I am using kmagick for resizing gif images in android. It works fine for static but gives incorretc output for gif or animated webp files.
Magick.initialize().use {
val wand = MagickWand()
// getting image
// resizing image
// Saving image
promise.resolve("Done at ${dst}")
Input: (animated gif having multiple frames)
Output: I think its single frame and that also messed up but resizes according to input for height width.
Whats happening here. How to fix it?
Just want to reference for future, this was already answered in
Anyways, to sum up what's going on,
Gifs are able to save the difference between frames to save space.
It's due to the way gif images work. Because the cli uses the api in a certain way, and kmagick bindings are only direct bindings to the c api, if you want to achieve the same results that the cli does, you have to use the api in the same way. (kmagick isn't doing anything to the image, it's imagemagick that's doing it; so it's more relevant to check imagemagick api docs / ask them so you can do it in the same way and get the same results).
I'm not sure what imagemagick api they're using off the top of my head however to achieve those results, but I think that doing something like extracting each frame individually then resizing them one by one would solve it.
I need the code to add invisible watermark to another image in Android
As the comments mentioned, Stackoverflow isn't a free coding service. I will provide you with a high level design advice from which you can implement your own code.
Invisible watermark could just be metadata. The point is to make your particular photo unique and identifiable, right? I would recommend you looking into image metadata manipulation for a simple solution.
That being said, if you are looking for some high tech stealthy watermarking, then you might be looking for pixel manipulation. You can change a few of the pixel colors so if it's compared with the original image with the naked eye, it looks identical but if compared with their base64 encoding you can see a difference. Simply create your own pattern as some sort of signature to attach to images to identify them.
Both method allows you to determine if an image is yours due to the "watermark" you leave on it.
I am looking for Google Photos app style image manipulation. I am kind of new to image processing. Any leads on how to make the cropping rectangle with the image the same size as cropping rectangle, rotation (which rotates both the image and cropping rectangle), image straightening (including how to get that angle slider kind of UI) will be great. If there are some libraries that has these features, that will also work.
Square has a library for loading and playing with images.
Here are some features:
- Handling ImageView recycling and download cancelation in an adapter.
- Complex image transformations with minimal memory use.
- Automatic memory and disk caching.
There is detailed information on how to use the lib on their website. Check it out: Picasso
The gradle line you need to add is:
compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2'
It's very easy to use. Here is how I load and adjust an image into an ImageView in my example app:
As you can see, I've used fit().centerCrop() here. This will adjust the image to fit proportionally inside my imageView. You can try different forms of image transformations to better fit your needs.
You can also load images from your drawable folder or directly from file:
Picasso.with(context).load(new File(...)).into(imageView3);
Looks like I didn't fully understand your question when I first read it. Here are some tips for what you're trying to achieve. May not be exactly what you want, but I think it might be a start.
If you want to rotate your image, you can do it with Picasso using RequestCreator.rotate(float degrees).
Here's the documentation for RequestCreator.
As for cropping images (inside a specified rectangle, as you've shown), there is:
Android crop.
Or you can use Picasso Transformations and create a transformation like
CropTransformation(Top, Center, Bottom);
And ask Picasso to transform the image like this:
.transform(transformation).into((ImageView) findViewById(R.id.image));
Also, as #Amit K Saha said on his answer, you can use some Android SDK effects. Check android.media.effect.
Hope this helps.
There are some help from android sdk. May not be exactly what you are looking but worth of a shot to start. Have a look here.
And list of available effects can be found here
I'm working on an application in which I need to download lots of images. The images are to be seen in the fullscreen mode. Therefore, I wanted to know how to load an image, speedily, to make the application more responsive and enhance user experience. I would like to, atleast, show a blurred image first and than make it sharp. Thanks.
use BitmapFactory.Options.inSamleSize to load a downsampled version of the image. Then load the bigger image and do a fade transition using a TransitionDrawable
You're looking for "progressive image rendering", which can be done in a variety of different image formats, including png, jpeg, gif, etc. The next time you're going to save an image in a good graphics program, select one of those formats and take a look at your save options. You should have an option to save an "interlaced" image.
Jeff Atwood of Coding Horror has a nice write up here: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2005/12/progressive-image-rendering.html
Now a day i am doing a project related to image processing with the fallowing feature
1)Stretch 2)Scale 3)Twist
I am not understand how to achieve it in android.
Here i am putting some screen shot related to this project for makeing more clarity in my question.
The above image is the real image i want to apply image processing over this image for making it like
blow image.
Please me any suggestion,help url ,tutorial and other thinks for achieve this task.
You need to find a function which, when applied to pixel coordinates, outputs new pixel coordinates producing the twist effect you're looking for.
It may help to take a look at some of the functions listed at http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/ImageTransformation.html (esp. the section "Neat examples").
Once you have defined the function, you'd need to implement in Android the equivalent of the ImageTransformation command. Basically, for each pixel in the output image, call the function to know where to sample in the input image; use windowing when sampling the input image so that you limit artifacts and get a smoother result.
Trying to play animated GIFs on Android here (see Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url?). It's anything but smooth. On Android 1.5, the Movie.decodeStream()/decodeFile() returns a null. On Android 1.6, with the GIF files I've got, it returns a zero-sized movie with zero duration - clearly not adequate.
The referenced question suggests splitting the GIF into frames (and then rendering these). How exactly do i accomplish that, please?
EDIT: tried opening one of my GIFs with GNU giflib in Windows. It choked on the very first frame. The GIF itself is all right, all browsers (save Android's) display and animate it fine.
EDIT2: worked with giflib 4.1.4. Not sure what was broken in 4.1.6, but there you go. Next step: build giflib for Android via NDK, somehow integrate with the Bitmap class.
EDIT3: giflib it is. In conjuction with Bitmap.copyPixelsFromBuffer. The colors are all askew right now, but the basic design seems workable.
EDIT: I've migrated my project to Google GifFileDecoder, slightly patched. The MovieView class from the legacy solution remained mostly intact, but the GIF parsing logic is in Java.
Couple points of interest:
GifFileDecoder does its own looping. If the animation is looped and you do readFrame() until there are no more frames, this loop will be infinite; the decoder has its own wrap-around logic. Also, the buffer that readFrame() returns is being reused over and over, so don't store the result of readFrame as it is, next time you call readFrame it will be overwritten. Make a deep copy instead. Also, the decoder assumes reading from a file, but can be trivially modified to read from any other stream, sacrificing the looping logic.
Here's the 10 year old answer, for old times' sake:
giflib 4.1.4 and NDK. You have to manually resolve the palette colors in the GIF to match one of Android's ARGBxxxx formats, then pass the pixel array to a Bitmap object via copyPixelsFromBuffer(). If you want transparency and/or animation, you have to go through extension blocks and look for the one with code 0xf9.
Shared my code, along with guidance, here: http://rathertech.blogspot.com/2014/04/splitting-gif-into-frames-on-android.html