I was working on a project where we needed to generate a unique number for the Firebase Realtime Database. Now I want to generate a random 8- to 12-digit number that will be unique. Can anyone provide a suitable method/algorithm for obtaining the number, or can it be combined with string?
If you truly need a random number with NN digits you should use Kotlin's Random:
val random = abs((0..999999999999).random())
Of course, in this, 0 is a valid number in this sequence. So what do you do in in the 111 billion chances you get 0? well, that's up to you. You could change the range (but less numbers = less randomness)
You could "pad" 0s to your number so 123 becomes 000000000123 (as a String, that is). Ultimately what you do with the random number is up 2 you.
Keep in mind Random also takes a Seed.
So you could become more fancy by using the time at UTC as the seed (which is constantly changing every instant):
val random = abs(Random(LocalDateTime.now().toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)).nextLong())
This will likely give you HUGE numbers so you should convert to string and take the last NN digits
If you get for eg.:
You can take: 910131780911
I have created a simple playground where you can see this in action. Please understand I made this in 10 minutes, so there may be optimizations all over the place, I don't have the Kotlin standard library in my head and the Playground's autocomplete is not the same as Android Studio.
Possibly look into SecureRandom -- Cryptographically strong random number generator (RNG): https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/security/SecureRandom.html
Also, see this post regarding how long of a random number to generate by using SecureRandom: How to generate a SecureRandom string of length n in Java?
You can use Current Milli Second as Unique Number as follows
* #param digit is to define how many Unique digit you wnat
* Such as 8, 10, 12 etc
* But digit must be Min 8 Max 12
fun getUID(digit:Int):Long{
var currentMilliSeconds:String = ""+Calendar.getInstance().timeInMillis
var genDigit:Int = digit
genDigit = 8
genDigit = 12
var cut = currentMilliSeconds.length - genDigit
currentMilliSeconds = currentMilliSeconds.substring(cut);
return currentMilliSeconds.toLong()
Call it like
var UID = getUID(12)//parameter value can be 8-12
I am quite new to all things Android and Kotlin. I am currently working with an Android app from Punch Through:
(Blog: https://punchthrough.com/android-ble-guide/)
(GitHub: https://github.com/PunchThrough/ble-starter-android)
The app connects with a BLE peripheral and allows the user to enter text to send to the peripheral via UART.
I am struggling interpreting what the following code means / does:
with(hexField.text.toString()) {
if (isNotBlank() && isNotEmpty()) {
val bytes = hexToBytes()
ConnectionManager.writeCharacteristic(device, characteristic, bytes)
Where hexField.text.toString() is the text entered in the EditText field by the user,
where hexToBytes() is defined as:
private fun String.hexToBytes() =
this.chunked(2).map { it.toUpperCase(Locale.US).toInt(16).toByte() }.toByteArray()
I have tried this a few times, always entering “111” and have am using Timber() to output the result of bytes. This result varies every time, for example:
So, I assume that only the first three characters are relevant, and somehow there is no end of line / string information.
So perhaps I am only interested in: [B#.......
B# = 0x 5B 42 40
Hex: 5B4240
Dec: 5980736
Bin: 10110110100001001000000
So then I try (and fail) to interpret / breakdown what this code might be doing.
The first thing I struggle with is understanding the order of operation.
Here's my guess....
Given EditText entry, in this case I entered "111"
would produce something like:
"11 and "01"
Second, for each of the two items ("11 and "01"):
would produce byte values:
17 and 1
.map .toByteArray()
Would produce something like:
[0x01, 0x07, 0x1]
[0x0x31, 0x37, 0x31]
So, as you can see, I am getting lost in this!
Can anyone help me deconstruct this code?
Thanks in advance
I have tried this a few times, always entering “111” and have am using Timber() to output the result of bytes. This result varies every time
The output when you try to print a ByteArray (or any array on the JVM) doesn't show the contents of the array, but its type and address in memory. This is why you don't get the same result every time.
In order to print an array's contents, use theArray.contentToString() (instead of plain interpolation or .toString()).
Regarding the interpretation of the code, you almost got it right, but there are a few mistakes here and there.
this.chunked(2) on the string "111" would return a list of 2 strings: ["11", "1"] - there is no padding here, just the plain strings with max size of 2.
