myPath.lineTo(myTriangleBottomLeft.x, mTriangleBottomLeft.y);
myPath.lineTo(myTriangleTopMiddle.x, myTriangleTopMiddle.y);
myPath.lineTo(myTriangleBottomRight.x, myTriangleBottomRight.y);
canvas.drawPath(myPath, myPaint);
Below the code where I set up stuff so as not to burden the onDraw() method.
private void init() {
// Vector drawable
myVectorDrawable = r.getDrawable(R.drawable.gauge_dial);
myPath = new Path();
// Triangle Paint
myPaint = new Paint();
// Simple line paint
Paint paint = new Paint();
Add a call to reset() on the path.
// Triangle - sometimes visible, sometimes disappears!
Point myTriangleBottomMiddle = new Point(centreX, centreY);
Point myTriangleBottomLeft = new Point(centreX, centreY + baseSize);
Point myTriangleBottomRight = new Point(centreX, centreY - baseSize);
Point myTriangleTopMiddle = new Point(centreX + halfWidth, centreY);
myPath.moveTo(myTriangleBottomMiddle.x, myTriangleBottomMiddle.y);
myPath.lineTo(myTriangleBottomLeft.x, mTriangleBottomLeft.y);
myPath.lineTo(myTriangleTopMiddle.x, myTriangleTopMiddle.y);
myPath.lineTo(myTriangleBottomRight.x, myTriangleBottomRight.y);
canvas.drawPath(myPath, myPaint);
Also, I would recommend putting the vector drawable into a separate view so it's not redrawn everytime you need to animate the triangle (assuming this is going to be an animated guage dial).

Problematic clip already set on Canvas in onDraw

I subclassed TextView to provide a custom onDraw. But canvas has a clip region applied that is nonsensical: the x is set to something well outside the view bounds. I think that's thwarting my purposes.
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
// draw numberLabel
if (numberLabel == 0)
val right = this.width - this.resources.getDimension(R.dimen.topNavBadgeEndMargin)
// top needs to add the top margin and estimated text height
val top = this.resources.getDimension(R.dimen.topNavBadgeTopMargin) + this.badgePaint.textSize
canvas.drawText(numberLabel.toString(), right, top, this.badgePaint)
val r = Rect()
Log.d("TopNav", "canvas.clipBounds: $r")
Logcat printed:
D/TopNav: canvas.clipBounds: Rect(524187, 0 - 524389, 147)
FYI, I have also tried drawing a circle r=50 center=(100,100) and it doesn't show. So what would help is a) why this happens? b) I know there's no way to reset the clip region, but is there any workaround that would help me?
Seems like if you override onDraw in a TextView you need to offset by scrollX (probably should do scrollY as well, though it was zero). scrollX was the rediculously large int and I have no idea why it would be nonzero in a TextView that doesn't need to scroll.
val right = this.scrollX + this.width - this.resources.getDimension(R.dimen.topNavBadgeEndMargin)
If you have several operations then canvas.translate wrapped by save and restore probably helps.

Android: drawTextOnPath multiline

I current have a custom view that I override the onDraw and draw an arc. I want to draw text within this arc. To do this, I use drawTextOnPath and this display curved text at the top of the arc. However, sometimes the text is quite long, so I want to allow it to go on to multiple lines.
I currently use code like this to draw on to multiple lines: -
textView.getPaint().getTextBounds(s, 0,
s.length(), r);
int yOffset=r.height() + textSpacing;
int textStart=0;
int numberOfLines= (int) (r.width()/arcWidth) + 1;
for (int i=0; i < numberOfLines; i ++) {
canvas.drawTextOnPath(s.substring(textStart, textStart + s.length() / numberOfLines),
childHolder.path, 0, yOffset, paint);
yOffset+=r.height() +textSpacing;
However, this obviously doesn't take into account how wide the text is further down the arc. Is there a way of doing this with using something like staticlayout/dynamiclayout (text does change a lot).
If anyone could point me in either something in android SDK I can use, or the maths to calculate the available width
This bit of code solved my issue: -
PathMeasure pm = new PathMeasure(path, false);
layout = new DynamicLayout(spannableText, spannableText, paint, (int) arcPathMeasure.getLength(), Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1, 0, true);
Thanks pskink!

What do I do about drawText() and drawRect() drawing in two different locations when given the same coordinates?

