Error Launching AVD with Armv7 ABI for unity build testing - android

So I posted this question ( unity cannot find android SDK even when I have installed it already )
and I was hesitant to uninstall unity and reinstall so I installed Unity 2022.
Because I had android tools installed already the above issue was resolved for Unity 2022. ( not tested for 2018+
But I want to test the builds I was able to make now, so I created an AVD with the default resizable configuration, clicked next till the end and the AVD worked. But, when I installed the built .APK on the android device by dragging and dropping it said
So I did some googling and found that I was trying to install it on intel x86/intel x64 architecture but the build was set to armv7 by Unity by default
So I made another AVD with ARMv8 and it did not even start
Threw a lot of errors :
![Android error log][3]
This was a photo but I don't have enough reputation on this platform to attach photos
I will attach the error log as a separate file here ( I cannot attach files here for some reason if anybody knows how please do tell me)
Anyway, I have no way of testing my unity android games and applications on my laptop and I need help with it
🥺 help please!
I tried formatting this better but I don't know why it does not take line breaks very responsively


Struggling Android kit Installation Qt

For the past week, I have been struggling to figure out how to run a Qt quick application with the Android kit. I have encountered numerous errors. Earlier, my OpenSSL settings on Android where not working, but I was able to fix it by downloading new OpenSSL files from online. After that, all the settings in Android settings have a checkmark to signify that they are working.
After that, I tried to run the program with the Android kit. However, unlike for you in the videos, Qt Creator did not auto detect an Android kit. In fact, I have uninstalled and reinstalled Qt numerous times to see if it would detect an Android kit. However, since this still did not work, I manually created my own kit. Here is a screenshot of what I filled out for it:
However, as you can see on the Qt version section, "Qt 5.15.0 for Android" is considered invalid. I have installed previous versions and the current version of Android numerous times on the Qt maintenance tool but all of them show as invalid. As a result, I changed the Qt version to "5.15.0 MinGW 32-bit".
When I tried to run the program, I got an error about not finding the gradle scripts. After researching, I found that since my Android SDK is past version 26.0.0, it is not downloaded with the SDK but should have been downloaded when I installed Qt. Since it clearly was not, and downgraded my version of Android SDK tools to one with the gradle scripts. There is still a green checkmark after it, so it was the correct SDK.
When I tried to run again, my Qt Creator crashes (meaning my laptop exits from Qt Creator immediately). As a result, I only try to build it. When I built it, I get the error that "Android deploy settings file not found, not building an APK. ". I tried researching the problem on the Qt forums and stack overflow but I could not find a valid solution. I continued to experiment more to get to the bottom of my problem.
Additionally, even before I run or do anything, when I start Qt, I get the following errors in general messages:
There are only 3 errors which seem to be repeated every couple of minutes. I have no idea what the some of the errors mean, but for the first one, I created a Android_NDK_ROOT environment variable, in the build settings for the project, Qt environment settings(tools->External->Configure->Environment->External Tools->Update Translations), and my Windows Environment variable settings and wrote "ANDROID_NDK_ROOT = ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=C:\Users\arjun\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\21.3.6528147". However, even after all if this, my program still gave the same errors. Additionally, I could not figure out what the other two errors meant and choose to ignore them.
After this, I completely deleted my Qt Creator, and all the things I downloaded along with Qt. I then downloaded Qt. It basically did not change anything, except when I run it, I get a completely different error.
Here is the current state of errors and settings my Qt is in:
My Kits:
My Qt versions:
My manually created android kit:
Current compile output error:
Current Android settings:
Current general messages:
These are some file errors I have been getting randomly on Qt, usually when I try to run something. For the most part, I have been ignoring them and but they might be relevant to my problem. These come back to back, usually more at a time:
Issues I get when building:
In conclusion, my Qt is being difficult and I cannot seem to figure out how to run Android. I have followed all your instructions on the video as well as a lot more but I still cannot figure it out. Can you please help me fix the problem so that I can run Qt Applications on virtual android devices?
Thank You so much for your time and effort!

