Updating MutableStateFlow without emitting to collectors - android

In an Android project, we are currently trying to switch from LiveData to StateFlow in our viewmodels. But for some rare cases, we need to update our state without notifying the collectors about the change. It might sound weird when we think of the working mechanism of flows, but I want to learn if it's a doable thing or not. Any real solution or workaround would be appreciated.

If you don't need to react to the true state anywhere, but only the publicly emitted state, I would store the true state in a property directly instead of a MutableStateFlow.
private var trueState: MyState = MyState(someDefault)
private val _publicState = MutableStateFlow<MyState>()
val publicstate = _publicState.asStateFlow()
fun updateState(newState: MyState, shouldEmitPublicly: Boolean) {
trueState = newState
if (shouldEmitPublicly) {
_publicState.value = newState
If you do need to react to it, one alternative to a wrapper class and filtering (#broot's solution) would be to simply keep two separate StateFlows.

Instead of exposing the state flow directly, we can expose another flow that filters the items according to our needs.
For example, we can keep the shouldEmit flag inside emitted items. Or use any other filtering logic:
suspend fun main(): Unit = coroutineScope {
launch {
stateFlow.collect {
println("Collected: $it")
setState(3, shouldEmit = false)
private val _stateFlow = MutableStateFlow(EmittableValue(0))
val stateFlow = _stateFlow.filter { it.shouldEmit }
.map { it.value }
fun setState(value: Int, shouldEmit: Boolean = true) {
_stateFlow.value = EmittableValue(value, shouldEmit)
private data class EmittableValue<T>(
val value: T,
val shouldEmit: Boolean = true
We can also keep the shouldEmit flag in the object and switch it on/off to temporarily disable emissions.
If you need to expose StateFlow and not just Flow, this should also be possible, but you need to decide if ignored emissions should affect its value or not.


Emitting ui state while collecting does not update ui

This init block is in my ViewModel:
init {
viewModelScope.launch {
userRepository.user.collect {
_uiState.value = UiState.Success(it)
This is very similar to what's actually written on the app, but even this simple example doesn't work. After userRepository.login(), user which is a SharedFlow emits a new user state. This latest value DOES get collected within this collect function shown above, but when emitting a new uiState containing the result, the view does not get such update.
val uiState by viewModel.uiState.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
Doing this for some reason, does not work. I suspect the issue is related to the lifecycle of the viewmodel, because when I treat the viewmodel as a singleton, this doesn't happen. It happens only when the viewmodel gets destroyed and then created a 2nd (or more) time(s).
What I'm trying to achieve is that the screen containing the view model is aware of the user state. Meaning that when I navigate to the screen, I want it to collect the latest user state, and then decide which content to show.
I also realize this is not the best pattern, most likely. I'm currently looking into a solution that holds the User as part of the app state and collecting per screen (given that it basically changes all or many screens and functionalities) so if you have any resources on an example on such implementation I'd be thankful. But I can't get my head around why this current implementation doesn't work so any light shed on the situation is much appreciated.
This is what I have in mind for the repository
private val _user = MutableSharedFlow<User>()
override val user: Flow<User> = _user
override suspend fun login() {
override suspend fun logout() {
For your case better to use this pattern:
ViewModel class:
sealed interface UserUiState {
object NotLoggedIn : UserUiState
object Error : UserUiState
data class LoggedIn(val user: User) : UserUiState
class MyViewModel #Inject constructor(
userRepository: UserRepository
) : ViewModel() {
val userUiState = userRepository.login()
.map { user ->
if (user != null)
scope = viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5_000),
initialValue = UserUiState.NotLoggedIn
Repository class:
class UserRepository {
fun login(): Flow<User?> = flow {
val user = TODO("Your code to get user")
if (isSuccess) {
} else {
Your screen Composable:
fun Screen() {
val userUiState by viewModel.userUiState.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
when (userUiState) {
is UserUiState.LoggedIn -> { TODO("Success code") }
UserUiState.NotLoggedIn -> { TODO("Waiting for login code") }
UserUiState.Error -> { TODO("Error display code") }
How it works: login() in repository returns autorized user flow which can be used in ViewModel. I use UserUiState sealed class to handle possible user states. And then I convert User value in map {} to UserUiState to display it in the UI Layer. Then Flow of UserUiState needs to be converted to StateFlow to obtain it from the Composable function, so I made stateIn.
And of course, this will solve your problem
Tell me in the comments if I got something wrong or if the code does not meet your expectations
Note: SharedFlow and StateFlow are not used in the Data Layer like you do.
You can emiting flow like this if you are working with network:
val user = flow of {
while (true) {
// network call to get user
If you use Room you can do this in your dao.
#Query(TODO("get actual user query"))
fun getUser(): Flow<User>
It is a better way and it recommended by android developers YouTube channel

