AWS S3 public URL without Expiry date and Token - android

Is there any way that I can generate a Public URL without any expiry date and token? I am new in flutter and developing an application to upload the image into the AWS s3 but getting URL with token.
I'm using below code
Future<String> upload(String image,String filePath) async {
try {
print('In upload');
// Uploading the file with options
File local = File(image);
final key = filePath +;
Map<String, String> metadata = <String, String>{};
metadata['name'] = 'filename';
metadata['desc'] = 'A test file';
S3UploadFileOptions options = S3UploadFileOptions(
accessLevel: StorageAccessLevel.guest, metadata: metadata);
UploadFileResult result = await Amplify.Storage.uploadFile(
key: key,
local: local,
options: options,
onProgress: (progress) {
print("PROGRESS: " + progress.getFractionCompleted().toString());
setState(() {
_uploadFileResult = result.key;
return await getUrl().then((value){
return value;
} catch (e) {
print('UploadFile Err: ' + e.toString());
return '';
for taking url
Future<String> getUrl() async {
try {
print('In getUrl');
String key = _uploadFileResult;
S3GetUrlOptions options = S3GetUrlOptions(
accessLevel: StorageAccessLevel.guest, expires: 10000);
GetUrlResult result =
await Amplify.Storage.getUrl(key: key, options: options);
setState(() {
_getUrlResult = result.url;
return _getUrlResult;
} catch (e) {
print('GetUrl Err: ' + e.toString());
return '';


PlatformException(FitKit, 5000: Application needs OAuth consent from the user, null, null) when getting heart rate value from Google Fit

I am trying to get heart rate data from Google Fit using this codes:
void addBPM(List<FitData> results) {
setState(() {
results.where((data) => !data.userEntered).forEach((result) =>
_heartBPM = result.value.round());
void clearBPM() {
setState(() {
_heartBPM = 0;
void revokePermissions() async {
try {
await FitKit.revokePermissions();
permissions = await FitKit.hasPermissions(DataType.values);
print('revokePermissions: success');
} catch (e) {
print('revokePermissions: $e');
void read() async {
try {
permissions = await FitKit.requestPermissions(DataType.values);
if (!permissions) {
print('requestPermissions: failed');
setState(() {
bodyHBPM = '0';
} else {
if(await FitKit.requestPermissions(DataType.values)){
final now =;
final startOfDay = DateTime(now.year, now.month,;
final results = await
dateFrom: startOfDay,
dateTo: now,
// print(results);
print('readAll: success');
} catch (e) {
print('readAll: $e');
It was successful a week ago until I ran it again today and got this error:
readAll: PlatformException(FitKit, 5000: Application needs OAuth consent from the user, null, null)
What am I missing? The OAuth credentials have been created in the Google Console and it hasn't been changed since the last time I got it working.

