Currently, I have something similar to:
interface MyViewModel {
val elements: StateFlow<List<MyElements>>
val visible: StateFlow<Boolean>
fun onClick(button: MyElement)
class MyViewModelImpl #Inject constructor(
private val myUseCases: MyUseCases,
) : ViewModel(), MyViewModel {
override val elements: StateFlow<List<MyElements>> = myUseCases.getList()
override val visible: MutableStateFlow<Boolean> by lazy { MutableStateFlow(false) }
override fun onClick(button: MyElement) {
fun MyComposable(
myViewModel: MyViewModel = hiltViewModels<MyViewModelImpl>(),
) { ... }
I would like to know if there is some way to completely decouple my Composable from my ViewModel implementation class (i.e. remove the <MyViewModelImpl> in hiltViewModels()). I've tried a few different things, such as making the interface an abstract class and creating #Binds and #Provides methods in Dagger Hilt #Modules, but I can't seem to get it right. Ideally, the Composable should have no knowledge of the implementing ViewModel class so that I can change it for testing etc. This would be a big help because I have several composables that inject the same ViewModel interfaces.
I am new in adroid , so I have a simple project, I want to create simple register project, so I have viewmodel in my project and I amusing Hilt library also in there, and when I build project it is throw an error for
myViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this)[]
as a "Cannot create an instance of class", I do not know what I missed?
class Register : ComponentActivity() {
private lateinit var myViewModel: MyViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
myViewModel = [ViewModelProvider(this)]
setContent {
fun RegisterScreen(
myViewModel: MyViewModel
) {
Reasons may cause system can not create viewModel:
Your viewModel class is not Public
Your package name which contains viewModel contains special keywords (such a "")
If you are using dagger hilt you should putt annotation #HiltViewModel above the class declaration and create constructor like
class viewModel #Inject constructor() : ViewModel()
With the dagger hilt You should use hiltViewModel() function to create instance for compose instead of viewModel()
dependency: androidx.hilt:hilt-navigation-compose
fun MyExample (viewModel: MyViewModel = hiltViewModel())
Your ViewModel class does not extend from androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
You should create your ViewModel class extending from the ViewModel, something like RegisterViewModel.
Take a look at the documentation for more info:
You are trying to create a view model from the base class ViewModel. it doesn't work like this
You need to create your own viewmodel class and extend it from the base class ViewModel like this
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
So your code will be like
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
// your implementation
class Register : ComponentActivity() {
private lateinit var viewModel: MyViewModel // changes to this line
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this)[] // changes to this line
setContent {
BUT if you are using compose you should look at the integration between viewmodel and compose
to make your composable use the viewModel without you creating it then passing it to the composable
fun MyExample(
viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel()
) {
// use viewModel here
I need to open a Compose component with its own ViewModel and pass arguments to it, but at the same time I inject dependencies to this ViewModel. How can I achieve this? Can I combine ViewModel factory and Dependency Injection (Hilt)?
Yes. you can..
Have your component be like this:
fun MyScreen(
viewModel: MyViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
and in your viewModel:
class MyViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val repository: MyRepository,
... //If you have any other dependencies, add them here
): ViewModel() {
When you pass arguments to the ViewModel, make sure that Hilt knows where to get that dependency. If you follow the MVVM architecture, then the ViewModel should handle all the data and the composable all the ui related components. So usually, you only need the ViewModel injection into the composable and all the other data injected dependencies into the ViewModel.
The composable should only care about the data that it gets from the ViewModel. Where the ViewModel gets that data and the operations it does on that data, it does not care.
Lemme know if this is what you meant..
Check out the official website for more:
Yes, you can. This is called "Assisted Inject" and it has it's own solutions in Hilt, Dagger(since version 2.31) and other libraries like AutoFactory or square/AssistedInject.
In this article, you can find an example of providing AssistedInject in ViewModel for Composable with Hilt Entry points.
