React Native set up With Android Studio and Google Pixel As ADB - android

I am using the React Native tutorial on the website to learn android development and also the ReactNative CLI. I'm using Android Studio as my preferred editor. When I try to run the default app generated by runinning npx react-native init AwesomeProject and npx react-native run-android, it says error Failed to launch emulator. Reason: Cannot Launch Google Pixel As ADB. I'm not sure what to do even though my emulator is working perfectly


run option is disabled for my react native project in android studio

I made a new react native project.
According to this link
In the document
they start the application by running this command
npx react-native run-android
Its working fine on my machine, I mean the app is running.
But what I want to do is run the app without command.
I open the android folder in the androidStudio.
In the androidStudio, the run icon is disabled and importing 'android' cradle is not finished.
You should add configuration for this to executed directly from Android studio. Select the app and re-import the project.

React Native CLI : Run IOS in windows PC

I just want to know, Is there any way to run or test the IOS app in the windows emulator, I just want to test if my app can run in the IOS too using emulator etc., yet in my Android using npx react-native run-android it works fine and now I just want to test the command which is npx react-native run-ios but I think it only works at IOS instead windows, Is there any chance to run it in the emulator of android studio? or should I used VMWare?
I have already app using React Native -CLI and I want to test and run it on the IOS
A Mac is required to build projects with native code for iOS. You can follow the Expo CLI Quickstart to learn how to build your app using Expo instead.
React-Native Getting Started

can't run react native project in simulator from command

I am new in RN, and frankly in any modern front-end tools. So, I am working on an existing project, where I just run
npx react-native start
to run the project from the terminal, when the packager has started, I run
npx react-native run-ios
on another terminal window, which pretty reluctantly starts the ios simulator and opens the app as well. but the problem occurs when I run
npx react-native run-android
on the same windows, it gives throws an error as given in the screenshot:
To solve the problem, I always open my Android Studio, and build and run the app, which runs the app in the android simulator.
But I would really appreciate if there are some JavaScript or RN geeks who can help me run the app in android by the command
npx react-native run-android
I run a mac, use VS Code, I have yarn, npm installed.
Just try to remove the virtual device from avd manager in android studio and recreate it again. I also faced this issue recently and this is how i solved it. Also, check for any available update in android studio build tools.

Application migrated from Expo to ReactNative not running in Android Emulator

I have converted Expo app to react-native by following expo kit document. Everything seems to be good. If I open android folder in android studio, I have not seen any issue. But when I run ' react-native run-android ' command it is giving below error.
---- Error message ----
Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details.
Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device connected and have
set up your Android development environment:
Android studio configured as per document and enumulator is running.
I searched in google to resolve this issue and tried the options below Reinstalling npm, cleaning,and re-running.
Any help to solve this issue will be of great help for me to continue my application development.

Error while running for mobile platforms: Error running Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project

I followed the instructions on in order to properly install the android sdk for meteor. Although I was able to properly install it, I can't get it to work.
When trying to start the android emulator using meteor run android it throws me an exception:
Error while running for mobile platforms: Error running
Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project.
The same applies to the ios simulator when trying to run it using meteor run ios
You need go to your directory first and run the command.
cd your_cordova_project_path

