Jetpack Compose recompostion of property change in list of objects - android

I am quite new to Jetpack compose and have an issue that my list is not recomposing when a property of an object in the list changes. In my composable I get a list of available appointments from my view model and it is collected as a state.
// AppointmentsScreen.kt
internal fun AppointmentScreen(
navController: NavHostController
) {
val appointmentsViewModel = hiltViewModel<AppointmentViewModel>()
val availableAppointments= appointmentsViewModel.appointmentList.collectAsState()
AppointmentContent(appointments = availableAppointments, navController = navController)
In my view model I get the data from a dummy repository which returns a flow.
// AppointmentViewModel.kt
private val _appointmentList = MutableStateFlow(emptyList<Appointment>())
val appointmentList : StateFlow<List<Appointment>> = _appointmentList.asStateFlow()
init {
// Get the data from the dummy repository
private fun getAppointmentsFromRepository() {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
.collect { listOfAppointments ->
if (listOfAppointments.isNullOrEmpty()) {
Log.d(TAG, "Init: Empty Appointment List")
} else {
_appointmentList.value = listOfAppointments
// dummy function for demonstration, this is called from a UI button
fun setAllStatesToPaused() {
// Get the new data
Here is the data class for appointments
// Appointment data class
data class Appointment(
val uuid: String,
var state: AppointmentState = AppointmentState.NotStarted,
val title: String,
val timeStart: LocalTime,
val estimatedDuration: Duration? = null,
val timeEnd: LocalTime? = null
My question: If a property of one of the appointment objects (in the view models variable appointmentList) changes then there is no recomposition. I guess it is because the objects are still the same and only the properties have changed. What do I have to do that the if one of the properties changes also a recomposition of the screen is fired?
For example if you have realtime app that display stocks/shares with share prices then you will probably also have a list with stock objects and the share price updates every few seconds. The share price is a property of the stock object so this quite a similiar situation.


LiveData list of objects from Room query not showing up in the view

I'm currently trying to use a SQLite database via the Room library on my Jetpack Compose project to create a view that does the following:
display a list of entries from the database that are filtered to only records with the current user's ID
allow the user to create new records and insert those into the database
update the list to include any newly created records
My issue is that I cannot get the list to show when the view is loaded even though the database has data in it and I am able to insert records into it successfully. I've seen a lot of examples that show how do this if you are just loading all the records, but I cannot seem to figure out how to do this if I only want the list to include records with the user's ID.
After following a few of tutorials and posts it is my understanding that I should have the following:
A DAO, which returns a LiveData object
A repository which calls the DAO method and returns the same LiveData object
A viewholder class, which will contain two objects: one private MutableLiveData variable and one public LiveData variable (this one is the one we observe from the view)
My view, a Composable function, that observes the changes
However, with this setup, the list still will not load and I do not see any calls to the database to load the list from the "App Inspection" tab. The code is as follows:
#Entity(tableName = "training_sets")
data class TrainingSet (
#PrimaryKey() val id: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "user_id") val userId: String,
interface TrainingSetDao {
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.ABORT)
suspend fun insert(trainingSet: TrainingSet)
#Query("SELECT * FROM training_sets WHERE user_id = :userId")
fun getUserTrainingSets(userId: String): LiveData<List<TrainingSet>>
class TrainingSetRepository(private val trainingSetDao: TrainingSetDao) {
fun getUserTrainingSets(userId: String): LiveData<List<TrainingSet>> {
return trainingSetDao.getUserTrainingSets(userId)
suspend fun insert(trainingSet: TrainingSet) {
class TrainingSetsViewModel(application: Application): ViewModel() {
private val repository: TrainingSetRepository
private val _userTrainingSets = MutableLiveData<List<TrainingSet>>(emptyList())
val userTrainingSets: LiveData<List<TrainingSet>> get() = _userTrainingSets
init {
val trainingSetDao = AppDatabase.getDatabase(application.applicationContext).getTrainingSetDao()
repository = TrainingSetRepository(trainingSetDao)
fun getUserTrainingSets(userId: String) {
viewModelScope.launch {
_userTrainingSets.value = repository.getUserTrainingSets(userId).value
fun insertTrainingSet(trainingSet: TrainingSet) {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
} catch (err: Exception) {
println("Error!!!!: ${err.message}")
fun RecordScreen(navController: NavController, trainingSetsViewModel: TrainingSetsViewModel) {
// observe the list
val trainingSets by trainingSetsViewModel.userTrainingSets.observeAsState()
// trigger loading of the list using the userID
// note: hardcoding this ID for now
// ... some code here
Button(onClick = {
trainingSetsViewModel.insertTrainingSet(TrainingSet(// dummy test data here //))
}) {
Text(text = "Add Record")
// ... some more code here
LazyColumn() {
itemsIndexed(trainingSets) { key, item ->
// ... list row components here
NavGraph.kt** **(including this in case it's relevant)
fun NavGraph(navController: NavHostController) {
navController = navController,
startDestination = Screens.Record.route,
) {
composable(route = Screens.Record.route) {
val owner = LocalViewModelStoreOwner.current
owner?.let {
val trainingSetsViewModel: TrainingSetsViewModel = viewModel(
MainViewModelFactory(LocalContext.current.applicationContext as Application)
// note: I attempted to load the user training sets here in case it needed to be done before entering the RecordScreen, but that did not affect it (commenting this line out for now)
// trainingSetsViewModel.getUserTrainingSets("20c1256d-0bdb-4241-8781-10f7353e5a3b")
navController = navController,
trainingSetsViewModel= TrainingSetsViewModel,
What somewhat worked...
I was able to get the list to eventually load by making the following two changes (see comments in code), but it still did not load in the expected sequence and this change did not seem to align from all the examples I've seen. I will note that with this change, once the list showed up, the newly created records would be properly displayed as well.
*TrainingSetsViewModel.kt *(modified)
private val _userTrainingSets = MutableLiveData<List<TrainingSet>>(emptyList())
/ ***************
// change #1 (change this variable from a val to a var)
/ ***************
var userTrainingSets: LiveData<List<TrainingSet>> = _userTrainingSets
... // same code as above example
fun getUserTrainingSets(userId: String) {
viewModelScope.launch {
// ***************
// change #2 (did this instead of: _userTrainingSets.value = repository.getUserTrainingSets(userId).value)
// ***************
userTrainingSets = repository.getUserTrainingSets(userId)
... // same code as above example

Android Jetpack Compose: VM not updating data structure when modified

I’ve got a problem with a LazyColumn of elements that have a favourite button: basically when I tap the favourite button, the item that is being favourited (a document in my case) is changed in the underlying data structure in the VM, but the view isn’t updated, so I never see any change in the button state.
class MainViewModel(private val ioDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO) : ViewModel() {
var documentList = emptyList<PDFDocument>().toMutableStateList()
fun toggleFavoriteDocument(pdfDocument: PDFDocument) {
documentList.find {
it == pdfDocument
}?.let {
it.favorite = !it.favorite
The composables are:
fun DocumentRow(
document: PDFDocument,
onDocumentClicked: (String, Boolean) -> Unit,
onFavoriteValueChange: (Uri) -> Unit
) {
isFavorite = document.favorite,
onValueChanged = { onFavoriteValueChange(document.uri) }
fun HeartIcon(
isFavorite: Boolean,
color: Color = Color(0xffE91E63),
onValueChanged: (Boolean) -> Unit
) {
checked = isFavorite,
onCheckedChange = {
) {
tint = color,
imageVector = if (isFavorite) {
} else {
contentDescription = null
Am I doing something wrong? because when I call the toggleFavouriteDocument in the ViewModel, I see it’s marked or unmarked as favorite but there is no recomposition at all anywhere.
I might be missing it because you didn't post the rest of your code, but your documentList in the VM isn't observable, so how would the Composable know that it got changed? It needs to be something like Flow or LiveData, and it needs to be observed in the Composable. Something like this:
in ViewModel:
val documentList = MutableLiveData<List<PDFDocument>>()
in Composable:
val documentList by viewModel.documentList.observeAsState(List<PDFDocument>())
And you'll probably have to change the way you modify items in documentList. LiveData is weird about mutable collections inside MutableLiveData, and modifying individual items doesn't trigger a state change. You have to create a copy of the list with the modified items, and then re-port the whole list to the LiveData variable:
fun toggleFavoriteDocument(pdfDocument: PDFDocument) {
documentList.value?.let { oldList ->
// create a copy of existing list
val newList = mutableListOf<PDFDocument>()
// modify the item in the new list
newList.find {
it == pdfDocument
}?.let {
it.favorite = !it.favorite
// update the observable
Edit: There's also a potential problem with the way that you're trying to update the favorite value in the existing list. Without knowing how PDFDocument is implemented, I don't know if you can use the = operator. You should test that to make sure that newList.find { it == pdfDocument } actually finds the document

Jetpack Compose view doesn't observes state updates

I have a state class
object SomeState {
data class State(
val mainPhotos: List<S3Photo>? = emptyList(),
VM load data via init and updates state
class SomeViewModel() {
var viewState by mutableStateOf(SomeState.State())
private set
init {
val photos = someSource.load()
viewState = viewState.cope(mainPhotos = photos)
Composable takes data from state
fun SomeViewFun(
state = SomeState.State
) {
count = state .mainPhotos?.size ?: 0,
) {
//view items
The problem is that count in HorizontalPager always == 0, but in logcat and debugger i see that list.size() == 57
I have a lot of screen with arch like this and they works normaly. But on this screen view state doesn't updates and i can't understand why.
VM passes to Composable like this
fun SomeDistanation() {
val viewModel: SomeViewModel = hiltViewModel()
state = viewModel.state
Also Composable take Flow<ViewEffect> and etc, but in this question it doesn't matter, because there is no user input or side effects
The problem was in data source. All code in question work correctly. Problem closed.
object wrapping is completely redundant (no fields, no functions), you can remove it (also, change the name so it won't confuse with compose's State):
data class MyState(
val mainPhotos: List<S3Photo>? = emptyList(),
According to Android Developers, you need to create the state in the view model, and observe the state in the composable function - your code is a bit unclear for me so I'll just show you how I do it in my apps.
create the state in the view model:
class SomeViewModel() {
private val viewState = mutableStateOf(MyState())
// Expose as immutable so it won't be edited
fun getState(): State<MyState> = viewState
init {
val photos = someSource.load()
viewState.value = viewState.value.copy(mainPhotos = photos)
observe the state in the composable function:
fun SomeDistanation() {
val viewModel: SomeViewModel = hiltViewModel()
val state: MyState by remember { viewModel.getState() }
Now you'll get automatic recomposition in case the state changes.

