Appium Android PointerInput LongPress code is needed - android

Faced error: Encountered internal error running command: io.appium.uiautomator2.common.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException: Exception while reading JSON
Have coded in java and showed the appium logs here.
My code:
"id": "finger",
"type": "pointer",
"parameters": {
"pointerType": "touch"
"actions": [
"duration": 0,
"type": "pause"
"duration": 0,
"x": 862,
"y": 747,
"type": "pointerMove",
"origin": "viewport"
"button": 0,
"type": "pointerUp"
"id": "finger",
"type": "pointer",
"parameters": {
"pointerType": "touch"
"actions": [
"duration": 0,
"type": "pause"
"duration": 0,
"x": 862,
"y": 747,
"type": "pointerMove",
"origin": "viewport"
"button": 0,
"type": "pointerUp"

You can use this function for long-press operation for the recent appium version without touch action and javascript.
Point element_location = WebElement.getLocation(); //Getting element's location
long_press(element_location);// passing the location coordinates to the long_press funcation
PointerInput finger = new PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.TOUCH, "finger");
Sequence longpress = new Sequence(finger, 1);
longpress.addAction(finger.createPointerMove(Duration.ofMillis(0),PointerInput.Origin.viewport(), location.x, location.y));
longpress.addAction(finger.createPointerMove(Duration.ofMillis(2000),PointerInput.Origin.viewport(), location.x, location.y));


Retrofit Android API Get without nested array

This is my first android project (I'm a php developer) but i'm struggling to see how to take this example which uses a nested structure under data for the json array whereas my data is not double nested like this example.
The excample code I am trying to modify is from here and the key differences in the json are todo with the nesting.
"page": 1,
"per_page": 6,
"total": 12,
"total_pages": 2,
"data": [
"id": 1,
"email": "",
"first_name": "George",
"last_name": "Bluth",
"avatar": ""
"id": 2,
"email": "",
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Smith",
"avatar": ""
whereas mine is simply
"_id": "62f4cb4e131d9d00046a1b9c",
"device": "AndroidAPS-DexcomG6",
"date": 1660209967000,
"dateString": "2022-08-11T09:26:07.000Z",
"isValid": true,
"sgv": 133,
"direction": "Flat",
"type": "sgv",
"created_at": "2022-08-11T09:26:38.326Z",
"mills": 1660209998326
"_id": "62f4cb4e131d9d00046a1b9c",
"device": "AndroidAPS-DexcomG6",
"date": 1660209967000,
"dateString": "2022-08-11T09:26:07.000Z",
"isValid": true,
"sgv": 133,
"direction": "Flat",
"type": "sgv",
"created_at": "2022-08-11T09:26:38.326Z",
"mills": 1660209998326
Specifically I want to query the SGV values, direction and date
You "return type" of "method" in Retrofit "interface" will be:
And MyModel:
data class MyModel(val _id:String, val device:String,...)

Handle custom response in Paging library 3 Android

I am new to the Paging 3 library in android kotlin. I want unlimited data. So I found the Paging 3 library helpful in my case. I used PagingSource to create a list. I am not using Room. I have multiple view in recyclerView. I am using PagingDataAdapter with diff util for my Recyclerview. I used the recommended tutorial for the Paging library from codelab and I succeeded without any problem.
Now I'm facing some problems in how to handle other data than matches
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Matches found"
"data": {
"filters": {
"sortable_actions": [
"name": "asd",
"value": "sd",
"is_selected_filter": false
"name": "asd",
"value": "asd",
"is_selected_filter": false
"filter_actions": [
"name": "sdaf",
"display_name": "dafs",
"is_selected_filter": false
"cities": [
"Akora, Japan",
"Zurich, Switzerland"
"matches_count": {
"hot": 0,
"warm": 0,
"cool": 17
"matches": [
"id": "52832",
"type": "asdf",
"attributes": {
"name": "afd",
"pitch": "dsf",
"logo": "adsf",
"plan": "fd",
"country": "sdf",
"city": "faas",
"id": "52832",
"type": "asdf",
"attributes": {
"name": "",
"pitch": "",
"logo": "",
"plan": "",
"country": "",
"city": "",
"id": "52832",
"type": "",
"attributes": {
"name": "",
"pitch": "",
"logo": "",
"plan": "",
"country": "",
"city": "",
"id": "52832",
"type": "",
"attributes": {
"name": "",
"pitch": "",
"logo": "",
"plan": "",
"country": "",
"city": "",
can you please help me how to get filter and sorting data in my UI.