Visual Studio 2017/Xamarin Android Emulator "Object reference not set to instance of an object." when attempting to test starter program

Visual studio will not start up the Android emulator on generated starter program test. I think I have every library and dependency I would need in order to test the program in an emulated environment, and the emulator itself works just fine, except for it taking it a long time to start up.
To preface, I am new with Xamarin. I have done some minor exploration, and development in android studio, which I had on another system. I moved to Xamarin for the multi-platform support.
I am running Visual Studio Enterprise 2017. With it I have installed Xamarin for mobile development with .NET, along with the Android SDK setup with API level 27 for both Oreo8.1, and Pie ONLY, both Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image and non 64bit images, Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image both 64 and non 64 bit, and Google Play Intel x86 Atom System Image both 64 bit and not, Google Android Emulator with API level 27, Intel HAXM, and universal windows platform tools for Xamarin.
I also have the Android NDK installed, but only with R15C.
The problem:
I have a program that is a simple hello world program that is automatically generated in every xamarin.forms application in Visual Studio upon creation. I have not touched this code at all. I just want to run this program, so I can test that my emulator as well as my C# compiler, and everything else I need for development with this tool is working as needed before I begin developing anything on this platform. I have the Android device manager set up with a single Pixel Oreo 8.1 emulation. I have updated all the NuGet packages for the solution.
Every time I click the start button on my toolbar, I get a window stating there were deployment issues, and when I continue with its execution I get a pop-up error that says simply "object reference not set to an instance of an object." followed by warnings with the following:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning Failed to read 'C:\Users\<redacted>\source\repos\HelloWorld\HelloWorld\HelloWorld.Android\obj\Debug\81\android\assets\Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.dll' with debugging symbols. Retrying to load it without it. Error details are logged below. HelloWorld.Android
Warning One or more errors occurred. HelloWorld.Android
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning Mono.Cecil.Cil.SymbolsNotMatchingException: Symbols were found but are not matching the assembly
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadSymbols(ISymbolReader reader, Boolean throwIfSymbolsAreNotMaching)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.ReadSymbols(ModuleDefinition module, ReaderParameters parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleReader.CreateModule(Image image, ReaderParameters parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(Disposable`1 stream, String fileName, ReaderParameters parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(String fileName, ReaderParameters parameters)
at Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(String fileName, ReaderParameters parameters)
at Java.Interop.Tools.Cecil.DirectoryAssemblyResolver.ReadAssembly(String file) HelloWorld.Android
The research I found regarding this specific error is as follows:
What does “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” mean?
What does "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" mean?
(Does not apply because I have changed exactly no code at all.)
Object reference not set to an instance of an object When I create a new Android App (Visual Studio)
Object refrence not set to an instance of an object When I create new Android App (Visual Studio)
I applied the answer found in this question, but I am running an even newer version of the Android SDK than the one specified in that question, nine Android versions to be exact! I have updated everything in the two android OS that I am using here, and the only android SDK platforms offered on both respective versions is platform 27 and 28 for Oreo and Pie respectively, but I am still getting the error.
The only thing I can think of that would cause this issue is I am missing some sort of dependency or library that I needed in order to run Intel HAXM, which I also have, and has run with no problems on this machine. I can start up the pixel emulation just fine despite it taking an eternity to initialize it takes me to a simulated Android device.
Am I trying to run this from the wrong place? Did I install something wrong? Do I need to point the program somewhere? What am I doing wrong?
It is supposed to open a single activity on the device that has a single label text that says "Welcome to Xamarin.Forms! Hello World." centered on the screen.
Try below steps,
Clean solution
Restart VS
Clean solution
Open android device manager and start your emulator manually.
Make sure the android project set as the starting project.
then, deploy.

