Is there a font picker library? I'd like to show a dialog in my app, were the user could choose a font. I was able to find this, but there is no explanation on how to use it. Also, I'm using Jetpack Compose, maybe it has a font picker built in?
Since I couldn't find any libraries, I implemented the FontPicker myself.
Here is Jetpack Compose implementation:
fun FontPicker(
fonts: Map<File, Font>,
initialFontPath: String? = null,
onFontChosen: (font: Font?) -> Unit,
) {
var showMenu by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var fontPath by remember { mutableStateOf(initialFontPath) }
modifier = Modifier
.clickable { showMenu = true }
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly,
) {
if (fontPath == null) {
} else {
val fontFile = File(fontPath)
fontFamily = FontFamily(Font(fontFile)),
expanded = showMenu,
onDismissRequest = { showMenu = false },
) {
text = { Text("Default", fontSize = 25.sp) },
onClick = {
showMenu = false
fontPath = null
for ((file, font) in fonts) {
text = {
fontFamily = FontFamily(font),
fontSize = 25.sp,
onClick = {
showMenu = false
fontPath = file.path
Here is how to use it:
val fonts = File("/system/fonts")
.listFiles()!!.associateWith { Font(it) }
FontPicker(fonts) {
// use picked font here
You will get this:
And if you tap on it, a popup menu will be shown:
The popup menu might take some time to show because of all the fonts that have to be loaded, but it's quicker on release builds.
The issue I faced was that I needed AlertDialog with some kind of List items (e. g. LazyColumn) and the TextField to search across these items. I wanted to display all the Dialog layout even when Keyboard is opened. But what I got is a Keyboard that cover some part of Dialog layout itself. I tried to use imePadding() for Dialog's Modifier but seems that Dialog ignoring that. I didn't find any solution for this on the Internet.
My code looks like so:
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
onDismissRequest = {
searchText = TextFieldValue("")
text = {
modifier = Modifier.wrapContentHeight()
) {
text = stringResource(R.string.dlg_select_content_title),
style = AppTheme.textStyles.hugeTitleText
modifier = Modifier
.padding(top = AppTheme.margins.divRegular),
value = searchText,
placeholderText = stringResource(R.string.dlg_select_content_search_placeholder),
onValueChange = { newValue ->
searchText = newValue
modifier = Modifier
options = {
title =,
description = null,
selected = vmState.selectedLabel?.id ==,
tag =
onOptionSelected = {
searchText = TextFieldValue("")
viewModel.saveLabelSelection(it.tag as Int) {
properties = DialogProperties(
usePlatformDefaultWidth = false
confirmButton = {
// Nothing
And the result:
I am not able to interact with several last items in list because Keyboard covers it.
I have implemented a solution for this issue. The solution is quite ugly, but working. If someone knows a more elegant solution, feel free to write it in an answer in this question.
Even though the dialog ignores the imePadding() we still can set the height. So, first of all we should to know what screen height available above keyboard.
private fun TrickyHeight(
onHeightChanged: (Dp) -> Unit,
) {
val density = LocalDensity.current
modifier = Modifier
.padding(bottom = 30.dp) // additional padding
.onSizeChanged {
onHeightChanged.invoke(with(density) { it.height.toDp() })
Next step is to create wrapper over AlertDialog:
fun TrickyDialog(
onDismissRequest: () -> Unit,
confirmButton: #Composable () -> Unit,
dismissButton: #Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
icon: #Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
title: #Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
text: #Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
shape: Shape = AlertDialogDefaults.shape,
containerColor: Color = AppTheme.colors.surfaceColor,
iconContentColor: Color = AlertDialogDefaults.iconContentColor,
titleContentColor: Color = AlertDialogDefaults.titleContentColor,
textContentColor: Color = AlertDialogDefaults.textContentColor,
tonalElevation: Dp = AlertDialogDefaults.TonalElevation,
properties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties()
) {
val maxDialogHeight = remember { mutableStateOf(0.dp) }
TrickyHeight(onHeightChanged = { maxDialogHeight.value = it })
modifier = Modifier
.heightIn(0.dp, maxDialogHeight.value)
onDismissRequest = onDismissRequest,
confirmButton = confirmButton,
dismissButton = dismissButton,
icon = icon,
title = title,
text = text,
shape = shape,
containerColor = containerColor,
iconContentColor = iconContentColor,
titleContentColor = titleContentColor,
textContentColor = textContentColor,
tonalElevation = tonalElevation,
properties = properties
Also, do not forget to add correct android:windowSoftInputMode in Manifest: android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"
Now you can use TrickyDialog instead of AlertDialog. Again, this solution is not elegant. But maybe it will be helpful for someone who faced the same issue. Also, this solution will not work properly for Landscape Screen Orientation.