How to pause emitting Flow in Kotlin?

Suppose I have some data that I need to transfer to the UI, and the data should be emitted with a certain delay, so I have a Flow in my ViewModel:
val myFlow = flow {
listOfSomeData.forEachIndexed { index, data ->
Somewhere in the UI flow is collected and displayed:
fun MyUI(viewModel: ViewModel) {
val data by viewModel.myFlow.collectAsState(INITIAL_DATA)
Now I want the user to be able to pause/resume emission by pressing some button. How can i do this?
The only thing I could come up with is an infinite loop inside Flow builder:
val pause = mutableStateOf(false)
val myFlow = flow {
listOfSomeData.forEachIndexed { index, data ->
while (pause.value) { delay(100) } //looks ugly
Is there any other more appropriate way?
You can tidy up your approach by using a flow to hold pause value then collect it:
val pause = MutableStateFlow(false)
val myFlow = flow {
listOfSomeData.forEachIndexed { index, data ->
if (pause.value) pause.first { isPaused -> !isPaused } // suspends
Do you need mutableStateOf for compose? Maybe you can transform it into a flow but I'm not aware how it looks bc I don't use compose.
A bit of a creative rant below:
I actually was wondering about this and looking for more flexible approach - ideally source flow should suspend during emit. I noticed that it can be done when using buffered flow with BufferOverflow.SUSPEND so I started fiddling with it.
I came up with something like this that lets me suspend any producer:
// assume source flow can't be accessed
val sourceFlow = flow {
listOfSomeData.forEachIndexed { index, data ->
val pause = MutableStateFlow(false)
val myFlow = sourceFlow
.buffer(Channel.RENDEZVOUS, BufferOverflow.SUSPEND)
.transform {
if (pause.value) pause.first { isPaused -> !isPaused }
It does seem like a small hack to me and there's a downside that source flow will still get to the next emit call after pausing so: n value gets suspended inside transform but source gets suspended on n+1.
If anyone has better idea on how to suspend source flow "immediately" I'd be happy to hear it.
If you don't need a specific delay you can use flow.filter{pause.value != true}

How to combine livedata and kotlin flow

Is this good to put the collect latest inside observe?
.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
if (it != null) {
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
viewLifecycleOwner.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
launch {
viewModel.referralDetailsResponse.collect { referralResponseState ->
when (referralResponseState) {
State.Empty -> {
is State.Failed -> {
State.Loading -> {
is State.Success<*> -> {
I'm sure it isn't, my API is called thrice too as the local DB changes, what is the right way to do this?
My ViewModel looks like this where I'm getting user information from local Room DB and referral details response is the API response
private val _referralDetailsResponse = Channel<State>(Channel.BUFFERED)
val referralDetailsResponse = _referralDetailsResponse.receiveAsFlow()
init {
val inviteSlug: String? = savedStateHandle["inviteSlug"]
// Fire invite link
if (inviteSlug != null) {
fun referralDetail(referral: String?) = viewModelScope.launch {
when (
val response =
) {
is ResultWrapper.GenericError -> {
ResultWrapper.NetworkError -> {
_referralDetailsResponse.send(State.Failed("Network Error"))
is ResultWrapper.Success<*> -> {
fun fetchUserProfileLocal(username: String) =
You can combine both streams of data into one stream and use their results. For example we can convert LiveData to Flow, using LiveData.asFlow() extension function, and combine both flows:
) { userProfile, referralResponseState ->
But it is better to move combining logic to ViewModel class and observe the overall result.
Dependency to use LiveData.asFlow() extension function:
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.4.0"
it certainly is not a good practice to put a collect inside the observe.
I think what you should do is collect your livedata/flows inside your viewmodel and expose the 'state' of your UI from it with different values or a combined state object using either Flows or Livedata
for example in your first code block I would change it like this
get rid of "userProfile" from your viewmodel
create and expose from your viewmodel to your activity three LiveData/StateFlow objects for your communityFeedPageData, errorMessage, refreshingState
then in your viewmodel, where you would update the "userProfile" update the three new state objects instead
this way you will take the business logic of "what to do in each state" outside from your activity and inside your viewmodel, and your Activity's job will become to only update your UI based on values from your viewmodel
For the specific case of your errorMessage and because you want to show it only once and not re-show it on Activity rotation, consider exposing a hot flow like this:
private val errorMessageChannel = Channel<CharSequence>()
val errorMessageFlow = errorMessageChannel.receiveAsFlow()
What "receiveAsFlow()" does really nicely, is that something emitted to the channel will be collected by one collector only, so a new collector (eg if your activity recreates on a rotation) will not receive the message and your user will not see it again