Then, map takes each of those elements individually and applies the transformation it.toUpperCase(Locale.US).toInt(16).toByte(). This one makes the string uppercase (doesn't change anything for the 1s), and then converts the string into an integer by interpreting it in base 16, and then truncates this integer to a single byte. This part you got right, it transforms "11" into 17 and "1" into 1, but the map {...} operation transforms the list ["11", "1"] into [17, 1], it doesn't take the digits of 17 individually.
Now toByteArray() just converts the List ([17, 1]) into a byte array of the same values, so it's still [17, 1].
I need an idea on doing this. I'm not good at math.
Maybe it have build in function which i haven't found yet.
I have an array which consists of 2048 data.
I need to get on 250 value out of this.
I'm thinking of
2048/250 = 8.19
which means, I take value on each increment of 8 position in an array.
Is there a function to do this?
Not that I'm aware of, I think the problem is to balance iterations and the randomness of the sampling.
So the naive approach
dataSet.indexedMapNotNull { i, data ->
if (i % 8 == 0) data else null
That would run through all the array, so you only need 250 iterations, not dataSet.size iterations. So what about if we iterate 250 times and for each of those we take the 8th times of it
val sample = mutableListOf<DataType>()
for (i in 1..250) {
val positionInDataSet = (i * 8) - 1 //minus one adjust the index for the size
val case = dataSet[positionInDataSet]
Another alternative would be to simply use copy methods from collections, but the problem is you lose your sampling
dataSet.subArray(0, 250)
Sub-array didn't sample the data in a pseudo-random way but only got the first 250 and that would be biased. The upside is usually array copies methods are a log of N.
Another option would be to randomize things even more by not getting data each 8 but a random position until we hit our desired sample size.
val sample = mutableSetOf<DataType>()
while (sample.size != 250) {
val randomPosition = Random.nextInt(0, dataSet.size)
val randomSelection = dataSet[randomPosition]
Here we use a set, because a Set guarantee unique elements, so you have completely random 250 elements from your data set. The problem with this is that randomness on the position could make the same randomPosition more than once, so you iterate on the data set more than 250 times, this could even be factorial which in larger data sets it would happen and is considered the lowest performance.
android app needs to generate uuid with 13 chars. But that may increase the chance of clashing.
Come up with this function, idea was adding the uuid's most/least SignificantBits, and then get the string from the Long. and then figure out the 13 byte length part from the result. Test run seems not seeing clash on single machine (+100,000 uuids).
But not sure the clashing possibility across machines.
is there a better way which generates 13 chars uuid and reasonable low classing rate?
val random = Random()
fun generateUUID() {
val uuid: UUID = UUID.randomUUID()
val theLong = if (random.nextBoolean()) {
uuid.mostSignificantBits + uuid.leastSignificantBits
} else {
uuid.leastSignificantBits + uuid.mostSignificantBits
return java.lang.Long.toString(theLong, Character.MAX_RADIX)
It won't be an UUID in the strict sense anymore; UUID describes a very specific data structure. Using the low bits of a proper UUID is generally a bad idea; those were never meant to be unique. Single machine tests will be inconclusive.
EDIT: now that I think of it, what exactly is "char" in the question? A decimal digit? A hex digit? A byte? An ASCII character? A Unicode character? If the latter, you can stuff a full proper UUID there. Just represent it as binary, not as a hexadecimal string. A UUID is 128 bits long. A Unicode codepoint is 20 bits, ergo 13 of those would cover 260 bits, that's well enough.
The Java char datatype is, effectively, slightly less than 16 bits. If by "13 chars" you mean a Java string of length 13 (or an array of 13 chars), you can still stuff a UUID there, with some trickery to avoid reserved UTF-16 surrogate pair values.
All that said, for globally unique ID generation, they usually use a combination of current time, a random number, and some kind of device specific identifier, hashed together. That's how canonical UUIDs work. Depending on the exact nature of the size limit (which is vague in the question), a different hash algorithm would be advisable.
EDIT: about using the whole range of Unicode. First things first: you do realize that both "du3d2t5fdaib4" and "8efc9756-70ff-4a9f-bf45-4c693bde61a4" are hex strings, right? They only use 16 characters, 0-9 and a-f? The dashes in case of the second one can be safely omitted, they're there just for readability. Meanwhile, a single Java char can have one of 63488 possible values - any codepoint from 0 to 0xFFFF, except for the subrange 0xD800..0xDFFF, would do. The string with all those crazy characters won't be nice looking or even printable; it could look something like "芦№Π║ثЯ"; some of the characters might not display in Android because they're not in the system font, but it will be unique all right.
Is it a requirement that the unique string displays nicely?
If no, let's see. A UUID is two 64-bit Java longs. It's a signed datatype in Java; would've been easier if it was unsigned, but there's no such thing. We can, however, treat two longs as 4 ints, and make sure the ints are positive.
Now we have 4 positive ints to stuff into 13 characters. We also don't want to mess with arithmetic that straddles variable boundaries, so let's convert each integer into a 3 character chunk with no overlap. This wastes some bits, but oh well, we have some bits to spare. An int is 4 bytes long, while 3 Java characters are 6 bytes long.
When composing the chars, we would like to avoid the area between D800 and DFFF. Also, we would want to avoid the codepoints from 0 to 1F - those are control characters, unprintable by design. Also, let's avoid character 0x20 - that's space. Now, I don't know exactly how will the string be used; whether or not it will be used in a text format that doesn't allow for escaping and therefore if certain other characters should be avoided to make things simpler downstream.
A contiguous character range is easier to work with, so let's completely throw away the range upwards from 0xD800, too. That leaves us with 0xD7DF distinct codepoints, starting from 0x21. Three of those is plenty enough to cover a 32-bit int. The rule for converting an int into a character triple is straightforward: divide the int by 0xD7DF twice, take the remainders, add the remainders to the base codepoint (which is 0x21). This algorithm is your vanilla "convert an int to a string in base N", with the knowledge that there can be no more than three digits.
All things considered, here goes Java:
public static String uuidToWeirdString(UUID uuid)
//Description of our alphabet: from 021 to 0xD7FF
final int ALPHA_SIZE = 0xD7DF, ALPHA_BASE = 0x21;
//Convert the UUID to a pair of signed, potentially negative longs
long low = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits(),
high = uuid.getMostSignificantBits();
//Convert to positive 32-bit ints, represented as signed longs
long []parts = {
(high >> 32) & 0xffffffff,
high & 0xffffffff,
(low >> 32) & 0xffffffff,
low & 0xffffffff
//Convert ints to char triples
int nPart, pos = 0;
char []c = new char[12];
long part = parts[nPart];
c[pos++] = (char)(ALPHA_BASE + part / (ALPHA_SIZE*ALPHA_SIZE));
c[pos++] = (char)(ALPHA_BASE + (part / ALPHA_SIZE ) % ALPHA_SIZE);
c[pos++] = (char)(ALPHA_BASE + part % ALPHA_SIZE);
return new String(c);
Feast your eyes on the beauty of the Unicode.
A UUID is a 128-bit data type, commonly shown in a 36-character hexadecimal representation, or about 4 bits per character.
Your example is "du3d2t5fdaib4". That only uses lower case Latin letters and Arabic numerals, which gives you about 5 bits per character, or 13×5=65 bits. If you also allow upper case Latin letters, that gives you about 6 bits per character, or 13×6=78 bits.
You cannot fit a 128-bit value into a 65- or 78-bit data type without throwing away nearly half of the bits, which will radically increase the odds of collision—perhaps even guarantee it depending on how the UUIDs were generated and which bits you throw away.
How to generate unique id in android.. Any help will be appreciated
Let's see, you'll need 10 digit alphanumeric, so that's around 60 bits?
UUID random = UUID.randomUUID();
long first64 = random.getLeastSignificantBits();
long last64 = random.getMostSignificantBits();
And there you have 128 random bits, which you can turn into an alpha-string.
Take a look at the UUID Class of Android Documentation.
You may find useful the following to use: UUIrandomUUID()
I've managed to get my allocations down to next to nothing using DDMS (great tool), this has drastically reduced my GCs to about 1 or 2 every 3 minutes. Still, I'm not happy because those usually cause a noticeable delay in the game (on some phones) when you interact with it.
Using DDMS, I know what the allocations are, they are Strings being converted from integers used to display game information to the HUD.
