i am trying to create an app which removes the image background, the send the image through api key and server sends the response, here i get response but i coulnt understand the response image format. PLEASE senior developer and programmers help me.
sample response code : : ‰PNG
{{{;Ž}ƒ#âtp¶8_<Nˆ+ÄUàZp'pWp¸¼ÞïŒÅóðËñeøF|?ŽŸ!(Œ ®„HBa-¡’ÐF8K¸KxA$õˆNÄp¢€¸†XI<D<O%¾%QHf$6)$!m!í'"Ý"½ “ÉFdr<YLÞBn&Ÿ!ß'¿Q X(ðV+Ô(t\Qx¦ˆW4TôT\¬˜¯X¡xDqHñ©^ÉH‰-ÄQZ¥T£tTé†Ò´2UÙF9T9Cy³r‹òåG,ňâCáQŠ(û(g(cT„ªOeS¹ÔuÔFêYê8C3¦ÐRi¥´ohƒ´)ŠŠJ´JžJÊq)¡Ñèéô2úaúuú;U-UOU¾ê&Õ6Õ+ª¯Õæ¨y¨ñÕJÔÚÕFÔÞ©3Ô}ÔÓÔ·©w©ßÓ#i˜i„käjìÑ8«ñtmŽË9‡çÜÖ„5Í4#4WhîÓÐœÖÒÖòÓÊÒªÒ:£õT›®í¡ª½Cû„ö¤UÇMG ³Cç¤Îc†
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Well, this is PNG as it starts with ‰PNG..
I'm trying to do a post request with a WebView on Android.
After searching for days and trying dozens of things i couldn't get it work. In SWIFT it's just a few lines of code so i thought there must also be a simple way to do a post request for a webview on android.
As (for 2016) EncodingUtils and HTTPClient are deprecated this are my current approaches:
String url = "http://example.com/php.php";
String postData = null;
postData = "param1=" + URLEncoder.encode("1234567890", "UTF-8");
webcontent.postUrl(url, Base64.encode(postData.getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT));
Both just result in a blank screen. There is just one parameter to be sent and a string containing html from the server should be received.
In addition, the php on the server returns a html-string with colored background irrespective of any input, but even this isn't displayed so maybe the whole request never reaches the server?
Thanks in advance!
In Android you do not use webView to access the content of the HTTP response. You'll need to use HttpClient for that purpose!
See this nice tutorial which explains the fundamentals! Also see this video if you find it hard!
Hope it helps!
What I have
I have an image File object trying to post to Tumblr using Jumblr API
My problem
When I try to post the image I get com.tumblr.jumblr.exceptions.JumblrException: Bad Request Response code :400
My code
client = new JumblrClient(CONSUMER_KEY,SECRET_KEY);
client.setToken(TOKEN, TOKEN_SECRET);
User user=client.user();
PhotoPost photoPost=client.newPost(client.user().getBlogs().get(0).getName(),PhotoPost.class);
photoPost.setCaption("My Tumblr post");
photoPost.setPhoto(new Photo(Methods.FILE_IMAGE));
I've encountered the same issue using Jumblr.
Instead of this method (does it somehow trigger Android gallery? Couldn't find any javadoc for Methods.FILE_IMAGE)
photoPost.setPhoto(new Photo(Methods.FILE_IMAGE));
I suggest you to try any flavor of
photoPost.setData(new File(fileName)); //if it's possible on Android
And please try it with different files: Tumblr has not only file-size limitations, but also some weird check for file being valid. ~3% of gif files I upload throw Bad Request Response code :400. Those files are not exceeding GIF size limit and they're displayed fine on my machine, but Tumblr, for some reason rejects them, so please try post.setData and try it with some bulletproof-valid file, because from the rest of your code - it definitely looks like you're doing it right
I had a similar problem posting a video & audio. However, posting an Image worked like a charm..
JumblrClient client = new JumblrClient(
PhotoPost post = client.newPost(strBlogName, PhotoPost.class);
post.setCaption("This is my caption");
post.setData(new File(fileUri.getPath()));
post.save(); //Initiates upload of image file
I am creating an android application. I am getting the response from server in json format. I ma parsing the json response. When I get the content it may contain image or video link. How can I check whether image or video link is present in the content and download the corresponding image or video and display it in my application. I am aware f downloading images and displaying them, but I am not aware of how to check for the link.
My response is in the following format:
<p class='para-inside-post'> cool panda <a class='handler_name' href='/#12'>#12</a> </p><img class=\"post-img-tag\" postcreatorid=\"56332edfad441746cbd15000\" src=\"https://image.jpg\" height=\"430px\" width=\"430px\">"
I am parsing the text as shown below:
postContentSplit = Html.fromHtml(content).toString();
Similarly, how can I do the same for images and videos?
All suggestions are welcome. Please help me come out of this issue.
Use Patterns in order to check url validity
It will return True if URL is valid and false if URL is invalid.
I was playing with facebook android sdk. Till yesterday their sample Hackbook example code was working. But today it is not working any more. I looked into the json response and it seems like facebook changed their json response format.
This is the response for request field of "name, picture":
{"name":"Mohammad Haque","id":"xxxxxxxx","picture":{"data":
It looks like profile url now wrapped inside another parent item. Has anyone faced this problem? I could not find any relevant information on facebook.
It is the Facebook updates http://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/
According to Facebook documentation (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/) - picture returns string; If the "October 2012 Breaking Changes" migration setting is enabled for your app, this field will be an object with the url and is_silhouette fields; is_silhouette is true if the user has not uploaded a profile picture
I retrieved picture url by this query:
JSONObject jb=Util.parseJson(query);
JSONArray ja=jb.optJSONArray("picture")
JSONArray v=ja.optJSONArray("data")
JSONObject j=v.optJSONObject(0);
Just parse the JSON appropiately with the changes and it should work.
i'm creating an activity which needs to upload an image to a webservice using their api.
I found that if i use UrlEncodedFormEntity and send the image data through that. the webservice doesn't receive that. ( at least it will not be able to read that .)
In fact if i add some vars to send with the image data ( like name of the file, filesize ) they can be read from the webservice but the image data still doesn't appear if i try to read it serverside.
Right now i'm using UrlEncodedFormEntity with BasicNameValuePair as container for my data.
May be it will help you.
I've used the same functionality, but the web service was developed by me. I've post the image using the following:
I get the particular Bitmap icon and compress it in byte array like this:
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10240);
icon.compress(CompressFormat.PNG, 100, out);
Then create HttpPost and set the the entity.
httpPostInstance.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(out.toByteArray()));
Check the "Content-type" header. You must properly set it to whatever your service expect.