Type mismatch in compose state hoisting - android

I am attempting to get one property to bind between a ViewModel and a #Composable.
I am getting the following error
Type mismatch.
I don't understand what I am doing wrong.
//Reusable input field
fun MyTextField(
value: String,
onValueChange: (String) -> Unit,
placeHolder: String
) {
value = value,
onValueChange = onValueChange,
placeholder = {Text(placeHolder)},
// ViewModel
class MyViewModel : ViewModel () {
var MyVariable = mutableStateOf(String)
// stateful comp
fun MyScreen(
viewModel: MyViewModel = MyViewModel()
) {
myVariable = vm.myVariable,
setMyVariable = { vm.myVariable = it }
// stateless Comp
fun MyContent(
myVariable: String,
setMyVariable: (String) -> Unit
Column() {
MyTextField(value = myVariable, onValueChange = setMyVariable, placeholder = "Input Something")
Text("Your variable is $myVariable" )

You are initializing your variable as a MutableState<T> type data-holder.
What you've posted in the question won't even compile but this is what I assume you did in your actual code
var myVar = mutableStateOf ("")
Now, mutableStateOf("") returns a MutableState<String> type object, which you are passing around in your methods.
On the other hand, your methods expect a String type object, not MutableState<String>. Hence, you could either extract the value from your variable and pass that around,
Or do it the preferred way, and use kotlin property delegation.
Initialize the variable like this
var myVar by mutableStateOf ("")
The by keyword acts as a delegate for the initializer and returns a String value instead of a MutableState<T>. This updates and triggers recompositions just as it's other counterpart but is far cleaner in code and keeps the boilerplate to a minimum.
Also, you seem to be pretty new to compose and kotlin, so consider taking the Compose pathway to learn the basics. Just look it up and the first official Android developers link will take you there.
var v by mutableStateOf ("")
fun setV(v: String) {
this.v = v
Composable calling site
value = viewModel.v
onValueChange = viewModel::setV
Composable declaration
fun MyComposable (
value: String,
onValueChange: (String) -> Unit
) {
TextField (
value = value
onValueChange = onValueChange
This is the proper state-hoisting linking where the state variable is updated properly and hence, read well. Also, sir, you'd know what state-hoisting is if you'd actually read through the docs and taken the codelabs. I'm serious, TAKE the codelabs (in the Compose pathway). That's the reason your question was downvoted so many times, because you use terms like state-hoisting as if you understand it, but then you don't have half the implementation that it promotes.

myVariable = vm.myVariable,
setMyVariable = { vm.myVariable = it }
myVariable = vm.myVariable.value,
setMyVariable = { vm.myVariable.value = it }
and you need to define your variable like this
val MyVariable = mutableStateOf<String>("initial value here")