How to get LiveData to switch between two other LiveData

I have the following scenario. Podcasts can come from internet or local(db) both are LiveData
// Live
private val _live = MutableLiveData<List<Podcast>>()
val live: LiveData<List<Podcast>> = _live
// Local
val local: LiveData<List<Podcast>> = dao.observePodcasts()
// Combined
val podcasts: LiveData<List<Podcast>> = ...
My question is:- How can i use only one LiveData podcasts such that on demand I can get data from live or local
fun search(query: String) {
// podcasts <- from live
fun subcribed() {
// podcasts <- from local
You can use MediatorLiveData in this case.
What you need to do with MediatorLiveData is need the LiveData sources to be able to listen for changes to the LiveData source.
Try the following:
private val _podcasts = MediatorLiveData<List<Podcast>>().apply {
addSource(_live) { dataApi ->
// Or you can do something when `_live` has a change in value.
if(local.value == null) {
this.value = dataApi
addSource(local) { dataLocal ->
// Or you can do something when `local` has a change in value.
if(_live.value == null) {
this.value = dataLocal
val podcasts: LiveData<List<Podcast>> = _podcasts
I've personally used MediatorLiveData in projects to achieve the same function you're describing.
As quoted directly from the docs since they are pretty straight forward...
Consider the following scenario: we have 2 instances of LiveData, let's name them liveData1 and liveData2, and we want to merge their emissions in one object: liveDataMerger. Then, liveData1 and liveData2 will become sources for the MediatorLiveData liveDataMerger and every time onChanged callback is called for either of them, we set a new value in liveDataMerger.
LiveData liveData1 = ...;
LiveData liveData2 = ...;
MediatorLiveData liveDataMerger = new MediatorLiveData<>();
liveDataMerger.addSource(liveData1, value -> liveDataMerger.setValue(value));
liveDataMerger.addSource(liveData2, value -> liveDataMerger.setValue(value));
As already suggested, this can be accomplished with MediatorLiveData. Another option would be using Flows instead of combining LiveData.
val podcasts = combine(local, live) { local, live ->
// Add your implementation of how you would like to combine them
live ?: local
If you're using Room, you can simply change the return type to Flow to get a Flow result. And for the MutableLiveData you can replace it with MutableStateFlow.
Using MediatorLiveData didn't suit my needs as I expected because I wanted to be able to switch between local and live whenever I want!
So I did the implementation as follows
enum class Source {
private val _live = MutableLiveData<List<Podcast>>()
private val _local = dao.observePodcasts()
private val source = MutableLiveData<Source>(Source.LOCAL)
// Universal
val podcasts: LiveData<List<Podcasts>> = source.switchMap {
liveData {
when (it) {
Source.LIVE -> emitSource(_live)
else -> emitSource(_local)
emitSource() removes the previously-added source.
Then I implemented the following two methods
fun goLocal() {
fun goLive() {
I then call respected function whenever to observer from live or local storage
One of the usecase
searchItem.setOnActionExpandListener(object : MenuItem.OnActionExpandListener {
override fun onMenuItemActionExpand(p0: MenuItem?): Boolean {
return true
override fun onMenuItemActionCollapse(p0: MenuItem?): Boolean {
return true