Json parsing in skyscanner pricing api

I started working with sky-scanner API using volley on Android. I am able to poll the response from the API, however I have no clue how to parse the json which is sent in response, please see json below. The json response is very big, I have never worked with such responses before thus have no idea how can I handle this.
Can someone please help me figure this out? There is no sample implementation done by anyone for skyscanner for android.
JSON response to be parsed to get price, agents, flight number, carrier, duration of flight, image URL of flight.
"SessionKey": "97d1_ecilpojl_A",
"Query": {
"Country": "IN",
"Currency": "INR",
"Locale": "en-us",
"Adults": 1,
"Children": 0,
"Infants": 0,
"OriginPlace": "12627",
"DestinationPlace": "11712",
"OutboundDate": "2016-10-09",
"LocationSchema": "Default",
"CabinClass": "Economy",
"GroupPricing": false
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"Itineraries": [
"OutboundLegId": "12627-1610091100-AI-1-11712-1610091515",
"PricingOptions": [
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 19391.08,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 20190,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 20315,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 20457.92,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 20876,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 20888.5,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 20959.41,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 21207.92,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 21782,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 21782,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 21782,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&url=http1.prod_0148f8394d6c2b79a407121f74dce6e1%26commercial_filters%3dfalse%26q_datetime_utc%3d2016-10-02T12%3a09%3a13"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 22217.64,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 22417.66,
"DeeplinkUrl": "deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&url=http32672%26passengers%3d1%2c0%2c0%26channel%3ddataapi%26cabin_class%3deconomy%26facilitated%3dfalse%26ticket_price%3d22417.66%26is_npt%3dfalse%26is_multipart%3dfal
"BookingDetailsLink": {
"Uri": "/apiservices/pricing/v1.0/97d115d901944a33a4084a4a3170905f_ecilpojl_A1EA190098863E15CE039BCA9C3B1D16/booking",
"Body": "OutboundLegId=12627-1610091100-AI-1-11712-1610091515&InboundLegId=",
"Method": "PUT"
"OutboundLegId": "12627-1610090820-9W,AI-1-11712-1610091515",
"PricingOptions": [
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 37113.61,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 38374,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 38854.31,
"DeeplinkUrl": ""
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 39604.31,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_cje=9CRwSnJAYX4dZyvkLfQf7nyRn0MxGbhiKjD2KHvGPF9n99euZVUDq%2bzBrzQGTfTH&"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 39932.95,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?_1.prod_8365f3bbc5ef11ab38406bb350796374%26commercial_filters%3dfalse%26q_datetime_utc%3d2016-10-02T12%3a09%3a12"
"Agents": [
"QuoteAgeInMinutes": 5,
"Price": 43940.34,
"DeeplinkUrl": "/deeplink/v2?32672%26passengers%3d1%2c0%2c0%26channel%3ddataapi%26cabin_class%3deconomy%26facilitated%3dfalse%26ticket_price%3d43940.34%26is_npt%3dfalse%26is_multipart%3dfalse%26client_id%3dskyscanner_b2b%26request_id%3dd4cc5531-1a4b-4c76-a063-447e7a8baeea%26deeplink_ids%3dap-northeast-1.prod_0b228b45aaf97f3276f40ee4109e8faf%26commercial_filters%3dfalse%26q_datetime_utc%3d2016-10-02T12%3a09%3a13"
"BookingDetailsLink": {
"Uri": "/apiservices/pricing/v1.0/97d115d901944a33a4084a4a3170905f_ecilpojl_A1EA190098863E15CE039BCA9C3B1D16/booking",
"Body": "OutboundLegId=12627-1610090820-9W,AI-1-11712-1610091515&InboundLegId=",
"Method": "PUT"
"Legs": [
"Id": "12627-1610091100-AI-1-11712-1610091515",
"SegmentIds": [
"OriginStation": 12627,
"DestinationStation": 11712,
"Departure": "2016-10-09T11:00:00",
"Arrival": "2016-10-09T15:15:00",
"Duration": 255,
"JourneyMode": "Flight",
"Stops": [
"Carriers": [
"OperatingCarriers": [
"Directionality": "Outbound",
"FlightNumbers": [