As of Compose UI 1.3.0-beta01, you can set DialogProperties.decorFitsSystemWindows to false and imePadding() will work.
modifier = Modifier.imePadding(),
properties = DialogProperties(decorFitsSystemWindows = false),
onDismissRequest = {
// ...
title = {
// ...
text = {
// ...
confirmButton = {
// ..
The Code A displays a dialog box based AlertDialog, and I get Image A when I run Code A.
I find the space between title = { Text(text = dialogTitle) } and text = {...} is too closer in Image A.
So I set Modifier.padding(top = 100.dp) to wish to increase the space between the two controls, but I only get Image B, it seems that Modifier.padding(top = 100.dp) doesn't work as expected, how can I fix it?
Code A
fun EditTextDialog(
isShow: Boolean,
onDismiss: () -> Unit,
onConfirm: (String) -> Unit,
saveTitle: String = stringResource(R.string.dialog_save_title),
cancelTitle:String = stringResource(R.string.dialog_cancel_title),
dialogTitle:String ="Edit",
editFieldContent:String ="",
) {
var mText by remember(editFieldContent){ mutableStateOf(editFieldContent) }
val cleanAndDismiss = {
mText = editFieldContent
if (isShow) {
title = { Text(text = dialogTitle) },
text = {
Modifier.padding(top = 20.dp)
//Modifier.padding(top = 100.dp)
//Modifier.height(100.dp), //The same result as Image A
//verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
value = mText,
onValueChange = { mText = it }
confirmButton = {
TextButton(onClick = { onConfirm(mText) }) {
Text(text = saveTitle)
dismissButton = {
TextButton(onClick = cleanAndDismiss) {
Text(text = cancelTitle)
onDismissRequest = cleanAndDismiss
Image A
Image B
With M3 AlertDialog (androidx.compose.material3.AlertDialog) it works.
With M2 AlertDialog, one solution is to remove the title attribute and use the text attribute for the whole layout.
onDismissRequest = {},
text = {
Text(text = "Title")
value = "mText",
onValueChange = { },
I don't understand what you're trying to do. If you want more space between the TextField and the dialog buttons, then you don't want a top padding. You want padding below the TextField, so it would be bottom padding on the column.
Also, there's a chance that it won't work properly inside a Column, and you might have to switch it out for Box. And if that doesn't work for some reason, just add a spacer below the TextField:
I assume you are using Material AlertDialog? If yes try using the Material3 variant. It should work then.
Just implement following library:
implementation "androidx.compose.material3:material3:1.0.0-beta02"
And make sure to use the Material3 AlertDialog Composable which is imported with the library.
I try show AlertDialog when press a button.
For AlertDialog i have a composable function - showDialog.
It is clear that this function calls a dialog.
I have another composable function which displays some window with text and buttons.
When the button is clicked, I want to call a function that stores the AlertDialog.
AlertDialog body:
fun monthDialog() {
val openDialog = remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
if (openDialog.value) {
onDismissRequest = {
openDialog.value = false
title = {
Text(text = "Title")
text = {
"This area typically contains the supportive text " +
"which presents the details regarding the Dialog's purpose."
buttons = {
modifier = Modifier.padding(all = 8.dp),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
onClick = { openDialog.value = false }
) {
first I tried the simplest solution that came to my mind:
IconButton(onClick = monthDialog())
and got error (#Composable invocations can only happen from the context of a #Composable function)
after i tried a normal trigger using mutablestateof and following condition:
val showDialog = remember { mutableStateOf(false)}
if(showDialog.value == true) monthDialog()
and put some like this into onClick event:
monthHeader(onClick = {showDialog.value = !showDialog.value})
and this is work....but ugly and badly.
for a first time this is worf fine. but after the first click, I need to click two more times to trigger that event again.
button code snippet:
fun Calendar (){
val showDialog = remember { mutableStateOf(false)}
if(showDialog.value == true) monthDialog()
IconButton(onClick ={
monthDialog() // error here
//showDialog.value = !showDialog.value
after few hours for searching in google
i try my own solution
val clicked = remember { mutableStateOf(false)}
val showDialog = remember { mutableStateOf(false)}
if(showDialog.value) monthDialog()
else if(clicked.value) monthDialog()
monthHeader(onClick = {
clicked.value = showDialog.value
showDialog.value = !clicked.value
but in my opinion this is crutch/kludge
Leaving a better solution here (imho):
Hoist the state of your dialog.
fun MonthDialog(onClose: () -> Unit) {
onDismissRequest = onClose,
title = {
Text(text = "Title")
text = {
"This area typically contains the supportive text " +
"which presents the details regarding the Dialog's purpose."
buttons = {
modifier = Modifier.padding(all = 8.dp),
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center
) {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
onClick = onClose
) {
Noticed that I removed the state from this component and make it stateless. This component will just notify when the dialog is closed.
Now you can call the dialog like this:
var showDialog by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
if (showDialog) {
MonthDialog(onClose = { showDialog = false })
Card {
MonthHeader( // use upper case for naming your composables
onClick = {
showDialog = true
One can also use Modifier / PointerInputScope:
modifier = Modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
onPress = { },
onTap = { },
onDoubleTap = { },
onLongPress = { }
So I have this composable in my project ...
private fun ShowDialog() {
var showText by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val text = if (showText) {
"Hide Text"
} else {
"Show Text"
Dialog(onDismissRequest = { }) {
Card(modifier = Modifier.padding(15.dp)) {
Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(15.dp)) {
AnimatedVisibility(visible = showText) {
text = "Here is the show text sample",
modifier = Modifier.padding(5.dp),
style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1,
color= Color.Black
Button(onClick = { showText = !showText }) {
Text(text = text)
If you have gone through the code, you might get what it is supposed to do. i.e it is basically a dialog with one text and a button below it. When the user clicks on a button the text above the button will toggle its visibility.
But the problem with the code is, When I click on the button, the text appears but the button gets invisible in other words the text takes the space and pushes a button to below. But yet the container in this case card or the column doesn't expand its height.
Is it supposed to work like that ? Or is this a bug?
I tried animateContentSize() on Column and Card but it didn't work. And checked similar questions on StackOverflow but didn't found any useful information.
Luckily, I found a temporary working answer for this problem,
What we need to use is just pass DialogProperties(usePlatformDefaultWidth = false) as properties parameter for dialog. This will make the dialog to resizable like this
private fun ShowDialog() {
var showText by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val text = if (showText) {
"Hide Text"
} else {
"Show Text"
onDismissRequest = { },
properties = DialogProperties(usePlatformDefaultWidth = false)
) {
modifier = Modifier
) {
Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(15.dp).fillMaxWidth(1f)) {
AnimatedVisibility(visible = showText) {
text = "Sample",
modifier = Modifier
style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1,
color = Color.Black
Button(onClick = { showText = !showText }) {
Text(text = text)
Caution: It uses #ExperimentalComposeUiApi
This API is experimental and is likely to change in the future.
I have a custom composable View (Surface + Text essentially) and I want to change the color of the surface depending on the focus state. The FocusManager#FocusNode is marked internal and I am unaware of any way to achieve this. Is this simply just not available yet? Any one else have to tackle this?
With 1.0.x you can use the Modifier.onFocusChanged to observe focus state events.
Something like:
var color by remember { mutableStateOf(Black) }
val focusRequester = FocusRequester()
modifier = Modifier
.onFocusChanged { color = if (it.isFocused) Green else Black }
.pointerInput(Unit) { detectTapGestures { focusRequester.requestFocus() } },
text = "Text",
color = color
As of dev11, FocusManagerAmbient has been deprecated in favor of FocusModifier. For more examples check out the KeyInputDemo, ComposeInputFieldFocusTransition or FocusableDemo.
