So I have the following composable function:
fun SearchResult() {
if (searchInput.isNotEmpty()) {
Column() {
Text("Search Result!")
Then I called the function from here:
private fun updateContent() {
setContent {
ChemistryAssistantTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.background
) {
Column() {
Title(" Chemistry Assistant ", " Made by Saket Tamrakar ")
Column() {
SearchResult() // Here
The issue here is that the function gets correctly called in the beginning, when I invoke updateContent() here:
OutlinedTextField(value = input, placeholder = { Text("Search for any element!") }, onValueChange = {
input = it
searchInput = it.text
Control does reach the function (at least according to what the debugger tells me), but still fails to execute the function body.
Any ideas?
You should keep searchInput as a state like:
val searchInput by mutableStateOf("")
This ensures that whenever the value of searchInput changes, any composable whose structure depends on it will also recompose(i.e recall the function).
Hope this solves your issue.
Apparently moving the variable searchInput:
fun SearchResult() {
if (/*this one*/searchInput.isNotEmpty()) {
Column() {
Text("Search Result!")
..inside the MainActivity class fixed the issue.
I've been checking out the Performance best practices for Jetpack Compose Google I/O, in there it's stated that this code should only re-execute the Text() function, since only this function reads a value that changes.
private class NameHolder(var name: String)
private fun LittleText(nameHolder: NameHolder) {
Box {
Text(text = "Nombre: ${}")
println("compose 2")
println("compose 1")
however when I run it I can see that for every change both prints execute as well.
I also tested with something like this:
private fun LittleText(name: String) {
Box {
Text(text = "Nombre: $name")
println("compose 2")
println("compose 1")
With the same result, I'm changing the text with a TextField, like this:
var name by remember { mutableStateOf("name") }
value = name,
onValueChange = {
name = it
What I'm I doing wrong? How can I achieve this behaviour and have only the Text re-executing the composition?
I found an answer that cover this:
fun TestingCompose() {
Column {
println("compose 1")
fun TestView() {
val textFieldValue = remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue("")) }
println("compose 2")
fun TextField(textFieldValue: MutableState<TextFieldValue>) {
value = textFieldValue.value,
onValueChange = { textFieldValue.value = it }
println("compose 3")
I'm still trying to fully understand it, so any insight would be greatly appreciated, but checking the log while testing this shows that only the composable containing the TextField gets re-executed with every character.
In a Composable function, I can pass as parameter the State, or the value of the State. Any reason for preferring to pass the value of the State, instead of the State?
In both cases, the composable is stateless, so why should I distinguish both cases?
It's possible to pass state's value. For example:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val isLoading = mutableStateOf(false)
val onClickAtButton = {
lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
isLoading.value = true
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
//Do some heavy operation live REST call
isLoading.value = false
setContent {
MyComposable(isLoading.value, onClickAtButton)
fun MyComposable(
isLoading: Boolean = false,
onClickAtButton: () -> Unit = {}
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(){
Button(onClick = onClickAtButton)
Hope it helps somebody.
There is a slight difference between passing State or just the value of a State regarding recomposition.
Let's start with passing State:
fun Example1(text: State<String>) {
SideEffect { Log.d("Example", "Example1 recomposition") }
fun Example2(text: State<String>) {
SideEffect { Log.d("Example", "Example2 recomposition") }
fun Screen() {
val text = remember { mutableStateOf("hello") } }
onClick = { text.value = "world" }
) {
Text("Click me")
On first start you will see the log output
Example1 recomposition
Example2 recomposition
However when you click the button, you will only see an additional
Example2 recomposition
Because you're passing down State and only Example2 is reading the state, Example1 does not need to be recomposed.
Let's change the parameters to a plain type:
fun Example1(text: String) {
SideEffect { Log.d("Example", "Example1 recomposition") }
fun Example2(text: String) {
SideEffect { Log.d("Example", "Example2 recomposition") }
fun Screen() {
val text = remember { mutableStateOf("hello") } }
onClick = { text.value = "world" }
) {
Text("Click me")
When you click the button now, you will see two additional lines in the log output
Example1 recomposition
Example2 recomposition
Since text is now a plain type of the function signatures of both composables, both need to be recomposed when the value changes.
However always passing down State can become quite cumbersome. Compose is quite good at detecting what needs to be recomposed so this should be considered a micro optimization. I just wanted to point out that there is a slight difference which every developer using Compose should know about.
I have implemented a column of buttons in jetpack compose. We realized it is possible to click multiple items at once (with multiple fingers for example), and we would like to disable this feature.
Is there an out of the box way to disable multiple simultaneous clicks on children composables by using a parent column modifier?