Here is some code from article in case if article would be deleted:
In the main Activity, we’ll need to declare EntryPoint interface which will provide Factory for creating ViewModel:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
interface ViewModelFactoryProvider {
fun noteDetailViewModelFactory(): NoteDetailViewModel.Factory
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
NotyTheme {
We get Factory from Activity and instantiating our ViewModel with that Factory and assisted some field:
fun noteDetailViewModel(noteId: String): NoteDetailViewModel {
val factory = EntryPointAccessors.fromActivity(
LocalContext.current as Activity,
return viewModel(factory = NoteDetailViewModel.provideFactory(factory, noteId))
Now just go to your navigation components and use this method to provide ViewModel to your Composable screen as following:
NavHost(navController, startDestination = Screen.Notes.route, route = NOTY_NAV_HOST_ROUTE) {
arguments = listOf(navArgument(Screen.NotesDetail.ARG_NOTE_ID) { type = NavType.StringType })
) {
val noteId = it.arguments?.getString(Screen.NotesDetail.ARG_NOTE_ID)!!
NoteDetailsScreen(navController, noteDetailViewModel(noteId))
In a project every Jetpack Viewmodel implements an interface. For example:
interface ExamReportViewModel : ActionSource<ExamReportViewModel.Action>,
ExamExamineeListItem.Listener {
val examReportId: StateFlow<String?>
val examReportHeader: StateFlow<ExamReportHeader?>
val examExamineeList: StateFlow<List<ExamExamineeListItem>>
val isHeaderExpanded: StateFlow<Boolean>
fun setExamReportId(id: String)
fun toggleHeaderExpanded()
fun navigateToExtraordinaryEvent()
sealed class Action {
data class ToIdentificationDialog(val examReportId: String, val examineeId: String) : Action()
data class ToEvaluation(val exam: Exam) : Action()
object ToExtraordinaryEvent : Action()
An actual implementation:
class ExamReportViewModelImpl #Inject constructor(
private val examReportInteractor: ExamReportInteractor,
private val errorDelegate: ErrorDelegate,
) : BaseViewModel(), ExamReportViewModel
Does this make sense? What would be the cons and pros?
The chances that the same view model requires 2 different implementations are close to 0
we can hide the MutableStateFlow implementation in a private field inside the viewmodel and just us .asStateFlow() to convert it to a non mutable one
it needs to be declared
they are testable with and without the interface
it makes injecting with dagger hilt complicated, because there is a BaseFragment which is based on generics
Are there any pros?
abstract class BaseFragment<T : Any, B : ViewDataBinding>(
open val contentViewId: Int,
) : DaggerFragment() {
lateinit var viewModel: T
class ExamReportFragment :
BaseFragment<ExamReportViewModel, FragmentExamReportBinding>(R.layout.fragment_exam_report) {
With this approach I was not able to use the
private val viewModel by viewModels<TasksViewModel>()
extension. I don't know if it's possible or if it makes sense.
I'm trying to inject a singleton class that was defined in a hiltmodule inside a composable.
I know how to inject viewmodels but what about singleton classes ?
lateinit var mysingleton: MySingletonClass
This code works fine in an activity but carrying it around from the activity to the composable that uses it is a long way ...
Any better solution ?
You cannot inject dependencies into a function, which is what a #Composable is. #Composable functions don't have dependencies, but can get values returned by Hilt functions, like hiltViewModel().
If you need access to a ViewModel-scoped (or Application-scoped) singleton inside a #Composable, you can have that singleton injected into the ViewModel, and then access the ViewModel from the #Composable.
You can inject that singleton into the ViewModel by annotating the provider function for that object in the ViewModel hilt module as #ViewScoped.
You could install the provider into the SingletonComponent::class and annotate it as #Singleton, if you want a singleton for the whole app, instead of a singleton per ViewModel instance. More info here.
Hilt module file
object ViewModelModule {
fun provideMySingleton(): MySingletonClass = MySingletonClass()
Your ViewModel class:
class MyViewModel
#Inject constructor(
val mySingleton: MySingletonClass
): ViewModel() {
Your #Composable function:
#Composable fun DisplayPrettyScreen() {
val viewModel: MyViewModel = hiltViewModel()
val singleton = viewModel.mySingleton //no need to assign it to a local variable, just for explanation purposes
I also thought that is not possible but then found way... tried it and seems it works.
define you entry point interface:
private lateinit var dataStoreEntryPoint: DataStoreEntryPoint
fun requireDataStoreEntryPoint(): DataStoreEntryPoint {
if (!::dataStoreEntryPoint.isInitialized) {
dataStoreEntryPoint =
return dataStoreEntryPoint
interface DataStoreEntryPoint {
val dataStoreRepo: DataStoreRepo
DataStoreRepo is singleton defined in Hilt
fun provideDataStoreRepository(dataStore: DataStore<Preferences>): DataStoreRepo =
and then use in composable:
fun ComposableFuncionName(dataStoreRepo: DataStoreRepo = requireDataStoreEntryPoint().dataStoreRepo){
I'm trying to wrap my head around Hilt and the way it deals with ViewModels.