"FlightNumber": "446",
"CarrierId": 841
"FlightNumber": "433",
"CarrierId": 841
"Id": "12627-1610090820-9W,AI-1-11712-1610091515",
"SegmentIds": [
"OriginStation": 12627,
"DestinationStation": 11712,
"Departure": "2016-10-09T08:20:00",
"Arrival": "2016-10-09T15:15:00",
"Duration": 415,
"JourneyMode": "Flight",
"Stops": [
"Carriers": [
"OperatingCarriers": [
"Directionality": "Outbound",
"FlightNumbers": [
"FlightNumber": "433",
"CarrierId": 841
"FlightNumber": "2367",
"CarrierId": 471
"Segments": [
"Id": 1,
"OriginStation": 12627,
"DestinationStation": 10957,
"DepartureDateTime": "2016-10-09T11:00:00",
"ArrivalDateTime": "2016-10-09T12:35:00",
"Carrier": 841,
"OperatingCarrier": 841,
"Duration": 95,
"FlightNumber": "446",
"JourneyMode": "Flight",
"Directionality": "Outbound"
"Id": 2,
"OriginStation": 10957,
"DestinationStation": 11712,
"DepartureDateTime": "2016-10-09T13:40:00",
"ArrivalDateTime": "2016-10-09T15:15:00",
"Carrier": 841,
"OperatingCarrier": 841,
"Duration": 95,
"FlightNumber": "433",
"JourneyMode": "Flight",
"Directionality": "Outbound"
"Id": 3,
"OriginStation": 12627,
"DestinationStation": 10957,
"DepartureDateTime": "2016-10-09T08:20:00",
"ArrivalDateTime": "2016-10-09T09:45:00",
"Carrier": 471,
"OperatingCarrier": 471,
"Duration": 85,
"FlightNumber": "2367",
"JourneyMode": "Flight",
"Directionality": "Outbound"
"Carriers": [
"Id": 841,
"Code": "AI",
"Name": "Air India",
"ImageUrl": "",
"DisplayCode": "AI"
"Id": 471,
"Code": "9W",
"Name": "Jet Airways",
"ImageUrl": "",
"DisplayCode": "9W"
"Agents": [
"Id": 1963108,
"Name": "Mytrip",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"BookingNumber": "+448447747881",
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 2176206,
"Name": "",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": false,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 4575202,
"Name": "",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"BookingNumber": "18001029900",
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 4056270,
"Name": "Tripsta",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 1943172,
"Name": "",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 3987150,
"Name": "Travel2be",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 4035534,
"Name": "Travelgenio",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 1964238,
"Name": "airtickets",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 4060673,
"Name": "",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": false,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 3911604,
"Name": "",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": false,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 2391001,
"Name": "",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": false,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 4260937,
"Name": "",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 3929744,
"Name": "Simplio",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": false,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 2627411,
"Name": "GotoGate",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 2042574,
"Name": "Bravofly",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 1882712,
"Name": "ebookers",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": true,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 4366985,
"Name": "",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": false,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 3291237,
"Name": "My Travel Genie",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": false,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 3588558,
"Name": "Tripair",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": false,
"Type": "TravelAgent"
"Id": 2834897,
"Name": "Air India",
"ImageUrl": "",
"Status": "UpdatesComplete",
"OptimisedForMobile": false,
"BookingNumber": "18001801407",
"Type": "Airline"
"Places": [
"Id": 12627,
"ParentId": 3462,
"Code": "IXL",
"Type": "Airport",
"Name": "Leh"
"Id": 10957,
"ParentId": 3401,
"Code": "DEL",
"Type": "Airport",
"Name": "New Delhi"
"Id": 11712,
"ParentId": 3424,
"Code": "GAY",
"Type": "Airport",
"Name": "Gaya"
"Id": 3462,
"ParentId": 170,
"Code": "IXL",
"Type": "City",
"Name": "Leh"
"Id": 3401,
"ParentId": 170,
