Sticky Headers with paging 3 jetpack compose - android

I am trying to implement sticky headers as shown in the example here, with paging using Jetpack compose LazyColumn as shown bellow :
modifier = modifier.fillMaxSize(),
contentPadding = PaddingValues(20.dp),
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
) {
// TODO (HADI) enhance later
notifications.itemSnapshotList.items.groupBy { extractNotificationHeader(it) }
.forEach { (header, messages) ->
stickyHeader {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
value = header
items = messages,
key = { message -> message.notificationId },
) {
notification = it,
onNotificationClick = { onNotificationClick(it) }
but I get requests from back-end with only 2 pages as I am using code like :
// API service method
suspend fun getNotifications(
#Query("page") page: Int,
#Query("page_size") pageSize: Int = 30
): GenericResponse<NotificationsJson>
// data source impl
class NotificationDataSourceImpl #Inject constructor(private val notificationApiService: NotificationApiService) : NotificationDataSource {
override val invalidatingFactory = InvalidatingPagingSourceFactory {
override fun loadNotifications(): Flow<PagingData<NotificationCenterMessage>> {
return Pager(
config = PagingConfig(
pageSize = 30,
enablePlaceholders = false,
pagingSourceFactory = invalidatingFactory
override fun invalidateNotifications() {
the problem is I have 7 more pages, but they are not loaded when I reach the bottom position of the lazy column items, I've tried to use only items without looping and sticky headers and it's working fine.
I've looked up for many solutions like here, but nothing worked as required.
Also I am trying to mark notification at specific position when the user click it to be read, but when I use invalidateNotifications()
the page reload and I lose the position even when I use animateScrollToItem() with rememberLazyListState()

Loads are triggered by the LazyPagingItems.get method and you are not calling it anywhere. Modify your extractNotificationHeader function to return indices of the header and messages instead of the models and then inside stickyHeader and items, use them like notifications.get(headerIndex).


Android common ViewModel for two Compose screens

I have an issue with refreshing Compose Lazy List, based on changes in persistence.
The business case - I have a screen (Fragment) with MyObject list contains all objects, there is another screen with only favorites MyObjects. Both use the same Composable as a list element with name, description and "heart" icon to set/unset favorite flag.
On "all" list setting and unsetting favorite flag works well - click on IconToggleButton sets boolean in DB and then switching to Favorite screen shows new item. Unset favorite on "all" screen sets flag to false as expected and when navigates to Favorite screen removes item.
But toggling favorite icon on Favorite screen change boolean in DB - BUT does not refresh and recompose LazyList content. I have to manually switch few times between screens, then eventually both are, let's say, synchronized with DB.
Unset favorite on the last element on Favorite list does not refresh it at all - I have to "like" another object on "all" list, then the Favorite list content is recompose with replacing items.
Moreover - there are some cases, that items on both lists disappears, while they are still in DB. I need to dig it deeper and debug this case, but maybe is related.
Some code's details:
There is a simple Entity
#Entity(tableName = "my_objects")
data class MyObject(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var id: Long = 0,
#ColumnInfo(name = "name")
val name: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "favorite")
val favorite: Boolean = false
Then there are also DAO, Provider and Repository with Domain Model. In DAO there are methods:
#Query("SELECT * FROM my_objects")
fun getAll(): List<MyObject>
#Query("SELECT * FROM my_objects WHERE favorite = 1")
fun getFavorites(): List<MyObject>
called in Provider and then in Repository.
In MyObjectListViewModel (with mapping from DB model do domain model):
class MyObjectListViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val updateMyObject: UpdateMyObject,
private val getOrderedMyObjectList: GetOrderedMyObjectList,
private val dispatchers: CoroutineDispatcherProvider
) : ViewModel() {
private val mutableMyObjects = MutableLiveData<List<ItemMyObjectModel>>()
val myObjects: LiveData<List<ItemMyObjectModel>> = mutableMyObjects
fun loadMyObjects() {
viewModelScope.launch( {
val myObjectListResult = getOrderedMyObjectList()
withContext(dispatchers.main) {
when (myObjectListResult) {
is MyObjectListResult.Success -> {
val viewModelList = {
fun switchFavoriteFlag(itemMyObjectModel: ItemMyObjectModel) {
val myObject = itemMyObjectModel.itemMyObject
myObject.favorite = !myObject.favorite
viewModelScope.launch( {
val updatedObject = updateMyObject(myObject) //save via DAO
MyObjectFavoriteListViewModel looks exactly the same, except that load function calls loadFavoriteMyObjects() and it uses GetOrderedFavoriteMyObjectList Repository. BTW - maybe it could be aggregate to one ViewModel, but with pair of LiveData and load function - one pair for all item and one for favorites?
Last but not least - Composables:
fun MyObjectFavoriteListScreen(
viewModel: MyObjectFavoriteListViewModel,
navigator: MyObjectNavigator
) {
val list by viewModel.myObjects.observeAsState()
val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
floatingActionButton = {
extended = lazyListState.isScrollingUp() //local extension
) { navigator.openNewMyObjectFromObjectList() }
) { padding ->
if (list != null) {
contentPadding = PaddingValues(
horizontal = dimensionResource(id = R.dimen.margin_normal),
vertical = dimensionResource(id = R.dimen.margin_normal)
state = lazyListState,
modifier = Modifier.padding(padding)
) {
items(list!!) { item ->
MyObjectListItem( // with Card() includes Text() and IconToggleButton()
item = item,
onCardClick = { myObjectId -> navigator.openMyObjectDetailsFromFavouriteList(myObjectId) },
onFavoriteClick = { itemMyObjectModel -> viewModel.switchFavoriteFlag(itemMyObjectModel) }
} else {
modifier = Modifier
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
Text(text = stringResource(id = "No objects available"))
I think that one issue could be related with if (list != null) {} (list is observed as State<T?>).
But for sure there is something wrong with states, I am pretty sure that the list should be triggered to recompose, but there is no(?) state to do so.
Any ideas?

Paging 3 list auto refresh on navigation back in jetpack compose navigation

I am using Jetpack Compose, along with Paging 3 library & Jetpack Navigation. The issue I am facing is I have a LazyList which is fetching data from remote source using paging library.
fun getImages(): Flow<PagingData<ObjectImage>> = Pager(
PagingConfig(PAGE_SIZE, enablePlaceholders = false)
) { DataHome(RANDOM) }.flow.cachedIn(viewModelScope)
val images = viewModelHome.getImages().collectAsLazyPagingItems()
LazyColumn {
Now whats happening is when I navigate to another View using navHostController.navigate() and then press back to get to HomeView... the LazyColumn resets itself & start loading items again from network.
So I am stuck with this issue. I tried manually caching in viewModel variable... though it works but it screws up SwipeRefresh (which stops showing refresh state)
data.apply {
when {
// refresh
loadState.refresh is LoadState.Loading -> {
// reload
loadState.append is LoadState.Loading -> {...}
// refresh error
loadState.refresh is LoadState.Error -> {...}
// reload error
loadState.append is LoadState.Error -> {...}
Is this an issue with PagingLibrary which is still in alpha??
Update 1 (I am not sure if this is a good solution, but I am solving
the swipe refresh issue as follows)
// get images
var images: Flow<PagingData<ObjectImage>> = Pager(PagingConfig(PAGE_SIZE)) {
// reload items
fun reload(){
images = Pager(PagingConfig(PAGE_SIZE)) {
// and rather than calling .refresh() method on lazy items... I am calling viewModel.reload()
The problem is that you are creating new Pager every time you call getImages(), which is every time your composable recomposes, that's not how it's supposed to be done.
You should make it a val items = Pager(... for the caching to work.
For the screwed up SwipeRefresh, how do you implement it? There is a refresh() method on LazyPagingItems, you should use that.
EDIT: Ok, so based on the coments and edits to your question:
In your viewmodel, do as I suggested before:
val items = Pager( // define your pager here
Your composable can then look like this:
fun Screen() {
val items = viewModel.items.collectAsLazyPagingItems()
val state = rememberSwipeRefreshState(
isRefreshing = items.loadState.refresh is LoadState.Loading,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
state = state,
// use the provided LazyPagingItems.refresh() method,
// no need for custom solutions
onRefresh = { items.refresh() }
) {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
) {
// display the items only when loadState.refresh is not loading,
// as you wish
if (items.loadState.refresh is LoadState.NotLoading) {
items(items) {
if (it != null) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp),
text = it,
// you can also add item for LoadState.Error, anything you want
if (items.loadState.append is LoadState.Loading) {
item {
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {
modifier = Modifier
// if the loadState.refresh is Loading,
// display just single loading item,
// or nothing at all (SwipeRefresh already indicates
// refresh is in progress)
else if (items.loadState.refresh is LoadState.Loading) {
item {
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillParentMaxSize()) {
text = "Refreshing",
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center))

Get Data from internet and set the data in LazyColumn

I want get Data(with an api) from internet and set the data in LazyColumn
So I use this
fun LazyColumn() {
val list by remember { mutableStateOf(arrayListOf<HelloData>()) }
Thread {
for (index in 0..100) {
LazyColumn(Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(4.dp)) {
items(list) { item ->
painter = rememberImagePainter(item.url, builder = {
contentDescription = null,
modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp)
data class HelloData(val url: String)
It's not working.
I just want get the data from my api,then put them in an Image.
I can achieve it easily in traditional Android Development.
Use mutableStateListOf instead of mutableStateOf. mutableStateListOf detects changes to the list items whereas mutableStateOf will only detect changes to the list object.

How to disable simultaneous clicks on multiple items in Jetpack Compose List / Column / Row (out of the box debounce?)

I have implemented a column of buttons in jetpack compose. We realized it is possible to click multiple items at once (with multiple fingers for example), and we would like to disable this feature.
Is there an out of the box way to disable multiple simultaneous clicks on children composables by using a parent column modifier?
Here is an example of the current state of my ui, notice there are two selected items and two unselected items.
Here is some code of how it is implemented (stripped down)
modifier = modifier
) {
viewDataList.forEachIndexed { index, viewData ->
Row(modifier = modifier.fillMaxWidth()
.height(dimensionResource(id = 48.dp)
.background(colorResource(id = R.color.large_button_background))
.clickable { onClick(viewData) },
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
//Internal composables, etc
Check this solution. It has similar behavior to splitMotionEvents="false" flag. Use this extension with your Column modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEventPass
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.pointerInput
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
fun Modifier.disableSplitMotionEvents() =
pointerInput(Unit) {
coroutineScope {
var currentId: Long = -1L
awaitPointerEventScope {
while (true) {
awaitPointerEvent(PointerEventPass.Initial).changes.forEach { pointerInfo ->
when {
pointerInfo.pressed && currentId == -1L -> currentId =
pointerInfo.pressed.not() && currentId == -> currentId = -1 != currentId && currentId != -1L -> pointerInfo.consume()
else -> Unit
Here are four solutions:
Click Debounce (ViewModel)r
For this, you need to use a viewmodel. The viewmodel handles the click event. You should pass in some id (or data) that identifies the item being clicked. In your example, you could pass an id that you assign to each item (such as a button id):
// IMPORTANT: Make sure to import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect
class MyViewModel : ViewModel() {
val debounceState = MutableStateFlow<String?>(null)
init {
viewModelScope.launch {
.collect { buttonId ->
if (buttonId != null) {
when (buttonId) {
ButtonIds.Support -> displaySupport()
ButtonIds.About -> displayAbout()
ButtonIds.TermsAndService -> displayTermsAndService()
ButtonIds.Privacy -> displayPrivacy()
fun onItemClick(buttonId: String) {
debounceState.value = buttonId
object ButtonIds {
const val Support = "support"
const val About = "about"
const val TermsAndService = "termsAndService"
const val Privacy = "privacy"
The debouncer ignores any clicks that come in within 500 milliseconds of the last one received. I've tested this and it works. You'll never be able to click more than one item at a time. Although you can touch two at a time and both will be highlighted, only the first one you touch will generate the click handler.
Click Debouncer (Modifier)
This is another take on the click debouncer but is designed to be used as a Modifier. This is probably the one you will want to use the most. Most apps will make the use of scrolling lists that let you tap on a list item. If you quickly tap on an item multiple times, the code in the clickable modifier will execute multiple times. This can be a nuisance. While users normally won't tap multiple times, I've seen even accidental double clicks trigger the clickable twice. Since you want to avoid this throughout your app on not just lists but buttons as well, you probably should use a custom modifier that lets you fix this issue without having to resort to the viewmodel approach shown above.
Create a custom modifier. I've named it onClick:
fun Modifier.onClick(
enabled: Boolean = true,
onClickLabel: String? = null,
role: Role? = null,
onClick: () -> Unit
) = composed(
inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "clickable"
properties["enabled"] = enabled
properties["onClickLabel"] = onClickLabel
properties["role"] = role
properties["onClick"] = onClick
) {
enabled = enabled,
onClickLabel = onClickLabel,
onClick = {
App.debounceClicks {
role = role,
indication = LocalIndication.current,
interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
You'll notice that in the code above, I'm using App.debounceClicks. This of course doesn't exist in your app. You need to create this function somewhere in your app where it is globally accessible. This could be a singleton object. In my code, I use a class that inherits from Application, as this is what gets instantiated when the app starts:
class App : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
companion object {
private val debounceState = MutableStateFlow { }
init {
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
// IMPORTANT: Make sure to import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect
.collect { onClick ->
fun debounceClicks(onClick: () -> Unit) {
debounceState.value = onClick
Don't forget to include the name of your class in your AndroidManifest:
Now instead of using clickable, use onClick instead:
Text("Do Something", modifier = Modifier.onClick { })
Globally disable multi-touch
In your main activity, override dispatchTouchEvent:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun dispatchTouchEvent(ev: MotionEvent?): Boolean {
return ev?.getPointerCount() == 1 && super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev)
This disables multi-touch globally. If your app has a Google Maps, you will want to add some code to to dispatchTouchEvent to make sure it remains enabled when the screen showing the map is visible. Users will use two fingers to zoom on a map and that requires multi-touch enabled.
State Managed Click Handler
Use a single click event handler that stores the state of which item is clicked. When the first item calls the click, it sets the state to indicate that the click handler is "in-use". If a second item attempts to call the click handler and "in-use" is set to true, it just returns without performing the handler's code. This is essentially the equivalent of a synchronous handler but instead of blocking, any further calls just get ignored.
The most simple approach that I found for this issue is to save the click state for each Item on the list, and update the state to 'true' if an item is clicked.
NOTE: Using this approach works properly only in a use-case where the list will be re-composed after the click handling; for example navigating to another Screen when the item click is performed.
Otherwise if you stay in the same Composable and try to click another item, the second click will be ignored and so on.
for example:
fun MyList() {
// Save the click state in a MutableState
val isClicked = remember {
LazyColumn {
items(10) {
ListItem(index = "$it", state = isClicked) {
// Handle the click
ListItem Composable:
fun ListItem(
index: String,
state: MutableState<Boolean>,
onClick: () -> Unit
) {
text = "Item $index",
modifier = Modifier
.clickable {
// If the state is true, escape the function
if (state.value)
// else, call onClick block
state.value = true
Trying to turn off multi-touch, or adding single click to the modifier, is not flexible enough. I borrowed the idea from #Johann‘s code. Instead of disabling at the app level, I can call it only when I need to disable it.
Here is an Alternative solution:
class ClickHelper private constructor() {
private val now: Long
get() = System.currentTimeMillis()
private var lastEventTimeMs: Long = 0
fun clickOnce(event: () -> Unit) {
if (now - lastEventTimeMs >= 300L) {
lastEventTimeMs = now
companion object {
private var instance: ClickHelper? = null
fun getInstance() =
instance ?: synchronized(this) {
instance ?: ClickHelper().also { instance = it }
then you can use it anywhere you want:
Button(onClick = { ClickHelper.getInstance().clickOnce {
// Handle the click
} } ) { }
Text(modifier = Modifier.clickable { ClickHelper.getInstance().clickOnce {
// Handle the click
} } ) { }
fun singleClick(onClick: () -> Unit): () -> Unit {
var latest: Long = 0
return {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (now - latest >= 300) {
latest = now
Then you can use
Button(onClick = singleClick {
Here is my solution.
It's based on
by I don't use GlobalScope (here is an explanation why) and I don't use MutableStateFlow as well (because its combination with GlobalScope may cause a potential memory leak).
Here is a head stone of the solution:
fun <T>multipleEventsCutter(
content: #Composable (MultipleEventsCutterManager) -> T
) : T {
val debounceState = remember {
MutableSharedFlow<() -> Unit>(
replay = 0,
extraBufferCapacity = 1,
onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST
val result = content(
object : MultipleEventsCutterManager {
override fun processEvent(event: () -> Unit) {
LaunchedEffect(true) {
.collect { onClick ->
return result
fun MultipleEventsCutter(
content: #Composable (MultipleEventsCutterManager) -> Unit
) {
The first function can be used as a wrapper around your code like this:
MultipleEventsCutter { multipleEventsCutterManager ->
onClick = { multipleClicksCutter.processEvent(onClick) },
) {
And you can use the second one to create your own modifier, like next one:
fun Modifier.clickableSingle(
enabled: Boolean = true,
onClickLabel: String? = null,
role: Role? = null,
onClick: () -> Unit
) = composed(
inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "clickable"
properties["enabled"] = enabled
properties["onClickLabel"] = onClickLabel
properties["role"] = role
properties["onClick"] = onClick
) {
multipleEventsCutter { manager ->
enabled = enabled,
onClickLabel = onClickLabel,
onClick = { manager.processEvent { onClick() } },
role = role,
indication = LocalIndication.current,
interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
Just add two lines in your styles. This will disable multitouch in whole application:
<style name="AppTheme" parent="...">
<item name="android:windowEnableSplitTouch">false</item>
<item name="android:splitMotionEvents">false</item>

How to disable and enable scrolling in LazyColumn/LazyRow in Jetpack Compose?

I want to dynamically enable and disable scrolling programmatically in a LazyColumn.
There don't seem to be any relevant functions on LazyListState or relevant parameters on LazyColumn itself. How can I achieve this in Compose?
There's not (currently) a built-in way to do this, which is a reasonable feature request.
However, the scroll API is flexible enough that we can add it ourselves. Basically, we create a never-ending fake scroll at MutatePriority.PreventUserInput to prevent scrolling, and then use a do-nothing scroll at the same priority to cancel the first "scroll" and re-enable scrolling.
Here are two utility functions on LazyListState to disable/re-enable scrolling, and a demo of them both in action (some imports will be required, but Android Studio should suggest them for you).
Note that because we're taking control of scrolling to do this, calling reenableScrolling will also cancel any ongoing scrolls or flings (that is, you should only call it when scrolling is disabled and you want to re-enable it, not just to confirm that it's enabled).
fun LazyListState.disableScrolling(scope: CoroutineScope) {
scope.launch {
scroll(scrollPriority = MutatePriority.PreventUserInput) {
// Await indefinitely, blocking scrolls
fun LazyListState.reenableScrolling(scope: CoroutineScope) {
scope.launch {
scroll(scrollPriority = MutatePriority.PreventUserInput) {
// Do nothing, just cancel the previous indefinite "scroll"
fun StopScrollDemo() {
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val state = rememberLazyListState()
Column {
Row {
Button(onClick = { state.disableScrolling(scope) }) { Text("Disable") }
Button(onClick = { state.reenableScrolling(scope) }) { Text("Re-enable") }
LazyColumn(Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), state = state) {
items((1..100).toList()) {
Text("$it", fontSize = 24.sp)
Since 1.2.0-alpha01 userScrollEnabled was added to LazyColumn, LazyRow, and LazyVerticalGrid
Answer for 1.1.0 and earlier versions:
#Ryan's solution will also disable programmatically-called scrolling.
Here's a solution proposed by a maintainer in this feature request. It'll disable scrolling, allow programmatic scrolling as well as children view touches.
private val VerticalScrollConsumer = object : NestedScrollConnection {
override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource) = available.copy(x = 0f)
override suspend fun onPreFling(available: Velocity) = available.copy(x = 0f)
private val HorizontalScrollConsumer = object : NestedScrollConnection {
override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource) = available.copy(y = 0f)
override suspend fun onPreFling(available: Velocity) = available.copy(y = 0f)
fun Modifier.disabledVerticalPointerInputScroll(disabled: Boolean = true) =
if (disabled) this.nestedScroll(VerticalScrollConsumer) else this
fun Modifier.disabledHorizontalPointerInputScroll(disabled: Boolean = true) =
if (disabled) this.nestedScroll(HorizontalScrollConsumer) else this
modifier = Modifier.disabledVerticalPointerInputScroll()
) {
// ...
NestedScrollConnection allows you to consume any scroll applied to a lazy column or row. When true, all of the available scroll is consumed. If false, none is consumed and scrolling happens normally. With this information, you can see how this can be extended for slow/fast scrolls by returning the offset multiple by some factor.
fun Modifier.scrollEnabled(
enabled: Boolean,
) = nestedScroll(
connection = object : NestedScrollConnection {
override fun onPreScroll(
available: Offset,
source: NestedScrollSource
): Offset = if(enabled) Offset.Zero else available
it can be used like this:
modifier = Modifier.scrollEnabled(
enabled = enabled, //provide a mutable state boolean here
However, this does block programmatic scrolls.