Sending a post html request using iOS Swift not working

I have set up a payment system for my app through PayPal using both Android and IOS.
With the click of a button, the method 'payoutRequest' is called and sends the necessary information to PayPal through Firebase Functions.
The code I have works perfectly with Android but not so much with iOS.
Android's method: payoutRequest
public static final MediaType MEDIA_TYPE = MediaType.parse("application/json");
ProgressDialog progress;
private void payoutRequest() {
progress = new ProgressDialog(this);
progress.setTitle("Processing your payout ...");
progress.setMessage("Please Wait .....");
// HTTP Request ....
final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
// in json - we need variables for the hardcoded uid and Email
JSONObject postData = new JSONObject();
try {
postData.put("uid", FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser().getUid());
postData.put("email", mPayoutEmail.getText().toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Request body ...
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE, postData.toString());
// Build Request ...
final Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
.addHeader("cache-control", "no-cache")
.addHeader("Authorization", "Your Token")
client.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() {
public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
// something went wrong right off the bat
public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
// response successful ....
// refers to response.status('200') or ('500')
int responseCode = response.code();
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
switch(responseCode) {
case 200:
"Payout Successful!", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
case 500:
"Error: no payout available", Snackbar
"Error: couldn't complete the transaction",
} else {
"Error: couldn't complete the transaction",
The above method sends the html request to PayPal through the Firebase Function created, see below (firebase function):
index.js - JavaScript file used with Firebase Functions**
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const paypal = require('paypal-rest-sdk');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
mode: 'sandbox',
client_id: functions.config().paypal.client_id,
client_secret: functions.config().paypal.client_secret
exports.newRequest = functions.database.ref('/history/{pushId}').onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
var requestSnapshot = snapshot.val();
var price = snapshot.child('ridePrice').val();
var pushId = context.params.pushId;
return snapshot.ref.parent.child(pushId).child('price').set(price);
function getPayoutsPending(uid) {
return admin.database().ref('Users/Drivers/' + uid + '/history').once('value').then((snap) => {
if(snap === null){
throw new Error("profile doesn't exist");
var array = [];
snap.forEach(element => {
if (element.val() === true) {
return array;
}).catch((error) => {
return console.error(error);
function getPayoutsAmount(array) {
return admin.database().ref('history').once('value').then((snap) => {
var value = 0.0;
snap.forEach(element => {
if(array.indexOf(element.key) > -1) {
if(element.child('price').val() !== null){
value += element.child('price').val();
return value;
return value;
}).catch((error) => {
return console.error(error);
function updatePaymentsPending(uid, paymentId) {
return admin.database().ref('Users/Drivers/' + uid + '/history').once('value').then((snap) => {
if(snap === null){
throw new Error("profile doesn't exist");
snap.forEach(element => {
if(element.val() === true) {
admin.database().ref('Users/Drivers/' + uid + '/history/' + element.key).set( {
timestamp: admin.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
paymentId: paymentId
admin.database().ref('history/' + element.key + '/driverPaidOut').set(true);
return null;
}).catch((error) => {
return console.error(error);
exports.payout = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
return getPayoutsPending(request.body.uid)
.then(array => getPayoutsAmount(array))
.then(value => {
var valueTrunc = parseFloat(Math.round((value * 0.75) * 100) / 100).toFixed(2);
const sender_batch_id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(9);
const sync_mode = 'false';
const payReq = JSON.stringify({
sender_batch_header: {
sender_batch_id: sender_batch_id,
email_subject: "You have a payment"
items: [
recipient_type: "EMAIL",
amount: {
value: valueTrunc,
currency: "CAD"
note: "Thank you.",
sender_item_id: "Ryyde Payment"
return paypal.payout.create(payReq, sync_mode, (error, payout) => {
if (error) {
throw error;
}"payout created");;
return updatePaymentsPending(request.body.uid, sender_batch_id)
}).then(() => {
return null;
}).catch(error => {
When I run the above code in Android, it works and does all it should but the below method isn't working for IOS (same index.js file used for both platforms).
iOS's method: payoutRequest:
func payoutRequest() {
// Progress View
self.progress.progress = value
self.perform(#selector(updateProgressView), with: nil, afterDelay: 1.0)
let email = txtPayoutEmail.text!
let url = ""
let params : Parameters = [
"uid": self.uid! as String,
"email": email
let headers : HTTPHeaders = [
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Your Token",
"cache-control": "no-cache"
let myData = try? params, options: [])
print("data: \(String(describing: myData))")
Alamofire.request(url, method: .post, parameters: params, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: headers)
.validate(statusCode: 200..<300)
.validate(contentType: ["application/json"])
.responseData(completionHandler: { (response) in
//print("Request: \(String(describing: response.request))") // original url request
//print("Response: \(String(describing: response.response))") // http url response
print("Result: \(response.result)") // response serialization result
switch response.result {
case .success:
print("Validation Successful")
let parsedObject = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: myData!, options: .allowFragments)
print("parsed: \(parsedObject)")
case .failure(let error):
Also the following url is not completely accurate for privacy concerns. (myapp) is not name of the app
I have narrowed down the issue to the actual method in iOS - payoutRequest is not sending the post html request as it should.
What could I be doing wrong?
After running the code (payoutRequest()) below is the print() statement:
** name of app is blacked out **
Also, if I go to my PayPal developer account, go into the Dashboard and click on Notifications, I should get a notification for the following:
payment received in the main account (ok)
payment received from the riders email account (ok)
payment paid out to the driver (none)
mass payment to driver (none)