I would like my fragments to depend on abstract view models, so I can easily mock them during UI tests. Ex:
class MainFragment : Fragment() {
private val vm : AbsViewModel by viewModels()
class MainViewModel(private val dependency: DependencyInterface) : AbsViewModel()
abstract class AbsViewModel : ViewModel()
Is there a way to configure by viewModels() so that it can map concrete implementations to abstract view models? Or pass a custom factory producer to viewModels() that can map concrete view models instances to abstract classes?
The exact question is also available here, but it is quite old considering hilt was still in alpha then:
However, the solution provided there is not very desirable since it uses a string that points to the path of the concrete view model. I think this will not survive obfuscation or moving files and it can quickly become a nightmare to maintain. The answer also suggests injecting a concrete view model into the fragment during tests with all the view model's dependencies mocked, thus gaining the ability to control what happens in the test. This automatically makes my UI test depend on the implementation of said view model, which I would very much like to avoid.
Not being able to use abstract view models in my fragments makes me think I'm breaking the D in SOLID principles, which is something that I would also like to avoid.
Not the cleanest solution, but here's what I managed to do.
First create a ViewModelClassesMapper to help map an abstract class to a concrete one. I'm using a custom AbsViewModel in my case, but this can be swapped out for the regular ViewModel. Then create a custom view model provider that depends on the above mapper.
class VMClassMapper #Inject constructor (private val vmClassesMap: MutableMap<Class<out AbsViewModel>, Provider<KClass<out AbsViewModel>>>) : VMClassMapperInterface {
override fun getConcreteVMClass(vmClass: Class<out AbsViewModel>): KClass<out AbsViewModel> {
return vmClassesMap[vmClass]?.get() ?: throw Exception("Concrete implementation for ${vmClass.canonicalName} not found! Provide one by using the #ViewModelKey")
interface VMClassMapperInterface {
fun getConcreteVMClass(vmClass: Class<out AbsViewModel>) : KClass<out AbsViewModel>
interface VMDependant<VM : AbsViewModel> : ViewModelStoreOwner {
fun getVMClass() : KClass<VM>
class VMProvider #Inject constructor(private val vmMapper: VMClassMapperInterface) : VMProviderInterface {
override fun <VM : AbsViewModel> provideVM(dependant: VMDependant<VM>): VM {
val concreteClass = vmMapper.getConcreteVMClass(dependant.getVMClass().java)
return ViewModelProvider(dependant).get( as VM
interface VMProviderInterface {
fun <VM :AbsViewModel> provideVM(dependant: VMDependant<VM>) : VM
abstract class ViewModelProviderModule {
abstract fun bindViewModelClassesMapper(mapper: VMClassMapper) : VMClassMapperInterface
abstract fun bindVMProvider(provider: VMProvider) : VMProviderInterface
Then, map your concrete classes using the custom ViewModelKey annotation.
annotation class ViewModelKey(val value: KClass<out AbsViewModel>)
abstract class ViewModelsDI {
companion object {
fun provideConcreteClassForMainVM() : KClass<out AbsViewModel> = MainViewModel::class
fun provideConcreteClassForSecondVM() : KClass<out AbsViewModel> = SecondViewModel::class
interface MainContracts {
abstract class VM : AbsViewModel() {
abstract val textLiveData : LiveData<String>
abstract fun onUpdateTextClicked()
abstract fun onPerformActionClicked()
interface SecondContracts {
abstract class VM : AbsViewModel()
Finally, your fragment using the abstract view model looks like this:
class MainFragment : Fragment(), VMDependant<MainContracts.VM> {
#Inject lateinit var vmProvider: VMProviderInterface
protected lateinit var vm : MainContracts.VM
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
vm = vmProvider.provideVM(this)
override fun getVMClass(): KClass<MainContracts.VM> = MainContracts.VM::class
It's a long way to go, but after you have the initial setup is completed, all you need to do for individual fragments is to make them implement VMDependant and provide a concrete class for YourAbsViewModel in Hilt using the #ViewModelKey.
In tests, vmProvider can then be easily mocked and forced to do your bidding.