PublishSubject with Kotlin coroutines (Flow)

I used a PublishSubject and I was sending messages to it and also I was listening for results. It worked flawlessly, but now I'm not sure how to do the same thing with Kotlin's coroutines (flows or channels).
private val subject = PublishProcessor.create<Boolean>>()
fun someMethod(b: Boolean) {
fun observe() {
subject.debounce(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.subscribe { /* value received */ }
Since I need the debounce operator I really wanted to do the same thing with flows so I created a channel and then I tried to create a flow from that channel and listen to changes, but I'm not getting any results.
private val channel = Channel<Boolean>()
fun someMethod(b: Boolean) {
fun observe() {
flow {
channel.consumeEach { value ->
}.debounce(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.onEach {
// value received
What is wrong?
Flow is a cold asynchronous stream, just like an Observable.
All transformations on the flow, such as map and filter do not trigger flow collection or execution, only terminal operators (e.g. single) do trigger it.
The onEach method is just a transformation. Therefore you should replace it with the terminal flow operator collect. Also you could use a BroadcastChannel to have cleaner code:
private val channel = BroadcastChannel<Boolean>(1)
suspend fun someMethod(b: Boolean) {
suspend fun observe() {
.collect {
// value received
Update: At the time the question was asked there was an overload of debounce with two parameters (like in the question). There is not anymore. But now there is one which takes one argument in milliseconds (Long).
It should be SharedFlow/MutableSharedFlow for PublishProcessor/PublishRelay
private val _myFlow = MutableSharedFlow<Boolean>(
replay = 0,
extraBufferCapacity = 1, // you can increase
val myFlow = _myFlow.asSharedFlow()
// ...
fun someMethod(b: Boolean) {
fun observe() {
.onEach { }
// flowOn(), catch{}
And StateFlow/MutableStateFlow for BehaviorProcessor/BehaviorRelay.
private val _myFlow = MutableStateFlow<Boolean>(false)
val myFlow = _myFlow.asStateFlow()
// ...
fun someMethod(b: Boolean) {
_myFlow.value = b // same as _myFlow.emit(v), myFlow.tryEmit(b)
fun observe() {
.onEach { }
// flowOn(), catch{}
StateFlow must have initial value, if you don't want that, this is workaround:
private val _myFlow = MutableStateFlow<Boolean?>(null)
val myFlow = _myFlow.asStateFlow()
MutableStateFlow uses .equals comparison when setting new value, so it does not emit same value again and again (versus distinctUntilChanged which uses referential comparison).
So MutableStateFlow ≈ BehaviorProcessor.distinctUntilChanged(). If you want exact BehaviorProcessor behavior then you can use this:
private val _myFlow = MutableSharedFlow<Boolean>(
replay = 1,
extraBufferCapacity = 0,
ArrayBroadcastChannel in Kotlin coroutines is the one most similar to PublishSubject.
Like PublishSubject, an ArrayBroadcastChannel can have multiple
subscribers and all the active subscribers are immediately notified.
Like PublishSubject, events pushed to this channel are lost, if there are no active subscribers at the moment.
Unlike PublishSubject, backpressure is inbuilt into the coroutine channels, and that is where the buffer capacity comes in. This number really depends on which use case the channel is being used for. For most of the normal use cases, I just go with 10, which should be more than enough. If you push events faster to this channel than receivers consuming it, you can give more capacity.
Actually BroadcastChannel is obsolete already, Jetbrains changed their approach to use SharedFlows instead. Which is a lot more cleaner, easier to implement and solves a lot of pain points.
Essentially, you can achieve the same thing like this.
class BroadcastEventBus {
private val _events = MutableSharedFlow<Event>()
val events = _events.asSharedFlow() // read-only public view
suspend fun postEvent(event: Event) {
_events.emit(event) // suspends until subscribers receive it
To read about it more, checkout Roman's Medium article.
"Shared flows, broadcast channels" by Roman Elizarov