"Code": "DEL",
"Type": "City",
"Name": "New Delhi"
"Id": 3424,
"ParentId": 170,
"Code": "GAY",
"Type": "City",
"Name": "Gaya"
"Id": 170,
"Code": "IN",
"Type": "Country",
"Name": "India"
"Currencies": [
"Code": "INR",
"Symbol": "₹",
"ThousandsSeparator": ",",
"DecimalSeparator": ".",
"SymbolOnLeft": true,
"SpaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol": false,
"RoundingCoefficient": 0,
"DecimalDigits": 2
If you are able to pull the json data then try using this js script:
Make sure to add jQuery
Change the value of the url variable with the session poll url you created
NOTE: Please take note that you will encounter cross origin error when you try to run this script here.
<script src="">
( function( window, document, $ ){
var app = {};
app.init = function()
app.flightsGeo = function( )
// the session poll url you created
var url = '<sessionKey>?apikey=<apikey>';
type: "GET",
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
success: function( response ){
var itineraries = response.Itineraries;
var agents = response.Agents;
var legs = response.Legs;
var carriers = response.Carriers;
var places = response.Places;
$.each(itineraries, function( itineraryKey, itineraryVal ){
var inbound = app.getObjects( legs, 'Id', itineraryVal.InboundLegId),
inDepartureTime = inbound[0].Departure,
inArrivalTime = inbound[0].Arrival,
inDepartureDate = inbound[0].Departure,
inArrivalDate = inbound[0].Arrival,
inOrigin = app.getObjects( places, 'Id', inbound[0].DestinationStation),
inDestination = app.getObjects( places, 'Id', inbound[0].OriginStation),
inCarriers = app.getObjects( carriers, 'Id', inbound[0].OperatingCarriers[0]);
var outbound = app.getObjects( legs, 'Id', itineraryVal.OutboundLegId),
outDepartureTime = outbound[0].Departure,
outArrivalTime = outbound[0].Arrival,
outDepartureDate = outbound[0].Departure,
outArrivalDate = outbound[0].Arrival,
outOrigin = app.getObjects( places, 'Id', outbound[0].DestinationStation),
outDestination = app.getObjects( places, 'Id', outbound[0].OriginStation),
outCarriers = app.getObjects( carriers, 'Id', outbound[0].OperatingCarriers[0]);
var agent = app.getObjects( agents, 'Id', itineraryVal.PricingOptions[0].Agents[0]);
var price = itineraryVal.PricingOptions[0].Price.toFixed(2);
var permalink = itineraryVal.PricingOptions[0].DeeplinkUrl;
var time = itineraryVal.PricingOptions[0].QuoteAgeInMinutes;
var data = {
agent : agent,
price : price,
time : time,
permalink : permalink,
inbound : {
time : {
departure : inDepartureTime,
arrival : inArrivalTime
date : {
departure : inDepartureDate,
arrival : inArrivalDate
station : {
origin : inOrigin,
destination : inDestination
carriers : inCarriers
outbound : {
time : {
departure : outDepartureTime,
arrival : outArrivalTime
date : {
departure : outDepartureDate,
arrival : outArrivalDate
station : {
origin : outOrigin,
destination : outDestination
carriers : outCarriers
// will display the NEW FORMAT OF DATA
console.log( data );
error: function( error ){
console.log( error );
app.displayData = function( data )
console.log( data );
app.getObjects = function(obj, key, val) {
var objects = [];
for (var i in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') {
objects = objects.concat(app.getObjects(obj[i], key, val));
} else
//if key matches and value matches or if key matches and value is not passed (eliminating the case where key matches but passed value does not)
if (i == key && obj[i] == val || i == key && val == '') { //
} else if (obj[i] == val && key == ''){
//only add if the object is not already in the array
if (objects.lastIndexOf(obj) == -1){
return objects;
$(document).ready( app.init );
return app;
})( window, document, jQuery );
P.S. I hope this will helps you the idea how to get the data you need.
I'll show a basic example of how to parse. Take the following sample JSON.
How to get the contacts list.
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject("Your JSON String here");
JSONArray contacts = jsonObj.optJSONArray("contacts");
How to calculate the phone number
//Get first contact
JSONObject firstContact = contacts.optJSONObject(0);
JSONObject phone = firstContact.optJSONObject("phone");
String mobileNo = phone.optString("mobile");
Similarly you can apply this technique to your JSON.