How to update properties of data class show compose ui can observe the changes

I have a CounterScreenUiState data class with a single property called counterVal (integer). If I am updating the value of my counter from viewModel which of the following is the correct approach?
Approach A:
data class CounterUiState(
val counterVal: Int = 0,
class CounterViewModel : ViewModel() {
var uiState by mutableStateOf(CounterUiState())
private set
fun inc() {
uiState = uiState.copy(counterVal = uiState.counterVal + 1)
fun dec() {
uiState = uiState.copy(counterVal = uiState.counterVal - 1)
Approach B:
data class CounterUiState(
var counterVal: MutableState<Int> = mutableStateOf(0)
class CounterViewModel : ViewModel() {
var uiState by mutableStateOf(CounterUiState())
private set
fun inc() {
uiState.counterVal.value = uiState.counterVal.value + 1
fun dec() {
uiState.counterVal.value = uiState.counterVal.value - 1
For the record, I tried both approach and both works well without unnecessary re-compositions.
Thanks in Advance!!!
So to summarize, "implementation" and "performance" wise, your'e only
choice is A.
This is not true. It's a common pattern that is used other Google's sample apps, JetSnack for instance, and default functions like rememberScrollable or Animatable are the ones that come to my mind. And in that article it's also shared as
class MyStateHolder {
var isLoading by mutableStateOf(false)
class ScrollState(initial: Int) : ScrollableState {
* current scroll position value in pixels
var value: Int by mutableStateOf(initial, structuralEqualityPolicy())
private set
// rest of the code
Animatable class
class Animatable<T, V : AnimationVector>(
initialValue: T,
val typeConverter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>,
private val visibilityThreshold: T? = null,
val label: String = "Animatable"
) {
internal val internalState = AnimationState(
typeConverter = typeConverter,
initialValue = initialValue
* Current value of the animation.
val value: T
get() = internalState.value
* The target of the current animation. If the animation finishes un-interrupted, it will
* reach this target value.
var targetValue: T by mutableStateOf(initialValue)
private set
Omitted some code from Animatable for simplicity but as can be seen it's a common pattern to use a class that hold one or multiple MutableStates. Even type AnimationState hold its own MutableState.
You can create state holder classes and since these are not e not variables but states without them changing you won't have recompositions unless these states change. The thing needs to be changed with option B is instead of using
data class CounterUiState(
var counterVal: MutableState<Int> = mutableStateOf(0)
You should change it to
class CounterUiState(
var counterVal by mutableStateOf(0)
since you don't need to set new instance of State itself but only the value.
And since you already wrap your states inside your uiState there is no need to use
var uiState by mutableStateOf(CounterUiState())
private set
you can have this inside your ViewModel as
val uiState = CounterUiState()
or inside your Composable after wrapping with remember
fun rememberCounterUiState(): CounterUiState = remember {
With this pattern you can store States in one class and hold variables that should not trigger recomposition as part of internal calculations and it's up to developer expose these non-state variables based on the design.
class SearchState(
query: TextFieldValue,
focused: Boolean,
searching: Boolean,
categories: List<SearchCategoryCollection>,
suggestions: List<SearchSuggestionGroup>,
filters: List<Filter>,
searchResults: List<Snack>
) {
var query by mutableStateOf(query)
var focused by mutableStateOf(focused)
var searching by mutableStateOf(searching)
var categories by mutableStateOf(categories)
var suggestions by mutableStateOf(suggestions)
var filters by mutableStateOf(filters)
var searchResults by mutableStateOf(searchResults)
val searchDisplay: SearchDisplay
get() = when {
!focused && query.text.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.Categories
focused && query.text.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.Suggestions
searchResults.isEmpty() -> SearchDisplay.NoResults
else -> SearchDisplay.Results
Also for skippibility
Compose will treat your CounterUiState as unstable and down the road
it will definitely cause you headaches because what ever you do,
This is misleading. Most of the time optimizing for skippability is premature optimization as mentioned in that article and the one shared by originally Chris Banes.
Should every Composable be skippable? No.
Chasing complete skippability for every composable in your app is a
premature optimization. Being skippable actually adds a small overhead
of its own which may not be worth it, you can even annotate your
composable to be non-restartable in cases where you determine that
being restartable is more overhead than it’s worth. There are many
other situations where being skippable won’t have any real benefit and
will just lead to hard to maintain code. For example:
A composable that is not recomposed often, or at all.

State hoisting in Kotlin onSearchChange: (String) -> Unit

I am trying to use state hoisting in android
I am new to android development using jetpack compose
onSearchChange: (String) -> Unit,
onCategoryChange: (Category) -> Unit,
onProductSelect: (Product) -> Unit,
composable(Screen.Home.route) { MainPage(navController = navController, searchQuery = "",
productCategories = categories, selectedCategory = Category("","",0),
products = pros, /* what do I write here for the 3 lines above?? :( the onSearch,etc I have an error bc of them */
In addition to the answer, apologies, this is a bit long, as Ill try to share how I design my "state hoisting"
Lets simply start first with the following:
A: First based on the Official Docs
State in an app is any value that can change over time. This is a very
broad definition and encompasses everything from a Room database to a
variable on a class.
All Android apps display state to the user. A few examples of state in
Android apps:
A Snackbar that shows when a network connection can't be established.
A blog post and associated comments.
Ripple animations on buttons that
play when a user clicks them.
Stickers that a user can draw on top of
an image.
B: And personally, for me
"State Hoisting" is part of "State Management"
Now consider a very simple scenario, We have a LoginForm with 2 input fields, and have its basic states like the following
Input will be received from the user and will be stored in a mutableState variable named userName
Input will be received from the user and will be stored in a mutableState variable named password
We have defined 2 requirements above, without doing them, our LoginForm would be stateless
fun LoginForm() {
var userName by remember { mutableStateOf("")}
var password by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
modifier = Modifier
) {
value = userName,
onValueChange = {
userName = it
value = password,
onValueChange = {
password = it
visualTransformation = PasswordVisualTransformation()
So far, everything is working but nothing is "Hoisted", their states are handled inside the LoginForm composable.
State Hoisting Part 1: a LoginState class
Now apart from the 2 requirements above, lets add one additional requirement.
Validate user name and password
if login is invalid, show Toast "Sorry invalid login"
if login is valid, show Toast "Hello and Welcome to compose world"
This can be done inside the LoginForm composable, but its better to do the logic handling or any business logic in a separate class, leaving your UI intact independent of it
class LoginState {
var userName by mutableStateOf("")
var password by mutableStateOf("")
fun validateAction() {
if (userName == "Stack" && password == "Overflow") {
// tell the ui to show Toast
} else {
// tell the ui to show Toast
fun LoginForm() {
val loginState = remember { LoginState() }
modifier = Modifier
) {
value = loginState.userName,
onValueChange = {
loginState.userName = it
value = loginState.password,
onValueChange = {
loginState.password = it
visualTransformation = PasswordVisualTransformation()
Now everything is still working and with additional class where we hoisted our userName and password, and we included a validation functionality, nothing fancy, it will simply call something that will show Toast with a string message depending if the login is valid or not.
State Hoisting Part 2: a LoginViewModel class
Now apart from the 3 requirements above, lets add some more realistic requirements
Validate user name and password
if login is invalid, show Toast "Sorry invalid login"
if login is valid, call a Post login network call and update your database
if Login is success from backend sever show a Toast "Welcome To World"
But when the app is minimized you have to dispose any current network call, no Toast should be shown.
Take note that the codes below won't simply work and not how you would define it in a real situation though.
val viewModel = LoginViewModel()
data class UserLogin(
val userName : String = "",
val password : String = ""
class LoginViewModel (
val loginRepository: LoginRepository
) {
private val _loginFlow = MutableStateFlow(UserLogin())
val loginFlow : StateFlow<UserLogin> = _loginFlow
fun validateAction() {
// ommited codes
fun onUserNameInput(userName: String) {
fun onPasswordInput(password: String) {
fun LoginForm() {
val loginState by viewModel.loginFlow.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
modifier = Modifier
) {
value = loginState.userName,
onValueChange = {
value = loginState.password,
onValueChange = {
visualTransformation = PasswordVisualTransformation()
But that's the most top level state hoisting you can do where you would deal with network calls and database.
To summarize:
You don't need to consider hoisting up your mutableStates if its just a simple composable doing simple thing.
But If the logic gets bigger consider using a State Class like the LoginState class to make your UI independent of the business logic.
If you have to perform some network calls, database updates and making sure such use-cases are bound to a LifeCycle, consider using a ViewModel
Another thing to mention but out of topic is when you are hoisting states, there is a thing called scoped re-composition where you want a specific composable to get updated without affecting the others around, it is where you will think your composable designs on how you would handle mutableStates.
To put it into simple terms, state hoisting is having your state variables in the outer most composable possible, this gives you access to said states in multiple functions, better performance, less mess and code reusability!
Hoisting is one of the fundamentals of using Jetpack Compose, example below:
fun OuterComposable(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
// This is your state variable
var input by remember { mutabelStateOf("") }
modifier = Modifier,
text = input,
onType = { input = it } // This will asign the string returned by said function to the "input" state variable
fun InnerComposable(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier
text: String,
onType: (String) -> Unit
) {
modifier = modifier,
value = text,
onValueChange = { onType(it) } // This returns what the user typed (function mentioned in the previous comment)
With the code above, you have a text field in the "InnerComposable" function which becomes usable in multiple places with different values.
You can keep adding layers of composables, important thing is to keep the state variable in the outermost function possible.
Hope the explanation was clear! :)

How can i change value in TextField value from viewModel in jetpack compose

I am using jetpack compose in my project, and don't know how to change 'TextFile' value from viewmodel.
in my activity:
fun myview(){
var dname = remember {
TextField(value = dname.value,
onValueChange = { dname.value = it },
modifier =Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
in my viewmodel:
var dname = MutableStateFlow("")
I want to call dname.value="test" in viewmodel and change the shown value in TextField
Assuming you have a reference to your viewModel called viewModel, you just have to call viewModel.name.collectAsState(). But beyond that, I suggest keeping the data logic in the ViewModel, by making the MutableStateFlow private and exposing an immutable StateFlow and a setter method to the composable.
// ViewModel
private val _name = MutableStateFlow("")
val name = _name.asStateFlow()
fun setName(name: String) {
_name.value = name
// Composable
val name = viewModel.name.collectAsState()
value = name,
onValueChange = viewModel::setName
As you can see, I'm not using remember { mutableStateOf(...) } here, because the StateFlow in the ViewModel is the single source of truth.
Your approach of setting the composable's value imperatively doesn't make sense in the declarative API that Jetpack Compose provides.
Try reading up on declarative/imperative UI and state in Jetpack compose as well as kotlin flow to learn more.
You can also use mutableStateOf instead of MutableStateFlow. I think it much simple.
var dname by mutableStateOf("init value")
value = viewModel.dname,
onValueChange = { viewModel.dname = it }
In ViewModel, when you want to change the value, you can call dname = "test"