Large file upload fails on node.js Hapi

I have a node.js script which should handle file uploads, also multiple at once. Uploading pictures and voices work just fine. However, video files at around 10 MB or larger do not upload. Sometimes it doesn't work at all and sometimes it gets stuck in the fs.writeFile function. Maybe there is a better way general as I came up with many parts in the code on my own. I need the md5 hash before creating the file on disk because its path will be generated from the hash. Also I get a SocketTimeoutException on the Android side. Code is mainly focused on that part right now, so don't worry about the missing input validation and onProgress.
method: 'POST',
path: '/uploadFile',
config: {
payload: {
output: 'stream',
allow: 'multipart/form-data',
maxBytes: 100*1024*1024 //100 mb
}, handler: async function (request, reply)
await incoming_uploadFile(request, reply);
var joi = require('joi');
import { Paths } from "../util/Paths";
import * as fs from 'fs';
let data;
let numOfFiles: number;
export async function incoming_uploadFile(request, reply) {
data = request.payload;
await Application.InitializeSocket(null, "UploadFile");
let userID = await Application.AuthUser(JSON.parse(data['auth']));
numOfFiles = parseInt(data['numOfFiles']);
if (numOfFiles > 0)
async function upload(i: number)
const file = data['file' + i];
const meta = data['fileMeta' + i];
const metaJson = Application.StringToJson(meta);
const fileType: string = metaJson['fileType'];
const extension: string = metaJson['extension'];
var crypto = require('crypto');
const md5 = crypto.createHash('md5');
var length = parseInt(file.hapi.headers["content-length"]);
let buffer: Buffer = new Buffer(length);
let bufPos : number = 0;
file.on('data', function (b : Uint8Array) {
for (var i = 0; i < b.byteLength; ++i)
buffer.writeUInt8(b[i], bufPos++);
file.on('end', function (err) {
var hash = md5.update(buffer.toString("base64")).digest("hex");
const filePath: string = Paths.getFilePath(hash, fileType, extension);
// Creates all dirs that are missing on the path
var shell = require('shelljs');
shell.mkdir('-p', require('path').dirname(filePath));
console.log("writing buffer to file...");
fs.writeFile(filePath, buffer,null);
if ((++i) < numOfFiles)
Android uploading the file(s):
public static void uploadAttachments(ArrayList<EventAttachment> attachments)
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
// Add attachments
MultipartBody.Builder builder = new MultipartBody.Builder();
for (int i = 0; i < attachments.size();++i) {
EventAttachment attachment = attachments.get(i);
File file = new File(attachment.getPath());
String extension = MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(attachment.getPath());
String type = null;
if (extension != null) {
type = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension);
} else {
Log.e("x", "Could not get extensions of file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ". File upload aborted.");
ProgressRequestBody p = new ProgressRequestBody(RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse(type), file), new ProgressRequestBody.Listener() {
public void onProgress(int progress) {
builder.addFormDataPart("file" + i, file.getName(), p);
HashMap<String, String> hm = new HashMap<>();
hm.put("extension", extension.replace(".", ""));
hm.put("fileType", String.valueOf(attachment.getType()));
builder.addFormDataPart("fileMeta" + i, new JSONObject(hm).toString());
JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject();
builder.addFormDataPart("auth", putDefaultHeader(jObj).toString());
MultipartBody mb =;
okhttp3.Request request = new Request.Builder().url(EndPoint+UPLOAD_FILE).post(mb).build();
client.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() {
public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
Log.e("x", "Error uploading file");
public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
Thanks for your help.
timeout: false,
parse: true
on the config payload and works for now.