skipping null values when parsing json in android?

I am parsing json object from facebook.
In my facebook json object, there are string keys inside key array "data".
My Code as follows,
"data": [
"id": "100001211447563_300696056647440",
"from": {
"name": "Seho Lee",
"id": "100001211447563"
"story": "Seho Lee is now using Facebook in English (US).",
"story_tags": {
"0": [
"id": 100001211447563,
"name": "Seho Lee",
"offset": 0,
"length": 8
"type": "status",
"created_time": "2012-01-19T09:13:04+0000",
"updated_time": "2012-01-19T09:13:04+0000",
"comments": {
"count": 0
"id": "100001211447563_298802933503419",
"from": {
"name": "Seho Lee",
"id": "100001211447563"
"story": "Seho Lee started using Graph API Explorer.",
"story_tags": {
"23": [
"id": 145634995501895,
"name": "Graph API Explorer",
"offset": 23,
"length": 18
"0": [
"id": 100001211447563,
"name": "Seho Lee",
"offset": 0,
"length": 8
"picture": "",
"link": "",
"caption": "A tool to help you browse objects within the Facebook Graph API, manage permissions, obtain access tokens and generally learn how it all works.",
"actions": [
"name": "Comment",
"link": ""
"name": "Like",
"link": ""
"type": "link",
"created_time": "2012-01-16T09:47:57+0000",
"updated_time": "2012-01-16T09:47:57+0000",
"comments": {
"count": 0
"id": "100001211447563_298789650171414",
"from": {
"name": "Seho Lee",
"id": "100001211447563"
"story": "Seho Lee likes",
"story_tags": {
"15": [
"id": 160901873998019,
"name": "",
"offset": 15,
"length": 14
"0": [
"id": 100001211447563,
"name": "Seho Lee",
"offset": 0,
"length": 8
"type": "status",
"created_time": "2012-01-16T08:57:33+0000",
"updated_time": "2012-01-16T08:57:33+0000",
"comments": {
"count": 0
when I parsing this json object, String key "likes" is sometimes exist and sometimes do not exist in "data" jsonArray. So when I parsing JsonString "likes", sometimes I gets JSONException since I am parsing null value. Is there any way to skipping "null" json value?
Please help me regarding this.
if try catch it, next processes will be skipped.
you can check by isNull("name") method.
Edit: this is to check key. since you mentioned key exists sometimes. did you mean the value?
use JSONObjects method has(key)
data = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(jsonObjRecv.toString()).nextValue();
if data.has("like"){
to check whether the value is null check with isNull("name")

api - get feed "with_tags"

I have a problem getting my feeds.
1- I (emiliano nunez) post a photo with my cellphone (android) and add (With) "hall 9000".
I (hall 9000) get feeds by graph api:
"from": {
"name": "Emiliano Gustavo Nu\u00f1ez",
"id": "100001535156886"
"type": "photo",
"picture": "",
"message": "Ibrick test",
"with_tags": {
"data": [
"name": "Hal Nuevemil",
"id": "100003200111123"
"to": {
"data": [
"name": "Hal Nuevemil",
"id": "100003200111123"
"id": "100001535156886_265139076880595",
"created_time": "2011-12-29T18:43:49+0000"
I can see "with_tags" section with hall 9000 :)
Until now perfect..
2 - then i repeat the procedure with other photo ... and get:
"from": {
"name": "Emiliano Gustavo Nu\u00f1ez",
"id": "100001535156886"
"type": "photo",
"picture": "",
"id": "100001535156886_265171840210652",
"created_time": "2011-12-29T19:44:56+0000"
I don't see "with_tags" section.
For more details:

