Starting steps to build a Database access through web/android app [closed] - android

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Closed 9 months ago.
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Very simple question here; I want to have a database that can be access through the web and through an android APP.
What are the steps that I should take? Is there any good tutorial? I am far from professional in this field and looking for a very simple guidance to where to start.
Should I use an SQL Database and React?

You have to chose if you can have direct access to the database (insecure) or if you want to access it over a API.
Access with API
You can create an API, with which you can access the data of your database. You will find alot of examples and tutorials on the internet. Example: Create a Restful API
Make a server-client application
You can create a server, which is running on a hosting or server-pc, which then queries the database and returns the result to the client.
With Next.js you can setup such a application easy. Next JS Website
Direct connection
If it doesnt matter that users have direct access to database, you can directly connect to the database.
First you need a package, which can access a database. You can decide if you want to make simple queries to the database or if you use a ORM-mapper, which can make data-access easier.
Database Access Packages
Mongo DB
Type ORM
Install one of these packages and query the database.


The optimal way of storing data from an android list, then exporting it to sync with a master database [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm basically creating an android application which takes around 8 forms (forms consist of EditText field and CheckBoxes) and will store them in a database, so that it can be later synced/added to a pre-existing database (Microsoft SQL 2008).
Which would the best way to store and sync (maybe daily or weekly) data to a pre-existing database in my case. I do not have much experience in android backend, as I've only ever worked with shared preferences to store data locally, so a simpler solution will ease this process. Cheers!
TLDR: This question was asked to find out, which route shall be taken when one needs to store data taken from a form filled by the user so that it can be later synced with an existing database (which in my case is a Microsoft SQL 2008). The main aim of the android application was get the various databases and push it to the cloud.
As of 24/1/17: I've created a SQLite Database and have begun storing the data, I'm still not sure which method would be the best to export the data. I will keep on documenting the progress.
You could look at azure cloud services link, you need some knowledge about odata.
You could try firebase link, understanding of json is required.
Because you have knowledge about sql I suggest you have a look at some tutorials for linking sql with azure or sqlite with azure.
Use a POJO and store them to firebase. Check this and this or watch this video. hope it helps.

Using SQLite or SQL with PHP [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am working on an android project that uses an offline database. When it is connected to internet, the database should be updated. Another one of my requirements is that the database should be able to connect to SAP. Which database is better to use? SQLite or SQL with PHP? Any suggestions?
Assuming you want to create a database on a server, you should probably go with MySQL (SQL is the query language, MySql is one of the most widely used database engines). According to this thread, SQLite will only support one writer at a time and is not mean for "enterprise level" data management. However, it is faster and has less overhead, so if you did need a db on your mobile application, I would go with SQLite
SQLite is a lightweight version for mobile so it is the best choice for an offline mode.
Firebase is used to store data online and sync them with every connected clients.
There is a Getting started section for Android, iOS and web platforms.

I want to make a apps where people can upload their status,image or video what I need to know for this? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to make a apps where people can upload their status,image or video
what I need to know for this?
You would need the following:
API for the clients to connect to
Database to store the information
An Android client
Develop your own API's
You would need a server to host the API's and also register a domain. I use GoDaddy and they provide excellent service. But you could check out this site to help you decide on a service provider:
Next you need to decide on which language to use. I really like PHP. But you could also use Java or C# to develop your API's. This guide should get you started:
You usually get a free MySQL database with your hosting. This can be used to create all the different tables required for the data. This should get you started:
Client development
After developing the API's and creating the required database tables. You can start developing the client application. Check out this guide:
This should get you started with the basics of developing your application!

Access global data in iOS/Android [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm creating a website with an according app for iOS/Android and I'm doing some research for how I should do everything. I need to be able to post data from the different platforms and I want to access the same data from every platform, kind of like a wall where ypu can write stuff. I'm thinking that the data needs to be stored in a database but how do I access i.e. an SQL database from iOS/Android?
A simple research would've brought you a great tutorial on how to link a MySQL database through PHP to an Android app.
You'll be required the basics of PHP though so you may want to study a bit about that prior to starting.
Take a look at This likely provides what you need without having to set up server with a database, etc. You can access your data on from iOS, Android, your web site, and a number of other platforms should you need to.

Android - guidelines - app with online database [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to create an app that is based on the data stored on remote database.
What i have in mind is to use a VPS i have to store the database. Then the app will, on demand, access (and update) the data on the database.
How should i set up my VPS in order to do that? Right now i just have a MYSQL server running.
Edit: I want to know what are the best practices i should follow in order to have an android app based on an online database.
Can i access the db directly from the app?
Do i need anything
besides the database server to assist the communication of the db and
the app?
Should i use, for some reason, another db instead of mysql
(faster,more secure, easier to connect)?
I am new to this and i would like some general guidelines.
Can i access the db directly from the app?
As far as I know, no you still cannot access MySQL directly from Android. It has been a year since I did Android development, but you will most likely need something sitting in between (like a RESTful service, see
How to access online mysql database in android?
how to access external mysql database in android?
Do i need anything besides the database server to assist the communication of the db and the app?
Yes. See answer above.
Should i use, for some reason, another db instead of mysql (faster,more secure, easier to connect)?
That is up to you. There are some NoSQL solutions that offer a RESTful interface built in (I think CouchDB does this, MongoDB, etc...).