Node.js- Comapring items from AWS DynamoDB- only lowercases

I want to get Items from my AWS DynamoDB, via Lambda, which satisfy condition:
if (typeof event.keyWord != "undefined") {
var str = event.keyWord;
str = str.toLowerCase();
params.ExpressionAttributeValues[":keyWord"] = {"S": str};
params.FilterExpression = "contains (#nm, :keyWord)";
I send string (keyWord) from my android app, then call toLowerCase function on it and compare it with #nm from DB. My question is, how can I call similar function (toLowerCase) on #nm before comparing them? My whole code:
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var db = new AWS.DynamoDB();
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
var params = {
TableName: "Events", //"StreamsLambdaTable",
// ProjectionExpression: "locationLat, locationLon",
ProjectionExpression: "ID, description, endDate, imagePath, locationLat, locationLon, #nm, #tp" //specifies the attributes you want in the scan result.
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
"#nm": "name",
"#tp": "type",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":lower_lon": {"N": event.low_lon},
":higher_lon": {"N": event.high_lon},
":lower_lat": {"N": event.low_lat},
":higher_lat": {"N": event.high_lat}
if (typeof event.keyWord != "undefined") {
var str = event.keyWord;
str = str.toLowerCase();
params.ExpressionAttributeValues[":keyWord"] = {"S": str};
params.FilterExpression = params.FilterExpression + " and contains (#nm, :keyWord)";
db.scan(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err); // an error occurred
else {
data.Items.forEach(function(record) {
console.log( + "");
context.succeed(data.Items); // data.Items

