Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT not working in android 11 - android

I need to bring the app from background to foreground when push notifications arrives. This code
works fine on versions prior to 11.
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
But stops working in android 11. Any idea?

Posting comment as answer:
AFAIK, Its not possible to start activities from the background since Android 10 unless your app meets one of the specific exceptions, see here. Are you sure your app was in the background? Also Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT should have nothing to do with actually starting the activity, it just moves to it the front of the stack if it is already running.


Prevent app from being launched at boot if manually launched by user

I've set my application to be launched at system startup and it does so. The problem is that it takes about ~30 seconds between the homescreen showing up and my app to be launched. This may be a problem if the user doesn't wait.
My idea is to prevent the app from being re-launched when the system broadcasts the message IF it is already running.
So, basically, I'm looking for either solution:
Decrease wait time between system start and app start AND / OR;
Prevent app from being launched when the message is received if it is already running.
The first topic is something I want to achieve regardless, but I don't control when android will fire the message. If I could achieve both, it would be great, but I'd settle for the second option.
I don't think it's necessary to show this, but I've set everything in the Manifest (i.e BOOT_COMPLETED) and this is my code, where MyNamedActivity is my main activity (working code):
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED) && AppController.getUsuarioLogado() == null) {
Intent i = new Intent(context, MyNamedActivity.class);
Note: Removing addFlags line causes the app to cash.


Hi i am working on a calling app based on webRtc. Calling activity opens with flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS and its working fine.
Intent intent = new Intent(context, CallActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(Consts.EXTRA_IS_INCOMING_CALL, isIncomingCall);
The problem is When my app is in recent app list and an incoming call comes Call activity opens with above intent . After finishing the CallActivity the app left on the scrreen, it should not, cause CallActivity is triggered when app in in recent app list .
If anyone got the problem let me advise something to acheive it.Let me know in comments below if need more explanation on problem .
The solution was I checked the whether app was in recent or newly opened.
I case of app was in recent stack i send it to back stack again by moveTaskToBack.

Android 2.2 (API 8) Logging Out

I have an app that will have multiple activities open.
Activity A -> Activity B -> Activity C
I want to logout and close all open activities. I have read many different links that describes how to do this.
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing "back" button from opening logged-in-only Activites
Close all running activities in an android application?
The issue for this however is that the Intent Flags only work with API level 11 and above. I have an app that I would like to be made available for API level 8 and above. I know that it goes way back but what is the best way to accomplish this for API level 8?
Or should I just give in and make the minimum level 11?
Intent intent = new Intent(this, LoginActivity.class);
Did you try this ?
void signOut() {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, HomeActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("finish", true);
intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); // To clean up all activities *not necessary*
from this answer
Okay, you can do one thing get ProcessID of your application and in onDestroy() kill that process. Thats it from this link How to force stop my android application programmatically?
int pid=android.os.Process.myPid();
you can use alternative told by one of user here using startActivityForResult() and onActivityResult() works fine even on API level 8.
For this u need to use
startActivityForResult() instead of startActivty. and onActivtyResult() for you work.
you say "I want to logout and close all open activities." , Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP works on API Level 8 , I have incorporated Logout functionality ,that way in app that is already in store, but there is one difference if I understand you correctly , logout goes to LoginActivity , logout does not kill process or something as this goes against concept of Android. Anyway you can even do this also when you do this as suggested above:
void logout() {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, LoginActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("finish", true);
And then in LoginActivity you can search for "finish" boolean in extra in onCreate method and finish that activity too.
#Override public void onCreate(Bundle state) {
if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra("finish", false)) finish();

Launch activity from background app

I have my app running in the background and I want the app to be shown on the top(launched) of the android phone when the code below is ran. (I know the code is ran for sure)
This seems like a simple thing but I spent a couple hours on this site and everyone seems to be suggesting something like this:
Intent intent = new Intent(myActivity.this, myActivity.class);
However, it is not bringing the app to the front and launching it.
I got it to work from a PendingIntent launched from a notification. Which I done by the code below. But I want the app to launch by itself without the user clicking on the notification.
Intent intent = new Intent(myActivity.this, myActivity.class);
PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, REQUEST_CODE, intent, 0);
notification.setLatestEventInfo(this, "title", "msg", contentIntent);
I also tried:
Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.MAIN");
and flagging the intent:
But doesn't seem to do anything, any help appreciated.
You should be able to call your own application like this:
Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.category.LAUNCHER");
intent.setClassName("com.your.package", "com.your.package.MainActivity");
Edit: Forgot to add intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
From what I understand, you want a service that is running in the background and on a certain event, you want your application's activity to come in front i.e. on the users current screen whatever he is doing. It is not advisable to let a background service launch an application without a user's action. The android developer website says
A status bar notification should be used for any case in which a
background service needs to alert the user about an event that
requires a response. A background service should never launch an
activity on its own in order to receive user interaction. The service
should instead create a status bar notification that will launch the
activity when selected by the user.
Hence, do not try to make it launch on its own.
I An not behind my laptop atm so I am nog sure, but I think you have toe pass a context object hand then do context.startactivity(intent);
Sorry for not wel formated I am at my phone atm
Hope It helps
I am clutching at straws here, but you wrote:
MyActivity is launched first, then I either navigate to another app or just hit the home screen to have my app running in the background.
So the situation is that your original Activity is NOT running in the background, when you pressed HOME it might well could have been stopped and destroyed. Your background task remained orphan and MyActivity.this is null at this point.
Try and test what does Log.i(TAG,MyActivity.this); print into LogCat.
I ended up using a pending intent and instead of stright up trying to use a intent.
Something like this: seems a lot more simple.
Intent.send(this, 0, intent);
Also, I’ve seen since compileSdkVersion 29 it's not possible, unless a few restrictions:
The activity started very recently.
The app called finish() very recently.
Through a PendingIntent, but only after a few seconds after the notification was sent.
The app has been granted the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission by the user.

How to approximate PendingIntent getActivities in Api level 7 (Android 2.1)?

I wish to have an app that targets Android 2.1, API level 7, launch multiple activities at once when a user clicks on a C2DM notification that has come in. This is the method I currently use to launch my activity:
public static PendingIntent getActivity (Context context, int requestCode, Intent intent, int flags)
This method only allows me to put one activity on the stack. What I really want to do is use this method:
public static PendingIntent getActivities (Context context, int requestCode, Intent[] intents, int flags)
This method reports that it is only available for API level 11, which is Android 3.0. I do not wish to break backward compatibility with 2.1. Can anyone suggest how I might be able to achieve this effect without taking a dependency on Android 3.0? I tried looking for the source to this new method, but it does not appear to be available yet.
What you do is have a separate activity that is the target of the alarm, and build the intent stack from there, as below. This could probably be generalised into something very like 'getactivities' quite easily - it's a pity it isn't in the compat libraries.
public class AlarmActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
intent = new Intent(this, ChildActivity.class);
As MisterSquonk says in the comments, only one Activity can be active at any one time (even in 3.0), so launching "multiple activities at once" is not going to be possible. Even if it were, what will the user experience be like with multiple activities starting in quick succession, and no guarantee of which will be launched last, and so be the one left for the user to interact with.
I suspect that you actually want to wake up different parts of your app simultaneously without each one having its own UI. If so, then I would suggest having one or more Services which implement multiple BroadcastReceivers against a common Intent filter. When you fire a Broadcast of that event, then multiple things will get woken up at once.