Here is an example of the current state of my ui, notice there are two selected items and two unselected items.
Here is some code of how it is implemented (stripped down)
modifier = modifier
) {
viewDataList.forEachIndexed { index, viewData ->
Row(modifier = modifier.fillMaxWidth()
.height(dimensionResource(id = 48.dp)
.background(colorResource(id = R.color.large_button_background))
.clickable { onClick(viewData) },
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
//Internal composables, etc
Check this solution. It has similar behavior to splitMotionEvents="false" flag. Use this extension with your Column modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEventPass
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.pointerInput
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
fun Modifier.disableSplitMotionEvents() =
pointerInput(Unit) {
coroutineScope {
var currentId: Long = -1L
awaitPointerEventScope {
while (true) {
awaitPointerEvent(PointerEventPass.Initial).changes.forEach { pointerInfo ->
when {
pointerInfo.pressed && currentId == -1L -> currentId =
pointerInfo.pressed.not() && currentId == -> currentId = -1 != currentId && currentId != -1L -> pointerInfo.consume()
else -> Unit
Here are four solutions:
Click Debounce (ViewModel)r
For this, you need to use a viewmodel. The viewmodel handles the click event. You should pass in some id (or data) that identifies the item being clicked. In your example, you could pass an id that you assign to each item (such as a button id):
// IMPORTANT: Make sure to import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
val debounceState = MutableStateFlow<String?>(null)
init {
viewModelScope.launch {
.collect { buttonId ->
if (buttonId != null) {
when (buttonId) {
ButtonIds.Support -> displaySupport()
ButtonIds.About -> displayAbout()
ButtonIds.TermsAndService -> displayTermsAndService()
ButtonIds.Privacy -> displayPrivacy()
fun onItemClick(buttonId: String) {
debounceState.value = buttonId
object ButtonIds {
const val Support = "support"
const val About = "about"
const val TermsAndService = "termsAndService"
const val Privacy = "privacy"
The debouncer ignores any clicks that come in within 500 milliseconds of the last one received. I've tested this and it works. You'll never be able to click more than one item at a time. Although you can touch two at a time and both will be highlighted, only the first one you touch will generate the click handler.
Click Debouncer (Modifier)
This is another take on the click debouncer but is designed to be used as a Modifier. This is probably the one you will want to use the most. Most apps will make the use of scrolling lists that let you tap on a list item. If you quickly tap on an item multiple times, the code in the clickable modifier will execute multiple times. This can be a nuisance. While users normally won't tap multiple times, I've seen even accidental double clicks trigger the clickable twice. Since you want to avoid this throughout your app on not just lists but buttons as well, you probably should use a custom modifier that lets you fix this issue without having to resort to the viewmodel approach shown above.
Create a custom modifier. I've named it onClick:
fun Modifier.onClick(
enabled: Boolean = true,
onClickLabel: String? = null,
role: Role? = null,
onClick: () -> Unit
) = composed(
inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "clickable"
properties["enabled"] = enabled
properties["onClickLabel"] = onClickLabel
properties["role"] = role
properties["onClick"] = onClick
) {
enabled = enabled,
onClickLabel = onClickLabel,
onClick = {
App.debounceClicks {
role = role,
indication = LocalIndication.current,
interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
You'll notice that in the code above, I'm using App.debounceClicks. This of course doesn't exist in your app. You need to create this function somewhere in your app where it is globally accessible. This could be a singleton object. In my code, I use a class that inherits from Application, as this is what gets instantiated when the app starts:
class App : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
companion object {
private val debounceState = MutableStateFlow { }
init {
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
// IMPORTANT: Make sure to import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect
.collect { onClick ->
fun debounceClicks(onClick: () -> Unit) {
debounceState.value = onClick
Don't forget to include the name of your class in your AndroidManifest:
Now instead of using clickable, use onClick instead:
Text("Do Something", modifier = Modifier.onClick { })
Globally disable multi-touch
In your main activity, override dispatchTouchEvent:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun dispatchTouchEvent(ev: MotionEvent?): Boolean {
return ev?.getPointerCount() == 1 && super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev)
This disables multi-touch globally. If your app has a Google Maps, you will want to add some code to to dispatchTouchEvent to make sure it remains enabled when the screen showing the map is visible. Users will use two fingers to zoom on a map and that requires multi-touch enabled.
State Managed Click Handler
Use a single click event handler that stores the state of which item is clicked. When the first item calls the click, it sets the state to indicate that the click handler is "in-use". If a second item attempts to call the click handler and "in-use" is set to true, it just returns without performing the handler's code. This is essentially the equivalent of a synchronous handler but instead of blocking, any further calls just get ignored.