I'm trying to draw a text to the screen and then have a rectangle in the same spot to account for knowing when the user clicks within it (and clicks the text). Problem is when I put the text in one spot on the screen and the rectangle in the same spot, it apparently isn't in the same spot. Is there some setting I need to set somewhere?
private final String[] options = {"Start", "High Scores", "Help", "Quit"};
public void draw(final Canvas g)
for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++)
width = HORIZONTALOFFSET * 3 + spaceInvadersTitle.getWidth();
height = GamePanel.getScreenHeight() / 4 - (75 * 2 + TEXT_SIZE) / 2 + i * 75;
rect[i] = new Rect(width, height, width + 325, height + TEXT_SIZE);
g.drawRect(rect[i], paint);
g.drawText(options[i], width, height, paint);
FYI "width" and "height" are more like x- and y-coords. The horizontal alignment is not the problem - just the vertical. If you'll notice from the code, I'm setting the starting x- and y-coordinates for the drawText and drawRect the same exact position, but that's not how they're showing on the screen. Instead it seems the drawText is using that position as a lowerleft anchorpoint or something like that. Is that how it works? If so, how do I change that?
Also, if you have any suggestions on how to approach listening for when the user clicks on a drawn text, I'm all ears. This is the easiest way I could think of, and how I do it in regular desktop Java.

Draw a segmented circle in Android: OpenGL vs Cavans?

I need to draw something like this:
I was hoping that this guy posted some code of how he drew his segmented circle to begin with, but alas he didn't.
I also need to know which segment is where after interaction with the wheel - for instance if the wheel is rotated, I need to know where the original segments are after the rotation action.
Two questions:
Do I draw this segmented circle (with varying colours and content placed on the segment) with OpenGL or using Android Canvas?
Using either of the options, how do I register which segment is where?
Ok, so I've figured out how to draw the segmented circle using Canvas (I'll post the code as an answer). And I'm sure I'll figure out how to rotate the circle soon. But I'm still unsure how I'll recognize a separate segment of the drawn wheel after the rotation action.
Because, what I'm thinking of doing is drawing the segmented circle with these wedges, and the sort of handling the entire Canvas as an ImageView when I want to rotate it as if it's spinning. But when the spinning stops, how do I differentiate between the original segments drawn on the Canvas?
I've read about how to draw a segment on its own (here also), OpenGL, Canvas and even drawing shapes and layering them, but I've yet to see someone explaining how to recognize the separate segments.
Can drawBitmap() or createBitmap() perhaps be used?
If I go with OpenGL, I'll probably be able to rotate the segmented wheel using OpenGL's rotation, right?
I've also read that OpenGL might be too powerful for what I'd like to do, so should I rather consider "the graphic components of a game library built on top of OpenGL"?
This kind of answers my first question above - how to draw the segmented circle using Android Canvas:
Using the code found here, I do this in the onDraw function:
// Starting values
private int startAngle = 0;
private int numberOfSegments = 11;
private int sweepAngle = 360 / numberOfSegments;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
colours = getColours();
Log.d(TAG, "Draw the segmented circle");
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSegments; i++) {
// pick a colour that is not the previous colour
// Draw arc
canvas.drawArc(rectF, startAngle, sweepAngle, true, paint);
// Set variable values
startAngle -= sweepAngle;
This is how I set up the drawing area based on the device's screen size:
private void setUpDrawingArea() {
Log.d(TAG, "Set up drawing area.");
// First get the screen dimensions
Point size = new Point();
Display display = DrawArcActivity.this.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
int width = size.x;
int height = size.y;
Log.d(TAG, "Screen size = "+width+" x "+height);
// Set up the padding
int paddingLeft = (int) DrawArcActivity.this.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.padding_large);
int paddingTop = (int) DrawArcActivity.this.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.padding_large);
int paddingRight = (int) DrawArcActivity.this.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.padding_large);
int paddingBottom = (int) DrawArcActivity.this.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.padding_large);
// Then get the left, top, right and bottom Xs and Ys for the rectangle we're going to draw in
int left = 0 + paddingLeft;
int top = 0 + paddingTop;
int right = width - paddingRight;
int bottom = width - paddingBottom;
Log.d(TAG, "Rectangle placement -> left = "+left+", top = "+top+", right = "+right+", bottom = "+bottom);
rectF = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom);
That (and the other functions which are pretty straight forward, so I'm not going to paste the code here) draws this:
The segments are different colours with every run.