GameMaker: Studio Android fail to build ProcessException

I've been trying for the last several days to build and run the GameMaker: Studio Android Google Mobile Ads app demo on my Samsung Galaxy S6. I finally have all the correct things installed I believe, and I've managed to solve a few other build errors before this, but I've hit a brick wall and despite all my searching I have not found an answer. My problem is very similar to this post's which poster said he solved by setting the build tools to the latest version. I don't know what he means by that.
The full compile form is too long to fit in a StackOverflow question, but I believe the only really relevant bit is the exception line: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'C:\Users\gunna_000\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\build-tools\23.0.1\aapt.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
I've been pulling my hair out with this and any help would be immensely appreciated.
I followed the GameMaker: Studio Android instructions perfectly, with the only hiccup being the local IP address, which is supposed to be in the format such as My IPv4 adress is Not knowing what to do, I entered into the Web Server IP allowed list, ignoring the last number. However I do not believe that really has anything to do with this problem, as I'm trying to run the GM:S app on my Android device over USB cable.
I believe I have all the right modules installed in the Android SDK Manager:
And my JDK, SDK, NDK, and Keystore are all accepted it seems:
I've been able to run and install Android apps made in Android Studio from this computer to this Android device (Android version 6.0.1), but GameMaker: Studio is just not having it. (And just to verify, I have bought GameMaker: Studio Professional and Android)
I don't have any weird extensions or plugins. I'm simply trying to run a GameMaker: Studio application on my Android device. Please help. Thank you.
If you still haven't solved this:
Make sure your PC doesn't have a pending Windows update (if you use Windows).
Make sure your phone is in the right mode to accept files and install from GameMaker.
Try to run a very simple project with only an empty room.
Make sure to have all packages up-to-date.
Potentially reinstall the hole Android SDK lib.
Make sure that your device is connected and is found by the ADB.
If GameMaker tries to start the network connection between your PC and the Android device, it means that it failed doing so over the cable.

How to install SL4A on emulated android phone

i'm currently reading through head first python and upon reaching chapter 8 I got stuck. The book wants me to download SL4A from the link however that link no longer works. So I did some searching and found the file on github. My real problem is when I try to download it on the emulated device it just says waiting for data connection and it never downloads. I am wondering if there is a way to fix this. Any help is appreciated thanks!
EDIT: to get it to work I downloaded both files from here
then I copied the files to the folder
then I opened CMD and cd to the path above.
then use the command:
adb install (filepath)
for both files and they appeared on the emulated device.
Download to your pc and push through ADB.
Download files and adb install worked for me in my installation (Windows 10, android studio 2.1.1) with minor differences:
1) adb command is located in:
Need to add to path
2) Needed release sl4a-r6.1.1-x86-debug.apk. Downloaded it from release pages
I'm also reading through HeadFirstPython and got stuck at this stage (with the error: app not installed). I tried the abs method above and ended up with yet another problem: install_failed_no_matching_abis. After a lot of research, I got to understand that the "native libraries" of the sl4a.apk were not matching the system architecture of my emulated android. In other words, if one wants a faster emulator in android studio, he ought to use an x86 architecture android; but the problem with that is scripting layer for android is programmed to work on ARM architectures hence the 'install_failed_no_matching_abis' error.
The solution that worked for me was to go back to AVD in Android Studio, delete the downloaded emulator (which was of x80 cpu/abi) and download one with armeabiv7 cpu, recommended level=24. It took a lot of trial and error to get to this choice as other android cpu/abi were either too slow or just wouldn't allow me to install the required apps.
Edited: In the end, I was directed to use GenyMotion as that performed better in terms of speed. I was reluctant at first but, to my surprise that really is the case (It is super faster than ARM android studio alternative). Not only is it a great emulator, it also has this ARM translation tools that allows one to easily install ARM sl4a.apk on the x86 devices.

Android Studio 0.8.1 can no longer install app. waiting for device

I upgraded to the latest android studio and as ever it breaks what was working fine before.
If I plug in my android device I can see debug in the debug monitor, it gets detected and i can select it as a device to deploy to, then I get
Waiting for device.
Target device: xxxxxxxxxxxx
and nothing else happens.. VERY frustrating. Anyone any ideas on how to resolve?
Here is the resolution:
The problem is the way i installed the newer version of Android Studio. Do not install it over your previous installation directory. Create a new directory and move over your SDK into it. This is how I resolved it.
The only error I was eventually able to get from Android Studio was if i tried to run a test I'd see
there has been some other posts referring to this issue. Just make sure you do a clean install and don't crap over your older version.
This issue on the AOSP bug tracker tells you what is going on. A quick fix is getting rid of builder-model-0.11.0.jar from plugins/android/lib in your Android Studio folder. A patch has already been submitted and this probably won't happen again with the next update.