I'm basically doing this:
int playerScore = 20929;
String playerScoreText = Integer.toString(playerScore);
canvas.drawText(playerScoreText, xPos, yPos);
This happens once each frame update and the HUD system is modular so I plug things in when I need and this can cause 4 or 5 hud elements to allocate Strings and AbstractStringBuilders in DDMS.
Any way to reduce these further or eliminate all the String allocations and just reuse a String object?
Albert Pucciani
Reading your question reminded me of one of Robert Greens articles that I read quite some time ago. It discusses your problem almost identically. http://www.rbgrn.net/content/290-light-racer-20-days-32-33-getting-great-game-performance . Skip down to day 33 and start reading.
Remember the last int score and its string representation. On a new frame check if the score is the same. If the same, then no need to create a new string - just use the old one.
Here's what I've done in the past. This will eliminate string allocations.
I create a char[] of a size that will be at least as large as the maximum number of characters you will need to display on the screen. This means that you should select a maximum high score that is achievable in the game. The way you have it now let's you display a score as high as 2^31-1 which is insanely huge, it's not practical with respect to the game. Keep in mind, this is your game, so it's ok to limit the max score to something more reasonable in the context of the game. Pick a number that will virtually be impossible to achieve. Setting this limit will then set you up to be able to not have to muck around with converting large integers to String objects.
Here's what's required:
First, you need to be able to separate the digits in an integer and convert them to char without creating String objects. Let's say you want to convert the integer of 324 into three separate characters '3','2','4' to be placed in the text char[]. One way you can do this is by taking the value 324 and do a mod 10 to get the lowest digit. So 324%10 = 4. Then divide the value by ten and do another mod 10 to get the next digit. So (324/10)%10 = 2, and (324/100)%10 = 3.
int score = 324;
int firstPlaceInt = score%10; // firstPlace will equal 4
int tensPlaceInt = (score/10)%10; // tensPlace will equal 2
int hundresPlaceInt = (score/100)%10; // hundredsPlace will equal 3
You will have to do the above in a loop, but this expresses the idea of what you're trying to do here.
Next, with these digits you can then convert them to chars by referencing a character map. One way to do this is you can create this character map by making a char[] of size 10 and placing values 0 - 9 in indexes 0 - 9.
char[] charMap = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',};
So doing this:
int score = 324;
char firstPlace = charMap[score%10];
char tenslace = charMap[(score/10)%10];
char hundredsPlace = charMap[(score/100)%10];
Will create the chars you need for the 3 digits in score.
Now, after all that, I would limit the highest score to say 99,999 (or whatever makes sense in your game). This means the largest "string" I would need to display is "Score: xx,xxx". This would require a char[] (call it text for this example) of size 13. Initialize the first 7 characters with "Score: ", these will never need to change.
char[] text = new char[13];
text[0] = 'S';
text[1] = 'c';
text[2] = 'o';
text[3] = 'r';
text[4] = 'e';
text[5] = ':';
text[6] = ' ';
The next 6 will vary based on the score. Note, that you may not necessarily fill in all 6 of those remaining characters, therefore you need to create an int (call it scoreCount for this example) which will tell you how many characters in the text char[] are actually relevant to the current score in the game. Let's say I need to display "Score: 324", this only takes 10 chars out of the 13. Write the 3 chars for the score of 324 into char[7] to char[9], and set scoreCount to 10 to indicate the number of valid characters in the char[].
int scoreCount = 7;
text[9] = charMap[score%10]; // This is firstPlace
text[8] = charMap[(score/10)%10]; // This is tensPlace
text[7] = charMap[(score/100)%10]; // This is hundredsPlace
scoreCount = 10;
You will probably have to do the above in a loop, but this should express the general idea of what you're trying to do here.
After that, you can just use drawText (char[] text, int index, int count, float x, float y, Paint paint). index will be 0, and count will be scoreCount which indicates how many characters in text should be drawn. In the example above, it doens't matter what's in text[10] to text[12], it's considered invalid. You can continue to update text[] using the character map, and this should not create any objects.
I hope this helps. The code above isn't very robust, but I wrote it out as more of an expression of the ideas I'm trying to convey. You will have to create your own loops and manage the data properly within your code, but this sums up the mechanics of what needs to happen to avoid the use of Strings/StringBuilder/StringBuffer/etc.