The most simple approach that I found for this issue is to save the click state for each Item on the list, and update the state to 'true' if an item is clicked.
NOTE: Using this approach works properly only in a use-case where the list will be re-composed after the click handling; for example navigating to another Screen when the item click is performed.
Otherwise if you stay in the same Composable and try to click another item, the second click will be ignored and so on.
for example:
fun MyList() {
// Save the click state in a MutableState
val isClicked = remember {
LazyColumn {
items(10) {
ListItem(index = "$it", state = isClicked) {
// Handle the click
ListItem Composable:
fun ListItem(
index: String,
state: MutableState<Boolean>,
onClick: () -> Unit
) {
text = "Item $index",
modifier = Modifier
.clickable {
// If the state is true, escape the function
if (state.value)
// else, call onClick block
state.value = true
Trying to turn off multi-touch, or adding single click to the modifier, is not flexible enough. I borrowed the idea from #Johannâs code. Instead of disabling at the app level, I can call it only when I need to disable it.
Here is an Alternative solution:
class ClickHelper private constructor() {
private val now: Long
get() = System.currentTimeMillis()
private var lastEventTimeMs: Long = 0
fun clickOnce(event: () -> Unit) {
if (now - lastEventTimeMs >= 300L) {
lastEventTimeMs = now
companion object {
private var instance: ClickHelper? = null
fun getInstance() =
instance ?: synchronized(this) {
instance ?: ClickHelper().also { instance = it }
then you can use it anywhere you want:
Button(onClick = { ClickHelper.getInstance().clickOnce {
// Handle the click
} } ) { }
Text(modifier = Modifier.clickable { ClickHelper.getInstance().clickOnce {
// Handle the click
} } ) { }
fun singleClick(onClick: () -> Unit): () -> Unit {
var latest: Long = 0
return {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (now - latest >= 300) {
latest = now
Then you can use
Button(onClick = singleClick {
Here is my solution.
It's based on
by I don't use GlobalScope (here is an explanation why) and I don't use MutableStateFlow as well (because its combination with GlobalScope may cause a potential memory leak).
Here is a head stone of the solution:
fun <T>multipleEventsCutter(
content: #Composable (MultipleEventsCutterManager) -> T
) : T {
val debounceState = remember {
MutableSharedFlow<() -> Unit>(
replay = 0,
extraBufferCapacity = 1,
onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST
val result = content(
object : MultipleEventsCutterManager {
override fun processEvent(event: () -> Unit) {
LaunchedEffect(true) {
.collect { onClick ->
return result
fun MultipleEventsCutter(
content: #Composable (MultipleEventsCutterManager) -> Unit
) {
The first function can be used as a wrapper around your code like this:
MultipleEventsCutter { multipleEventsCutterManager ->
onClick = { multipleClicksCutter.processEvent(onClick) },
) {
And you can use the second one to create your own modifier, like next one:
fun Modifier.clickableSingle(
enabled: Boolean = true,
onClickLabel: String? = null,
role: Role? = null,
onClick: () -> Unit
) = composed(
inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "clickable"
properties["enabled"] = enabled
properties["onClickLabel"] = onClickLabel
properties["role"] = role
properties["onClick"] = onClick
) {
multipleEventsCutter { manager ->
enabled = enabled,
onClickLabel = onClickLabel,
onClick = { manager.processEvent { onClick() } },
role = role,
indication = LocalIndication.current,
interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
Just add two lines in your styles. This will disable multitouch in whole application:
<style name="AppTheme" parent="...">
<item name="android:windowEnableSplitTouch">false</item>
<item name="android:splitMotionEvents">false</item>
I'm trying to update a LazyColumn items using a subscriber to a RxAndroid Flowable. The state variable I'm using for the image list is called simply "list"
This is my LazyColumn code:
modifier = Modifier
) {
items(list) { image ->
Text(text = image.title ?: "Title")
If for example, I run this test coroutine, the list is updated and shows the correct amount of test images: {
val testList = SnapshotStateList<Image>()
for (i in 1..100) {
testList.add(Image(i, null, null, null, null))
list = testList
But if I try the same method using my subscription to a Flowable, it updates the variable value but the recomposition is not triggered. This is my code:
val observer = remember {
{ images ->
val snapList = SnapshotStateList<Image>()
images.forEach {
snapList.add(Image(, it.albumId, it.title, it.url, it.thumbnailUrl))
list = snapList
{ Log.d("dasal", "Error: Can't load images") }
How do I handle a Flowable with a Composable?
Fixed it. I was using this declaration
var list = remember { mutableStateListOf<Image>() }
I changed it to this one instead
val list = remember { mutableStateOf(listOf<Image>()) }
Now I can use the list.value property to update/read the current value.