Publishing app to google store from android studio - android

I have built a app in android studio and would now like to publish it however I am very confused with the process for this. From Android studio I have generated a signed APK file which can be seen in the image below.
I see however that Google play console wants the files in the .AAB file type. How do I generate this/ what is it. The upload console can be seen below.
This is my first app upload so my questions may make no sense, please let me know in the comments below if there is anything I need to change or additional information required.
Any additional help with publishing apps on google play store will be greatly appreciated.

.AAB refers to "Android App Bundle", select Android App Bundle instead of APK after you clicked Generated Signed Bundle / APK, the rest of the procedure is more or less the same. You may refer to the official documentation for more information


how to upload an android app bundle to google play

I'm fairly new to the process of uploading the Android App Bundle to the Google Play store, thus, the ask for help is highly appreciated.
A bit of backstory, all the builds we've uploaded to the Google Play store have been .apk files. The way we did this was:
Our developer (Third-party) would provide an unsigned .apk
We would then run it through a script that would apply our keystore to sign it.
After that, we would upload it to the store and distribute it accordingly (Testing or Production).
Now, with the .aab process is where i get lost. Our developer provided us with an unsigned .aab and when i upload it to the store, i get a "The Android App Bundle was not signed." error message.
The process is set with "Let Google manage and protect your app signing key (recommended)" option. I've also tried with "Use the same key as another app in this developer account" but with the same outcome. Finally, the options for "Export and upload a key from Java keystore" and "Export and upload a key (not using Java Keystore)" are out of my knowledge.
Would someone be able to suggest what the best options to use is? and if you can provide some step-by-step instructions of the upload process?
Everything i find here doesn't really cover my scenario unless i missed something.
Thanks in advance.
You still need to sign the AAB before you upload it. Except you need to use jarsigner instead of apksigner.
The rest should remain the same unless you rely on the certificate of the app to use some 3p APIs.

Continuous deployment to Play Store For Native Application

I have got an Nativescript application CircleCI job which basically generates APK file. I want to upload this APK to Google Play store test track. I have seen Google Publishing API which can help here. I also saw Fastlane but I guess it is supported only on iOS devices. Can someone please guide me to good sample where the APK generated are actually published to play store.
I tried searching this on net but couldn’t find helpful blogs which shows end to end deployment of APK's to Google Play store including the authentication and upload. If you are aware about it then please let me know.
When you have the apk ready for Play Store release, you can use which would help release the apk to the Google Play Store on the specified track.

Instant App Error: Your site '' has not been linked through the Digital Assets Link protocol to your app

Error Message: Your site '' has not been linked through the Digital Assets Link protocol to your app. Please link your site through the Digital Assets Link protocol to your app.
Dealing with this issues since past week. Did a lot of google and engaged play store support team also without any resolution. Therefore, posting it here hoping somebody would have already faced this issue too.
For instant app upload to play store I have already uploaded the assets json file to the specified path and I am able to get that file via simple GET request. So, there is no access control required over the asset json file.
In android studio also digital asset linking results in success as shown below:
But whenever I try to publish it to playstore it always gets stuck at below:
Any help would be highly appriciated. Thanks.
ok I figure out the exact problem. It is the issue with SHA256. I provide SHA256 of my release key. However i need to provide the SHA provided by play console. Go appsigning section and copy SHA256 of your aap and replace it with your release SHA256.
You may refer with this thread which encounters the same issue. Try to follow the steps provided in the documentation and also see the discussion in the SO post. It stated that if your app is enrolled into Google Play Signing, APKs should be signed with upload key, while assetlink.json should have release key fingerprint.

get STATE_FAILED_FETCHING_URL when working with google play apk expansion file solution

we are trying to use google play's apk expansion file since our package is too big. After following the instruction in and follow some posts in stackoverflow. we managed to have our code running.
But unfortunately, we are keep getting STATE_FAILED_FETCHING_URL. is there anything wrong? should we set anything before we start?
we have already put the apk and expansion file through the developer console.
any suggestion? thanks a lot.
I found the reason is because I haven't added the google account to test account, and not working with the apk signed with the same keystore as I uploaded to publish account. But after I succeeded once, it is ok to work with the apk signed by default debug keystore in eclipse. Besides, I forgot to click the Activate link to make my draft become active.

publish apk while keeping source code

I wrote an android app for someone, but they want the source code because supposedly they need it to send the app to the android market.
Are they making that up or is that legit? Is there anyway to give them the app so that they can claim credit for it without giving them the source code?
I suppose worst case I could just get their publishing creds and publish it from my computer as though I were them..
No, you do not need the source code to publish your app on the Android Market (now called Google Play Store). You just need a signed APK file.
No, they do not need the source code, only the unsigned APK. In order for it to be published they will need to sign it using their own fingerprint, but that should allow them to freely publish without having access to the source code. Alternatively, you could sign the APK yourself and give them that, but this might not be preferable for them.
Yes they need a version. However you could just send them the signed apk and let them release it from google.

