Recently I created a project using material3 with jetpack compose but when I tried to import ModalBottomSheetLayout but I couldn't find it. Is there any alternate in material3 or not ?
In previous material version we do like :-
ModalBottomSheetLayout(sheetContent = ) {
Based on this package summary it is not currently available in Material 3 for Compose.
is there a way to display xml view inside jetpack compose #Preview?
Context: migrating to jetpack compose, and I will use Showkase lib for design system but it works only from composables.
Hi, I want to migrate my apps to android jetpack compose and create custom card like this. But, when I try to using my trick on xml (using same elevation value) to create shadow around the card, I can't generate the same result.
How can this be achieved using jetpack compose?
i want to create a swipable component using jetpack compose and as the document Gestures | JetpackCompose I should use rememberSwipeableState.
but when I want to use it I face this error:
Cannot access 'rememberSwipeableState': it is internal in 'androidx.compose.material3'
what should I do?
This issue is already being tracked here, issue in Material3 Compose. Alternatively as per their recommendation
For the time being, we recommend forking Swipeable if you need it in
you can use Material2 Compose Swipeable and fork it.
While using the view-based system, we can harmonize a color using the below code.
MaterialColors.harmonizeWithPrimary(context, colorToHarmonize)
In a project that is fully migrated to Jetpack Compose and all the color values are stored in the Color.kt file, how do you apply harmonization to color at runtime?
An adaptive layout that is driven by the screen size. This is the basic idea and I use LayoutBuilderin the Flutter project, and how about in the Compose?
Checkout BoxWithConstraints.
It works very well.