Jetpack Compose: Not able to show text in TextField

Recently I'm playing with Jetpack Compose and I noticed that the text may not show up in TextField.
So I have a ViewModel with Flow of ViewState.
In my Compose file, I have something similar to this:
internal fun TestScreen() {
val state by viewModel.state.collectAsState()
TestScreen {
viewState = state,
actioner = { ... }
private fun TestScreen(viewState: ViewState, actioner: () -> Unit) {
var name by remember {
Surface {
Column {
value = name,
onValueChange = { textFieldValue ->
name = textFieldValue
the OutlineTextField will never show what's already inside viewState.name
However, if I change this:
var name by remember {
To this:
var name = TextFieldValue(viewState.name)
Obviously it could show the value in viewState.name.
According to the Documentation (https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/state#state-in-composables) in which it recommends using remember & mutableStateOf to handle the changes.
I'll be very grateful if someone could help me to explain why the code with remember doesn't work but the directly assigned value worked?
viewState.name is a String
and I "partially solved" this issue by doing the following:
var name by remember {
name = TextFieldValue(viewState.name)
then the name can be shown. But it doesn't look quite right?
remember is used just to ensure that upon recomposition, the value of the mutableStateOf object does not get re-initialised to the initial value.
For example,
fun Test1(){
var text by mutableStateOf ("Prev Text")
Button(onClick = { text = "Updated Text" }){
Text("Update The Text")
would not update the text on button click. This is because button click will change the mutableStateOf text, which will trigger a recomposition. However, when the control reaches the first line of the Composable, it will re-initialise the variable text to "Prev Text".
This is where remember comes in.
If you change the initialisation above to
var text by remember { mutableStateOf ("Prev Text") },
It wil tell compose to track this variable, and "remember" its value, and use it again on recomposition, when the control reaches the initialisation logic again. Hence, remember over there acts as a "guard" that does not let the control reach into the initialisation logic, and returns that latest remembered value of the variable it currently has in store.

Get previous value of state in Composable - Jetpack Compose

assume my code looks like this
fun ExampleList() {
val tickers by exampleViewModel.tickers.observeAsState()
LazyColumn() {
items(items = tickers) { ticker ->
fun ExampleItem(ticker: Ticker) {
Text(text= ticker.lastPrice)
is there anyway to get previous value of ticker in ExampleItem Compose everytime ticker is updated?
I'm wondering if there's something like componentDidUpdate in React Native
While the answer is technically correct, the first example renders too many times and I did not understand the second example unfortunately.
So I got back to React to see how it is done there and it is explained very good here:
This is what the hook (remember function as you will) looks like (for the curious):
function usePrevious<T>(value: T): T {
// The ref object is a generic container whose current property is mutable ...
// ... and can hold any value, similar to an instance property on a class
const ref: any = useRef<T>();
// Store current value in ref
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
}, [value]); // Only re-run if value changes
// Return previous value (happens before update in useEffect above)
return ref.current;
The same idea can be implemented in compose un a reusable way (it is important that the #Composable should not be rerendered when setting the previous value):
* Returns a dummy MutableState that does not cause render when setting it
fun <T> rememberRef(): MutableState<T?> {
// for some reason it always recreated the value with vararg keys,
// leaving out the keys as a parameter for remember for now
return remember() {
object: MutableState<T?> {
override var value: T? = null
override fun component1(): T? = value
override fun component2(): (T?) -> Unit = { value = it }
and the actual rememberPrevious:
fun <T> rememberPrevious(
current: T,
shouldUpdate: (prev: T?, curr: T) -> Boolean = { a: T?, b: T -> a != b },
): T? {
val ref = rememberRef<T>()
// launched after render, so the current render will have the old value anyway
SideEffect {
if (shouldUpdate(ref.value, current)) {
ref.value = current
return ref.value
key values can be added to the remember function, but I've found that the remember did not work in my case, as it always rerendered even when no keys were passed in.
fun SomeComponent() {
val prevValue = rememberPrevious(currentValue)
I figured out that I could get last value of ticker by using remember {mutableStateOf} as below:
var lastTicker by remember { mutableStateOf(ticker)}
SideEffect {
if (lastTicker != ticker) {
// compare lastTicker to current ticker before assign new value
lastTicker = ticker
by using remember { mutableStateOf(ticker)}, I can persist value of ticker throught recomposition.
then inside SideEffect I can use lastTicker value ( to compare last ticker and current ticker in my case) before assign it to new value to use for next composition
or using derivedStateOf to watch ticker change only, avoid recomposition
val compareValue by remember(ticker) {
derivedStateOf {
// compare lastTicker to current ticker before assign new value
lastTicker = ticker
// return value