Unity3D, C# and uploading tracks to SoundCloud

I am working on an app in Unity3D which can upload tracks to SoundCloud. I have been working on this for a while but i can't get it to work. I am using HttpWebRequest for the request to SoundCloud and this works fine on Unity for Windows. But when i try it on my Android device i get the following message: 'Request entity contains invalid byte sequence. Please transmit valid UTF-8.'.
Below is the part of code that i use (got it from somewhere on the internet).
I made sure i was uploading the same file on Windows as on Android and did the request to RequestBin. Now, when i compared the two, i noticed that the raw data is almost completely identical except for the end:
Ending Windows: ÿàþ³þDþÿýëýÅýÙý
Ending Android: ÿàþ³þDþÿýëýÅýÙý[FF]þÞýþûýCþxþZþ{þ
So as you can see, on Android there is more data. Can someone explain to me what is going on here?
I started with posts on the Unity community, now trying it here. Here you can find my question on the unity website for more information.
public class SoundCloudScript {
//Enter app credentials from here
private const string _clientId = "xxx";
private const string _clientSecret = "xxx";
//enter username and password a soundcloud user, e.g. your own credentials
private const string _username = "xxx";
private const string _password = "xxx";
private string soundCloudToken;
//private WebClient _webclient = new WebClient();
public string Status { get; set; }
public IEnumerator GetTokenAndUploadFile(MonoBehaviour mono, FileInfo file)
Debug.Log ( "GetTokenAndUploadFile() started");
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (p1, p2, p3, p4) => true;
var form = new WWWForm ();
form.AddField ("client_id", _clientId);
form.AddField ("client_secret", _clientSecret);
form.AddField ("grant_type", "password");
form.AddField ("username", _username);
form.AddField ("password", _password);
string soundCloudTokenRes = "";
Debug.Log ( "Try to get token");
WWW download = new WWW(soundCloudTokenRes, form);
yield return download;
Debug.Log ( "Error downloading: " + download.error );
var tokenInfo = download.text;
tokenInfo = tokenInfo.Remove(0, tokenInfo.IndexOf("token\":\"") + 8);
soundCloudToken = tokenInfo.Remove(tokenInfo.IndexOf("\""));
Debug.Log(string.Format("Token set: {0}", soundCloudToken));
public void UploadFile(FileInfo file)
Debug.Log ("Start uploading!");
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
var request = WebRequest.Create("") as HttpWebRequest;
//some default headers
request.Accept = "*/*";
request.Headers.Add("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3");
request.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate,sdch");
request.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8,ru;q=0.6");
//file array
var files = new UploadFile[]
new UploadFile(file.FullName, "track[asset_data]", "application/octet-stream")
//other form data
var form = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
form.Add("track[title]", "Some title");
form.Add("track[sharing]", "private");
form.Add("oauth_token", soundCloudToken);
form.Add("format", "json");
using (var response = HttpUploadHelper.Upload(request, files, form))
using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
Debug.Log ("Upload success!");
catch (WebException wex) {
if (wex.Response != null) {
using (var errorResponse = (HttpWebResponse)wex.Response) {
using (var reader = new StreamReader(errorResponse.GetResponseStream())) {
string error = reader.ReadToEnd();
Debug.Log ("Error(1/2): Message: " + wex.Message);
Debug.Log ("Error(2/2): " + error);
//TODO: use to parse this string and look at the error message
//return "Nothing...";
public class StreamMimePart : MimePart
Stream _data;
public void SetStream(Stream stream)
_data = stream;
public override Stream Data
return _data;
public abstract class MimePart
NameValueCollection _headers = new NameValueCollection();
byte[] _header;
public NameValueCollection Headers
get { return _headers; }
public byte[] Header
get { return _header; }
public long GenerateHeaderFooterData(string boundary)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string key in _headers.AllKeys)
sb.Append(": ");
_header = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString());
return _header.Length + Data.Length + 2;
public abstract Stream Data { get; }
public class StringMimePart : MimePart
Stream _data;
public string StringData
_data = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value));
public override Stream Data
return _data;
public class HttpUploadHelper
private HttpUploadHelper()
{ }
public static string Upload(string url, UploadFile[] files, NameValueCollection form)
HttpWebResponse resp = Upload((HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url), files, form);
using (Stream s = resp.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
return sr.ReadToEnd();
public static HttpWebResponse Upload(HttpWebRequest req, UploadFile[] files, NameValueCollection form)
List<MimePart> mimeParts = new List<MimePart>();
foreach (string key in form.AllKeys)
StringMimePart part = new StringMimePart();
part.Headers["Content-Disposition"] = "form-data; name=\"" + key + "\"";
part.StringData = form[key];
int nameIndex = 0;
foreach (UploadFile file in files)
StreamMimePart part = new StreamMimePart();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FieldName))
file.FieldName = "file" + nameIndex++;
part.Headers["Content-Disposition"] = "form-data; name=\"" + file.FieldName + "\"; filename=\"" + file.FileName + "\"";
part.Headers["Content-Type"] = file.ContentType;
string boundary = "----------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x");
req.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
req.Method = "POST";
long contentLength = 0;
byte[] _footer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("--" + boundary + "--\r\n");
foreach (MimePart part in mimeParts)
contentLength += part.GenerateHeaderFooterData(boundary);
req.ContentLength = contentLength + _footer.Length;
Debug.Log ("ContentLength: " + req.ContentLength);
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
byte[] afterFile = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n");
int read;
foreach(var header in req.Headers)
using (Stream s = req.GetRequestStream())
foreach (MimePart part in mimeParts)
s.Write(part.Header, 0, part.Header.Length);
while ((read = part.Data.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
s.Write(buffer, 0, read);
Debug.Log ("Buffer: >>" + System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer) + "<<");
//Debug.Log ("Buffer: " + System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer));
s.Write(afterFile, 0, afterFile.Length);
Debug.Log ("Buffer-End: >>" + System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(afterFile) + "<<");
s.Write(_footer, 0, _footer.Length);
Debug.Log ("Footer: >>" + System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_footer) + "<<");
return (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Log ("Crash! Message: " + e.Message);
foreach (MimePart part in mimeParts)
if (part.Data != null)
public class UploadFile
Stream _data;
string _fieldName;
string _fileName;
string _contentType;
public UploadFile(Stream data, string fieldName, string fileName, string contentType)
_data = data;
_fieldName = fieldName;
_fileName = fileName;
_contentType = contentType;
public UploadFile(string fileName, string fieldName, string contentType)
: this(File.OpenRead(fileName), fieldName, Path.GetFileName(fileName), contentType)
{ }
public UploadFile(string fileName)
: this(fileName, null, "application/octet-stream")
{ }
public Stream Data
get { return _data; }
set { _data = value; }
public string FieldName
get { return _fieldName; }
set { _fieldName = value; }
public string FileName
get { return _fileName; }
set { _fileName = value; }
public string ContentType
get { return _contentType; }
set { _contentType = value; }
It's working!! The problem was that at some point i used StringBuilder.AppendLine() to add a new line. This works fine on Windows, but on Android it didn't work... (i figured it out because the Content-Length was not the same for Windows and Android.)
I fixed it by instead of using 'StringBuilding.AppendLine()', i use 'StringBuilder.Append("\r\n")'