Show DataStore protobuf settings in Jetpack Compose

I'm having an issue trying to display the data saved in my DataStore on startup in Jetpack Compose.
I have a data store set using protocol buffers to serialize the data. I create the datastore
val Context.networkSettingsDataStore: DataStore<NetworkSettings> by dataStore(
fileName = "network_settings.pb",
serializer = NetworkSettingsSerializer
and turn it into a livedata object in the view model
val networkSettingsLive = { e ->
if (e is IOException) { // 2
} else {
throw e
Then in my #Composable I try observing this data asState
fun mycomposable(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
val networkSettings by viewModel.networkSettingsLive.observeAsState(initial = NetworkSettings.getDefaultInstance())
val address by remember { mutableStateOf(networkSettings.address) }
Text(text = address)
I've confirmed that the data is in the datastore, and saving properly. I've put some print statements in the composible and the data from the datastore makes it, eventually, but never actually displays in my view. I want to say I'm not properly setting my data as Stateful the right way, but I think it could also be not reading from the data store the right way.
Is there a display the data from the datastore in the composable, while displaying the initial data on start up as well as live changes?
I've figured it out.
What I had to do is define the state variables in the composable, and later set them via a state controlled variable in the view model, then set that variable with what's in the dataStore sometime after initilization.
class MyActivity(): Activity {
private val viewModel: MyViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
MainScope.launch {
val networkSettings = viewModel.networkSettingsFlow.firstOrNull()
if (networkSettings != null) {
viewModel.mutableNetworkSettings.value = networkSettings
class MyViewModel(): ViewModel {
val networkSettingsFlow =
val mutableNetworkSettings = mutableStateOf(NetworkSettings.getInstance()
fun NetworkSettings(viewModel: MyViewModel) {
val networkSettings by viewModel.mutableNetworkSettings
var address by remember { mutableStateOf(networkSettings.address) }
address = networkSettings.address
Text(text = address)

Shuffle LiveData<List<Item>> from Room Database on App Open

I have a RecyclerView which displays LiveData<List<Item>> returned from a Room Database. Everything works fine, however, the Item order needs to be randomized every time the app is open for a more dynamic feel.
The Item's are displayed in AllItemFragment. When an item is clicked, it will be added to the users favourites. This will then add the Item to the FavouriteFragment.
Ordering the SQL query by RANDOM() would be called every time the data is changed (i.e. when an item is clicked) and therefore wont work.
List.shuffle cannot be called on LiveData object for obvious reasons.
Data is retrieved in the following format:
DAO -> Repository -> SharedViewholder -> Fragment -> Adapter
#Query("SELECT * from items_table")
fun getAllItems(): LiveData<MutableList<Item>>
val mItemList: LiveData<MutableList<Item>> = itemDoa.getAllItems()
init {
repository = ItemRepository(itemDao)
itemList = repository.mItemList
fun getItems(): LiveData<MutableList<Item>> {
return itemList
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
mSharedViewModel = activity?.run {
} ?: throw Exception("Invalid Activity")
mSharedViewModel.getItems().observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { item ->
// Update the UI
item.let { mAdapter.setItems(it!!) }
internal fun setItems(items: MutableList<Item>) {
val diffCallback = ItemDiffCallback(this.mItems, items)
val diffResult = DiffUtil.calculateDiff(diffCallback)
Using switchMap() still shuffles the entire list when a user presses the favourite button
fun getItems(): LiveData<MutableList<Item>> {
return Transformations.switchMap(mItemList) { list ->
val newLiveData = MutableLiveData<MutableList<Item>>()
val newList = list.toMutableList()
return#switchMap newLiveData }
Just use .shuffled() with seeded Random instance. The idea is to randomize the list, but the randomize in the same way, until the process dies and the user relaunches the app to generate a new seed.
private val seed = System.currentTimeMillis()
val mItemList: LiveData<MutableList<Item>> = {
The seed must be consistent throughout the application's process. I think keeping the seed in the repository is pretty safe, assuming that your repository is implemented in a singleton pattern. If it is not the case, just find yourself a singleton object and cache the seed.
You should consider using switchMap transformation operator on LiveData.
return liveData.switchMap(list -> {
var newLiveData = LiveData<MutableList<Item>>()
var newList = list.toMutableList()
return newLiveData
For creating new LiveData you can use LiveData constructor and setValue(T value) method.
As value you can set Collections.shuffle(list)
You could use it in your repository or in the view model.