private fun FocusableText(text: MutableState<String>) {
val focusModifier = FocusModifier()
modifier = focusModifier
.tapGestureFilter { focusModifier.requestFocus() }
.keyInputFilter { it.value?.let { text.value += it; true } ?: false },
text = text.value,
color = when (focusModifier.focusState) {
Focused -> Color.Green
NotFocused -> Color.Black
NotFocusable -> Color.Gray
Compose has since updated and made the FocusManager members public; although, I'm not exactly sure how final the api is as of dev10. But as of now you can create a FocusNode and listen for changes using FocusManager.registerObserver.
val focusNode = remember {
FocusNode().apply {
focusManager.registerObserver(node = this) { fromNode, toNode ->
if (toNode == this) {
// has focus
} else {
// lost focus
If you'd like to gain focus, you can now call FocusManager.requestFocus:
val focusManager = FocusManagerAmbient.current
You can also set a focusIdentifier on your FocusNode:
val focusNode = remember {
FocusNode().apply {
focusManager.registerFocusNode("your-focus-identifier", node = this)
To gain focus for a specific identifier, you just call FocusManager.requestFocusById
Using that you can easily create a Composable that can provide and request focus for you, for instance:
fun useFocus(focusIdentifier: String? = null): Pair<Boolean, () -> Unit> {
val focusManager = FocusManagerAmbient.current
val (hasFocus, setHasFocus) = state { false }
val focusNode = remember {
FocusNode().apply {
focusManager.registerObserver(node = this) { fromNode, toNode ->
setHasFocus(toNode == this)
focusIdentifier?.let { identifier ->
focusManager.registerFocusNode(identifier, node = this)
onDispose {
focusIdentifier?.let { identifier ->
return hasFocus to {
val (hasFocus, requestFocus) = useFocus("your-focus-identifier")
You could also compose children along with it:
fun FocusableTextButton(
text: String,
focusedColor: Color = Color.Unset,
unFocusedColor: Color = Color.Unset,
textColor: Color = Color.White,
focusIdentifier: String? = null
) {
val (hasFocus, requestFocus) = useFocus(focusIdentifier)
Surface(color = if (hasFocus) focusedColor else unFocusedColor) {
TextButton(onClick = requestFocus) {
Text(text = text, color = textColor)
Alternatively, there's also FocusModifier, which as of now is:
* A [Modifier.Element] that wraps makes the modifiers on the right into a Focusable. Use a
* different instance of [FocusModifier] for each focusable component.
* TODO(b/152528891): Write tests for [FocusModifier] after we finalize on the api (API
* review tracked by b/152529882).
But I don't think you can apply an identifier with it right now.
val focusModifier = FocusModifier()
val hasFocus = focusModifier.focusDetailedState == FocusDetailedState.Active
modifier = focusModifier,
color = if (hasFocus) focusedColor else unFocusedColor
) {
TextButton(onClick = { focusModifier.requestFocus() }) {
Text(text = text, color = textColor)
All that being said, I'm not 100% sure this is the intended way to handle focus right now. I referenced CoreTextField a lot to see how it was being handled there.
fun FocusTest() {
val focusManager = FocusManagerAmbient.current
val selectRandomIdentifier: () -> Unit = {
focusManager.requestFocusById(arrayOf("red,", "blue", "green", "yellow").random())
Column(verticalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceBetween) {
text = "When I gain focus, I turn red",
focusedColor = Color.Red,
focusIdentifier = "red"
text = "When I gain focus, I turn blue",
focusedColor = Color.Blue,
focusIdentifier = "blue"
text = "When I gain focus, I turn green",
focusedColor = Color.Green,
focusIdentifier = "green"
text = "When I gain focus, I turn yellow",
focusedColor = Color.Yellow,
focusIdentifier = "yellow"
Button(onClick = selectRandomIdentifier) {
Text(text = "Click me to randomly select a node to focus")
this code works for me
var haveFocus by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
modifier = Modifier.onFocusEvent {
haveFocus = it.isFocused
shape = RectangleShape
This answer is base on Gabriele Mariotti answer but I have change
Use remember { FocusRequester() } to prevent crash FocusRequester is not initialized after do 2nd click on Text
Use focusTarget instead of focusModifier because deprecated
var color by remember { mutableStateOf(Color.Black) }
val focusRequester = remember { FocusRequester() }
text = "Hello",
modifier = Modifier
.onFocusChanged { color = if (it.isFocused) Color.Green else Color.Black }
.pointerInput(Unit) { detectTapGestures { focusRequester.requestFocus() } }